March 2021 News Letter
In this issue:
Helpful Links
Rife Digital Professional V3
Super Mat Pack
Mussels Vinaigrette
Roasted Brisket with Parsley, Mint and Thyme
Roasted Asparagus
Grilled Swordfish Salad with Olives and Capers
Grilled Fruit with Caramelized Orange Sauce
Helpful Links
Here are some links you might want to check out if for no other reason, future reference 
When you have purchased 1 machine from us, any model, then the next machine purchase will be discounted.  An 8% discount on any model, for you or your friends or family.  So, should you decide that you need another machine or want to upgrade, please email me first, the website will not know to do this. 
If you don't contact us first, before the purchase, we will not be able to give you the discount.  It costs us money to go into the order and refund the discount amount.  We have done that, but it costs us, so we will not be doing that anymore.  If you want the discount email me before you purchase and I'll let you know how we do this.
My email is
You can see all the Rife machines, the Zappers and the Beck Machines 

Rife Digital Professional V3
How The Machine Works
The machine works on resonance so if what you are treating is not present 
in you then nothing will happen.  Below is an explanation of how this works:
Dr. Rife, who first discovered that when viruses, bacteria and parasites are 
bombarded with electrical pulses of the right frequency, they shake apart.  
This is an inherent characteristic shared by all objects and living beings 
called "Resonant Frequency," which is the frequency at which an object 
naturally vibrates.  Resonant frequencies are what makes a string on a 
stringed instrument produce a certain note.  But resonant frequencies, 
in addition to producing music can also cause objects to shake so 
uncontrollably that their stability is undermined.  This is what happened 
to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940.  The wind reached resonance with 
the bridge and it shook apart.  The same is true with pathogens.  When the 
frequency being introduced into the body by way of feet and/or hand straps,
 mat or belt, reaches resonance with whatever pathogen it resonates with,
it undermines its stability and kills it.

Like a Soprano singing a high note and breaking a wine glass.  Same thing.  And, if you are treating something you don't have, nothing will happen.   Imagine that same vocalist singing that high note, but no wine glass is present.  The note sounds but nothing else happens.  
I have had some people asking about why you can't go beyond 1 million Hz on any of our machines:
Rife Professional and the Zappers are limited to 1Hz – 1 million Hz max for 2 reasons
(1) All Frequencies for pathogens reside under 1 million Hz. Unless you want to Zap a cockroach or a mouse, then 1 million is adequate.
(2) Frequencies above 1 million (and upwards) move to the animal and human frequency ranges, and are subjecting oneself or animals to the actual frequencies which they exist within. Using frequency devices in the same range of humans for example can have adverse effects.
In order to protect people from playing around with Mega frequencies causing potential harm to themselves, we have limited the Rife machines and Zappers    to treat viruses, bacteria and parasites, which generally reside in the ranges under 500 KHz (500,000 Hz).
We also have provided a commonly used bioresonance book ETDFL with the machine, to give people some guidance on a therapy program to assist with treatment of various diseases.
Even a dust mite starts at 700 KHz. If you have good eyes you could see a dust mite on a white table. You see everything “gets large” after 700 KHz, and our object is to eliminate “the small”, the unseen bacteria, virus, parasites, which are often the source of the disease or ailment in many circumstances.
For the Rife Machine PAGE 
For the Zapper Page
Super Mat Pack
Super Mat Pack
For a more detailed description of both the Rife Healing Mat and Rife Healing Belt Click HERE
And here are a couple of videos that will show you how to use what is in the Super Mat Pack
This is an accessory to the Rife and Zapper Professionals, the V2 & V3 models and the Rife Ultimate, Zapper Ultra or the Trio models.
This is the 2017 upgrade.  It is made with a more fabric like material so it will be more comfortable to sleep with and/or wear.  
It will be an excellent way to resolve the problem of treating pets, and kids. 
Use it overnight under a thin fitted bed sheet, or use it while sitting down with your bare feet on the Pad.  Lay it on top of you or wrap it around a sore muscle.  Good way to target a particular body part as well.  For Ex., if you have a lung issue you can wrap the mat around your chest.  Both the mat and belt come with an extension piece for larger bodies.
If you have any sensitivity, wear a thin T-shirt, very thin socks, or very thin pants.  
Here is a link for the type of materials you can use.  It makes a difference.  Materials
With the Rife or Zapper Professional V2, or the V3 you can adjust the voltage down to 12.5v and use it in direct contact with the skin.  If you have any sensitivity than use it at the 17v setting under a thin bed sheet or with a thin T-shirt, leggings or thin pants.  You shouldn't have a problem with it in direct contact with your skin at the 12.5v setting.  I use it this way all the time.
If you have the Rife Ultimate or the Zapper Ultra or the Trio Models you will want to use it with a thin material between you and the mat or belt.  These models do not have a voltage adjustment.
This new design will allow you to wrap it around your body.  It will hold in place with Velcro.
 More Information
Hello! Please let me introduce myself, my name is Aja, I am a mother of 3, wife to an amazing man and a I am also a passionate photographer.
I have struggled with my weight and feel like I’ve tried all the eating plans, Whole 30, Weight Watchers and Atkins just to name a few and I succeeded until I failed.
A friend turned me onto Pure Exogenous Ketones, WOW what a game changer!!!
Since starting ketones I’ve lost 42 pounds, I’m a more present mom and have more energy to do the things I truly enjoy!
This doesn’t require eating full Keto, working out or completely changing your lifestyle.
What are Ketones? How do they work?

