Specially Designed Instruction & Co-Teaching PD
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible student, the content, methodology, and/or delivery of instruction to address the unique needs that result from the student’s disability. This also ensures the student’s access to the general education curriculum, so that he or she can meet the educational standards that apply to ALL students. SDI begins with the knowledge that:
- students with disabilities are always general education students first
- special education is a service-not a place-and is always available within the differentiated core, supplemental and intensive supports
- an effective integrated system results in accelerated learning of academic, functional, behavioral, and social-emotional skills for students who are behind
Co-teaching involves two or more adults simultaneously instructing a heterogeneous group of students in a coordinated fashion. When done correctly, co-teaching will significantly impact the classroom learning of students with special needs. The many benefits of co-teaching aren’t limited to students with disabilities. When a co-teaching model is implemented, ALL students in inclusive classrooms receive increased academic support from educators who are making good use of co-teaching structures and strategies. Within each structure, different strategies can be implemented that successfully address the needs of students with disabilities.
Trained facilitators will provide you with the necessary background, tools, resources, and high leverage skills needed to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities, have full access to the general curriculum. Participants will receive a copy of Co-Teaching Do's, Don'ts and Do Betters.
Dates: June 23rd and 24th, 2022
Time: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Location: Lancaster Elementary School Media Center
Lead Facilitator: Shelli Roberts
Co-Facilitators: Christine Stevens, Kathy Carlson, Lindsey Spencer
Audience: Special Education Teachers, Classroom Teachers, Paraeducators
Cost: Free to NH educators/paraeducators. Stipends available to TRRE graduates (contact Jen Baker Jennifer.Baker@unh.edu for more information). Lunch will not be provided.
Registration: Online or contact NCES, M-F, 8-4PM at 603-466-5437.
Offered in partnership by:
Co-Teaching Professional Development Follow-Up
Participants will receive a copy of Co-Teaching Do’s, Don’ts and Do Better’s to read in advance of the in-person sessions. In this practical guide, co-teaching and inclusion experts Toby J. Karten and Wendy W. Murawski detail the best practices for successful co-teaching and ways to troubleshoot common pitfalls. Participants will gain valuable insights on what to start doing, what to stop doing, and how to improve co-teaching practices to better reach all students.
In this two-day follow-up to the June SDI training, we will begin with an interactive discussion of participant insights from the reading followed by a facilitated individual/team planning time. You will walk away from day two with what you need to start your 2022-2023 teaching year off right!
We encourage you to reach out to teachers that you may be working with and ask them to join you in this two-day event. You do not have to attend the June SDI training to participate in this follow-up event.
Dates: August 16th and 17th,2022
Time: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Location: North Country Education Services
Lead Facilitator: Shelli Roberts
Co-Facilitators: Kathy Carlson, Lindsey Spencer
Audience: Special Education Teachers, Classroom Teachers, Paraeducators
Cost: Free to NH educators/paraeducators. Stipends may available to TRRE graduates (contact Jen Baker). Breakfast refreshments and lunch will be provided.
Registration: Online or contact NCES, M-F, 8-4PM at 603-466-5437.
NCES is offering this PD in partnership with UNH Teacher Residency for Rural Education and White Mountains Regional School District.
Universal Design for Learning Online Book Discussion Summer Series
Educators are invited to engage in conversation on Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Participants will read the book: “Innovate Inside the Box: Empowering Learners Through UDL and the Innovator’s Mindset” and then join the conversation (via Zoom) making connections between the text and classroom practices. This series will enhance a deeper understanding of how to create purposeful learning for all students.
Dates/time: Meetings will be held via Zoom from 8:00 – 10:00 AM on Wednesdays July 13, July 27, August 10, and August 24, 2022.
Facilitator: Robin Scott, Professor of Education, White Mountains Community College; North Country Teacher Certification Program Coordinator, Plymouth State University
Cost (includes book): $75 for staff from member districts (SAUs 3, 7, 9 - Jackson only, 20, 23 - Haverhill Coop only, 36, 48 - Campton only, 58, 68, 77, & 84); $90 for staff from associate member districts (SAU 35 schools); and $105 for non-members.
