Interested in earning a Microbadge in Dyslexia?
Conscious Discipline e-Series
Over 100 North Country educators are engaging with a 10-session series on Building Resilient Schools and Homes. The content for the 8 month learning experience is a video series led by Dr. Becky Bailey of Conscious Discipline. Each video lesson is supplemented with an online facilitated discussion.

Dr. Lori Langlois, Executive Director of North Country Education Services, reports that the series is going very well and many participants have reached out in gratitude for the opportunity to participate. It's a timely learning experience and being spread out over the school year gives educators a chance to try the practices and reflect with colleagues, said Langlois. A significant piece of these practices is about being conscious of the language we use when responding to the behaviors of children. The nuances of our words can make a big difference in how children internalize both positive and negative behavior. This format will help sustain the effort to change how educators respond to behaviors.
In this regard, added Langlois, the shift to an online offering was a blessing. We would not have considered a regional online series of this scale prior to the pandemic. Now that educators are familiar with online platforms, most of the technology barriers have dissolved. Yes, there are still educators with poor connectivity in their homes (the sessions are in the evenings and weekends), but we don't have spend time troubleshooting how to mute mics or get cameras turned on. This allowed for a group larger than we could otherwise conceivably pull together 10 times a year for these learning sessions.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Adolescents
With the support of NCP4SEL, NCES kicked off a four-day training for school counselors. After discussions about how to support the mental health needs in schools, the NCP4SEL advisory committee felt that adding skills to the toolkit of our school counselors would be an immediate way to make an impact. Resources to respond to the mental health needs of students appear to be scarce across the state. Typical school counselor preparation programs do not include much by way of providing therapy. Yet, increasingly, schools are turning to their school counselors to assist in this capacity.
DBT is an evidence-based form of cognitive behavioral therapy for teenagers who experience significant trouble managing their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. This includes engaging in risky behaviors, eating disorders, and self-harm. Learn more
MTSS-B Toolkit
The NH MTSS-B Technical Assistance Center has developed a Multi-Tiered System of Support - Behavior Toolkit to guide schools and districts in each step of the implementation process. This online tool can be accessed at The New Hampshire MTSS-B Technical Assistance Center is a partnership between the Office of Social and Emotional Wellness (OSEW) at the New Hampshire Department of Education’s Bureau of Student Wellness & Nutrition and the Behavioral Health Improvement Institute at Keene State College.
Poetry Out Loud Program for High Schoolers
Poetry Out Loud is a national poetry recitation program that encourages the nation's youth to learn great poetry. There is no charge to participate and materials are provided. All high schools are welcomed to participate.
The POL program helps students master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn about their literary heritage. It builds on the spoken word as an art form, inviting the dynamic aspects of slam poetry, spoken word, contextual analysis, and theater into the classroom. Nationwide, the program involves 365,000 students annually and awards $50,000 in scholarships. NH has participated in POL for the past 15 years! Funding and support comes from The Poetry Foundation and National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), and is managed in NH by the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts.
If your school is interested in joining POL this year, please register. Registration will remain open throughout the end of November or until the 40 school cap is reached - whichever comes first. The Arts Council and the NEA are all planning for in-person competitions but have not finalized these plans. And, of course, these plans are subject to change if state and federal guidance evolves in the fall and winter.
Questions should be directed to Allison Hawkins, Arts Education Grants Program Coordinator 603-271-0791 |
Interested in a Farm to School program?
With the support of NH Farm to School, the North Country has the opportunity to expand and create a Regional Farm to School Network. This survey will help understand how a network could support the different ideas or projects and who is interested in this initiative. To better understand what is happening in the region and the needs on the region, we ask you to please respond to this survey.
For more information, contact Zeanny Egea, Extension Nutrition Educator,
Grant Seeker Session, Tillotson Local Grants Program
Organizations providing services in Coos County and bordering communities in Vermont, Quebec, and Maine are encouraged to apply for funding from the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund. Come and learn more about the Tillotson Fund’s strategic framework which includes revised priorities and the grant application process for the Local Grants program.
The session will take place on Thursday, November 18 from 10:00 – 11:30 AM on zoom. There is a pre-reading assignment that will be an important part of the discussion emailed closer to the date for all those who are registered. To register to attend the information session, please contact Jean Clarke, Tillotson Funds Manager at email or call 603-225-6641 X238.
Tillotson Fund Local Grants 2022 grant deadlines are Thursday, January 13, 2022 and Thursday, July 14, 2022.
PD from Media Power Youth
Media Power Youth’s mission is to inspire youth to engage with media in thoughtful and constructive ways that support their physical and mental well-being. Media Power Youth's professional development workshops are interactive and discussion-based, with chances for you to collaborate with colleagues and explore the concepts discussed in real-time.
TikTok and Challenge Culture Nov 9th, 9:00 - 11:00 EST
TikTok and other video-sharing platforms such as Snapchat and YouTube are more than social spaces; they are places of discovery. This workshop will address these changing media landscapes and give you the tools to harness their power for learning opportunities in your classroom.
The New Conversation on Video Games
Nov 10th, 9:00 - 11:00 EST
Video games have evolved over the last few years, spurring the growth of creative communities and learning opportunities. This workshop will address how educators can support their students in creating healthy habits around video games while minimizing negative experiences when gaming online.
Learning Through Media Nov 30th, 9:00 - 11:00 EST
Media can be used to grow students' perspectives and introduce them to new ideas and experiences. Discover how to curate media examples that inspire and how to present them with context to your students.
Media Literacy Curricula for Middle School
Dec 7th, 4:00 - 7:00 EST
In this workshop, we will introduce educators to our new instructional tools including Cyber Cipher: Decoding Social Networks and our project-based learning module, Digital Climate Change: Texting and Tweeting Your Way to a Better World. We will also share our experiences with implementing these tools in schools and ideas that educators have shared with us along the way.
Media Literacy for Safe and Healthy Choices v2.0
Dec 8th, 4:00 - 6:30 EST
Our foundational upper-elementary curriculum has been newly updated for 2021! This evidence-based educational resource contains lessons on how media and technology shape our habits and attitudes around health and wellness while engaging students in a hands-on health fair project. New topics include vaping, infographics, reality TV, and community advocacy.
To see a full list of 2021/2022 virtual workshops, please visit
Civics programs for grades 5-12

