On May 1st, the North Country Partnership for SEL Practices was recognized at the statehouse by First Lady Valerie Sununu (at the podium) for the group's exemplary efforts in social and emotional learning. The event kicked-off New Hampshire's mental health awareness month. Shelli Roberts of Bethlehem Elementary School, Kelly Dussault of SAU 36, and Mollie White of the Coos Coalition for Young Children and Families (front row, left to right) were present to receive the recognition at the event sponsored by the NH Children's Behavioral Health Collaborative.
Looking for more SEL news?
With the number of opportunities and updates related to SEL, the NCP4SEL will periodically publish a standalone newsletter. The May issue is available here. The SAU 36 System of Care also publishes monthly newsletters.
Michael A. Morgan Center for Professional Learning
The former Seacoast Professional Development Center in Exeter, NH will be dedicated and renamed the Michael A. Morgan Center for Professional Learning in a celebration taking place on Thursday, May 9, 2019 from 3:00 to 4:30 PM. Michael Morgan, a Berlin native, was the Superintendent of Schools for SAU 16 prior to his passing in June of 2017. As an adjunct professor at Plymouth State, Michael touched the lives of many educators. He taught several courses to "north country" cohorts at NCES over the years. For more information on the celebratory event, contact Ashlee Lambert at alambert@sau16.org.
The 2019 CS North Summit will bring together teams to work on implementation plans for integrating computer science (CS) at the elementary level.
Anticipated outcomes
- Collaborate and share ideas with fellow teachers/administrators in region schools
- Share starting points and strategies for K-6 CS
- Review K-6 CS success stories
- Review NH implementation timeline/requirements
- Build a set of next steps for your school
- Create version #1 of your school’s CS plan!
When: Tuesday/Wednesday, August 20 & 21, 2019
Where: WMSI, 23 Ammonoosuc St., Littleton, NH
Cost: Free, refreshments and lunch provided.
Stipend: $150/day as these are work sessions to create an CS implementation plan.
Who should participate: Your team should ideally consist of two educators from your CS Task Force and the principal. If you don’t have a task force yet, two educators who are willing to take the lead on how your school will address computer science and act as a liaison to your colleagues are recommended.
Eligibility: The summit is for North Country schools that have participated in the CS North Project. Participation means your school engaged with support from White Mountains Science Inc. this year in building awareness and knowledge around the role of the elementary grades in the requirement to integrate computer science K-12. See registration page for list of eligible schools.
Register: ncedservices.org/csnorth-summit-2019
Screening of Intelligent Lives, May 16th in Whitefield, NH
Connections for Early Childhood Education Summit
The 4th semi-annual Connections for Early Childhood Education Summit, sponsored by the Coos Coalition for Young Children & Families, was held in April.
The opening address was made by First Lady Valerie Sununu who spoke to the importance of early childhood education.
First Lady Valerie Sununu (left) and Mollie White, Executive Manager of the Coos Coalition for Young Children and Families at the April 2nd summit.(Photo courtesy of Edith Tucker)
The purpose of the summit was to:
- Continue the work to sustain positive social/emotional development in children
- Through regional work-groups, expand communication between early childhood educators across Coos County, as well as Grafton County
- Develop shared goals for information sharing for children entering kindergarten
Another summit is planned for the fall of 2019.
Polly Bath: Teaching Social Skills is an All Day Event!

Polly Bath will keynote the 2019 North Country Regional Professional Development Conference on October 11th.
When a student gets in trouble in school it is invariably because they did not have the social skills to handle what was facing them. Instead of teaching social skills as a separate curriculum, Polly Bath uses teachable moments in the classroom, hallways, and lunchroom to teach students the social skills and good manners they need to be successful. She unravels the typical school day and classroom, exposing the countless times students are called upon to have good social skills, including in the academic setting.
Discover the embedded social skills requirements in the average classroom that can make the socially unskilled, but academically prepared student look as if they do not know the lesson, or don’t know the material well enough to complete an academic assignment, when they do.
In this keynote, liberally spiced with Polly’s signature humor and stories, she guides the audience to a new way of helping kids improve their behaviors by helping them build their skills on the spot–right when they need them.
Everyone will leave with “take-homes” pertinent to their own age group to directly impact classroom success and behavior.
Date/Time: Friday, October 11, 2019 from 8:00 - 3:00 Location: Berlin School District Auditorium, Berlin, NH
For: K-12 educators.
Cost: SAUs 3, 7, 20, 35 & 68 and Canaan, VT are fully participating and staff from those SAUs do NOT need to register individually. For all other SAU staff, the registration fee is $95/person for staff from member schools and $125 for others (includes lunch).
Registration: Contact Lisa Nadeau at lisa@ncedservices.org
Charles Marston Scholarship for Aspiring New Hampshire School Administrator
In 2005, a scholarship was created in memory of distinguished educational leader Charles Marston. This $2,500 scholarship is available to any current or aspiring New Hampshire school administrator who is enrolled, or will be enrolled, in an accredited graduate program in Educational Administration at the CAGS/Doctoral level. Persons interested in applying for the scholarship should complete the application no later than May 31, 2019 and forward it to Dr. Dean Cascadden, NHSAA Scholarship Committee, at dcascadden@bownet.org or SAU #67, 55 Falcon Way, Bow, NH 03304.
UNH STEM Teachers Collaborative Scholarships for Computer Science Professional Development
New Hampshire regional workshops for grades 6-12 teachers to be held July 29 - August 2 at UNH-Manchester, with 4 academic year follow-up sessions held in central NH locations. There are many full scholarships available to NH teachers!
For more information, click here.