Professional development hours: Those who participate in the four discussions and demonstrate they have read the book will receive a certificate for 10 hours of professional learning.
Register: Online, email lisa@ncedservices.org, or call 603-466-5437 M-F 8:00-4:00.
Registration deadline: June 17th
Social Studies Professional Development (including virtual option)
Get a crash course on the new state social studies curriculum, "Moose on the Loose: Social Studies for Granite State Kids," which is being adopted by schools all over the state. Developed by the New Hampshire Historical Society for upper elementary students and educators, this curriculum provides everything you’ll need to introduce your students to state history, civics, geography, and economics. The “Moose” includes lesson plans, explainer videos, inquiry resources, curated primary source sets, and fun, easy ways to work with primary and secondary sources. And it’s all available free of charge on an open-access site (moose.nhhistory.org).
"Moose on the Loose" integrates high-quality social studies instruction with English language arts, math, and science requirements.
Educators attending this one-day workshop will navigate the online curriculum, becoming familiar with the wealth of resources offered for teachers and students. Educators will sample several lesson plans and activities from "Moose on the Loose" that are ready to be used in the classroom immediately.
Attendees will receive a stipend of $25 and CEU credits. Please note: participants must be public or private school educators in New Hampshire.
Dates: Monday, August 8 (in person) or Tuesday, August 9 (virtual)
Register: In-person workshop on August 8, click here.
Register: Virtual workshop on August 9, click here.
Can’t make the workshops? Take a virtual tour of the "Moose" through our "Moose" tutorial videos: https://moose.nhhistory.org/educators/Moose-Tutorials
Building Civic Strength: NH Community Conversations with Laura Knoy
What’s at the heart of civic strength? What can we do to best prepare ourselves and our youth to take on the responsibilities of participation in a democratic society? NH Civics and NHPR will hold a series of candid conversations on citizenship today. The program will be held in locations throughout New Hampshire with a rotating panel of guest speakers and hosted by former host of NHPR’s The Exchange Laura Knoy. Join us for a live discussion about how New Hampshire's people and communities can act now to build back our civic strength.
North Country Event: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at Berlin City Hall at 6:00 PM.
There is no cost to attend but you must register.
This event will be livestreamed. See here for other in-person dates and locations.
WMSI Summer Workshops for Teachers
Culture of Thinking Academy
The Littleton School District is offering a teacher-led professional development conference on June 16 & 17, 2022. The theme of the conference is, "Developing a collaborative culture of thinking."
When: Thursday, June 16, 9:00 to 3:00 and Friday, June 17, 8:30 to 2:45
Where: SAU 84 / Littleton, NH
Cost: FREE!
How to register: Please complete this registration form by May 27. (There is an option to register a group of people; please complete this group registration form and upload it to the registration form where it says "add file". )
Would you like to present? The conference organizers are looking for innovative teacher projects that support a 'culture of thinking.' Presentations are 60 minutes in length, including time for reflection. Learn more about submitting a proposal.
If you have questions, contact Kristen Moreland, Director of Teaching and Learning for SAU 84 at kmoreland@littletonschools.org.
Teacher Development & Adult Learning
Teacher Development and Adult Learning is a workshop series that will examine a range of collaborative practices in schools including mentoring, co-teaching, and collaborative supervision.
The series will focus on exploration of theories related to adult development, the teacher career cycle and cognitive coaching. Additional topics covered will include establishing rapport with colleagues; strengthening data collection techniques during observations; and deepening the process of giving effective feedback. These theories and strategies will help to develop the skills to nurture productive relationships with colleagues at all stages of their teaching career.
Instructor: Cynthia Stacy-Sevigny
Intended audience: This workshop is appropriate for teachers, teacher leaders and mentors, but is not appropriate for new teachers.
