B-C's Special Distance Learning Content with Complimentary Materials
In response to school closures due to COVID-19, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is making a variety of materials available to the classics community in order to ease the transition to distance learning. Please see our new Distance Learning page to freely access downloadable packets of fair use excerpts from our books as well as some fun mythology-related activities.
The ever-intriguing garum—from ancient Rome to new Nordic. Garum, photo of mosaic from the villa of Aulus Umbricius Scaurus, Pompeii: G(ari) F(los) SCOM(bri) SCAURI EX OFFI(ci)NA SCAURI. “The flower of garum, made of the mackerel, a product of Scaurus, from the shop of Scaurus.” The house decoration included four mosaics of amphorae promoting Scaurus’s garum production.
A chunk of feta cheese. Photo by JJ Harrison. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 2.5.
Important Dates & Deadlines Classics Exams 2021–2022
Nostos (“Return”) deadline: March 15, 2022 postmark
Registration: September 1, 2020 - March 15, 2021 Submission Deadline: March 15, 2021 - April 15, 2021
NB: Awaiting updates.
Winter/Spring 2022 Webinars
Celebrating a Decade of Complimentary Professional Development
Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 6:00–7:00 pm ET
The Author’s Insights into Developing Novellas about Roman Theater
Presenter: Christopher Bungard, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN
Roman comedy scholar Christopher Bungard will share his ideas for developing a series of novellas that explore the world of Roman theater. Bungard’s first novella in a series of four, We’re Going to the Show: Adīmus ad Lūdōs, will arrive later this spring. As part of Bolchazy-Carducci’s Encounter Latin novella series, these theater novellas are designed to engage and delight novice and intermediate Latin learners with comprehensible stories written entirely in Latin. Bungard will also share his insights into the creation of Ludī Scaenicī, his contribution to the Explore Latin series. This “pre-reader” series provides novice Latin learners with short, nonfiction texts on a range of subjects related to the ancient world.
Christopher Bungard hails from the Buckeye State, where he earned a BA from Denison University and both his MA and PhD at The Ohio State University. He is a Professor of Classical Studies at Butler University in Indianapolis, where he has taught a range of Latin author courses and classes in translation on ancient law and ancient drama since 2008. He also serves the university as Assistant Director of Faculty Development. Dr. Bungard's research looks broadly at humor and theater from the ancient world. He has published on laughter in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes as well as several articles in English and Italian on the role of clever slaves in the comedies of the second century BCE playwright Plautus. He is also interested in the ways that ancient theater continues to speak to the modern world, such as the enduring themes of Medea's story, connecting her experience with music in the modern world. His interest in humor stems from its ability to encourage us to think about gaps in a world that we may think is perfectly whole. Humor exposes our values and prejudices, and it allows us to find alternatives when discussions founder along the lines of beliefs that may seem “natural” and “normal.” He teaches a broad range of Latin author courses as well as classes in translation on ancient drama, ancient law, and epic poetry. A National Endowment for the Humanities grant resulted in the development of the first year seminar, “Why Is It Funny?”
Professor Bungard’s contribution to B-C’s Explore Latin series, Ludī Scaenicī, launched this past fall. The first title in his Encounter Latin series for B-C, We’re Going to the Show: Adīmus ad Lūdōs will be available this spring. Watch for an announcement on social media and in eLitterae.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 6:00–7:00 pm ET (5:00–6:00 pm CT)
Exploring Constructed Languages Based on Latin
Presenter: Amelia Wallace, editor, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
Latin remained an important bridge (or “international auxiliary”) language in much of Europe centuries after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Through the Renaissance and beyond, it continued to be an important international language of scholarship. However, due to a number of historical and social trends, Latin began to lose its universal appeal beginning in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In response to the perceived flaws of Latin (whether practical or theoretical), a number of scientists, philosophers, and linguists began developing their own artificial languages. From Hildegard von Bingen, who hoped to use language to better know the divine, to L. L. Zamenhof , who desired to bring about world peace with Esperanto, these constructors of artificial languages in some ways hoped that their languages could surpass Latin. Nevertheless, they often relied on Latin or Latinate vocabulary in constructing their languages—Latin, it turns out, is a hard language to get away from.
