July 2020 News Letter
Some easy ways to drink more Water
When I find articles worth sharing I will usually pull out the links, but the links in this article seem useful, so I left them for you to decide.  I also like to credit the author, but apparently I forgot to do that with this article.
Lots of people don't realize the true importance of drinking enough water every day and how it can impact both your health and your weight loss efforts. According to experts in a recent study, drinking just 2 cups of water, which is smaller than the size of a bottled soda, before meals helped dieters lose an extra five pounds yearly and help you maintain your weight loss. Additionally drinking the right amount of water daily can actually speed up your metabolic rate and help to curb overeating when your body confuses hunger and thirst. But how much water is enough? 
The basic equation for determining this is by dividing your body weight in half. So, if you weigh 200 pounds, you would need 100 ounces of water per day if you're not doing anything strenuous. If you're working out, hiking, at a high altitude or outdoors a great deal, you're going to need to add to those 100 ounces.
European Food Safety Authority recommends 2.0 litres (70 imp fl oz; 68 US fl oz) per day for adult women and 2.5 litres (88 imp fl oz; 85 US fl oz) per day for adult men
There are lots of different opinions on this, but this should be a guide anyway for how much water to drink.
Here are some suggestions to get you to drink more water.  It really is a challenge to build the habit of drinking enough water every day.  I have talked to people who have done this, and said once the habit is part of your life, you don't even think about it and you want the water it becomes an enjoyable practice.  I'm still trying to get the habit built, that is one of the reasons I'm putting this into the Newsletter.

Add flavor to your pitcher.

You can add a little bit of excitement and flavor by steeping fresh fruit (grapefruit, strawberries, lemon), veggie slices (cucumber, ginger, celery), and herbs (basil, mint, lavender) in your carafe. Read 27 Fruit-Infused Waters to Stay Hydrated This Season to get inspiration for some tasty add-in combinations. The longer you let it steep, the tastier each cup will be. And you can play around with different combos, like cucumber mint or basil lemon.

Drink a glass after every bathroom break.

Start a habit by linking drinking water with one of your most common daily activities—going to the bathroom. Getting up from your desk for a bathroom break? Stop by the kitchen to chug a glass of water. It's just another way to build the habit into your daily routine. You'll already be getting up, which means it's a perfect time to stop by the water cooler or the faucet to fill up your bottle or glass. And it will set up a great cycle: The more water you drink, the more you'll have to go to the bathroom, which means the more water you will drink, and so on. Basically, it's the good kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Sip before every meal.

If you are making dinner at home, sip while you cook and prep. If you're out at a restaurant, ask for water when the server comes around to take drink orders. If you're waiting for your lunch to heat up or your toast to pop, drink water while doing it. Even if you're putting together a snack, drink that water. It's just a simple rule that will help you drink more water. Once you establish these little "rules," you'll find that you're doing it almost automatically without having to think about it or put much effort into it at all.

4. Use an app to track your cups.

I don't know about you, but for me, if an activity involves using an app, it's a lot easier for me to get into that activity, and maybe even get a little excited about it. Keeping up with how many glasses you’ve finished can be easy (and fun) with the help of a free app like Daily Water Free or Daily Water. Download them to your phone to set daily reminders and alarms. Anything that gives me an excuse to use a neat interface and gaze at a well-designed app has my vote!

Or take it a step further and get a high-tech water bottle.

Another thing I really love (in addition to a well-designed app) is a fun gadget and an excuse to get one. What better way to take your tracking to the next level than with the high-tech DrinKup ($69) and accompanying app? This nifty water bottle recommends your customized daily water intake, sends you notifications when it's time to sip, and logs your intake. The DrinKup keeps beverages cold for 24 hours and hot for 12. Plus, it happens to be as cool in form as it is in function. It comes in four different colors and is super sleek.

Choose sparkling or mineral water over soda.

Sure, you're not going to replace every deliciously sweet soda with seltzer but if you're anything like me, you wander over to a vending machine or the corner store or the fridge more because you're bored or want to take a break from work or want to drink SOMEthing rather than because you're jonesing specifically for a Sprite. If you're in one of those modes where just about any fizzy drink will do, choose a fizzy water. Add a squeeze of lime juice, and it's basically like drinking a fancy mocktail. Check out A Definitive Guide to the Best Sparkling Waters for a rundown of the most popular brands. You can also make your own sparkling water at home with a Sodastream ($80).

