Conscious Discipline® Workshop for Educators

This will be a full-day introduction to Dr. Becky Bailey’s trauma-informed, evidence-based, Conscious Discipline program. Conscious Discipline is a transformational social-emotional learning and classroom management approach.
Developed by a teacher for teachers, the philosophy of Conscious Discipline emerged after years of working with children and experiencing the challenges of a broken system full of hurting children and frustrated adults. The methodology and best-practices of Conscious Discipline offer a different – and proven – pathway to transformation.
Based on participant interest, the intention is offer a two or three-day intensive training in the spring or summer for schools that wish to implement the Conscious Discipline approach. This introductory workshop is an opportunity for schools to learn about the program and methodology before making that decision while also providing participants with preliminary skills and strategies to use in their classroom.
Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Time: 8:00 (registration), 8:30—3:30
Location: Town & Country Resort, Gorham, NH
For: The workshop is intended for pre-K and grades K, 1 and 2 teachers and principals. Grade 3 & 4 educators will be considered if there are seats available (go ahead and register - we will notify you if we run out slots).
Eligibility: NH SAUs 3, 7, 9, 20, 23, 35, 36, 58, 68, 77 & 84 (and p-Ks serving these SAUs) will have priority access. If registration exceeds capacity, a certain number of seats may be allocated by district.
Cost: Free participation for school districts with full or associate membership in NCES. All others, $95. Lunch provided.
Registration: or calling 603-466-5437 M-F, 8:00-4:00.
Lesley Institute for Trauma Sensitivity (LIfTS) --
North Country Cohort
NCES is excited to announce, working in partnership with Lesley University, that the graduate certificate program, Lesley Institute for Trauma Sensitivity (LIfTS), will be brought to Gorham, NH for a northern NH cohort. The four graduate level courses (3 credit each) will be offered each as an intensive weekend course with some online follow-up and assignments.
Course 1. The Impact of Trauma on Learning Instructor: Anthea Lavergne Dates: TBD, mid October weekend anticipated
Course 2. The Impact of Trauma on Learning: Classroom and Student Supports Instructor: TBD Dates: TBD, early December weekend anticipated
Course 3. The Impact of Trauma on Learning: Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools
Instructor: Joel Ristuccia Dates: TBD, late January 2020 weekend anticipated
Course 4. The Impact of Trauma on Learning: Action Research and Seminar Instructor: Dr. Sal Terrasi Dates: TBD, March 2020 weekend anticipated
Learn more about LIfTS and course descriptions here.
The cost of the program (12 credits) hosted by NCES will be $2,600/person for staff from NCES full-member districts ($3,250 for associate members, $3,640 non-members). This includes texts, refreshments (Friday evening and weekend mornings) and light lunches (Sat/Sun). Format of the sessions will be Friday evenings, approximate times of 4:00—8:30 PM, Saturday, 8:00—4:00, and Sunday 8:00—2:00 with online participation and assignments to follow. In order to bring the program to the North Country, we must have a full cohort for each course. This means participants must commit to all 4 courses and payment will need to be made upfront.
There are no prerequisites for the courses, but a graduate level reading and writing ability is required for the assignments and presentations.
For preliminary registration while the dates are set, please visit Those on this preliminary list will have the first opportunity to officially register for the cohort. As a membership organization, staff from NCES full-member districts will have first priority.
Contact Lori Langlois FMI, or 603-466-5437.
SNHU M.Ed. & CAGS Leadership Program Information Session
Dr. Paul Ezen will share information and answer questions regarding SNHU’s Master’s and CAGS programs to be offered in the North Country. Three cohorts are being considered, one at NCES (Gorham), one in Littleton, and one in Whitefield. For the NCES cohort, some in-person classes may be available via Zoom for those residing in distant areas.
Date: Monday, September 16, 2019
Time: 3:30—4:30
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH with option to participate via Zoom
These cohorts can include students seeking:
- Master’s/CAGS Principal Certification
- Master’s/CAGS Curriculum Administrator Certification
- Master’s of Education (no certification)
One course is offered per 10 week term and completion time is approximately 2.5 years. Courses will be a hybrid of in-person and online.
For participants in cohort-models, the cost is $675/course* for a total of $8,100. This is a deeply discounted rate for cohort courses (regularly $1,881/course).
*For those interested in the NCES-based cohort, there will be an additional TBD fee to cover the facility's hosting expenses.
