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Fit Over Forty
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In this issue:
Happy New Year
New Year's Weekend Holiday Schedule at a Glance
Log in Information for all New Year's classes
Online Classes - January 2021
Update your information and sign up for classes
Fit Over Forty
Happy New Year

Please join me for some Special Holiday classes - Jan 1 to welcome the New Year! A great opportunity to try a Feldenkrais class.  We will roll into to 2021! Anyone just log on - we would love to see you.

Is exercise in your New Year's resolution?? If so join me for FITT Forever on Saturday Jan 2nd at 12:30pm to see how it works online. Please email to sign up.
Watch your mail box for information about January's upcoming classes.

Big virtual hugs
Contact me if you have questions about the technology or the classes. Zoom is easy to use, takes a small amount of band width and very friendly. You can also call in, even on a land line..
New Year's Weekend Holiday Schedule at a Glance
  • Friday -          Jan 1 -   11:00am - Feldenkrais®

  • Saturday -     Jan 2 -   12:30pm - FITT Forever
Log in Information for all New Year's classes
Jane Johnston is inviting you to a scheduled Feldenkrais and/or FITT Forever Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 335 359 3277
Passcode: 602006
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,3353593277#,,,,,,0#,,602006# US (Chicago)
+16468769923,,3353593277#,,,,,,0#,,602006# US (New York)

Online Classes - January 2021
Online Fluid Motion
Activity #:       Date:               Day:    Age:    Time:               Fee:
240302I           1/4-25              M         40+     11AM-12PM   $26
Instructor: Jane Johnston
This ONLINE Fluid Motion is a Feldenkrais Method® Awareness through Movement® class performed in the comfort of your home and is perfect for reclaiming vitality and movements lost to aging, disease and/or disuse. 4 classes
Online Rest & Renew Yoga
Activity #:       Date:               Day:    Age:    Time:               Fee:
240302U         1/4-25              M         40+      4-5PM             $26
Instructor: Jane Johnston
This ONLINE Rest & Renew Yoga class will involve doing a series of yoga asanas to improve our flexibility, strength, balance and comfort. Any yoga props you have (stability ball or 12 inch ball, blocks, mat and strap) can be used. 4 classes
Online FITT Forever
Activity #:       Date:               Day:    Age:    Time:               Fee:
240302A         1/5-26              TU       40+      12:30-1:30PM $26
Instructor: Jane Johnston

This ONLINE class is a strength training, & stretching class designed to revitalize participants with more energy, confidence and satisfaction in the comfort of their home. Please bring a mat, 12 inch ball (kids kickball) and light hand weights. 4 classes
Online Fluid Motion
Activity #:       Date:               Day:    Age:    Time:               Fee:
240302J         1/6-27              W        40+     11AM-12PM   $26
240302K         1/6-27              W        40+      5-6PM             $26
Instructor: Jane Johnston
This ONLINE Fluid Motion is a Feldenkrais Method® Awareness through Movement® class performed in the comfort of your home and is perfect for reclaiming vitality and movements lost to aging, disease and/or disuse. 4 classes
Online FITT Forever
Activity #:       Date:               Day:    Age:    Time:               Fee:
240302B         1/7-28              TH       40+      12:30-1:30PM $26
Instructor: Jane Johnston
This ONLINE class is a strength training, & stretching class designed to revitalize participants with more energy, confidence and satisfaction in the comfort of their home. Please bring a mat, 12 inch ball (kids kickball) and light hand weights. 4 classes
Online Fluid Motion
Activity #:       Date:               Day:    Age:    Time:               Fee:
240302L          1/8-29              F          40+     11AM-12PM   $26
Instructor: Jane Johnston
This ONLINE Fluid Motion is a Feldenkrais Method® Awareness through Movement® class performed in the comfort of your home and is perfect for reclaiming vitality and movements lost to aging, disease and/or disuse. 4 classes

Sign up through me or Clarke County Parks and Rec
Update your information and sign up for classes
Everyone, update your information, complete a client record and sign a new liability waiver. Here is the link:

Fit Over Forty
Contact me at, 703-203-2264 or 540-955-4169, @FitFeldy   
Jane Johnston, BS Psy
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner®
Aquatic Therapy and Rehab Exercise Specialist
Certified Instructor Yang Family Style Tai Chi Quan
Post-Rehab Conditioning Specialist
Registered/Certified Yoga Teacher
Registered Somatic Therapist
Adapted Aquatics Instructor
Cancer Exercise Specialist
AquaStretch™ Facilitator
@FitFeldy                                   www.
Skype: JaneCuttingSmartJohnston 
 "Exercise is the key to long-term management of most medical conditions."
Michael K. Jones, PhD, PT
"Walking is man's best medicine."   
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In the United States of America, the following are registered service marks, collective marks or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America: Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration® Awareness Through Movement®; Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®; and The Feldenkrais Guild®. The following are trademarks, service marks or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America: ATMSM, FISM, Guild Certified Feldenkrais PractitionerCM, and Feldenkrais™.  All photographs © 2007 Rosalie O´Connor. All rights reserved.
Fit Over Forty • 3927 Lord Fairfax Highway • Berryville, VA 22611
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