This presentation will explore how Latin influenced constructed languages throughout European history, touching on the vocabulary and grammar of some of these languages. Ways to bring these “conlangs” into the secondary classroom will also be addressed.
Amelia Wallace, received her MAT in Latin and Classical Humanities from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and her BA in Classical Civilizations from the University of Michigan. Prior to joining Bolchazy-Carducci in 2018, she taught Latin at the middle school, high school, and university levels, in addition to tutoring students of all ages. Wallace pursues a variety of topics in classics and keeps up to date on developments in classics pedagogy.
Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 6:00–7:00 pm ET (5:00–6:00 pm CT)
Greece & India, China & Rome: at the Crossroads of the Ancient World
Presenter: Georgia Irby, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
In this webinar, Professor Irby discusses the relationships and contacts between the west and east of the ancient world. Drawing on both material and literary culture, she explores Greek and Roman knowledge of and interactions with India, China, and Sri Lanka. Long-distance exchange was complex, from commercial links (along the Erythraean Sea and the Silk Road) to philosophical cross-pollination and diplomatic embassies. Greek and Roman thinkers were fascinated by the peoples at the edges of their world, and they understood these distant peoples imperfectly, giving rise to utopias, dystopias, and fanciful hybrid-folk.
Georgia Irby, Professor of Classical Studies, has broad research interests including the history of Greek and Roman science. She received her PhD in Classical Philology from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She has co-authored a Latin textbook, edited a two-volume History of Science and Technology in the ancient world, and has published on Greek mythology, Roman military religion, and Roman military medicine. Two of her recent books, Conceptions of the Watery World in Greco-Roman Antiquity and Using and Conquering the Watery World in Greco-Roman Antiquity (Bloomsbury, 2021), stem from her COLL 100 course, “Why Water Matters.” In the class and the books, she explores water as a focus of engagement with the natural environment in the ancient world, including physics, infrastructure (e.g., aqueducts), medicine, mythology, religion, and more. In a recent monograph Epic Echoes in The Wind and the Willows (Routledge, 2021), she investigates Kenneth Grahame's engagement with classical literature, especially the themes and imagery of the Iliad and Odyssey. Together with a number of smaller projects (including articles on sea monsters and on environmental history), she is currently working on a translation and commentary of the Hispano-Roman geographical writer Pomponius Mela. She is also the editor of the Classical Journal, one of the premier journals of the field. Her talk today stems from her work in ancient geography and cartography.
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to provide complimentary webinars on a variety of subjects, especially pedagogical, of interest to classicists. Some webinars are geared to the Latin for the New Millennium program and to topics generated by the AP* Latin curriculum.
Read eLitterae or follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the announcement of our winter/spring series of free webinars. Please note: The Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers Webinar Program is intended to be a live interactive endeavor in which presenter and attendees ask questions, make comments, seek clarification, share examples, etc. Thus, by design and in order to protect the presenter’s intellectual property, B-C does not make recordings available to non-attendees. B-C encourages those interested in a given topic or presenter to plan to attend the live webinar. If you have suggestions for webinars, please contact Don Sprague.
What Equipment Do I Need for B-C Webinars?
To participate in Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers sponsored webinars you will need high-speed internet access, computer speakers/headphones, current web browser, and the link to the webinar virtual meeting space, which is provided in your webinar invitation. Webinars Make for User-Friendly Professional Development
Participation is free. All webinars provide opportunity for participants to ask questions. Learn lots—attend as many presentations as you can. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers provides documentation for your participation. You can share this with your supervisors. Many webinar presenters provide handouts, etc.
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Dear Colleagues,
Allow me to share a set of reflections in this month’s note. Seemingly random, they are all related by our common interest in classics.