Take a look at this short video 
To contact Aja, or 206-321-4394 (Pacific Time)
We always suggest organic ingredients and/or at least No GMOs
Mussels Vinaigrette
Mussels Vinaigrette

Serves 6 to 8 as an appetizer or tapas

These delectable mussels make an ideal light bite to serve as an appetizer or as part of a tapas meal. The key to keeping mussels plump and tender is not to overcook them; watch them carefully and make sure you remove them from the heat the minute they open.


3/4 cup dry white wine
1 pound mussels (about 24), scrubbed
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 1/2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
Pinch cayenne pepper
2 tablespoons finely diced red bell pepper
2 tablespoons finely diced green bell pepper
2 tablespoons finely diced red onion
1 1/2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley


Place wine in a large saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Add mussels and cover the pot; cook, stirring once, until mussels open, about 3 minutes. Immediately remove from the heat and allow mussels to cool. Discard any mussels that do not open.
In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, vinegar, salt and cayenne. Stir in red bell pepper, green bell pepper, onion and parsley. Open mussels and place each mussel meat in half of a shell and arrange on a platter. Spoon about 1 teaspoon of vinaigrette into each shell. Cover and refrigerate at least 30 minutes and up to 8 hours.


Per serving: 130 calories (70 from fat), 7g total fat, 1g saturated fat, 8g protein, 6g total carbohydrate (0g dietary fiber, 1g sugar), 20mg cholesterol, 510mg sodium
Roasted Brisket with Parsley, Mint and Thyme
Roasted Brisket with Parsley, Mint and Thyme

Serves 10 to 12

Fragrant fresh herbs, garlic and tangy vinegar prove a perfect match for slow-cooked brisket.


1 (4-pound) beef brisket, trimmed
Salt and pepper to taste
3/4 cup roughly chopped fresh parsley
1/2 cup roughly chopped fresh mint
2 tablespoons roughly chopped fresh thyme
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)
6 cloves garlic
1 cup roughly chopped yellow onion
2 cups low-sodium chicken broth


Preheat oven to 350°F. Season brisket all over with salt and pepper and then arrange on a rack in a roasting pan; roast for 1 hour. Meanwhile, put parsley, mint, thyme, vinegar, pepper flakes, garlic, onion, salt and pepper into a food processor and pulse to make a thick paste; set aside.
After 1 hour, remove brisket from oven; reduce oven temperature to 325°F. Carefully add broth to pan, spread herb paste over brisket, cover pan with foil and continue roasting, basting every 45 minutes or so, until very tender, 2 to 3 hours more.
Transfer brisket to a platter; set aside to let rest for 10 minutes. Skim off and discard any fat from liquid in pan. Trim brisket further, if desired, then thinly slice against the grain and spoon pan sauce over the top.


Per serving (about 8oz/234g-wt.): 270 calories (110 from fat), 12g total fat, 4.5g saturated fat, 105mg cholesterol, 270mg sodium, 3g total carbohydrate (1g dietary fiber, 1g sugar), 35g protein
Roasted Asparagus
Roasted Asparagus

Serves 4

It’s the quintessential seasonal side dish to bring Spring to your table. This same method also works for roasting slices of Spring root vegetables and onions. And the recipe easily doubles for company, so long as the vegetables are not crowded in the roasting pan. For your health and the planet’s, go organic when available!