Format/Dates/Times: This program is three Live Online meetings via Zoom:
Saturday, May 14, 8:30am-11:30am Saturday, June 4, 8:30am-10:30am Saturday, July 9, 8:30am-10:30am Additional program work will take place on Google Classroom in an asynchronous format.
Cost: Free for UNH TRRE Graduates and Teaching Mentors. UNH Alumni can get a 10% discount.
Learn more
Supporting Student Well-Being Course
Supporting students’ well-being is paramount in this new age of education. With the many outside elements that affect our daily lives, it can be challenging for our students to focus on learning. Understanding how to reach our students and aid in their development of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills are necessary components to fostering a supportive community for our learners.
This course will provide strategies that educators can use to support student well-being, through the use of meaningful connections and impactful technology integrations.
Who it's for:
- Teachers (K-12, any subject)
- Instructional coordinators / Curriculum developers / Curriculum specialists
Course details:
- Course length: 2 hours (must be completed within 3 months of registration)
- Cost: FREE for a limited time (through the end of June)
- Course style: Self-paced
Learn more
STEM Education Resources Hubbard Brook Foundation and USDA Forest Service
Long-term environmental monitoring and ecological research at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in the White Mountains offer rich opportunities for STEM learning for New Hampshire students.
K-12 programs for schools include:
ZOOM-A-SCIENTIST PROGRAM Bring a “real live scientist” into your classroom using the power of videoconferencing.
WATERVIZ AND CLASSROOM RESOURCES Engage art and science students with a live water cycle visualization and sonification tool. More on WaterViz
SCHOOLYARD SCIENCE Set up hands-on inquiry projects in your school yard with “Hubbard Brook in a Box” activities.
FIELD TRIPS AND TOURS Join us for a guided field trip of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. Transportation funding available.
Learn more about field trips and tours
Publishing Opportunity for Teens
Under the Madness Magazine, a magazine for teen writers-by teen writers, is accepting submissions of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction for its first issue. The magazine's editorial board is composed of students largely from the North Country, working under the mentorship of the New Hampshire Poet Laureate. Under the Madness Magazine publishes writers, ages 13-19, from around the globe.
Under the Madness is made possible with the generous support of the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. The magazine began as an off-shoot of the 2021 North Country Young Writers’ Festival.
Learn more about submitting teen work
Civics Programs for Grades 5-12
Master Class on Mindful Writing with Mindful Writing Expert and NH Poet Laureate
Writing can become much more fulfilling and joyful if it is thought of as happening right Now. Whenever the present moment is overlooked, rewarding writing experiences are given up in exchange for stress, procrastination, boredom, and shortchanged creativity. It’s a poor bargain.
This interactive session focuses on how to use mindful writing techniques to write with more peace and productivity. It will cover the basics of mindful writing, including impermanence, audience ghosts, monkey mind, and preconceptions about our writing ability. Participants will gain hands-on practice with several mindful writing techniques.
Geared for participants ages 13 and older, this master class is designed for people who occasionally or often struggle with writing, who teach writing, as well as for participants who don’t struggle with a writing block but are interested in picking up skills. The strategies apply to creative, academic, professional, and personal kinds of writing.
Presenter: Alexandria Peary, MFA, PhD. Alex is a professor in the English Department at Salem State University where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on creative writing and mindful writing.
Date/Time: May 6, 2022 from 2:00-4:00 PM
Location: White Mountains Community College, Berlin, NH
Learn more or register
Request Youth Mental Heath First Aid Training
Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth. The training gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial support to children and adolescents (ages 6-18) who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.
There are now three learning options for YMHFA training:
- VIRTUAL. First Aiders will complete a 2-hour, self-paced online course, and
then participate in a 4.5 to 5.5-hour, Instructor-led video conference.
- BLENDED LEARNING. After completing a 2-hour, self-paced online course,
First Aiders will participate in a 4.5-hour, in-person, Instructor-led class.
- IN-PERSON. First Aiders will receive their training as an 8-hour, Instructor-led,
in-person course.