10. Eat water-rich foods.

One sneaky way to increase the amount of water you consume on a daily basis: eat your H2O. Add fruits and vegetables with a high water content to your grocery shopping list. Some top picks include cucumber (96% water), zucchini (95% water), watermelon (92% water), and grapefruit (91% water). Try these recipes to get started: Zucchini Pasta With White Beans and Grilled ChickenGrilled Salmon Salad With Grapefruit, and Cucumber Salad.
  1. Your weight: The first step to knowing how much water to drink every day is to know your weight. The amount of water a person should drink varies on their weight, which makes sense because the more someone weighs the more water they need to drink. A two hundred pound man and 100 pound woman require different amounts of water every day.
  2. Multiply by 2/3: Next you want to multiply your weight by 2/3 (or 67%) to determine how much water to drink daily. For example, if you weighed 175 pounds you would multiply that by 2/3 and learn you should be drinking about 117 ounces of water every day.
  3. Activity Level: Finally you will want to adjust that number based on how often you work out since you are expelling water when you sweat. You should add 12 ounces of water to your daily total for every 30 minutes that you work out. So if you work out for 45 minutes daily, you would add 18 ounces of water to your daily intake.
 Super Mat Pack
GB4000 Accessories Connector
With the V3 or the V2 machine you can drop the voltage to 12.5v and use the belt or mat in direct contact with skin.  I use the belt most of the time on my upper thigh, 12.5v in contact with my skin.  I find that works pretty well for me.  Here is a link for the different material types you can use.  When using a thin material put the voltage to 17v on the V2 or V3 machine.  If using an older model or a Trio you will need to use some material between you and the mat or belt as there is no voltage adjustment on those models.  Materials.  Needs to be a thin material.
More Information
Corona Virus Sets
They are on our Blog, here is that Page it -- Covid19 is the last on the list.
Rife Digital Professional V3
Rife Digital Professional V3
The New Rife Professional V3 series has adjustable voltage, 17v, 14.5v, 12.5v, so any sensitivity issues can be resolved by the switching down the Voltage.  With tests we find that we can use the new Rife Healing mat or belt with a thin material, thin t-shirt, thin bed sheet, etc., with the voltage set at 17v.  Drop the voltage to 12.5v and you can use the mat or belt in direct contact with the skin. 
Group Sweep 
Introduction of "Group Sweep".  Why?  Because so many customers are treating more than one condition.  Some people are treating 5-10 conditions.  They do not want to get up all night changing programs.and Groups.  Using Group Sweep, they can have each of the medical issue groups played one after the other, knowing that without any interruption, the machine will run each and every frequency, for each and every ailment.  The groups include concerns such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, cold/flu, etc., the manual lists over 3500 different ailments. 
With the Group Sweep function you can change any of the presets or add your own to the last 5 groups which have been left empty.  Or, leave the presets as they are and use in a preventative measure and add the sets you want or need to the last 5 groups.  Then Group SWEEP will sweep through all 30 groups, stays on each frequency 3 seconds, or so, and will just continue to loop through for about 9 hours.  
The Discounts
Once you have bought one machine your next machine purchase for yourself, friends or family will be discounted by 8% on the machine.  After you, or you and your group have purchased 3 machines, doesn't have to be all at once, you will get a 10% discount.  There is no time limit, no minimums.  We believe in these machines and want others to know about this technology, this is why we do it.  So, if you want to purchase another please email me first.  I'll let you know how we do this.
We always suggest Organic ingredients, and at least, No GMOs.
Recipe Pineapple Cucumber Gazpacho with Shrimp 
pineapple cucumber gazpacho with shrimp
Serves 4 to 6
Time 2 hr 10 min
Sweet-tart pineapple adds a nice balance to a classic gazpacho. A garnish of shrimp tossed with cilantro and macadamia nuts turns this fresh, cooling soup into an entrée.
  • 3 cups chopped pineapple (from about 1/2 pineapple), plus 1 cup sliced pineapple for garnish
  • 1 large cucumber, peeled, seeded and chopped
  • 1 1/2 cup pineapple juice
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1 jalapeño pepper, halved and seeded
  • 3/4 tablespoon kosher salt
  • 3 green onions, thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons roughly chopped macadamia nuts, for garnish
  • 2 tablespoons torn cilantro leaves, for garnish
  • 1/2 pound cooked shrimp, peeled and deveined, chopped into large pieces
  • Gochugaru flakes, for garnish
Combine pineapple, cucumber, pineapple juice, oil, lime juice, jalapeño and salt in a blender and purée until smooth.