Throughout these months of the pandemic, the laptop has become a two-edged sword—the source of much information and a connection to friends far and wide and the source of digital and zoom fatigue as well. However, the appearance of several FB mainstays has been the source of intermittent joy. Chief among these has been postings of current doings from the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome
My time at the Centro in the fall of 1975 was a watershed experience. Until that semester, when the city course and curriculum was inaugurated under the direction of Princeton’s Art Hanson, Duke’s Peter Burian, and my mentor from Williams, John Stambaugh, my study of Latin and Greek at Boston College High and Williams was pretty much a literary one. The Centro opened me to the wondrous world of material culture and auditing the Italian Renaissance art history class taught by Wheaton’s Deborah Stott instilled a lifelong love of art history. Over the years, I have been pleased to have many of my classics students do the Centro program.
I strongly encourage you to learn about the Centro in Rome if it’s not familiar and especially urge you to recommend it to your students who study the classics in college. Next year, the curriculum will include a visit to Roman sites in southern France. How exciting!
The frenzy about Super Bowl LVI spurred this classicist to think of Cincinnatus. And that reminded me that I had taken photographs and notes about the War Memorial Park in Augusta, Maine, for some future editor’s note. As you see, the memorial recalls the citizen soldier Cincinnatus as a model for civilians from agrarian Maine who served the Union during the Civil War.
The Civil War Memorial was designed by Maurice J. Power of New York and was erected in November, 1881. Constructed of Hallowell granite, it reaches a towering forty-five feet. The monument is topped with a bronze figure based on Nike, the Greek goddess of Victory. The base bears the names of 36 officers and 120 enlisted men from Augusta who served in the Civil War.

On the top, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a mid-fifteenth-century bronze plaquette by Filarete (Antonio di Pietro Averlino, c. 1400–c. 1469), entitled “Cincinnatus at the Plough.” On the bottom, from Cincinnati’s Sawyer Point Park Bicentennial Commons, Cincinnatus is depicted giving back the fasces, having defeated the Aequians and rescued the Roman army, and holding the plow as he returns to life as a citizen farmer. The bronze statue sculpted by Eleftherios Karkadoulias and assistants Mercene Karkadoulias and Anitsa Zalants in 1982 was dedicated in 1988. Right photo, Wikimedia Commons, Open Access. Bottom photo by Chris Light, Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 4.0.
And now, may I draw your attention to three items in this month’s eLitterae. First, please check out the post about Martia Dementia 2022, created by my multitalented colleague, Amelia Wallace. Do encourage your students to enter the contest. In the teaching tips, we provide Valerius Maximus’s Latin account of Caesar’s death as a complimentary download for use with your classes. In the same section, under social justice, I’m sure you’ll find the story of Emeritus Professor Z. Philip Ambrose’s gift to the classics department at the University of Vermont as heartwarming as I did.
All of us at Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers wish you a great month!
All best,
Don Sprague
Executive Editor
Teaching Tip: A Latin Story to Accompany Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1, Review 5
This is the fifth in a series of stories to accompany each of the reviews in LNM 1. While complementary to LNM, the stories can serve all first-year Latin students.
This story retells the competition between Minerva, the goddess of art and wisdom, and Neptune, the god of the sea, as they compete to be a civic patron. The people of Greece would give gifts and sacrifices to a patron god or goddess in exchange for protection and blessings. Minerva and Neptune set their eyes on an up and coming city on the sea but leave it up to the inhabitants to decide which of them will care for the city.
The artist René-Antoine Houasse (1645–1710) used the Roman names for the gods when he titled this painting from 1689 Dispute between Minerva and Neptune over the Naming of the City of Athens. He depicts Neptune and Minerva competing before the gods to be the patron and namesake of the city. Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain.
Minerva et Neptūnus Erat urbs parva atque pulchra prope mare. Virī et fēminae rūsticī erant sed cupiēbant esse dīvitēs. Cupiēbant habēre patrōnum, quī urbem servābat.
Omnēs hominēs urbis conveniēbant. Duo deī ante hominēs stābant. Erant Minerva, dea docta, et Neptūnus, deus maris. Erat argūmentum magnum. Minerva enim patrōna esse cupiēbat quod in urbe erant doctī hominēs. Neptūnus patrōnus esse cupiēbat quod urbs prope mare erat.
Minerva dōnum arborem dedit. “Ecce!” Minerva inquit, “In arbore ōlivae sunt! Ego patrōna vestra erō! Vestram urbem nōn neglegam!” Mox omnēs laetī erant quod ōlivās comedēbant.