Request training through the University of New Hampshire:
Code.org Summer Professional Development
Applications are open for Code.org’s Professional Learning Program for middle and high school educators! If you’re interested in teaching computer science for the 2022-2023 academic year, this is your time to explore CS curriculum and collaborate with educators of all experience levels to develop lesson plans and teaching strategies.
For NH educators, the summer of 2022 Code.org workshops will be hosted by the Educate Maine and the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance and held at the University of New England in Biddeford, ME.
CS Discoveries Workshops, June 27 to July 1, 2022
CS Principles Workshop, June 27 to July 1, 2022 CS A Workshops, June 27 to July 1, 2022
Computer Science Discoveries and Principles workshops are offered at no cost to teachers who meet the scholarship requirements and are accepted into the program. Full scholarships are available to teachers who plan to implement the course in the 2022-23 school year.
Learn more about CS learning opportunities for middle and high school teachers
NH Chapter of The Reading League
A core group of New Hampshire educators, dedicated to the improvement of reading and writing skills for all students, has gathered to investigate the potential of starting a New Hampshire Chapter of The Reading League (TRL). The Reading League is a national education nonprofit agency led by educators and literacy experts dedicated to advancing the awareness, understanding, and use of evidence-aligned instruction.
Benefits to starting a NH state chapter include:
- Access to cutting-edge information, research, and materials through professional presentations, handouts, videos, blogs, podcasts, etc.
- Access to national and international experts in a wide variety of literacy areas addressing the needs of all students: advanced, on-level, and those performing below grade-level expectations.
- A platform for NH educators to share ideas, solve problems, and celebrate student successes.
- Visibility as part of a larger, more powerfully-informed national group.
- Join in collaborative learning opportunities with others in NH and beyond!
If you are potentially interested in joining The Reading League – NH Chapter, please send your name, contact info, and your role in literacy (if applicable) to Kristen Waddell at mkwad@ne.rr.com. The group will keep you informed of their progress as they explore this exciting opportunity for NH educators, stakeholders, and the most important group of all: our students.
Learn more at thereadingleague.org
WMSI Student Summer Camps
Biofabrication and Regenerative Medicine Professional Development for Teachers
The Tech for Teachers Institute is a dynamic, paid professional development program open to middle and high school teachers from across all STEM subject areas. The focus of the program is two-fold: Building knowledge of an emerging technology — this year regenerative medicine and biofabrication — and the transformation of instructional practice through project-based learning (PBL).
Tech for Teachers is open to both school-based teams and individuals. Upon completion, participants will receive a $1,500 award, CEUs, classroom supplies and ongoing support from UNH faculty and graduate students. Space is limited this year to 12 participants.
Working in collaboration with fellow teachers, UNH faculty and graduate student mentors, industry professionals and educational experts, participants will design projects to implement during the 2022 – 23 school year.
Dates: Two-week summer intensive, July 18-29, 2022
Location: Kingsbury Hall, UNH Durham Campus
Learn more
New Career Field Opportunities for NH Students
Did you know that biofabrication and advanced regenerative manufacturing industries to enable the scalable, consistent, and cost-effective creation of engineered tissues are based in New Hampshire?
As a part of this effort, ARMI | BioFabUSA is working to close educational skills gaps in tissue engineering and organ manufacturing through accessible educational and training opportunities.
BioFab Explorer has been implemented in nearly half a dozen schools in the state of New Hampshire, exposing more than ten Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers to the tool as well as the students in their CTE classes. Additional opportunities are available to middle and high schools.
Learn more about the Biofab Explorer, a tool to explore this growing career field and other programs at armiusa.org.
Schoolyard SITES (Schoolyard Science Investigations by Teachers, Extension Volunteers and Students) partners UNH Extension science-based volunteers with NH elementary teachers. Together, they explore, develop, and implement citizen science projects that relate to New Hampshire's natural world and engage elementary students in NGSS-aligned, inquiry projects in the schoolyard.
Information session, Wednesday, May 4, 2022 from 4:00-4:30.
