Conscious Discipline - Interest for next school year???
NCES and the North Country Partnership for SEL Practices seeks to determine the interest in Conscious Discipline's Building Resilient Schools and Homes e-course for the 2021-2022 school year. Through online videos by Dr. Becky Bailey, this comprehensive program combines, social-emotional learning, discipline, and classroom management for transformational results.
We envision offering the asynchronous 10-session course supplemented by online synchronous grade-level specific learning communities. Participants would engage in the approximately one-hour e-course each month on their own time and then come together with colleagues online once a month for a facilitated one-hour discussion around that month's content.
For staff at NCES member districts, we anticipate this will be offered to you free of charge. We need to determine if there is sufficient interest and/or if there should be multiple grade level facilitators to right-size the cohorts. If you are potentially interested, please add your name, grade-level, school, and email address to this interest form. You will not be obligated to register if this comes to fruition, but expressing your interest will help us with the planning.
If you may be interested in serving as one of the grade-level facilitators (a stipended role), please email lori@ncedservices for more information.
You can learn more about the e-course and Dr. Bailey by visiting the Conscious Discipline website.
GMHS students' app aims to save missing hikers
Shannon Wydra's STEM students participated in the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow contest this year. The Gorham Middle High School students were among 75 semi-finalists from across the country and the only NH team selected. The students have come up with a solution to a real-world problem well known to the White Mountains - missing hikers. Watch their video submission to learn more about the app and their ideas for this potentially life-saving technology.
(Click image for video)
Despite not progressing to the national finals, Mrs. Wydra reports that several students are continuing to work on the project and they are considering applying for grant funding to continue with the development of the app. Mrs. Wydra shared, "I am excited to have students motivated to work on their own time with me on the project. They really believe they can make a difference in our community! Really that's the goal, having them care about where they live and realize that they are able to contribute to make the community a better place".
The semi-finalist level landed the classroom with a $15,000 prize. That enabled the purchase of a tabletop CNC machine, a laser projector, SmartBoard, a dual extrusion 3D printers, and other materials.
Summer Learning Opportunities for Students!
WMSI is offering both in-person and remote camps this summer with programs serving ages ranging from 5 through 13. Please share these programs with your students. Scholarship are available.
To learn more about the offerings, as well as the safety guidelines for the in-person camps, visit
North Country Young Writers' Festival
The North Country Young Writers’ Festival, taking place May 14th & 15th, is a youth-focused and youth-driven event. The festival workshops in creative writing for student participants will be taught by college and graduate students.
This free festival is designed for 7th-12th students from New Hampshire with a casual interest in creative writing and also for those who are considering writing as their college major or profession.
With seven workshops on a range of topics (poetry, screenplays, short stories, flash nonfiction), a lively Submit-a-thon, readings with published authors, a chance to meet the state’s youth poet laureates (and learn how to become one), fun writing games with prizes, a marathon poem written over 48 hours, and the opportunity to join the editorial board of a new North Country student literary magazine, this festival will be a memorable experience!
As part of the festival, Penny Kittle will be conducting a workshop for teachers, Teaching Poetry to Transform Thinking about Writing. To learn more about Penny Kittle and others featured in the festival, click on the learn more link below.
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Environmental Science Competition for High Schoolers

