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Upcoming Workshops, Retreats, and Trainings
From Jill Badonsky, M.Ed  Teaching Creative Wellness since 1997

Embark upon the creative process with wild abandon, mindfulness, and fun.

“The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time.” ~Mary Oliver

The Underground Highway to Creative Results
Ongoing Weekly Creative Support, Monthly Workshops 

Includes Creativity Coaching Groups at a low cost.
Ongoing support with a Zoom Creativity workshop monthly, the dynamic The Underground Creativity Bee, a secret Facebook Page, and two off-beat, irresistible creative prompts a week.Only $23 a month More information.
 "I’m SO glad that I joined URRC! It is just so much fun, gives me something to look forward to creatively and stretches me out past my former boundaries. And it’s wonderful to see what others come up with!! Joining this group is one of the best things I have ever done. Thanks for providing such a fun and remarkable space to create!" ~Sue River
Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification Training on Zoom
Next Training:  August 19 - December 16. 2024

Going into its 20th year of a journey to understand what makes creativity possible. 17 weeks of immersing yourself in what triumphs over creative blocks such as procrastination, resistance, and perfectionism to allow creativity to flourish in every aspect of life for you, and/or for you to help others.
Using intuition, experiences, imagination, compassion , mindfulness, psychology, and the lightness of being, KMCC training is a dynamic journey into the what causes creative blocks and what unhooks them.

Part of the commitment to you is that this training will unleash your creativity as well.

Identified by Live Coaching Magazine as the Best Creativity Coaching Training.
Really life altering and massive stuff to finally come across in my life...this is like having a doorway opened after searching for a lifetime and having opened many doors in the search. To finally open the one that the sun shines on the other side is like a gift that I am currently processing as it all becomes clearer and clearer as my eyes begin to become accustomed to the sunlight.” ~Sadie Spikes, Certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach

Wild Abandon Creativity on Zoom through the Athenaeum
June 5-26, 2024 Tuesdays for an hour and a half FULL

The Modern Day Muse Facilitator Course: FULL - New Course in Jan

June 11 - August 27, 2024
Tuesdays 11 am - 12:30 pm pacific time... 2 - 3:30pm eastern
This journey applies ten powerful creativity principles in the guise of nine Muses and a Bodyguard to living a creative life with mindfulness and humor. More here
Before May 15, 2024: $795 includes Hard copy of The Nine Modern Day Muses and  Bodyguard, a step-by-step manual with everything you need to know to run a group, and a license to use the material. More information here and payment plans here.  
 Art Walk on the Italian Riviera October 14-20, 2024 FULL
Join Jill and her two experienced tour guides Suzy and Jeannette for a creativity and mindfulness adventure on the beautiful Italian Riviera. Join the wait list or watch for another otherworldly trip.  Here's where you go for that.
Omega Institute of Holistic Science: A Wild Abandon Creativity Party
Save the Date -September 28-October 4, 2025
Parallel Universe Time:
" I don’t understand how it works but it does work so well to keep me focused …. and in a positive way,. not stopping to question it." ~Vinita Pappas< KMCC coach
Every monday at 8:30 a pacific  / 11:30 a eastern ... a free service from The Muse is In to hold the space in community to get things done. To Join:
The KMCC Certification Training


August 12 - December 16, 2024: Registration is open
Mondays 4pm pacific and Wednesdays 11am pacific

Recorded, if you can't make both times.
KMCC has been training Creativity Coaches since 2004. This unconventional method of promoting a creative approach to change is based on creative mindfulness, psychology, intuition and play. It honors the fact that creative people naturally encounter resistance, are rebellious, and don't like to be told what to do. 
Learn the power of self-compassion, in-session experiences, and unprecedented tools designed to help anyone wanting to live a more creative life, from beginning or returning to a creative pursuit  to living life with more fulfillment and personal power.
This training also takes you through your own creative journey and includes 1:1 creative support with a Master KMCC coach.  You will discover the tools that have moved thousands through procrastination, resistance, perfectionism, fear, distractions, difficulty prioritizing creativity, harsh self-talk, unhelpful habits, and feelings of overwhelm to the freedom of living with creative joy. 

Part of the commitment and guarantee to all those who take the course is that the experience will not only teach you how to coach others, but it will unleash your own creativity and teach you how to use creativity to live a more fulfilling existence.   Taught by Jill Badonsky
Based on the books and mindfulness psychology education of Jill Badonsky
and Dr. Robert Maurer, Ph.D
Is the KMCC for you? Set up a Zoom meeting with Jill Badonsky to find out

How does the training work?
To keep the inspiration and learning dynamic, we meet two times a week live for 1.5 hours. Mondays at 4pm pacific/ 7pm eastern and Wednesdays at 11 am pacific/ 2pm eastern. All classes are recorded if you have to miss one.
Here we discuss creative blocks, where they come from, how to get through them, how to put all of this in practice, and how to market it. There is a private on-line page as well as the Teachable platform.
Case studies are watched and discussed, and practice takes place in real time all in a supportive environment where perfection is not expected and intuition is a byproduct.
Homework is issued that is  designed to unleash your own creative process as well as test-drive the tools and approaches through readings, discussion, and gentle feedback.
More about the training philosophy and KMCC in podcasts and instagram live:
Art for All with Danny Gregory
Smart  Guys Podcast
Ignite Your Spark with Kim Duff Selby
Be Bold, Begin with KMCC Coach Christina Barsi
Alison is a recent grad who inadvertently missed our graduation presentations so made this video which ended up being a great example of what KMCC is: For that
To apply or ask questions please send an email to info @ with your background and why you believe KMCC is a good fit for you.
An abundance of more information here
A Muse's Daydream is found on the following outlets:

Apple Podcasts
Podcast Addict
Amazon Music
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Jill Badonsky
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The Muse is IN  •  Kensington  •  San Diego, CA 92116

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