RSVP preferred. Online at or calling 466-5437 (M-F, 8-4).
Print flyer
Congratulations 2019 Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowship Recipients
The 2019 recipients of the Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowship are:
- Melissa Jellison, STEAM Coordinator at White Mountains Regional High School in Whitefield
- Kate Moore, second-grade teacher at Brown Elementary School in Berlin
- Deborah Sargent, Art Educator at Pittsburg School
Each recipient received $10,000 for their extraordinary teaching abilities and commitment to education.
Established in 2006, the fellowship program has the dual purpose of retaining good teachers in North Country schools and recognizing excellence in teaching in public schools. The Louise Tillotson Fellowship has awarded $445,100 to North Country public school educators since 2007. Any kindergarten through 12th-grade public school teacher in the North Country, with a preference for teachers in Coös County public schools, is eligible to apply. Learn more.
The 2019 CS North Summit held at WMSI in August brought together teams to work on implementation plans for integrating computer science (CS) at the elementary level.
The summit provided an opportunity to collaborate and share ideas with fellow teachers in region, share starting points and strategies for K-6 CS, review K-6 CS success stories, review NH implementation timeline/requirements, build a set of next steps for CS implementation.
Learn about UNH Residency Teaching Program at STEMfest 2019
Two University of New Hampshire (UNH) programs, STEMbassadors and Teacher Residency for Rural Education (TRRE), will be at the Berlin Elementary School on Sept. 21 for STEMfest 2019 promoting education in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
UNH encourages collaboration among STEM outreach entities to excite K-12 students about futures in STEM topics and to offer professional development opportunities for educators. TRRE takes that a step further, with a program to prepare new teacher candidates with a focus on STEM specifically for rural NH.
Community members interested in becoming a rural NH teacher through TRRE, are invited to an information session at Berlin Elementary School on Sept. 21 at 11:00 am. A TRRE representative will be present to provide information about the program and answer questions. After attending the information session, lunch will be provided, and these participants will have the opportunity to observe the STEMbassadors’ activity with students from 12:15-1:30 pm. To register as a community member interested in TRRE and participate in the information session, email
Accepted applicant to the TRRE program receive 50% in-state tuition discount and $28,000 while they earn a master’s degree in elementary or secondary education over 15 months. During the 15-month residency program, TRRE residents work with a teaching mentor in the classroom 4 days a week. Upon completion of the program graduates commit to teach in a TRRE rural partner school for three years. The next cohort starts in May 2020 and the application deadline is Feb. 3, 2020.
Photo: TRRE Cohort 3
Polly Bath: Teaching Social Skills is an All Day Event!

Polly Bath will keynote the 2019 North Country Regional Professional Development Conference on October 11th.
When a student gets in trouble in school it is invariably because they did not have the social skills to handle what was facing them. Instead of teaching social skills as a separate curriculum, Polly Bath uses teachable moments in the classroom, hallways, and lunchroom to teach students the social skills and good manners they need to be successful. She unravels the typical school day and classroom, exposing the countless times students are called upon to have good social skills, including in the academic setting.
Discover the embedded social skills requirements in the average classroom that can make the socially unskilled, but academically prepared student look as if they do not know the lesson, or don’t know the material well enough to complete an academic assignment, when they do.
In this keynote, liberally spiced with Polly’s signature humor and stories, she guides the audience to a new way of helping kids improve their behaviors by helping them build their skills on the spot–right when they need them.
Everyone will leave with “take-homes” pertinent to their own age group to directly impact classroom success and behavior.
Date/Time: Friday, October 11, 2019 from 8:00 - 3:00 Location: Berlin School District Auditorium, Berlin, NH
For: K-12 educators.
Cost: SAUs 3, 7, 20, 35 & 68 and Canaan, VT are fully participating and staff from those SAUs do NOT need to register individually. For all other SAU staff, the registration fee is $95/person for staff from member schools and $125 for others (includes lunch).
Registration for non-participating SAU personnel only: Contact Lisa Nadeau at
NCP4SEL Team Presents in Nashville
Photo: Representing the North Country Partnership for SEL Practices, core team members Lori Langlois, Executive Director of North Country Education Services; Kelly Dussault, SAU 36 System of Care Coordinator; Shelli Roberts, then Bethlehem Elementary School Principal, now Director of Student Services at SAU 36; and Mollie White, Executive Manager, Coos Coalition of Young Children & Families.