Add green onions and purée just until combined. Transfer soup to a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and chill for at least 2 hours.
In a small bowl, combine shrimp, pineapple, macadamia nuts and cilantro.
Ladle soup into bowls and garnish with shrimp mixture plus a sprinkle of gochugaru.
Nutritional Info:
Per serving: 250 calories (130 from fat), 14g total fat, 2g saturated fat, 107 mg cholesterol, 310 mg sodium, 32g carbohydrates (3g dietary fiber, 23g sugar), 2g protein.
Special Diets:
Dairy free
Gluten free
Wheat free
Hearty Minestrone Soup
hearty minestrone soup
Serves 6 to 8
Time 1 hr 10 min
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 medium yellow onion, chopped
  • 6 cups low-sodium vegetable broth
  • 1 cup thinly sliced Savoy cabbage
  • 1/4 cup tomato paste
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
  • 2 large stalks of celery, sliced
  • 2 medium carrots, chopped
  • 1 dried bay leaf
  • 1 (28.0-ounce) can chopped tomatoes, with their liquid
  • 1 cup cooked chickpeas, drained
  • 1 cup dried fusilli pasta
  • 1 (15.0-ounce) can cannellini or white beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 3/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
Heat oil in a large stockpot over medium high heat.
Add garlic and onion and cook until translucent, about 6 minutes.
Add broth, cabbage, tomato paste, parsley, basil, celery, carrots, bay leaf, and tomatoes with their juice, and cook for 30 to 40 minutes, until vegetables are tender.
Add chickpeas, pasta and beans and simmer for another 20 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
Ladle soup into bowls and serve with cheese sprinkled over the top.
Nutritional Info:
Per serving: 280 calories (70 from fat), 8g total fat, 2.5g saturated fat, 10mg cholesterol, 830 mg sodium, 41g carbohydrates (8g dietary fiber, 8g sugar), 12g protein.
Special Diets:
High fiber
Shishito Peppers2
Shishito Peppers
Serves 4
Time 5 min
Shishitos are mild Japanese peppers with a thin skin that blisters quickly. Though usually pretty tame, a spicy pepper will pop up every once in a while which makes them extra fun as a party appetizer. Simple to prepare, they are easy to cook on the grill or on the stovetop.
  • 6 ounces shishito peppers
  • 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon coarse sea salt
In a medium bowl, toss together peppers, olive oil and sesame oil until coated.
Prepare a grill for medium-high heat cooking. 
Place a perforated pan on the grill grate and prepare the grill for medium-high heat cooking. 
Place on the preheated pan on the grill, cover and cook, flipping once, until peppers are beginning to char and soften, 4 to 5 minutes total. 
Transfer to a serving dish and sprinkle with salt. 
Serve immediately.
Alternatively, heat a large skillet over medium-high heat until hot. 
Transfer to the skillet and cook, stirring occasionally, until peppers are beginning to char and soften, about 5 minutes. 
Transfer to a serving dish and sprinkle with salt.
Serve immediately.
Nutritional Info:
Per serving: 35 calories (20 from fat), 2.5g total fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 115mg sodium, 3g carbohydrates (1g dietary fiber, 2g sugar), 0g protein.
Herbed Prime Rib Roast
herbed prime rib roast
Serves 8
Time 2 hr
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil
  • 2 teaspoons coarse sea salt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 (4-rib) bone-in standing rib roast (about 6 pounds), trimmed of excess, but not all, fat
  • 1 1/2 cup low-sodium beef broth
Preheat the oven to 475 F.
In a food processor, pulse garlic until chopped.
Add rosemary, thyme, oil, salt and pepper and pulse until you have a chunky paste.
Rub the roast all over with the paste and place bone-side down in a roasting pan.
Roast in the middle of the oven for 20 minutes.
Reduce oven temperature to 375F and continue roasting about 1 hour longer.
Use a meat thermometer inserted into the center of the roast (not touching bone) to check the temperature in several spots and continue roasting meat, checking temperature every 5 or 10 minutes, until about 10 degrees shy of your preferred level of doneness.
The meat will continue cooking while it rests after being removed from the oven and the temperature will rise another 5 or 10 degrees.
Target temperatures are 130F to 135F for medium rare and 135F to 145F for medium.
Transfer roast to a cutting board, bone-side down, and let stand 25 minutes before carving.
Meanwhile, carefully spoon off and discard fat from dark juices in the roasting pan.
Use oven mitts to place pan over medium-high heat and add broth.
Simmer, scraping up browned bits from the bottom of pan, until reduced to 1 cup, about 10 minutes.
Carve the roast by running a long, sharp knife between the rib bones and meat to separate them.
Slice meat into portions, arrange on a platter with the bones (there's meat left on the bones and some people may want one) and spoon hot pan juices over the top.
Nutritional Info:
Per serving: 590 calories (450 from fat), 51g total fat, 20g saturated fat, 115mg cholesterol, 590 mg sodium, 1g carbohydrates (0g dietary fiber, 0g sugar), 32g protein.
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