The NH Institute for Civics Education offers engaging and interactive civics programs for Grades 5 – 12! These programs can be offered at your school or virtually and are FREE.
Working with lawyers and judges, students learn about the legal system, analyzing facts, creating arguments, and listening to and respecting others.
The programs available include:
Mock Mini-Trials for Grades 5-7
Mock Appellate Arguments for Grades 7-12 Practical Law for High School Students
For more information about any of the programs please visit: or contact Amanda Pawlik, NH Civics Program Manager at
Resources for kids and teens when a family member has Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia
Bring movement routines to your classroom!
Move One Million (M1M) is on a mission to improve physical, mental, and social health around the world. Move One Million is a 100% free service to bring movement and togetherness to the world. The goal of M1M is to move one million people every day.
M1M is a daily broadcast that includes music, movement and mindfulness all in one video! The 2.5 minute movement routine and music are the same each day and accompanied with a mindfulness activity. The M1M routine is easy to learn and is for everyone! It is a great way to start your day with your students!
You can learn more about Move One Million at You may also reach out to a local Move One Million Ambassador, Susanne Styles, an educator from Berlin Elementary School, at
NASA Citizen Science Webinars for K-12 Rural Educators
Do you want your students to make meaningful contributions to authentic NASA science? Join us for a workshop to learn about the variety of available NASA citizen science projects spanning all three scientific domains (Life, Physical, and Earth & Space). Projects can be conducted regardless of educators’ unique geographic locations and can meet the content and age-level needs of your classrooms.
Hosted by: Rachael Arens, Associate Researcher at NAU PLANETS & Michael Guarraia, Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow at NASA
When: Online, the first Thursday of each month at 8:00 PM ET
Cost: Free
November 4th special guest: Sarah Kirn, NASA Citizen Science Strategist
Sarah Kirn is the Citizen Science Strategist for NASA, based out of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) in Portland, ME. In this role, Sarah plans and hosts an ongoing series of events for the public about NASA citizen science opportunities. Sarah has held a variety of roles within GMRI, developing and leading several programs that have touched thousands of students from all over the world. Other experiences include teaching middle school as a National Science Foundation Teaching Fellow and teaching multi-week sailing courses for the Hurricane Island Outward Bound School.
Register for Nov 4th
Grant Opportunities for Education
AAUW Community Action Grants
AAUW (formerly American Association of University Women), through its Community Action Grants Program, provides funds for innovative programs that promote education and equity through projects focused on encouraging girls to select, before entering college, the physical sciences or engineering as a career. Learn more
World Series of Innovation
The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship’s (NFTE) World Series of Innovation, presented by The Moody’s Foundation, is a fun, experiential activity that allows students aged 13 to 24 to think creatively and invent new products or services that address everyday opportunities. Learn more
SmallActs North

The #SmallActs campaign is about neighbors helping neighbors and building communities where #SmallActs are a way of life.
Join in! Do something unexpected and kind for someone. Spread the word. Bring SmallActs to your classroom.
Learn more
North Country Partnership for SEL Practices
Follow NCP4SEL on Facebook for more tips, resources, and announcements.

- New services in adult education
- Online assessments for HiSet preparation
- In-person and live-online math tutoring (9th grade level and up. Available to college students as well)
Call 752-1927 or email for more information.
Opening for a part-time HiSet Examiner for the Coos AEL location. Call the office for details.
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.