The 2021 NH Envirothon, a state-wide, team-based environmental science competition for high schoolers, will be hosted virtually this year. The remote format will task competitors with completing traditional written tests, experiential field challenges, and virtual presentations to show their knowledge and skills in the realms of Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, Wildlife, and the current issue topic of: Climate Change and NH Water Resources.
The competition will be hosted over the course of one full week, starting on Friday 5/21 and ending Thursday 5/27. Competing teams must be made of 5 students of high school age in order to win the competition and represent NH in the NCF-Envirothon happening virtually in July. Participation is open to traditional 5-member teams and non-traditional teams of fewer students and/or middle schoolers.
Learn more
The Granite Guarantee is a financial aid program that makes college possible for qualified New Hampshire students by covering the cost of tuition for up to four years.
This program defines the University System of New Hampshire's commitment to providing a world-class education at the University of New Hampshire, Keene State College and Plymouth State University.
> You're a New Hampshire resident > You're attending college for the first time, working towards a Bachelor's degree > You're eligible for a federal Pell Grant
Learn more
Resources for Kinship Caregivers
Step Up Parents provides financial assistance to kinship caregivers in New Hampshire who are raising the children of parents with substance use disorder.
A short video provides an overview of the organization's mission and operation.
Download a brochure or learn more at
Nature-Based Early Childhood Education Conference
One of the Antioch University New England "In Bloom" conferences for 2021 will be a virtual event. Co-sponsored by the North Branch Nature Center, this will take place June 5th, 2021 from 12:30pm to 4:30pm. This conference will accommodate 150 participants. Workshops will be geared to preschool through third grade.
Cost: $40
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NH Historical Society Virtual Field Trip

The New Hampshire Historical Society has announced a new virtual field trip experience, "5 Granite State Icons." It's perfect for students who can't take field trips because of the COVID-19 pandemic or for kids who live too far away to visit us in Concord. This program ensures that every student can participate in a Granite State experience that generations have shared.
Designed for kids working from their homes or in a classroom, this program will engage elementary school students in an exploration of what it means to be a Granite Stater. It includes series of short videos, with each video followed by a live, interactive virtual session with a museum educator.
Bookings for spring 2021 are now being accepted on the Society's website or by contacting Assistant Director of Education Jenn Walton at or 603-856-0645.
Video overview
Learn more
CS Principles and CS Discovery, Free to NH Educators
Did you know that students who study computer science perform better in other subjects, excel at problem-solving, and are more likely to attend college? That's why now is the best time to attend’s Professional Learning Program, which will prepare you to bring CS to your students by this fall. No previous experience with CS is required. In New Hampshire, CS Principles and CS Discoveries workshops are offered at no cost to teachers who meet the scholarship requirements and are accepted into the program - so apply today!
Learn more
Conduct authentic scientific research: Summer opportunities for middle/high school students
The New Hampshire Academy of Science (NHAS) has 5 programs this summer for students in grades 6-12 interested in STEM fields.
- Introduction to Scientific Research, June 21 – 25, 2021 (1 week)
- Applied Scientific Research, June 28 - July 16, 2021 (3 weeks)
- Introduction to Machine Learning, July 19 - 23, 2021 (1 week)
- Applied Scientific Research, July 26 – Aug. 13, 2021 (3 weeks)
- Introduction to Engineering, Aug. 16 - 20, 2021 (1 week)
For details, visit Financial aid packages are available for all NHAS programs.
Milan Teacher Named STEM Teacher of the Year
(Paul Robitaille photo, used w/permission from The Berlin Sun)
Congratulations to Sandy Fitzmorris (third from left), technology teacher at the Milan Village School, for being selected as the winner of the 2021 Science Technology Engineering and Math award by the New Hampshire Society of Professional Engineers. Robert Rotier (left) presented the award on March 14th. Also pictured are David Backer, SAU 20 Superintendent of Schools, and Principal Amy Huter.
North Country Partnership for SEL Practices
Follow NCP4SEL on Facebook for more tips, resources, and announcements.
Zoom a Scientist!
Free 45 to 60‐minute presentations and discussions about a wide variety of research topics designed for elementary, middle, or high school levels are available through Hubbard Brook Research Foundation.
Learn more about scientists and topics.
For more information, contact
Job Openings in North Country Schools
There are several dozen openings in school districts throughout northern NH. TeachNorth is your one stop spot to find links to current job postings.

- New services in adult education
- Online assessments for HiSet preparation
- In-person and live-online math tutoring (9th grade level and up. Available to college students as well)
Call 752-1927 or email for more information.
Opening for a part-time HiSet Examiner for the Coos AEL location. Call the office for details.
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.