B-C's Special Distance Learning Content with Complimentary Materials
In response to school closures due to COVID-19, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is making a variety of materials available to the classics community in order to ease the transition to distance learning. Please see our new Distance Learning page to freely access downloadable packets of fair use excerpts from our books as well as some fun mythology-related activities.
Congratulations to the Women’s Classical Conference
Alaskan teen renders Gilgamesh in rap.
Jackie Kennedy enjoys Greece in the summer.
Joan Diener and Yul Brynner. Photos in Public Domain courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
The musical Odyssey experienced money problems on its try-outs run to Broadway. Sadly, once on the Great White Way, renamed Home Sweet Homer, it closed after one performance. Yul Brynner and Joan Diener starred. Check out Diener singing “He Will Come Home Again.”
Classics-Themed Ads:
Check out University of Michigan classical art and archaeology grad student Theo Nash’s tweet on omicron contractions. |
Winter/Spring 2022 Webinars
Celebrating a Decade of Complimentary Professional Development
The following is a partial schedule. We plan to add two webinars for later in the spring.
Tuesday, February 8, 2022, 6:00–7:00 pm ET Technologies of Control: Violence against the Enslaved in Ancient Rome Presenter: John Gruber-Miller, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA
A number of publications have criticized the motif of the “happy slave” in antiquity. This presentation is meant to provide a corrective to that representation and take a deeper look at the evidence for how the enslaved experienced “social death” (Patterson). As Kamen (2010), Trimble (2016), and others have pointed out, Roman slaveholders used a variety of ways to control slaves: surveillance, restraint, and loss of bodily integrity—workhouses, slave collars, brandings, tattoos, and scars. This presentation will lead participants through a sampling of the material and textual evidence for technologies used by slaveholders to control slaves’ bodies and to assert their ownership. Furthermore, Gruber-Miller will suggest an approach for exploring the radically different perspectives of the slaveholder and the enslaved. Warning: this presentation will show potentially disturbing images and discuss difficult topics of confining, branding, whipping, and scarring human beings without their consent.
John Gruber-Miller, Edwin R. and Mary E. Mason Professor of Languages at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, IA, teaches a range of courses in classics, Greek, and Latin and is the advisor for Cornell's interdisciplinary classical studies program. Gruber-Miller is the editor of the book When Dead Tongues Speak: Teaching Beginning Greek and Latin (Oxford University Press, 2006) and the author of the online educational site, Ariadne: Resources for Athenaze. He was the founding editor of Teaching Classical Languages, a peer-reviewed, online journal dedicated to Latin and Greek pedagogy. His latest project is Imagining Ancient Corinth: An Introduction to Greek Literature and Culture, designed for intermediate Greek students. Gruber-Miller earned an Honors AB from Xavier University and his MA and PhD from The Ohio State University. He serves on the board of directors of the Society for Classical Studies and on the editorial board of the Dickinson Commentaries. He served as vice president of the American Classical League. He also served on the CAMWS Executive Committee, the SCS Committee on Education, and the ACL/SCS Task Force for the Revision of the Standards for Classical Language Learning, and the ACL/APA Joint Task Force on Latin Teacher Preparation. His awards include Excellence in the Teaching of Classics at the College Level, American Philological Association and a CAMWS Ovatio for distinguished service and leadership.
Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 6:00–7:00 pm ET The Author’s Insights into Developing Novellas about Roman Theater Presenter: Christopher Bungard, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN
Roman comedy scholar Christopher Bungard will share his ideas for developing a series of novellas that explore the world of Roman theater. Bungard’s first novella in a series of four, We’re Going to the Show: Adīmus ad Lūdōs, will arrive later this spring. As part of Bolchazy-Carducci’s Encounter Latin novella series, these theater novellas are designed to engage and delight novice and intermediate Latin learners with comprehensible stories written entirely in Latin. Bungard will also share his insights into the creation of Ludī Scaenicī, his contribution to the Explore Latin series. This “pre-reader” series provides novice Latin learners with short, nonfiction texts on a range of subjects related to the ancient world.