The core team for the North Country Partnership for Social and Emotional Learning Practices (NCP4SEL) recently shared insights about regional cross-sector partnerships at a national conference in Nashville, TN. The team spoke about its process of school district collaboration and building upon existing network infrastructures such as the region’s educational intermediary, North Country Education Services - a consortium of school administrative units in northern New Hampshire, and the early childhood focused Coos Coalition for Young Children and Families. Though the northern region of NH is often characterized by remoteness due to the geographic barriers of mountains and distance, the presentation focused on how collaboration has accelerated the efforts in this rural area.
The New Hampshire Department of Education and Demonstrated Success have partnered together to offer webinars and workshops to assist New Hampshire schools in analyzing and using data more effectively. To learn more about these webinars or PD offerings, visit the Demonstrated Success website.
NH principals and instructional/curriculum administrators, if you are interested in having a school team work with Demonstrated Success to view data and identify instructional areas to focus on, there are opportunities to convene regional teams for in-person support. To request support, email
Current job openings in the North Country include:
- Behavioral Health Interventionist for SAU 36
- Middle School Special Ed Teacher for Kennett
- Director of Budget & Finance for SAU 9
Learn more at
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of New Hampshire recruits, trains and supervises volunteers to serve as advocates for abused and neglected children in the New Hampshire court system.
CASA-NH training for volunteer advocates is a comprehensive, 40-hour course.
Berlin Simulcasted Training:
Wednesday, September 11 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday, September 18 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday, September 25 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday, October 2 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday, October 9 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
For more information, contact North Country Outreach Coordinator Lucie Remillard at 752-9670 or
Want to learn more about education funding in NH?
Reaching Higher NH has a series of articles that explains different aspects of the issue.
Advancing NH Public Education has several articles on education funding as well.
Follow the Save Our Schools page on Facebook.
Sign up for a weekly email update from the School Funding Fairness Project here.
Granite Guarantee: Tuition-Free College
The Granite Guarantee is a financial aid program that makes college possible for qualified first-year and transfer New Hampshire students by covering the cost of tuition for up to four years.
Learn more about the Granite Guarantee process at participating schools:
or learn more about the program through the University System of New Hampshire or by calling 844-309-3855.
Foster Care: Short-term and Long-term Families Needed
It is probably not a surprise to hear there is a need for foster homes in the North County area for children of all ages and sibling groups. However, did you know there are foster care opportunities for short-term care and providing respite - like fostering only on weekends?
If you’ve ever thought about becoming a foster parent, please act now. You decide what you can handle. If you’d like to learn more about the foster care program, contact Linda A. Pivin at (800) 972-6111 Ext. 28326 or (603) 752-8326 or or visit the NH DHHS webpage on Becoming a Foster Parent.
Supporting North Country schools in planning for comprehensive and strategic implementation of computer science in grades K through 12.
Looking for CS North curated activities? Check out the resource page where you can filter by subject, grade level, and/or unplugged/hands-on tech activities.
Coos Adult Learner Services offers small group instruction in basic reading, writing, math, English for English Language Learners, and preparation for the HiSet exam.
Services available in Berlin, Colebrook, and Lancaster locations. The program serves all of Coos County.
Volunteer tutoring opportunities as well.
Call 603-752-1927 to get started.
Protecting children is all of our responsibility. The Granite State Children’s Alliance, New Hampshire’s network of Child Advocacy Centers, served 2,359 child victims of abuse last year. But with only 10% of victims reporting, we know there are 21,231 child victims still waiting for help. Know & Tell is a new public responsibility movement to educate Granite Staters to KNOW the signs of abuse and TELL responsible authorities.
NCES Online Professional Development Library & Educational Student Texts

Want to enhance your ebook collection?
Check out the hundreds of educational ebooks available to NCES member schools:
School Resources About Military Families
There are many resources available to school personnel who are working with military connected families including the NH National Guard. Visit the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State's Applied Science Research Center for more information.
Help support NCES' mission
With your tax deductible donation, you are invited to support NCES' mission of:
- Being a leader in providing professional development and educational services,
- Facilitating partnerships and fostering collaborations that benefit member schools,
- Advocating for resources for teachers and students, and
- Continuously creating opportunities that enhance education in the North Country.
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.