Please join community partners to present "Resilience: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope” with a FREE film screening at Kennett High School Loynd Auditorium on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019.
Researchers have recently discovered a dangerous biological syndrome caused by abuse and neglect during childhood. As the new documentary Resilience reveals, toxic stress can trigger hormones that wreak havoc on the brains and bodies of children, putting them at a greater risk for disease, homelessness, prison time, and early death.
While the broader impacts of poverty worsen the risk, no segment of society is immune. Resilience, however, also chronicles the dawn of a movement that is determined to fight back. Trailblazers in pediatrics, education, and social welfare are using cutting-edge science and field-tested therapies to protect children from the insidious effects of toxic stress—and the dark legacy of a childhood that no child would choose.
Watch the trailer: http://kpjrfilms.co/resilience/
Sign up for this event.
SEL Summit, July 25 & 26 in Center Conway
SAU 9 is hosting a summit addressing Social Emotional Learning in Trauma Informed Schools July 25 and 26, 2019 at Pine Tree School in Center Conway, NH.
Presenters will include:
- Cassie Yackley, Psy.D., PLLC
- Hannah Mariotti, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and Sarah Wagner, School Psychologist, from UNH
- Stefanie Piatkiewicz, Mindful Practices out of Chicago
- Chelsea Latham, Mindfulness Consultant
- Ellen Desmond, NH Department of Education
- Eric Mann, SERESC
- Brian Hastings, Former Principal of Conway Elementary School and Educational Consultant
- Alison Memoli, School Counselor, and Beth Cole, Special Educator, SAU 9
- Tracey Vokey, Family Support Liaison, and Anne Longver, School Counselor, SAU 9
- Helen Fernald, Social Emotional Learning Consultant
- Meaghan Thompson, Certified Behavioral Consultant
- Lynda True-Carter, School Counselor, SAU 20
- Krystal Bunnell, School Counselor, and Anne-Marie Gagne, SAU 3
Each day there will be keynote presentations, break-out sessions, and opportunities for school-based teams to engage in conversations around supporting social emotional skill development within trauma sensitive environments.
Questions should be directed to Kadie Wilson, SAU 9 Assistant Superintendent of Schools at (603)447-8368 or k_wilson@sau9.org.
Geosciences Information for Teachers in Montreal
The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) Geosciences Information for Teachers (GIFT) workshop will be July 15-17, 2019 at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Québec, Canada and the nearby Montréal Science Centre.
Learn more
Want to learn more about education funding in NH?
Reaching Higher NH has a series of articles that explains different aspects of the issue.
Advancing NH Public Education has several articles on education funding as well.
Follow the Save Our Schools page on Facebook.
Sign up for a weekly email update from the School Funding Fairness Project here.
2019 NH Kids Count Data Book
The 2019 New Hampshire Kids Count Data Book is now available online. It examines key child well-being indicators, statewide and by county. Along with providing raw data on children's health and wellness, the Data Book includes key takeaways and policy recommendations to provide a framework for state policy which will support all children and families.
Key findings and recommendations.
Granite Guarantee: Tuition-Free College
The Granite Guarantee is a financial aid program that makes college possible for qualified first-year and transfer New Hampshire students by covering the cost of tuition for up to four years.
Learn more about the Granite Guarantee process at participating schools:
or learn more about the program through the University System of New Hampshire or by calling 844-309-3855.
Foster Care: Short-term and Long-term Families Needed
It is probably not a surprise to hear there is a need for foster homes in the North County area for children of all ages and sibling groups. However, did you know there are foster care opportunities for short-term care and providing respite - like fostering only on weekends?
If you’ve ever thought about becoming a foster parent, please act now. You decide what you can handle. If you’d like to learn more about the foster care program, contact Linda A. Pivin at (800) 972-6111 Ext. 28326 or (603) 752-8326 or LINDA.PIVIN@dhhs.nh.gov or visit the NH DHHS webpage on Becoming a Foster Parent.
Supporting North Country schools in planning for comprehensive and strategic implementation of computer science in grades K through 12.
Coos Adult Learner Services offers small group instruction in basic reading, writing, math, English for English Language Learners, and preparation for the HiSet exam.
Services available in Berlin, Colebrook, and Lancaster locations. The program serves all of Coos County.
Volunteer tutoring opportunities as well.
Call 603-752-1927 to get started.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
BBBS of NH is actively recruiting for "Bigs" and "Littles" in the North Country. Site-based programs are in the works for Groveton, Whitefield, and Lancaster areas. There is potential for matches in other communities. Visit https://www.bbbsnh.org
Protecting children is all of our responsibility. The Granite State Children’s Alliance, New Hampshire’s network of Child Advocacy Centers, served 2,359 child victims of abuse last year. But with only 10% of victims reporting, we know there are 21,231 child victims still waiting for help. Know & Tell is a new public responsibility movement to educate Granite Staters to KNOW the signs of abuse and TELL responsible authorities.
NCES Online Professional Development Library & Educational Student Texts

Want to enhance your ebook collection?
Check out the hundreds of educational ebooks available to NCES member schools:
School Resources About Military Families
There are many resources available to school personnel who are working with military connected families including the NH National Guard. Visit the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State's Applied Science Research Center for more information.
New Hampshire schools with questions should contact the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard School Liaison Officer, Kristen Ferullo, for more information at kristen.ferullo@navy.mil or (207) 318-1730. Learn more.
Help support NCES' mission
With your tax deductible donation, you are invited to support NCES' mission of:
- Being a leader in providing professional development and educational services,
- Facilitating partnerships and fostering collaborations that benefit member schools,
- Advocating for resources for teachers and students, and
- Continuously creating opportunities that enhance education in the North Country.
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.