“Ecce!” Neptūnus respondēbat, “Ego habeō nōn tantum ūnum dōnum sed etiam dua! Ego patrōnus vester erō!”
Deus dōnum equum dedit. Virī laetī erant. Ab urbe discēdere atque in bellum equōs dūcere poterant. Neptūnus tum fontem magnum dedit, ā quō aqua fluēbat. Hominēs autem aquam nōlēbant quod aqua salsa erat.
Erat difficile argūmentum. Aliī cupiēbant Minervam patrōnam, aliī Neptūnum. Quod virī et fēminae aliter putābant, volēbant deōs mittere iūdicem.
Iuppiter, rēx deōrum, nōlēbat sanguinem flūere in urbe. Nōlēbat habēre odium inter Minervam et Neptūnum. Iuppiter iam iūdex erat quia parēns Minervae et Neptūnī erat. “Vōs,” Iuppiter inquit, “in urbe dīvitēs eritis quia ōlivās habēbitis!” Iuppiter Minervam patrōnam urbis fēcit.
Haec urbs Athēnae erat quia nōmen Graecum Minervae erat Athēna. Vocabula Nova:
patrōnus, patrōnī, m. – patron dedit – gave ōliva, ōlivae, f. – olive
patrōna, patrōnae, f. – patroness, female patron laetus, laeta, laetum – happy fōns, fontis, m. – fountain salsus, salsa, salsum – salty aliī . . . aliī – some . . . others aliter (adv.) – differently inter + accusative – between, among fēcit – made Graecus, Graeca, Graecum – Greek
Editor’s Note: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to provide this Latin story for Latin teacher subscribers to use with their own classes only. The PDF version includes a full color illustration and caption.
About the AuthorEmma Vanderpool has taught Latin at the university, middle school, and high school levels—currently at the Springfield Honors Academy in Massachusetts. Vanderpool earned her Bachelor of Arts in Latin, Classics, and History from Monmouth College in Illinois and her Master of Arts in Teaching Classical Humanities from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. She serves as a state rep for CANE, as an executive board member of Ascanius, and as an organizer for Our Voices and Lupercal. Vanderpool is the recipient of a Distinguished Teaching Award from UMASS Amherst and was honored as the Lincoln Laureate for Monmouth College. She has self-published ten novellae. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to have had Vanderpool launch our novella series with Explore Latin: Aves and the first two titles for the Encounter Latin series— Augury is for the Birds: Marcus de Avibus Discit and Under His Father's Wing: Marcus de Auguribus Discit.
Content by Emma Vanderpool
Latin for the New Millennium ©2022 Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
Instructors praise LUMINA—B-C’s new interactive learning program
Available to accompany AP Latin Caesar and Vergil Selections—a splendid tool for AP* Exam review!
 Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is thrilled with the very positive response from students and instructors alike about this Lumina content: online exercises to accompany the Caesar and Vergil selections on the AP Latin syllabus! With its comprehensive, completely original content, Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections is a perfect complement to Bolchazy-Carducci's print and eBook resources for AP Latin. Better yet, Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections works on any internet-enabled device! Features
• Hundreds of automatically-graded multiple choice questions promote close reading of all syllabus selections and provide students with immediate feedback
• Veteran AP Latin teacher Patrick Yaggy has carefully constructed Lumina to model the formatting, terminology, and question-type frequency of the AP Latin exam.
• Multiple choice questions cover every single line of Caesar and Vergil in the AP Latin syllabus.
• Copious AP-style free response questions ensure that students develop the necessary skills to thoroughly analyze and respond to all passages on the syllabus
• Thorough practice exams prepare students for the format of the AP Latin exam
• Vocabulary and figures of speech flashcards allow for additional review.
The current version reflects additions and revisions, as well as some corrections, made in response to student and teacher feedback. An ideal learning tool, for online or in person classes, that provides exceptional AP Exam prep! To learn more, visit the Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections product page and watch the overview video.
Contact lumina@bolchazy.com to schedule an online demonstration.
NB: B-C has also developed Lumina for Latin for the New Millennium, Levels 1 and 2 and for the online self-learning program Artes Latinae, Levels 1 and 2.