Christopher Bungard hails from the Buckeye State, where he earned a BA from Denison University and both his MA and PhD at The Ohio State University. He is a Professor of Classical Studies at Butler University in Indianapolis, where he has taught a range of Latin author courses and classes in translation on ancient law and ancient drama since 2008. He also serves the university as Assistant Director of Faculty Development. Dr. Bungard's research looks broadly at humor and theater from the ancient world. He has published on laughter in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes as well as several articles in English and Italian on the role of clever slaves in the comedies of the second century BCE playwright Plautus. He is also interested in the ways that ancient theater continues to speak to the modern world, such as the enduring themes of Medea's story, connecting her experience with music in the modern world. His interest in humor stems from its ability to encourage us to think about gaps in a world that we may think is perfectly whole. Humor exposes our values and prejudices, and it allows us to find alternatives when discussions founder along the lines of beliefs that may seem “natural” and “normal.” He teaches a broad range of Latin author courses as well as classes in translation on ancient drama, ancient law, and epic poetry. A National Endowment for the Humanities grant resulted in the development of the first year seminar, “Why Is It Funny?”
Professor Bungard’s contribution to B-C’s Explore Latin series, Ludī Scaenicī, launched this past fall. The first title in his Encounter Latin series for B-C, We’re Going to the Show: Adīmus ad Lūdōs will be available this spring. Watch for an announcement on social media and in eLitterae.
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to provide complimentary webinars on a variety of subjects, especially pedagogical, of interest to classicists. Some webinars are geared to the Latin for the New Millennium program and to topics generated by the AP* Latin curriculum.
Read eLitterae or follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the announcement of our winter/spring series of free webinars. Please note: The Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers Webinar Program is intended to be a live interactive endeavor in which presenter and attendees ask questions, make comments, seek clarification, share examples, etc. Thus, by design and in order to protect the presenter’s intellectual property, B-C does not make recordings available to non-attendees. B-C encourages those interested in a given topic or presenter to plan to attend the live webinar. If you have suggestions for webinars, please contact Don Sprague.
What Equipment Do I Need for B-C Webinars?
To participate in Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers sponsored webinars you will need high-speed internet access, computer speakers/headphones, current web browser, and the link to the webinar virtual meeting space, which is provided in your webinar invitation. Webinars Make for User-Friendly Professional Development
Participation is free. All webinars provide opportunity for participants to ask questions. Learn lots—attend as many presentations as you can. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers provides documentation for your participation. You can share this with your supervisors. Many webinar presenters provide handouts, etc.
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers provides eTextbooks on a variety of eBook platforms. Bolchazy-Carducci textbooks are available through VitalSource, GooglePlay, Chegg, RedShelf, Adams Book, Follett, MBSDirect Digital, and ESCO. Each eBook platform offers a variety of tools to enhance the learning process. eBooks have the same content as our traditional books in print.
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The most recent addition to the blog includes tips on incorporating 3-D printing projects, including Latin inscription cookies, into the Latin classroom.
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From our chilly offices in Wauconda, IL, and from my chilly home in Augusta, ME, all of us at Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers wish you and your families, and your students and their families, all the best in 2022.
We sincerely hope that the omicron variant will peak soon and the spring will see us return again to some normalcy. We were disappointed that COVID’s omicron forced the annual joint meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society for Classical Studies to go fully virtual. Indeed, we had looked forward to catching up with our colleagues at the meeting scheduled for San Francisco. Sadly, the last in-person conference we attended was AIA/SCS 2020! Let us hope this was the last of the virtual conferences!
Speaking of omicron, doesn’t it drive you crazy to hear the word mispronounced by so many broadcasters, reporters, and newscaster? Dr. Fauci, thanks to his high school Greek studies at Regis Jesuit in New York City and his classics major at College of the Holy Cross, pronounces omicron correctly. This reminds me of my former student Thaddeus Lisowski who, one day in Honors Greek I/II, noted that omicron was “little o” and omega “big o.” That was a wow moment. I had never thought of that nor had anyone else pointed it out. Thaddeus went on to major in classics at Harvard, earn a PhD in comparative literature at Berkeley, and become a much beloved teacher at Head-Royce School in Oakland, CA.
ο vs. ω
This anecdote is a warm reminder of how our students teach us and help us see things differently. And, how some students choose to continue to enrich our lives years beyond the classroom. Such, to my delight, has been the case with Thaddeus. Two of the joys of teaching!
May your students bring you some “wow” moments this semester!
All good wishes,
Don Sprague
Executive Editor
Teaching Tip: A Latin Story to Accompany Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1, Review 4
This is the fourth in a series of stories to accompany each of the reviews in LNM 1. While complementary to LNM, the stories can serve all first-year Latin students.
