Beat Teacher Burnout: Small Changes = Big Gains

A self-paced online course designed by Mike Anderson
Mike Anderson has made course one in his Beat Teacher Burnout Institute available for free. North Country educators, if you complete the free course and are interested in the full institute, contact Lori Langlois ( at NCES by the end of February to learn about a discount for purchasing access to the rest of the series.
A Bit More Info About These Courses...
- Lessons are short, videos are engaging, thought-exercises are practical and powerful.
- Exercises are invitational, and many offer choice.
- Courses apply to educators in all roles (teachers, paraeducators, administrators, etc.) in all settings (in-school, remote, hybrid).
- There are no papers to write or quizzes to take. These courses are meant to be a support, not a burden.
- Certificates can be printed after completing each course.
Education-focused conversations on planning for recovery and resiliency
North Country Council Regional Planning Commission received support through the CARES Act to work with our region on COVID-19 recovery and resiliency efforts. The goal is to support recovery efforts that are nimble to the region's unfolding needs. Activities will focus on mitigation and avoidance of current and further impacts of COVID-19 and other unprecedented disasters. Recovery planning and implementation will be aimed toward rebuilding and increasing resilience in the regional economy. To start this planning process, the Council is hosting a series of focus group conversations across a variety of economic sectors.
NCC is hosting a series of conversations specifically focused on education. Educators are invited to attend the following (all three sessions if possible):
For K-8 educators:
Mondays, March 8, 22, and 29, 2021 at 3:00 PM or 6:00 PM
For grade 9-12 educators:
Wednesdays, March 10, 24, and 31, 2021 at 3:00 PM or 6:00 PM
Download/view flyer
Note: There are also focus group conversations that will be conducted for the following sectors: healthcare; child & family services; arts & culture; small business; communities; food & ag; and recreation, tourism,& environment. See NCC's website for more information.
Supporting Social and Emotional Learning
A regional partnership of school districts and area agencies serving northern New Hampshire has been working collaboratively over the past few years with a mission to support social and emotional well-being from birth to adulthood throughout the North Country.
This partnership, North Country Partnership for SEL Practices (NCP4SEL), has involved a wide cross-sector of stakeholders, including technical assistance from CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning).
NCP4SEL has created a free comprehensive guidance document to assist school districts and area agencies in implementing and supporting best practices in social and emotional learning.
Watch the overview video:
Follow NCP4SEL on Facebook for more tips, resources, and announcements.
Behavior Management with a SEL Lens
Why this approach One of the challenges in education today is addressing the behaviors of students in classrooms and school-wide. Although this is not new, it has become more complex overtime. We know that students are coming to school with broader and deeper challenges than they did a generation ago. Many students arrive at school not “ready to learn”. It is challenging to thread the needle balancing safe classrooms with instruction.
What we will cover
- Review of the major discipline systems currently in practice
- Discuss the reasons why some systems tend to fail over time
- Look at your practice (classroom and or school-wide)-what are you doing currently and what may need to be adjusted
- Discuss how to blend behavior management and SEL with the goal of changing behavior over time to create a more safe and positive classroom and school climate
Download flyer
Register: Online or by calling 603-466-5437 Mon-Fri, 8-4.
WMSI: Remote Youth Programs
(Weekly Online Workshops)
Wednesdays: February 3rd, 10th, 17th 3:30-5PM EST • Ages: 8-13
Dive into collaborative Minecraft design & building challenges with this Weekly Online Workshop! In addition to puzzles, collaborative builds, and block coding in Minecraft, the sessions will feature a brief introduction to LEGO Spike Prime robot coding (no kits required). New challenge for students to tackle each week.

Wednesdays: March 3rd, 10th, 17th 3:30-5PM EST • Ages: 8-13
As a coder, you can be a storyteller, scientist, inventor, game designer, artist, and more! Join to explore the powerful world of programming, and how we can use it to electrify our imaginations! We’ll focus a good deal on block-based coding environments like Scratch, which we can use collaboratively build and modify your Minecraft world!
February Break Camps (during the week of the 22nd)

For the next school year, there will be an opportunity for other North Country schools to join Gorham, Groveton, and Littleton schools in participating in the Mikva Challenge initiative being coordinated by the NH Institute for Civics Education.
We live in an increasingly politically polarized nation where incivility and distrust in government is at an all-time high and young people report record high levels of cynicism about their government. Yet most students lack access to engaging civic education. Low income students and students of color are least likely to have access to high quality civic instruction to help them develop the skills, knowledge and dispositions to be informed and engaged citizens.
Action Civics provides students with engaging, rigorous, project-based learning about the democratic process. This instructional process invites real world issues into the classroom and students learn how to analyze, research, dialogue, collaborate, and take informed action on community problems they want to see addressed.
Participating schools receive free licenses to the Action Civics curricula (see sample), professional learning workshops and hands-on coaching and technical support.
Learn more about the Mikva Challenge
North Country teachers interested in learning more about how to participate can contact Lori Langlois ( at NCES or Martha Madsen ( at the NH Institute for Civics Education.

