Computer Science for Workforce Development
The computer science opportunities in New Hampshire are growing quickly. Participants will explore how to prepare their students for the growth in CS related aspects of many career fields. Computer science educators, those potentially interested in becoming CS teachers, ELO/Internship coordinators, those interested in workforce development, school counselors, business/ entrepreneurial teachers, and other middle/high school content area teachers who are interested in how computer science connects to their subject area are all invited to attend.
Session #1 - Tuesday, November 12, 2019 from 4:00 - 8:00
We will discuss what the story arc looks like for students wanting to get involved in CS, including: requirements, typical starting salaries for career tracks, and unique paths to the workforce. We will look at how to bridge early middle school curriculum with high school curriculum and then onto connecting to workforce opportunities.
Session #2 - Tuesday, December 10, 2019 from 4:00 - 8:00
The main topics of this session will explore big data, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and other CS careers beyond game design and programming. We will hear from industry leaders about future vision and opportunities for these computer science fields within NH and/or New England.
We will look at next steps on how we, as educators, can evolve our classes and culture to excite and prepare students for the digital aspects of all future jobs.
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH
Cost: Free, light dinner provided. Registration is required.
Register: Online at or by calling 603-466-5437, M-F 8-4.
Note: You may have seen this advertised as a three-part series. It was revised into a two-evening program. It is designed for participants to attend both, but you can select one or the other as desired.
Download flyer.
School Counselor Learning Community
NCES is pleased to announce that they are supporting FREE professional development this year for school counselors for its member schools (schools in SAUs 3, 7, 9 (Jackson), 20, 35, 36, 58 (Stark/Stratford), 68, 77 & 84). Cassie Yackley, Psy.D, will facilitate the first two meeting for each the elementary and middle/high school groups, including a component of clinical supervision.
Middle/High School Group Dates (8:00-2:30):
- Monday, November 4, 2019 from 8:00 - 2:30
- Monday, January 13, 2020, from 8:00 - 2:30
- March date TBD
- May or June: Undetermined at this time.
Elementary Group Dates (8:00-2:30):
- Monday, December 9, 2019, from 8:00 - 2:30
- Monday, February 3, 2020, from 8:00 - 2:30
- April date TBD
- May or June: Undetermined at this time.
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH
RSVP for November 4th: Online or by calling 603-466-5437
Note: School counselors from non-member districts may participate for $25/session.
Screenshots: Media Education for Good
Media Power Youth, in partnership with the Berlin School District, is offering a full day professional development on media literacy and their new middle school curriculum.
Social media has an enormous influence on middle school students. It shapes their perceptions on everything from relationships to substance use. When students are media literate, they can create positive social connections with digital communities and build empathy that can help to diffuse conflict both online and in face-to-face interactions. This training provides educators with the tools and resources to build these media literacy skills in the classroom.
For: All educators Date: November 19, 2019 from 8:30-2:30 Location: NCES, Gorham, NH Cost: $10 (lunch provided) Register: Questions: Email or call 603-222-1200
Download the flyer.
The Role of the Paraprofessional in Trauma-Sensitive Schools: 4-evening series with Cassie Yackley
Developing “trauma-competence” requires an understanding of the neurodevelopmental disruptions that occur as a result of traumatic experiences. Paraprofessionals play an important role within school systems. Your skills and strategies can promote resilience and recovery. This series will build your core knowledge and prepare you to employ trauma-sensitive approaches within your role as a paraprofessional.
Dates: Monday evenings, 11/4/19, 12/9/19, 1/13/20 & 2/3/20 from 3:30—6:30 PM
Participation eligibility: Paraprofessionals employed in the NCES service area are invited to attend.
Cost: Free for paras in SAUs 3, 7, 9 (Jackson only) 20, 35, 36, 58 (Stark/Stratford), 68, 77 & 84. For others, as space allows, you may attend for $25/session.
Location: NCES with remote sites via Zoom to Lisbon, Stratford and Lincoln.
Registration: Online at or by calling 603-466-5437, M-F between 8:00-4:00
About the presenter:

Cassie Yackley, Psy.D., has spent more than 25 years committed to understanding and effectively addressing the impact of traumatic/adverse experiences on children, caregivers/families, and systems. She brings together recent discoveries from developmental neuroscience, attachment, implementation science, and reflective practice to help audiences develop skills of relationship and self-awareness in ways that transform improve outcomes for students.
Download printable flyer.
WMSI's Day of Code Coming Soon!
In the spirit of the CS North initiative, WMSI has received funding from the Neil & Louise Tillotson Fund to continue the push for Computer Science curriculum implementation and integration through a Day of Code offering.
Schools in Coos County will have the opportunity to participate in a WMSI-facilitated Day of Code: an exciting day filled with a spectrum of highly-engaging CS lessons, tools, and resources (both plugged and unplugged) to stir excitement among both teachers and students.
WMSI will remain flexible and work with schools to craft a day that fits best given school schedule limitations and more school-specific curriculum needs and desires. WMSI will begin reaching out to schools during the fall to start the planning process for the Day of Code.
For more information, contact WMSI Associate Director Jeremy Knowlton ( or WMSI Youth Director Mike Carmon (
BES Teacher Recognized with NH Presidential Award
Congratulations to Bryan Smith, 4th grade teacher at Bethlehem Elementary, for being one of four NH educators recognized this year with the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science.
Established by Congress in 1983, The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) is the highest recognition that a kindergarten through 12th grade science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science teacher may receive for outstanding teaching in the United States. Awardees will be honored at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. and receive a $10,000 grant from the National Science Foundation.
Nominations and awards are facilitated by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the National Science Foundation. The individuals and organizations announced today are 2017 and 2018 Awardees. A panel of distinguished mathematicians, scientists, and educators at the State and national levels assess the applications before recommending nominees to OSTP. Teachers are selected based on their distinction in the classroom and dedication to improving science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education.
For more information, visit PAEMST.
Polly Bath: Teaching Social Skills is an All Day Event!
Approximately 600 educators from throughout the North Country convened on Friday, October 11, 2019 for a professional learning event with Polly Bath.
Polly helped educators discover the embedded social skills requirements in the average classroom that can make the socially unskilled student unsuccessful despite academic preparedness.
In her keynote, liberally spiced with Polly’s signature humor and stories, she guided the audience to a new way of helping kids improve their behaviors by helping them build their skills on the spot–right when they need them.

Taking advantage of the large gathering of North Country educators, two of the three Louise Tillotson Fellowship recipients in attendance were recognized at the event. Jean Clark from the NH Charitable Foundation recognized Deborah Sargent, an art educator from Pittsburg School and Kate Moore, 2nd grade teacher from Berlin Elementary School.
Melissa Jellison, STEAM coordinator and life science teacher at WMRHS, was also a recipient of the 2019 Teaching Fellowship. Learn more about Melissa.
To learn more about the Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowship, visit NHCF. The next nomination deadline will be in the spring of 2020.
Conscious Discipline® Returning for Summer of 2020

An introductory full-day Conscious Discipline workshop was offered in October. This was an opportunity for schools to learn about the program and methodology to inform their decision regarding adopting these practices and strategies for their school. Based on the feedback and interest, NCES plans to host at least one two-day training in the summer of 2020.
NHCF Scholarships for NH Students
Each year, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation awards more than $6 million in scholarships to help New Hampshire students with the fewest resources and most promise realize their educational goals, whether it’s a two- or four-year college degree, a certificate, or professional license.
The Foundation is particularly interested in supporting students who are beginning their college careers at two-year community colleges. The Foundation has pledged to make $500,000 in scholarships available to students attending community colleges for certificates or associate degrees for the 2020–2021 academic year.
Applications open on February 1, 2020, and are available online at
Free MOBI IP500 Learner Tablets

