Families are on a roller coaster of emotions as we continue to isolate. Join Lynn Lyons, a therapist and expert on anxiety in families, for information and answers to your questions. Lynn will focus on how parents can help themselves and their children navigate the uncertainty, irritation, worry, and loss that we’re all experiencing. And, she’ll talk about the opportunities in front of us, too, including the importance of play and connection that will help sustain us.
For: Parents/caregivers whose child/children reside in a school district that has membership with NCES. If space allows, we will allow for parent/caregiver participation from non-member school districts within the NCES catchment area, Coos County and upper Grafton and Carroll County. School personnel may also participate in this session if attending parts 1 & 2 (see below).
Date/Time: June 25, 2020 from 9:00 - 10:00 AM via Zoom Cost for parents/caregivers: Free
Registration for parents/caregivers session: Register online or call 603-466-5437, M-F, 8-3
Lynn Lyons, LICSW is an internationally recognized psychotherapist, author, and speaker with a special interest in interrupting the generational patterns of anxiety in families. Her skill-based approach to anxiety focuses on the need to teach families about HOW anxiety works and how to manage anxiety.
Lynn is a popular keynote speaker and presenter at national conferences, and a sought-after expert on the subject of anxiety, appearing in the New York Times, NPR, Psychology Today, and Time, among others. You have likely seen her on WMUR news in recent weeks sharing tips for families.
Managing Anxiety in a Time of Uncertainty: The Need for Strategies and Skills
Those who work in schools are being asked to do more and more to support the emotional well-being and mental health needs of their students and clients. During this period of remote learning and daily uncertainty, the challenges are even more multi-faceted, and the need for skill-based supports more important than ever.
As we create accommodation plans for anxiety (and its pal depression), we must question how such plans help teachers better respond to anxiety in their students. Are they effective in reducing anxiety, or do the plans instead support patterns that make anxiety worse? And as we help students and families navigate what’s likely to be more uncertainty, how to we best equip them moving forward?
This intensive training will focus on HOW to interrupt anxiety’s cognitive patterns in schools and classrooms with simple, process-based approaches. Participants will be given strategies and language for identifying and managing normal levels of worry and anxiety as students learn, as well as concrete information about what to do with children who are in the throes of anxiety. In addition, participants will learn how anxiety’s quest for certainty and comfort impacts plans and goals for students, and thus how to create plans that are skill-based instead of avoidance-based.
Presenter: Lynn Lyons, LICSW
For: Educators, school counselors, school psychologists, and other school staff
Part 1: Thursday, June 25, 2020 from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM via Zoom
Part 2: Friday, June 26, 2020 from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM via Zoom
*Note: If you cannot make both parts, paid registrants will have access to the recording for one month following the event.
Cost for school personnel for Parts 1 & 2 (no fee to add-on the parent session from 9:00-10:00 ):
$35 per person for staff from full member school districts $45 per person for staff from associate member school districts $75 non-member school-based participants
Certificates will provided.
Registration for school personnel:Register online or call 603-466-5437, M-F, 8-3
Conscious Discipline: e-Course interest?
With the uncertainty about sufficient numbers to warrant (or feasibility of) holding an in-person event, the disappointing decision was made to cancel the two-training Conscious Discipline training that was scheduled for August 6 & 7, 2020 in Gorham.
Conscious Discipline has recently developed a 10-part e-course. NCES is exploring the possibility of coordinating a group offering of the series. If you are potentially interested in this and would like to be notified of the details when they become available, please add your name and email address to this form: e-Course Interest Form
Conscious Discipline is a social-emotional learning and classroom management approach. Developed by a teacher for teachers, the philosophy of Conscious Discipline emerged after years of working with children and experiencing the challenges of a broken system full of hurting children and frustrated adults.
Child Parent Psychotherapy - North Country Cohort
CPP is an intervention model for children aged 0-5 who have experienced traumatic events (including exposure to the opioid crisis) and/or are experiencing mental health, attachment, and/or behavioral problems. Learn more about CPP.
For: Master’s or doctoral-level licensed mental health clinicians and psychotherapists with a degree in a mental health discipline. Those working towards licensing may be able to participate if there is licensed team member that participates with them.
Trainer: Cassie Yackley, Psy.D.