"Zoom a Scientist" program for K-12 with Hubbard Brook
NH Drinking Water Festival

The New Hampshire Drinking Water Festival has educated and inspired fourth graders to conserve and protect our water resources for 27 years. To keep everyone safe, the 2021 festival is moving online. And, to support teachers, students and parents these FREE online resources will be available March through July.
Major themes include the water cycle, watersheds, groundwater, wildlife, the human water cycle and a Water Poetry Contest! Lessons connect with student’s daily lives and explore how they can keep water clean. The online lessons and activities are designed for students in grades 3-5, but with the timeless importance of clean water, students in other grades can also benefit from them.
If you would like to learn more, please contact Lara Hooper at If you would like to learn more, please contact Lara Hooper at
Creating Youth Entrepreneurs throughout New Hampshire
Offered through the UNH Cooperative Extension in collaboration with the UNH Sustainability Institute, the Community Changemaker Challenge is an annual program that engages high school students, teachers, and community members throughout New Hampshire in a process to increase entrepreneurial and innovative thinking and collaboratively solve the challenges their communities face. The program is an idea-stage competition where entrants identify a social, environmental, or economic problem in their community, region, or somewhere else in the world, and use an innovative and entrepreneurial approach to address it.
Download the Community Changemaker Challenge flyer to learn or contact Jared Reynolds ( about other opportunity to encourage entrepreneurship in your classroom.
North Country Young Writers' Festival
The North Country Young Writers' Festival is scheduled for May 13, 2021, at White Mountains Community College, Berlin campus, COVID permitting (the festival will migrate online if the pandemic continues). This event is geared toward 7th-12th graders from Coos County and surrounding communities; students from the region are given priority registration, with secondary registration given to youth from more southern regions.
The festival director is Alexandria Peary, New Hampshire Poet Laureate. Students will have the opportunity to practice a variety of creative writing techniques, including poetry and fiction; participate in fun games; and meet published writers and the youth poet laureates. This festival is about more than creative writing: it's also about community building and leadership for North Country youth. Students will have the opportunity to decide what will be offered as workshops; they'll have a say in the logo and T-shirt design; and post-festival they can serve on an online student literary magazine as editors, under the mentorship of Alex Peary. North Country students will be in charge of who from the state is published in the magazine.
The festival and these opportunities are made possible through the generous support of the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund, the Carnegie Mellon Foundation and the Academy of American Poets, and a New Hampshire Humanities Collaborative grant.
Learn more or contact Alexandria Peary, NH Poet Laureate at
Design and implement inclusive and equitable learning for ALL students
The New Hampshire Department of Education has partnered with the nonprofit, CAST, to provide NH educators with a free credential opportunity. This credential is meant to support your pursuit of equitable classroom design, especially given current restraints and barriers.
The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) credential is “competency-based,” meaning you have the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills without a specific learning pathway requirement or a specific course. You will also have free access to the Mini-course: UDL Associate Credential – Level 1 which is directly aligned to this Level 1 UDL credential. Any time, when you possess the required knowledge outlined in the rubric, you can move directly to the assessment.
- The UDL Associate - Level 1 Credential is free for all NH educators.
- Find the specific registration code for your school system on the NH UDL Associate – Level 1 Registration Code list.
- You and your school can choose the path and timeline that works for you while acquiring the UDL Associate - Level 1 Credential.
- Self-study materials are freely available through CAST’s Learning Designed online platform.

