Join me for a Holiday Party!
| A special holiday party on the Winter Solstice and when Jupiter and Saturn align I hope that all of you will join me for a party on Monday December 21st at 12:30. It will be wonderful to be together again.
Bring a drink and your lunch and join in. We would all love to see you. I will have my lights on.
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| Holiday Party 2020 via Zoom
Join me for a holiday gathering! Jane's Zoom room on Monday December 21st.
Jane Johnston is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3353593277?pwd=YVFmNUNXQlJTTGNiUWpEdXZrM3p2QT09
Meeting ID: 335 359 3277 Passcode: 602006 One tap mobile +13126266799,,3353593277#,,,,,,0#,,602006# US (Chicago) +16468769923,,3353593277#,,,,,,0#,,602006# US (New York)
Do reply to this newsletter and let me know if you might come or if you need directions.
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| Have you used Zoom before? You can your use your computer, pad or telephone to log on. Or you can use you hone (even your land line) to call in! Also, if you have any hesitancy about logging on, do contact me and I we will work through it before the meeting.
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