This past week my eyes and ears have been on the weather. Tropical Storm Eta, AND the storm created by growing numbers of Covid-19 infections. As my husband and I plan to make a carefully planned, socially distanced trip to Florida, I have to admit the storms were a powerful consideration. Though Eta ended up not lingering and moved through prior to our travels it surely brought troubles to others. As to Covid,
it is just a sad situation hearing so
many numbers of people losing friends and family. It remains a storm on the horizon for all of us.
Last week's articles are in the news again this week. We continue to seek someone to help us by reviewing new music that is submitted to our society. Email links are in that article for those who are interested or those who just want to learn more.
Our weekly calendar remains paused. However local blues artists, please share information about upcoming shows. It is our desire to continue to support local venues and artists.
Another reminder to please be thinking about potential nominees for officer positions coming up at our next election.
Positions open for election in 2021
are president and treasurer.
If you are a local blues artist, venue,
or fan and would like to share your information, please click the link
below to email Sandy. And always remember, this is YOUR newsletter! Please send feedback or suggestions our way. You can reach me by email at the address below. We appreciate our readers and want
to see your ideas included!
~Sandy McCann
Are You Interested
in being a
Music Reviewer
Ozark Blues Society regularly receives music submissions from blues musicians around the country who are seeking
to have their new music reviewed.
In order to allow the board of directors
to stay focused on business and to avoid any potential conflict of interest as we plan events in the future, we are seeking
a reviewer from among our newsletter readers, members, and friends of the blues. There is no set schedule as submissions arrive at various times. Anyone agreeing to be a reviewer
will be supplied with a copy of the
music to be reviewed (CD and/or download) and gets to keep the music. We can supply you with a list of
potential review topics or if you are comfortable you may write your review as you feel led. Reviews should be between 2 and 4 paragraphs and though honest critique is welcome the overall flavor should be upbeat and positive.
Please email LIZ or SANDY for more information on how to get started! |
Looking for Ideas
for your
Next CD Release?
Liz Lottmann shared a resource
she likes called Disc Makers.
They offer a number of helps for artists as they plan, record, produce, and market their music. Check out their FREE Guides and Catalogs for ideas and for those looking for additional support in building your brand, check out the SPECIAL OFFERS. Or just check out their site at WWW.DISCMAKERS.COM.
Thank you, Liz!
Support Options
For Local Artists
Please check this section of the newsletter weekly for ideas of how to support local musicians and venues. Information may be submitted by all readers, though if reporting for your favorite musician or venue, please confirm the accuracy of the information you are providing.
All submissions will remain posted with new entries being added to the top of the list each week and will run until the music calendar relaunches.
Brick Fields
Blues Therapy Live Streams are paused for now. Rachel invites you to check out her segment produced as part of the Pine Bluff Summer Sets Series. The series highlights Blues and Soul artists that hail from Pine Bluff and includes five artists: Karen Wolf, Rod Clemmens, James Tail Dragger Jones, Joe Pitts, Bobby Rush and Rachel Field. You can find the Summer Sets Series LINK HERE. 
We also have two stores on our website one for music merchandise and another for Blues Therapy handmade items such as essential oil blends, Jewelry, tie dyes, bath salts, body butters and more.
Thank you for your support.
I pray that each of you and your families are all doing okay through this.
Brick Fields
Booking Call: The Brick House 479-846-4668
Buddy Shute and the Motivators
Brenda Baskin shared the following update: If memory serves, the last time our band played in public was March 6th in Eureka Springs. It was a nearly perfect night. We haven't played since—in fact, we've hardly seen
each other. Every once in a while, someone in the band will send a message saying how much they miss the others and we all gripe and agree.
BUT...what we have been doing musically is finishing up our new album. Fine tuning, artwork, finalizing. That's what's kept us happy and looking past canceled gigs and shuttered venues. It's been a labor of love for almost two years. And now, it's about to be released.
"Bar-B-Que" is the latest album from Northwest
Arkansas' own Buddy Shute and the Motivators. Fourteen Tracks and a lot of love. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Chris Moore at East Hall Recording Studio in Fayetteville. The incredible Rachel Fields lends her vocals to a couple of tracks, and the song "I Been Changed" (aka "Angels in Heaven") was beautifully enhanced by the voices of Rachel, Ashtyn Barbaree, Dawn Cate-Bonner, Janna Falkner-Perry, Ashley Keylor, Kendra Kirklin and Sarah Loethen. Fronted by Buddy Shute (vocals, guitar), the Motivators are: Brenda Baskin (vocals), Mark McGee (harmonica), Steve Baskin (bass, vocals), and Randy Reese (drums). Keith Hubbard was named an honorary Motivator, and his distinctive keyboard playing can be heard throughout.
Best of all...we're getting together to rehearse!
Best wishes from Buddy Shute and the Motivators
Facebook: Buddy Shute and the Motivators
Please enjoy the following listings comprised of bands, venues, and/or organizations that support Ozark Blues Society. Always check with individual venues for event details and schedule changes.
Mark Your Calendar
Please Check Back
In this issue: 11/13/2020
On this day
in Blues History
November 13
Today’s show features music performed by The Four Vagabonds and John Hammond Jr.
"The Blues are the true facts of life expressed in words and song, inspiration, feeling, and understanding."
Fats Waller
Blues Education Supporters
Thanks to the following for their support of blues education.
Check Out these regular local radio programs
"The Generic Blues Show" hosted by Paul Kelso airs every Friday night at 9pm on KUAF 91.3FM
Rockin' Hog Radio presents "Sunday Morning Blues" from 8am to 10am every Sunday
Get Involved with the Ozark Blues Society
Annual membership levels begin at $15 and give you so much in return, including meeting new friends while enjoying the best blues artists in the area.
By being a member of The Ozark Blues Society of Northwest Arkansas, you are helping to support the Arts and to preserve the Original American Art Form known as The Blues.
Membership Benefits Include:
Weekly E-newsletter
Opportunities to win tickets to events
VIP seating at events (when available)
Discounts on OBS merchandise
Social networking – meeting other people who also love the blues
Opportunities to volunteer on OBS committees and at events
Ability to attend board meetings and vote on upcoming organizational issues and elections
Visit our Website to renew or join!