Visit the CAST website for more information about the New Hampshire UDL Innovation Network.
New Hampshire Energy Education Program
The New Hampshire Energy Education Program (NHEEP) has developed new resources, for teachers and students, that are still interactive and NGSS-aligned, but can be adapted to fit virtual, hybrid, or in-class models. Teachers can connect with a NHEEP Energy Teaching Partner who can provide support, guidance, virtual presentations, and more for their classes. NHEEP also provides professional development, which they have adapted to a virtual platform. These resources are offered at no charge to teachers thanks to generous funders.
Contact Anna Hamilton,, with questions.
In collaboration with Drummond Woodsum Attorneys at Law, NCES is offering its members a three-module series on the new Title IX requirements in March.
Learn more
CASA: North Country Virtual Networking Event
CASA of New Hampshire provides a voice for abused and neglected children by empowering a statewide network of trained volunteers to advocate on their behalf so they can thrive in safe, permanent homes.
CASA of NH CEO Marty Sink, and Pam Laflamme and Patti Stolte with the North Country Advisory Council, will share how CASA is responding to the challenges New Hampshire’s neglected and abused children are facing at this critical time.
Dates: Wednesday, February 3, from 3-3:45 PM or Thursday, February 11, from 5-5:45 PM
Questions? Contact Andrea Brochu, CASA North Country Outreach Coordinator, ABrochu@CASANH.ORG or (603) 752-9670
Understanding the challenges of a complex medical condition and its impact on a child's education, functioning, and well-being
This will be an open discussion with Dr. McGonagle focusing on the Complex Care Network (CCN). CCN consists of a Developmental Pediatrician, Physical Therapist, Educational Consultant and a Coordinator. CCN offers virtual or in-person consultation and collaboration to families, medical professionals, schools and other community agencies caring for children with complex medical needs. CCN is a program of Special Medical Services, which administers health programs and services to children, birth to 21, who have, or are at risk for, a chronic medical condition, disability or special health and educational care need. Chronic health conditions are those that are expected to last 12 months or more and affect the child's ability to function.
Date/Time: Monday, February 1, 2021 at 6:00 PM via Zoom
RSVP to or to receive Zoom info
Hosted by the WMRSD Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) in collaboration with Northern Human Services & Partners in Health Family Support.
Empower Coos Youth Grants
The Empower Coos Youth grant applications are due February 1, 2021. Grants, up to $10,000, can support programs in Coos County, NH and Essex County, VT, and surrounding communities with priorities to:
- Support environmental initiatives and programs that focus on reducing carbon emissions through education and awareness building
- Increase extracurricular activities for youth (ages 12 to 22)
- Strengthen community engagement through events and public gatherings
Competency Based Education two-year graduate program with Southern New Hampshire University
Southern New Hampshire University has partnered with the New Hampshire Learning Initiative to offer a two-year graduate program for teachers and administrators that builds CBE capacity within your district and forms a community of practice around CBE. The learning sequence is accessible for busy educators and concepts are applied in their own setting as they move forward.
View/download flyer
Date/time: February 2, 2021 at 3:00 PM
Register for info session: Email
Congratulations Gorham Middle High School!
Congratulations to Gorham Middle High School and STEM educator Shannon Wydra on being selected as NH's only semi-finalists in Samsung's Solve for Tomorrow program.
This nationwide contest is designed to boost interest and proficiency in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), and challenges public school teachers and students in grades 6-12 to show how STEM can be applied to help improve their communities.
A $15,000 award comes with the semi-finalist recognition. The school will next compete to be one of ten national finalists. The ten finalists will then compete for one of three national prizes.
Free On-Demand Professional Development on Fostering Civil Discourse in the Classroom
Among the numerous free online webinars provided by Facing History and Ourselves are several on the topic of fostering civil discourse. A printable certificate is available upon completion.
These one-hour, on-demand webinars, include:
Talking to Children about Violence: Tips for Parents and Educators
Christa McAuliffe Sabbatical
Are you a teacher with a great idea about education? Each year the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation's Christa McAuliffe Sabbatical program awards a year-long leave of absence to an exceptional New Hampshire public school teacher. The sabbatical provides the teacher with the time, space, and funding to explore, through a self-designed project, new ideas and ways to enhance classroom teaching.
The Christa McAuliffe Sabbatical provides funding directly to the school district to release a teacher for one academic year. School districts are reimbursed for total salary plus FICA, and the teacher is reimbursed directly for up to $12,000 of project-related expenses.
Learn more
Job Openings in North Country Schools
There are several dozen openings in school districts throughout northern NH. TeachNorth is your one stop spot to find links to current job postings.

- New services in adult education
- Online assessments for HiSet preparation
- In-person math tutoring (9th grade level and up. Available to college students as well)
Call 752-1927 or email for more information.
Opening for a part-time HiSet Examiner for the Coos AEL location. Call the office for details.
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.