Dates: September 28th, 29th, & 30th, 2020, March 30th & 31st, 2021, and September 29th & 30th, 2121
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH AND/OR online (to be determine, may be a mix or in-person and online)
CEUs: 42 from NASW
Please contact Lori Langlois for details at lori@ncedservices.org.
*Made possible by
in partnership with
NGSS Instructional Toolkit Workshops
New Hampshire Energy Education Program is offering FREE online NGSS Instructional Toolkit workshops for teachers in June and August.
The workshops are spread over 3, 2-hour sessions. They will focus on anchoring phenomena and instructional routines that support student sense-making, and will share curriculum ideas that work in the classroom, as well as home-learning lessons and strategies with a lens of project based learning. Teachers will get support from one another and the instructor with planning time for curriculum development.
CASEL CARES is a new initiative that connects you with CASEL's global community of experts to address how SEL can be most helpful in response to today’s circumstances. Learn more
Social and Emotional Well-being for Adults
Looking for social and emotional well-being resources for adults or self-care tips? There are several free webinars and resources from Pure Edge, Pure Community.
Ideas for Data Infused Teaching and Learning
The world is filled with data and a new, important goal for our teaching is to help students become data literate, learning to make sense of data in their lives and separate fact from fiction. Mathematics and science teachers can teach with a data perspective, integrating ideas from data science into their teaching. The aim of a data science approach is not to add new standards or content to your teaching, it is about interacting with your content and practices in a data science way – that is fun, interesting and creative. Students can learn to ask questions that are meaningful to them, to explore and study patterns and to communicate with cool data visualizations. This session will share ideas and resources for all teachers.
Presenter: Dr. Jo Boaler
For: K-12 Science and Mathematics Teachers, and STEM Coordinators
Date: June 11, 2020 from 3:00 to 5:00
Cost: $55/person with discount available for interdisciplinary teams
Dr. Jo Boaler is a Nominelli-Olivier Professor of Education at Stanford University, co-founder of youcubed.org, and a co-lead in a K-12 data science initiative with Steve Levitt (economist and Freakonomics author).
Public Engagement in Communities - Using an Equity Lens for Listening and Dialogue
The University of NH Continuing Education is offering a graduate-level, 3-credit online course combining several synchronous sessions with asynchronous learning over a period of eight weeks. Public engagement in communities requires keen skills in listening and facilitating deliberative processes that are framed with an equity lens. Current and future public leaders need the knowledge and skills necessary for addressing inequities and discrimination in public decision-making. In this online course, students will learn about the theories and practices associated with public engagement, equity, and dialogue in public spaces.
Our partners in STEM education at WMSI have adapted their summer camp offerings to the online environment. There are blended learning opportunities planned for STEM learners of all ages. Be sure to visit WMSI's website for additional updates or to register.
June 15th - 16th• 1pm - 2:30pm Ages: 5-8 • Co-Ed
Imagine, design, draw, create, build, and most importantly MAKE! Using items that can be found commonly around the house, we’ll explore various engineering and building projects to meet fun design challenges like a real engineer would. This hands-on and creative camp will highlight the importance of collaboration in engineering, and how we can make the world around us a better place by growing together!
Requirements: Cardboard & other recyclables, paper, markers or colored pencils, tape, scissors, glue, and anything else you enjoy building with.
June 17th - 19th• 9am - 12pm Ages: 8-13 • Co-Ed
Just outside our doors lie some of the best stories ever told! The natural world provides a rich selection of unique and exciting settings, characters, stories, and opportunities for adventure! During this exciting virtual excursion, we’ll spend time exploring our own backyards and drawing inspiration from the dynamic outdoors! No matter where you’re joining us from, you’ll be sure to find unique plant and animal life to get inspired for creating Stop Motion Animation movies. During our video conference sessions, you’ll learn some helpful tips, tricks and techniques to bring your dynamic animations to life! Requirements: Camera for taking pictures outside, whiteboard or paper for backgrounds, index cards, colored pencils or markers, LEGO pieces or other small props, recyclables
June 22nd - 23rd• 9am - 12pm
Ages: 8-13 • Co-Ed
As a coder, you can also be a storyteller, scientist, inventor, game designer, artist, and more! Join us for Coding Camp as we explore the powerful world of programming, and how we can use it to electrify our imaginations! We’ll focus a good deal on the block-based coding environment Scratch. Share ideas and inspiration with your peers via Zoom as we unlock our potential to tell stories, build fun games, and create art through software. The camp will wrap up with a discussion of next steps you can take on your journey to becoming a programmer.