Diffugere nives, redeunt iam gramina campis arboribusque comae.
The snows have fled, now the grass returns to the fields and the leaves to the trees. (Horace, 4.7.1–2)
As we emerge from the cold, snowy days of winter, we not only encounter the greenery and renewal that springtime heralds: we also embark on our yearly Martia Dementia celebrations, now in their eighth year! In 2021, the best military commanders of the ancient world met their match in competition with birds. Shockingly, the birds emerged triumphant, and the immortal phoenix took (and perhaps burned to ashes) the laurel wreath. This year, the birds are back and ready to flaunt their fearlessness. Their challengers? Ancient Greek and Roman writers, in part inspired by our newest Explore Latin reader on theater and comedy! In Explore Latin: Lūdī Scaenicī by Christopher Bungard, information is presented about playwrights and poets like Menander, Livius Andronicus, Ennius, Plautus, and Terence. These authors, and many more, will now have to prove their Martia Dementia mettle.
To the victor—whoever finishes with the best bracket—belong the spoils. Before getting to the prizes, here is how the competition will work. Please read through the process carefully: this year we will continue to use an online bracket and voting system. For reference, we are providing a PDF of the bracket that you can use with your classes, but be sure to submit your final choices via the online system.
The Bracket Starting today, complete and submit a bracket to be eligible for wondrous prizes. Please access and submit your bracket online via the following link: Martia Dementia 2022 Bracket.
When you access the online Martia Dementia bracket, click the “Submit your bracket!” button to start making your selections. You will be prompted to enter your name and email address; we need this information so that we can track and notify the winners of the competition once Martia Dementia is completed. After signing up, you will be asked to predict a winner for each game in the bracket.
At the bottom of this post, you will find a link to a PDF showing short descriptions of each of this year’s Martia Dementia participants. You can access the same descriptions by clicking on the photo of a given figure in the bracket.
Once you have completed all of your selections and have submitted your bracket, you will receive a notice thanking you for your submission:
If you would like to view your prediction bracket, simply click on the link to “View My Prediction.” We recommend saving a copy of your bracket at this point so that you can keep track of how you are doing as the competition progresses. With our online submission system, you can also easily share your prediction bracket via email or social media—a great way to show off how you’re doing, or earn some pity points if your bracket is going poorly.
We are also providing a PDF copy of the bracket here (for reference only) in case you would like to print a copy of the bracket and fill one in with your class. However, we are not accepting scanned brackets this year, so make sure that you also submit the bracket online.
Brackets will be accepted through March 16.
The Survey A voting survey will be made available on March 17, where you can vote for your picks. Whichever figures have the most votes by the time the survey closes will advance through the round. Actively participating in the survey betters your chances at winning. We will announce via social media when voting for each round has opened.
We cannot stress enough the importance of voting. When the survey goes live, cast your votes! Get your friends to vote for your picks. Teachers, get your students to stuff the survey with favorable votes!
Victori Spolia This competition is not solely for bringing glory to your favorite ancient writer or bird. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is offering book prizes for the brackets that most closely resemble the final results; a $100 book credit will be awarded to the first-place participant, a $50 credit to the second-place participant, and a $25 credit to the third-place participant. Feeling like you no longer stand a chance? Do not give up! There will also be a $25 credit for having the most abysmal bracket!
Stay ConnectedBe sure to bookmark this post and check back here to access the link to the voting bracket. Also, follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates as the competition progresses.
Remember, brackets close March 16, and the first round of voting will begin March 17.
Bracket and Other Resources • Access the online bracket
Voting Schedule: • Round 1: March 17–18 • Round 2: March 19–22 • Round 3 (Sweet 16): March 24–25 • Quarterfinals (Elite 8): March 26–29 • Semifinals (Final 4): March 31–April 1 • Final (Championship): April 4–6
Note that each round of voting will open at 7:30 a.m. central time and close at 4:00 p.m. central time on the designated days.
Teaching Tips & Resources
► Some Special Items
• Check out the latest issue of The Haley. In this issue of The Haley, articles discuss Roman spolia, grief in the Iliad, Africana receptions, and more. The Haley Classical Journal is a peer-reviewed undergraduate research journal.