NCES has four eInstruction Interwrite MOBI IP500 Learner Tablets to give away. First come, first serve. These have not been used in a few years so we are unsure of their functionality. If interested, contact Matt Treamer,
2020 Aviation Art Contest
The State of NH's Department of Transportation, through its Bureau of Aeronautics, is sponsoring the annual International Aviation Art Contest. The 2020 theme is Flying Yesterday and Tomorrow.
Entries must be postmarked to NHDOT's sponsor office by January 17, 2020.
Group I - Junior Category: Born between 1 January 2010 & 31 December 2013
Group II - Intermediate Category: Born between 1 January 2006 & 31 December 2009
Group III - Senior Category: Born between 1 January 2002 and 31 December 2005
See flyer for details.
Contact or 603-271-1094 with questions or for more information.
NHSaves Free Toolkit Training
NHSaves offers NHEEP’s NGSS Instructional Toolkit Workshops at no cost to teachers in most* NH schools. These full-day teacher PD workshops will help teachers bring energy efficiency and hands-on energy learning into their classroom. The workshops feature guided discovery, hands-on inquiry explorations, and deep dives into disciplinary science core ideas and best teaching practices to support the Next Generation Science Standards. Teachers will leave knowing how to use NGSS aligned materials and curricula, including NHEEP curriculum support kits, to support their specific grade-level needs.
Grade range: K–12 teachers.
Date: Monday, November 11, 2019
Location: Pease Public Library, Plymouth, NH
For more information and to register: Online or 802-552-8674.
Environmental Science Workshops
Join the science experts behind NH Envirothon for a full day of hands on contact hours! Geared towards middle and high school teachers, participants will gain valuable knowledge in the areas of Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, Wildlife, and the 2020 NH Envirothon Current Issue,“Water Resources Management: Local Control and Local Solutions”.
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2019 from 8:30 AM- 3:00 PM Location: Elm Brook Park Log Cabin, Hopkinton, NH
Download flyer
For more information email:
Facilitators, speakers, and youth leaders will guide attendees in understanding how race, socio-economic status, trauma, and mental health uniquely inform the ways in which students learn and engage with community. Sessions will utilize the disciplines of dance, theatre, media, visual arts, and music as an essential asset in student centered and project based learning. Organized by the NH State Council on the Arts in partnership with the NH Arts Learning Network and many local and regional partners.
The New Hampshire Department of Education and Demonstrated Success have partnered together to offer webinars and workshops to assist New Hampshire schools in analyzing and using data more effectively. To learn more about these webinars or PD offerings, visit the Demonstrated Success website.
NH principals and instructional/curriculum administrators, if you are interested in having a school team work with Demonstrated Success to view data and identify instructional areas to focus on, there are opportunities to convene regional teams for in-person support. To request support, email
New Hampshire well represented at the National Forum to Advance Rural Education
Members of Plymouth State University's Rural Educational Leaders Network (RELN): Michael Whaland - Curriculum Director of Raymond Public Schools, Paul Hoiriis - Principal of Newford Regional High School, Lori Langlois - Executive Director of North Country Education Services, Deborah Norwood - Principal of Piermont Village School, Brian Connelly - Superintendent/Principal of Jennie D Blake Elementary School, and Michael Berry - Principal of White Mountains Regional High School.
Also representing NH were educators from Monroe Consolidated School: Principal Leah Holz, K/1 teacher Stephanie Chadburn, and 7/8th Mathematics Nate Jordan.
Leah Holz and Stephanie Chadburn presented on Monroe's efforts in competency-based education and utilizing their performance-based assessment data.
Resources to Stop Adolescent Vaping
Are you looking for resources to stop the epidemic rise in adolescent vaping? The New Hampshire Partners Against Youth Vaping in Schools was formed as a network of community partners to provide outreach and education about new/emerging tobacco products.
Learn more
The Lesley Institute for Trauma Sensitivity graduate certificate program in trauma and learning is being offered at NCES. The first weekend course begins on November 1st.
Learn more
RELN will be hosting its fall meeting on Friday, November 8, 2019 at NCES in collaboration with the North Country Principals Association regional meeting.
Grant Seeker Information Session for the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
10:00-11:00 Weeks Memorial Library
Learn more
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of New Hampshire recruits, trains and supervises volunteers to serve as advocates for abused and neglected children in the New Hampshire court system.
For more information, contact North Country Outreach Coordinator Lucie Remillard at 752-9670 or
Want to learn more about education funding in NH?
Reaching Higher NH has a series of articles that explains different aspects of the issue.
Advancing NH Public Education has several articles on education funding as well.
Follow the Save Our Schools page on Facebook.
Sign up for a weekly email update from the School Funding Fairness Project here.
Granite Guarantee: Tuition-Free College
The Granite Guarantee is a financial aid program that makes college possible for qualified first-year and transfer New Hampshire students by covering the cost of tuition for up to four years.
Learn more about the Granite Guarantee process at participating schools:
or learn more about the program through the University System of New Hampshire or by calling 844-309-3855.
Foster Care: Short-term and Long-term Families Needed
It is probably not a surprise to hear there is a need for foster homes in the North County area for children of all ages and sibling groups. However, did you know there are foster care opportunities for short-term care and providing respite - like fostering only on weekends?
If you’ve ever thought about becoming a foster parent, please act now. You decide what you can handle. If you’d like to learn more about the foster care program, contact Linda A. Pivin at (800) 972-6111 Ext. 28326 or (603) 752-8326 or or visit the NH DHHS webpage on Becoming a Foster Parent.
Coos Adult Learner Services offers small group instruction in basic reading, writing, math, English for English Language Learners, and preparation for the HiSet exam.
Services available in Berlin, Colebrook, and Lancaster locations. The program serves all of Coos County.
Volunteer tutoring opportunities as well.
Call 603-752-1927 to get started.
Protecting children is all of our responsibility. The Granite State Children’s Alliance, New Hampshire’s network of Child Advocacy Centers, served 2,359 child victims of abuse last year. But with only 10% of victims reporting, we know there are 21,231 child victims still waiting for help. Know & Tell is a new public responsibility movement to educate Granite Staters to KNOW the signs of abuse and TELL responsible authorities.
NH Robotics Education Development Program
The application to support robotics programs is available on the NH Department of Education website. The deadline to apply is November 15, 2019.
For more information, contact Melissa White, Science/STEM Education Consultant 603-271-3855.
NCES Online Professional Development Library & Educational Student Texts

Want to enhance your ebook collection?
Check out the hundreds of educational ebooks available to NCES member schools:
School Resources About Military Families
There are many resources available to school personnel who are working with military connected families including the NH National Guard. Visit the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State's Applied Science Research Center for more information.
Aviation Design Challenge
The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) is sponsoring the Aviation Design Challenge to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education through aviation curriculum and a virtual fly-off in high schools across the United States.
Learn more
Check out the K-12 computer science resources curated through the CSNorth project.
Learn more about CSNorth
Help support NCES' mission
With your tax deductible donation, you are invited to support NCES' mission of collaborating with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
The aim of NCES is achieving exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.