This newsletter serves to update you on the work of the North Country Partnership for SEL Practices and to share social and emotional learning (SEL) related opportunities in the region/state.
We are very excited to be providing you with an update of what the North Country Partnership for Social and Emotional Learning Practices (NCP4SEL) has accomplished and where we are headed.
On May 1st, the North Country Partnership for SEL Practices was recognized at the statehouse by First Lady Valerie Sununu (at the podium) for the group's exemplary efforts in social and emotional learning. The event kicked-off New Hampshire's mental health awareness month. Shelli Roberts of Bethlehem Elementary School, Kelly Dussault of SAU 36, and Mollie White of the Coos Coalition for Young Children and Families (front row, left to right) were present to receive the recognition at the event sponsored by the NH Children's Behavioral Health Collaborative.
Working collaboratively with North Country key partners, the goals of NCP4SEL are:
- Encourage regional (North Country-wide) adoption of CASEL’s 5 core competencies as the framework for systematic social and emotional learning
- Develop SEL learning progressions with performance indicators, strategies and practices from birth through adulthood that can be used by all partnerships
- Develop guidelines and make recommendations for best practices in SEL to inform policy and practices
- Identify resources and partnerships to strengthen the systems connected to social and emotional well-being and develop a mechanism to share resources
- Develop shared PD opportunities
- Promote the work for statewide use
What have we accomplished?
- Held multiple organizational meetings
- Conducted a regional survey to identify barriers to student learning and quality instruction
- Secured grant funding and are seeking on-going support
- Ongoing consultation with Linda Dusenbury (CASEL) and North Dakota team
- Applied to join the Collaborative States Initiative through CASEL
- Developed an action plan to guide the work, utilizing CASEL/AIR best practices
- Drafted a research-based introduction to the competency guide
- Actively working on a guidance document to inform best practices in SEL competencies for all learning progressions (birth through adulthood), including performance indicators and strategies and practices for implementation
- Actively involved in promoting the work of the committee through presentations to stakeholders and at various conferences
Interested in piloting?
We are in the process of looking for those who may be interested in piloting the materials from January 2020 through March 2020. If you are interested, please register here. Be sure to share the information with other partnerships you think would be interested!! Any additional questions, feel free to contact one of the core team members or send an email to ncp4sel@gmail.com.
NCP4SEL Advisory Team Members Jessica Riendeau, Jessica Loiacono, Kelly Dussault, Kerry Sheehan, Mollie White, Shelli Roberts, Jackie Daniels, Kelly Noland, and Lori Langlois. Other advisory team members are Danielle Oakes, Jim Ross, and Lynda True-Carter.
SEL Summit, July 25 & 26 in Center Conway
SAU 9 is hosting a summit addressing Social Emotional Learning in Trauma Informed Schools July 25 and 26, 2019 at Pine Tree School in Center Conway, NH. Presenters will include:
- Cassie Yackley, Psy.D., PLLC
- Hannah Mariotti, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and Sarah Wagner, School Psychologist, from UNH
- Stefanie Piatkiewicz, Mindful Practices out of Chicago
- Chelsea Latham, Mindfulness Consultant
- Ellen Desmond, NH Department of Education
- Eric Mann, SERESC
- Brian Hastings, Former Principal of Conway Elementary School and Educational Consultant
- Alison Memoli, School Counselor, and Beth Cole, Special Educator, SAU 9
- Tracey Vokey, Family Support Liaison, and Anne Longver, School Counselor, SAU 9
- Helen Fernald, Social Emotional Learning Consultant
- Meaghan Thompson, Certified Behavioral Consultant
- Lynda True-Carter, School Counselor, SAU 20
- Krystal Bunnell, School Counselor, and Anne-Marie Gagne, SAU 3
Each day there will be keynote presentations, break-out sessions, and opportunities for school-based teams to engage in conversations around supporting social emotional skill development within trauma sensitive environments. Questions should be directed to Kadie Wilson, SAU 9 Assistant Superintendent of Schools at (603)447-8368 or k_wilson@sau9.org. Brochure Registration
The Core Team Presents at NHSAA's Best Practices in Student Behavioral Health Conference
In April, Mollie White, Lori Langlois, Kelly Dussault, and Shelli Roberts shared how the NCP4SEL effort came about, what expertise and resources are driving the collaborative work, and what the partnership plans to accomplish. The session covered the guiding documents from CASEL and AIR that are informing the process as this group works towards recommending practices, guidelines, and policies.
SEL Emerges as Top Priority Among the Region's Early Childhood Educators
The 4th semi-annual Connections for Early Childhood Education Summit, sponsored by the Coos Coalition for Young Children & Families, was held in April. With nearly 100 participants, early childhood educators from the region's licensed childcare programs joined kindergarten, first grade teachers, and other school administrators to continue expanding communication and cooperation for improving transitions from pre-school to kindergarten.
During the summit, participants concluded an on-going element of the regional workgroups and came to consensus on the top 8 kindergarten readiness indicators (out of 95). The selected indicators show a clear priority for social and emotional competencies.
- Speaks clearly enough to be understood without contextual clues (Is understood by most people; may mispronounce new, long, or unusual words)
- Establishes and sustains positive interactions with peers in small and large groups
- Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations, shares and takes turns
- Responds to emotional cues; shows empathy
- Initiates, joins and sustains positive interactions with individuals or groups of children
- Regulates own emotions and behaviors
- Follows simple classroom rules, routines, and transitions with occasional reminders
- Performs self-care tasks independently
Those interested in New Hampshire's full list of kindergarten readiness indicator can find the document here:
Films Available for Streaming to NH Schools & Educators
The Bureau of Student Wellness at the NH Department of Education has a lending library of films (and books) to support school efforts to learn more about the whole-child health and wellness.
Use of the lending library films is free, provided that viewers are not charged an admission fee of any kind to see the movie. Individuals, organizations, and districts who would like to show a film are asked to share the information requested in this form. This helps the Bureau of Student Wellness collect data and feedback about which communities are hosting showings and how many people have seen the films.
Each film comes with a copy of its discussion guide to help a facilitator continue the conversation after the showing.
NCP4SEL at Early Childhood Education Summit
SAU 36's System of Care Program Manager, Kelly Dussault, and Shelli Roberts, Bethlehem Elementary School Principal, were part of the world cafe presentation portion of Connections for Early Childhood Education Summit. They presented on the regional collaborative, the North Country Partnership for SEL Practices.
System of Care Newsletters
Have SEL news or opportunities to share?
Please be sure to share opportunities that others may be interested in with any of the NCP4SEL core team: Lori Langlois, lori@ncedservices.org; Kelly Dussault, kdussault@sau36.org; Shelli Roberts, sroberts@bethlehem.k12.nh.us, Mollie White, twinmountain3@gmail.com or send information to ncp4sel@gmail.com.