Requirements: Computer strongly recommended with up to date internet browser. June 24th - 26th• 1pm - 3pm Ages: 8-13 • Co-Ed
An engineer is resourceful, and what better way to learn about our resiliency in problem-solving by utilizing what we have around us. For this three-day exploration, we will engineer creatively-designed solutions to real-world problems... at home! We will draw inspiration from what we have available while actively and experientially learning what it means to be an engineer, including how best to collaborate with other engineers. Join us as we dream, design, and develop!
Requirements: Cardboard & other recyclables, paper, markers or colored pencils, string, small toys or objects (i.e. LEGO people), tape, scissors, glue. Optional: Small dowels or skewers, an electric fan. June 29th - July 1st• 12pm - 3pm Ages: 8-13 • Co-Ed
Our natural world is rich and full of wonder, beauty, life, and powerful forces. During this exploration into engineering, campers will examine the natural world around them, and contemplate the different forces and wonders at work every single day. Then, we’ll use those influences to design, build, test, and engineer solutions for real-world challenges! We’ll examine weatherproof solutions, harness the natural world to create different forms of energy, and even problem solve for some of our favorite outdoor friends!
Requirements: Be ready to go outside for part of our camp time and in between sessions. July 1st - July 2nd• 9am - 10:30am Ages: 5-8 • Co-Ed
Get ready to dive into the realm of coding by learning Scratch Jr., a visual programming language that unlocks thousands of storytelling opportunities! During this camp, we’ll take inspiration from the world around us by observing nature right outside our window. From there, we’ll translate what we have found into short stories by coding on Scratch Jr. We’ll work and play collaboratively on Zoom, and share what commonalities we have found during our observations that connect us as a group of young coders. Requirements: Tablet with the Scratch Jr. app installed
Support NCES when you shop at Amazon
Please consider selecting North Country Education Services as your charity when you shop at Amazon. If you initiate your shopping through this link https://smile.amazon.com/ch/02-0304424 (please bookmark this link for all your orders), Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase to NCES.
Celebrating the North Country Scholars Class of 2020
Berlin High SchoolValedictorian
Matthew Landry
Berlin High School
Olivia Boucher
Berlin High School
Hayley Norton
Berlin Regional Career & Technical Center
Outstanding CTE Student
Kaelyn Blais
Colebrook AcademyValedictorian
Danielle DeBlois
Colebrook Academy
Adrianna Noyes
Gorham High SchoolValedictorian
Noor Akhter
Gorham High School
Anna Roberge
Groveton High SchoolValedictorian
Colleen Murray
Groveton High School
Kelsea Brasseur
Kenneth High SchoolValedictorian
A. Grace Jarell
Kenneth High School
Keith Badge
Mount Washington Valley Career Technical Center Outstanding CTE Student
Katherine Keefe
Lin-Wood SchoolValedictorian
Charmaine Chau
Lin-Wood School
Jade Fitzgerald
Lisbon Regional SchoolValedictorian
Dean Proctor
Lisbon Regional School
Jared Jesseman
Littleton High SchoolValedictorian
Hugh J. Gallen Career and Technical Center
Outstanding CTE Student
Naomi Nunez
Littleton High School
Jasmine Jin Walker Brown
Pittsburg School
Baylee DeWitt
Pittsburg School
Mckenzie Carney
Profile High SchoolValedictorian
Caroline Greene
Profile High School
Sadie Young
White Mountains Regional High School
Amber Gillespie
White Mountains Regional High School
Haile Hicks
Arthur T. Paradice Regional Career & Technical Center
Outstanding CTE Student
Travis Shearer
Woodsville High SchoolValedictorian
Astra Sleeper
Woodsville High School
Emma Restelli
River Bend Career and Technical Center
Outstanding CTE Student
McKenzie Dennis
The North Country Scholars program recognizes the valedictorian and salutatorian from each northern New Hampshire high school, as well as an outstanding student from each of the region's career and technical education (CTE) centers. The year 2020 marks the 15th anniversary of this regional celebration sponsored by North Country Education Services and the North Country School Administrators Association.
Learn more about this year's North Country Scholars.
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information North Country Education Services 300 Gorham Hill Road Gorham, NH 03581 ncedservices.org 603-466-5437 nces@ncedservices.org NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.