1 bunch asparagus (about 1 pound)
Juice of 1/2 orange or 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 tablespoons chopped mixed fresh herbs, such as parsley, thyme and mint


Preheat oven to 450°F. Line a large rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Trim off the tough end from each stalk of asparagus (about the last 1 1/2 inches or so) and arrange spears on baking sheet.
Squeeze orange or drizzle vinegar over asparagus, toss to coat and season with pepper. Roast, shaking the baking sheet occasionally, until just tender, 8 to 10 minutes, watching carefully after 5 minutes to avoid overcooking. Transfer to a platter, scatter herbs over the top and serve.


Per serving: 30 calories (0 from fat), 0g total fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 5mg sodium, 6g total carbohydrate (3g dietary fiber, 2g sugar), 3g protein
Tags: Budget, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Low Sodium, Sugar Conscious, Vegan, Vegetarian, Wheat Free, Fat Free
Grilled Swordfish Salad with Olives and Capers

Grilled Swordfish Salad With Olives and Capers


Serves 4

This summery salad is packed with Mediterranean flavors. Use your favorite red wine vinaigrette (either bottled or homemade) to make it, but a balsamic or white wine vinaigrette will work equally as well. Crush the fennel seeds with a mortar and pestle or place them on a cutting board and roll back and forth over them with a rolling pin.


1 pound swordfish steak, skin removed
6 tablespoons prepared red wine vinaigrette
3/4 teaspoon fennel seeds, crushed
1/2 teaspoon coarse sea salt
1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper
5 cups baby spinach leaves
1 large tomato, cut into wedges
1/4 red onion, thinly sliced
1/3 cup chopped pitted Niçoise olives
2 1/2 tablespoons drained brined capers


Prepare a grill for medium-high heat cooking and oil grill grates. Brush swordfish with 1 tablespoon of the vinaigrette and sprinkle with the fennel, salt and pepper. Grill the fish, turning it once or twice, until nicely browned and just opaque in the center, 8 to 9 minutes.
Toss spinach, tomato and red onion with the remaining vinaigrette and mound the mixture on a platter. Scatter with olives and capers. Cut the swordfish into chunks, arrange it on top of the salad and serve.


Per serving: 310 calories (150 from fat), 17g total fat, 2.5g saturated fat, 55mg cholesterol, 1220mg sodium, 8g total carbohydrate (2g dietary fiber, 3g sugar), 30g protein
Grilled Fruit with Caramelized Orange Sauce

Grilled Fruit with Caramelized Orange Sauce


Serves 6 to 8

To create even more excitement at the table, vary the fruits to surprise your guests with their favorites. Serve this simple dish as an unusual dessert or as the start of a delicious spring or summer brunch. A bit of advice for the grill cook: be sure the grill rates are very clean and hot to keep the fruit from sticking.


1/2 cup orange juice
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon orange zest

Canola oil - (organic if possible or replace, this will be a GMO product if not organic)

2 large peaches or nectarines, pitted and cut into thick wedges
2 ripe but firm bananas, peeled, halved lengthwise then crosswise
1 pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into thick slices


Whisk together juice, sugar and zest in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Reduce heat to medium low and simmer until reduced by half, 6 to 8 minutes. Set aside to let cool completely.
Meanwhile, grease grill grates with oil and preheat to medium high heat. Working in batches, arrange peaches, bananas and pineapple on grill in a single layer and cook, carefully flipping once, until just hot throughout and golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer fruit to bowls, drizzle with sauce and serve.


Per serving (about 6oz/183g-wt.): 150 calories (20 from fat), 2g total fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 0mg sodium, 33g total carbohydrate (3g dietary fiber, 27g sugar), 1g protein
...Please understand that can not and will not answer any medical questions. We do not have the expertise nor the authority to do so. We do not claim that our advice cures any diseases. This Website does not adopt the claims of the inventor of the zapper, plate zapper, frequency bottles, herbs, and related products, but makes available, description of same for the information to potential viewers. By using this website / email list you attest that you are not working directly or indirectly for any government or private agency with the purpose of misusing an individual¹s right to seek information and do personal research....
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