This story recounts the night of the fall of the famed city of Troy through the perspective of Andromache, the wife of Hector, a prince of Troy.
A Russian painting from the eighteenth century by Anton Losenko shows Hector, a prince of Troy, bidding farewell to his wife, Andromache, and his young son, Astyanax. Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain.
Andromache Mihi nōmen est Andromachē. Eram fēmīna celeber. Ego fīlium, nōmine Astyanactem, cūrābam et amābam.
Nōs in urbe Trōiā habitābāmus. Decem annōs, Trōiānī contrā Graecōs bellum gerēbant. Nostrī mīlitēs prō vīribus contrā Graecōs pugnābānt. Graecī hostēs fortēs et crūdēlēs erant. Graecī fēminam, nōmine Helenam, capere cupiēbant. Quod erat tantum perīculum, paucī Trōiānī vim hostium nōn timēbant.
Ego magnō dolōre movēbar. Meus Hector mīles fortis et celeber erat; similis Herculī erat. Mīles Graecus, nōmine Achillēs, Hectorem meum marītum occīdit.
Quādam nocte Graecī prope moenia nostra nōvum et magnum equum nōbīs posuērunt. Equus ligneus dōnum deae Minervae erat, sed nōs fēlīcēs nōn erāmus.
Subitō Graecī ex equō urbem intrāvērunt. Armātī Graecī urbem nostram ardēbant et dēlēbant. Illā nocte nostra urbs Trōia in flammīs erat. Nōs fūgere nōn poterāmus. Ā dextrā sinistrā que Graecī nōs occidēbant.
Ego magnō timōre movēbar quod prope rēgiam multōs celebrōs et acrōs Graecōs cōnspiciēbam. Ulixēs per urbem mīlitēs agēbat. Agamemmnon et Menelaus multōs Trōiānōs occidēbant. Neoptolemus, fīlius Achillis, magnā īrā movēbātur quod Paris, frāter Hectōris, patrem occīdit.
Ignis urbem meam cōnsumēbat. Neoptolemus meum fīlium, Astyanactem, cēpit. Fīlium mihi ostendēbat et “Paris,” inquit, “ meum patrem ad Orcum mīsit; ego tuum fīlium ad Orcum mittō.”
Ego magnō dolōre movēbar quod Graecī fīlium et marītum occīdērunt. Neoptolemus mē nec occīdēbat nec relinquēbat. Ego fūgere nōn poteram quod acer mīlēs mē captīvam cēpit. Vocabula Nova:
decem annōs – for ten years marītus, marītī, m. – husband occīdit – killed quādam nocte – one night moenia, moenium, n. – walls posuērunt – put, placed ligneus, lignea, ligneum – wooden intrāvērunt – entered sinister, sinistra, sinistrum – left rēgia, rēgiae, f. – palace frāter, frātris, m. – brother pater, patris, m. – father cēpit – took ad Orcum – to the Underworld mīsit – sent occīdērunt – killed
Editor’s Note: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to provide this Latin story for Latin teacher subscribers to use with their own classes only. The PDF version includes a full color illustration and caption.
About the AuthorEmma Vanderpool has taught Latin at the university, middle school, and high school levels—currently at the Springfield Honors Academy in Massachusetts. Vanderpool earned her Bachelor of Arts in Latin, Classics, and History from Monmouth College in Illinois and her Master of Arts in Teaching Classical Humanities from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. She serves as a state rep for CANE, as an executive board member of Ascanius, and as an organizer for Our Voices and Lupercal. Vanderpool is the recipient of a Distinguished Teaching Award from UMASS Amherst and was honored as the Lincoln Laureate for Monmouth College. She has self-published ten novellae. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to have had Vanderpool launch our novella series with Explore Latin: Aves and the first two titles for the Encounter Latin series— Augury is for the Birds: Marcus de Avibus Discit and Under His Father's Wing: Marcus de Auguribus Discit.
Content by Emma Vanderpool
Latin for the New Millennium ©2022 Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
Teaching Tips & Resources
► Social Justice
• National Museum of African art commits to repatriation.
• Artifacts returned to Italy.
• British paper calls for return of the Parthenon marbles.
The hall of the Parthenon marbles housed at the British Museum, London. Photo by Andrew Dunn, Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 2.0.
• As student, Boris Johnson called for return of the Parthenon marbles.