North Country Teachers Invited to Respond
If you are a teacher in New Hampshire SAUs 3, 7, 20, 23, 35, 36, 58, 68, 77 or 84, within the past month you should have received an email from your principal to participate in a survey titled Post(ish)-Pandemic Check-In: North Country Teacher Survey.
It is an anonymous survey but completers are redirected to a form to receive a $10 gift card towards a book purchase at White Mountains Cafe and Bookstore (ordering online via Bookshop.org).
If you have not responded, please request the survey link from your principal or email nces@ncedservices.org to request it. This survey is specifically for teacher and licensed/certified staff who provide direct instruction to groups of students. It does not include paraprofessionals and other support staff at this time. The survey will close on May 13th.
Support NCES through your Amazon purchases
If you shop at Amazon, please consider selecting NCES as your charity through AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support NCES every time you shop, at no cost to you. You’ll find the exact same prices and shopping experience with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to NCES. To set NCES as your charity, visit this link https://smile.amazon.com/ch/02-0304424
New Hampshire Family NOW is a bi-weekly podcast with frank conversation about the ups and downs of parenting hosted by NH Children's Trust. Sometimes funny and irreverent, other times earnest and insightful, the co-hosts are joined by experts in the field to discuss the state-of-the-state of New Hampshire’s family-friendly landscape and where to turn in times of need.
Learn more
Employment Opportunities at NCES
For the 2022-23 school year, North Country Education Services has openings for:
- Occupational Therapist
- Speech Language Pathologist
(full-time and part-time)
- Teacher of the Visually Impaired (part-time)
Anticipated openings for 2022-23 include:
- Speech Language Assistants
Learn more about these positions and other education-related employment opportunities at teachnorth.org.
Coos Broadband Survey
If you are a resident of Coos County, please respond to this survey regarding your access to affordable broadband from your home. It is particularly important to hear from residents who do not have residential access. A paper version of this survey is available in every municipal/town office in Coos.
There will be open houses to inspect maps of service coverage and to share your experiences with broadband at your business and/or residence.
- May 4th from 4-7pm at the Lancaster Town Hall
25 Main St. in Lancaster
- May 5th from 4-7pm at the Colebrook Town Hall
17 Bridge St. in Colebrook
- May 18th from 4-7pm at the Medallion Opera House
20 Park St in Gorham
Do you have access to affordable Internet?
Please respond to this survey to help identify the gaps.
Resources for Caregivers
Step Up Parents provides financial assistance to kinship caregivers in New Hampshire who are raising the children of parents with substance use disorder.
Learn more
Coos County Early Childhood Education Director Network
The Coos County Director Network has launched a new website. The site, coosdn.org, has resources for early childhood providers as well as families. For ECE professionals, resources include career pathways and professional development opportunities. For families, there are resources for finding child care as well as other family supports.
Learn more
SmallActs North

The #SmallActs campaign is about neighbors helping neighbors and building communities where #SmallActs are a way of life.
Join in! Do something unexpected and kind for someone. Spread the word. Bring SmallActs to your classroom.
Learn more
North Country Partnership for SEL Practices
View this short video to learn more about NCP4SEL. Follow NCP4SEL on Facebook for more tips, resources, and announcements.
- New services in adult education
- Online assessments for HiSet preparation
Call 752-1927 or email gthebergecoosals@myfairpoint.net for more information.
Bring daily movement routines to your classroom!
Move One Million (M1M) is on a mission to improve physical, mental, and social health around the world. Move One Million is a 100% free service to bring movement and togetherness to the world. The goal of M1M is to move one million people every day.
M1M is a daily broadcast that includes music, movement and mindfulness all in one video! The 2.5 minute movement routine and music are the same each day and accompanied with a mindfulness activity. The M1M routine is easy to learn and is for everyone! It is a great way to start your day with your students!
You can learn more about Move One Million at m1m.org. You may also reach out to a local Move One Million Ambassador, Susanne Styles, an educator from Berlin Elementary School, at styles@sau3.org.
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.