• Bolchazy-Carducci’s complimentary Distance Learning Content includes Valerius Maximus Facta et Dicta Memorābilia (Memorable Deeds and Sayings) 4.5.6 on the death of Caesar. Ideal for intermediate Latin students, this selection is excerpted from Caesar: A LEGAMUS Transitional Reader.
• Lessons learned from Harvard Latin prose composition course.
► Social Justice
• University of Texas presentation February 17, 2022: (DEAD) LANGUAGE MATTERS!: Practical DEI in Latin Classrooms
• Catalan opera draws on Greek myth to address refugee issues.
• Phillis Wheatley surpasses expectations.
Frontispiece with Wheatley’s portrait and title page of Poems on various subjects, religious and moral. Now in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University, the book was printed in London for A. Bell, bookseller, Aldgate; and sold by Messrs. Cox and Berry, King-street, Boston. 1773. Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain.
• Another view of the study of classics.
• A Brit discusses “what is classics?”
• China and the classics.
• African American classicist John Wesley Gilbert.
• Reunifying the Parthenon marbles.
• Good news for classics at the University of Vermont.
► Res Romanae
• Stunning Roman glass bowl found in the Netherlands.
• Roman fort discovered near Amsterdam.
• Roman port-o-potty?
• A Roman latrine travelogue.
• Decapitated skeletons found in Roman cemetery.
• Last gladiator arena ever built?
• Roman trading post in Northamptonshire.
• A short inventory of Roman inventions.
• Roman DNA rewrites history?
• Short film takes flight over ancient Rome.
► Res Aegypticae
• Join immersive celebration of Ramses II.
• Scientists study Egyptian pregnancy.
• Egyptian ostraca redux.
• Nihil novum sub sole—recalcitrant pupils in ancient Egypt write lines as punishment!
• Sphinxes found at Luxor.
► Res Hellenicae
• A resurrected Greek theater!
• Greek helmets from naval battle of 2,500 years ago.
• Lion bones found in Europe.
The famous Lion Gate entrance to Mycenae, Greece. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 4.0.
► Res Aliae
• A new view of the tree of Indo-European and Finno-Uralic languages.
• Secondary school study inspires recreation of Tyrian purple.
• Ancient toilet in Jerusalem documents intestinal troubles.
• Ancient highways in Arabia.
• Coyote man sculpture recovered in Mexico.
• Location of ancient Maya sacred cacao groves discovered.
• Buddhist temple dating from the second or third century BCE found in Pakistan.
• Age of oldest human fossil in Africa is even older.
• Significance of ostrich beads in Africa.
• Stunning prehistoric sculpture found in UK.
• Ancient drinking straws for beer.
• Earliest animal hybrid bred by humans.
• Skeletons of Bronze Age tsunami.
• Age of Viking horned helmets.
• Vikings in North America 1,000 years ago.
2022 Classics Conferences and Meetings
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to be exhibiting in-person or virtually at these conferences of the new academic year.
CAMWS—Classical Association of the Middle West and South118th Annual Meeting at the Invitation of Wake Forest University Marriott Winston-Salem, Winston-Salem, NC March 23–26, 2022 B-C Representatives: Amelia Wallace
B-C Author Presentations:
Thursday, March 24, 2022
CANE—Classical Association of New England 116th Annual MeetingUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA April 8–9, 2022 B-C Representative: Donald Sprague
ICMS—International Congress on Medieval Studies57th Congress will take place online May 9–14, 2022 Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers will participate in the Virtual Exhibit Hall.
ACL—American Classical LeagueDiamond Jubilee InstituteCollege of Charleston, Charleston, SC June 24–26, 2022 B-C Representatives: Bridget Dean and Donald Sprague
NJCL—National Junior Classical League2022 NJCL ConventionUniversity of Louisiana, Lafayette, Lafayette, LA July 24–29, 2022 Cantantes licet usque (minus via laedit) eamus. Let us go singing as far as we go—the road will be less tedious. Vergil, Eclogues 9.64 B-C Representatives: Donald Sprague and Amelia Wallace |
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