• Will Britain join its peers and undertake repatriation?
• How did the “Elgin” marbles end up in England?
► Res Romanae
• Badger discovers trove of Roman coins in Spain!
• Bronze military diploma uncovered.
• Work on Rome’s water system brings Roman finds including a dog statue to light.
• How the Romans “went to the bathroom.”
• More on the Iliad mosaic in Leicestershire.
• Temple of Hercules found in Spain?
• Italy bans proposed McDonald’s drive-through at the Baths of Caracalla.
Panoramic view of Rome’s Baths of Caracalla. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 2.0.
• Large Roman trading settlement discovered in England.
► Res Aegypticae
• Study of Egyptian artists’ relief carving.
• Long lost 4,500-year-old temple found in Egypt.
• Mummified pharaohs reveal secrets.
• Visualizing the animals mummified by the Egyptians.
• DNA provides insights into Nile Valley past.
• Atribis yields thousands of inscribed sherds.
► Res Hellenicae
• Exhibits illustrates importance of horse in ancient Athens. Check out the hybrid lecture series.
• Rare Greek island horse breed endangered.
• Join the American School of Classical Studies at Athens on a tour of ancient Olympia via Assassin's Creed.
A view of the treasuries at Olympia. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 4.0.
• Central courtyard of the Minoan palace at Zominthos is excavated.
• Neapolitan necropolis reveals long influence of ancient Greece.
• An inside view of fascinating forgeries.
► Res Aliae
• Swiss cheese dates from the Iron Age.
Le Gruyère AOP Réserve must be aged for a minimum of eighteen months. Photo by Ailura, Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 3.0.
• Game from 4,000 years ago found in Oman.
• Finds challenge thinking about earliest agriculture.
• Christian ring found in third-century shipwreck.
• The splendor of early medieval Britain.
• An ancient civilization loses love of gold for 700 years!
• Synagogue found in town that is traditionally believed to be Mary Magdalene’s.
• Spoils of war seized by Jewish rebels?
• Archaeology, the Old Testament, and historical accuracy.
• New insights on trade between Vikings and Islamic Middle East.
• DNA details migrations into Bronze Age Britain.
• Inscription on Etruscan helmet evokes scholars’ speculation.
• Significance of earliest female infant burial.
• 8,500-year-old statue found at Neolithic site.
• 99 fascinating finds of 2021.
• Ostrich shell beads reveal 50,000-year-old social network in Africa.
• Rare African script offers clues to language development.
2022 Classics Conferences and Meetings
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to be exhibiting in-person or virtually at these conferences of the new academic year.
CAMWS—Classical Association of the Middle West and South118th Annual Meeting at the Invitation of Wake Forest University Marriott Winston-Salem, Winston-Salem, NC March 23–26, 2022 B-C Representatives: Bridget Dean and Amelia Wallace
CANE—Classical Association of New England 116th Annual MeetingUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA April 8–9, 2022 B-C Representative: Donald Sprague
ICMS—International Congress on Medieval Studies57th Congress will take place online May 9–14, 2022 Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers will participate in the Virtual Exhibit Hall.
ACL—American Classical LeagueDiamond Jubilee InstituteCollege of Charleston, Charleston, SC June 24–26, 2022 B-C Representatives: Bridget Dean and Donald Sprague
NJCL—National Junior Classical League2022 NJCL ConventionUniversity of Louisiana, Lafayette, Lafayette, LA July 24–29, 2022 Cantantes licet usque (minus via laedit) eamus. Let us go singing as far as we go—the road will be less tedious. Vergil, Eclogues 9.64 B-C Representatives: Donald Sprague and Amelia Wallace |
Important Dates & Deadlines Classics Exams 2021–2022
Lumina for Caesar and Vergil
 Thinking about ways to review for the AP Latin Exam? Developed by veteran AP Latin instructor, Patrick Yaggy, Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections is a comprehensive set of exercises carefully modeled on the AP Latin exam. Check out this resource—priced to be student-friendly!
Please be aware of an update to the All Vergil Mock Exam. We have made several minor corrections to both the student exam and the answer key. Access the new version through the original link sent containing all exam content. Simply redownload the file named Bolchazy-CarducciLuminaAP.MOCKEXAM(allVergil).
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Bolchazy-Carducci's New Novella Series: Great Gifts for the Young Latin Learner in Your Life
Don’t miss the latest Explore Latin title.