A. Individualized Reading with Meditation to Re-Center in the Equilibrium Naturally Planted in Your Soul~This causes your mind and body to aquiesce to yourself in peace in place of chaos, frenzy or trauma imprints.
B. Individualized Reading and Support in Self Clearing Stuck Places in the Body/Mind. This causes you to feel compassion for yourself and you lighten up or free up resevoirs of energy that had become stuck.
C. Individualized Reading and Meditation to Assist you with Re-programing your inate ability to return to your deepest heart and soul equilibrium in the face of any worldy or internal struggles. This offers you the moment to moment option to steer your life experiences from your soul rather than other influences.
D. Individualized Reading and Meditation to Clean Out Old Repetitive Hindering Wounds~ This causes you to feel more confident in a genuine loving way (love of self, love of others).
E. Coaching Session on Elements of Manifestation as an Ongoing Way of Being. This allows you to choose the manifestation flow at any time.
Compassion, kindness, service, generosity, forgiveness, inquirey, perseverence, gratitude and love are the foundation of manifestation.
F. Going Deeper: Session A repeated into new territory.
G. Expanding: Session B repeated into new territory.
H. Knowing Your Soul-Focus of this Time: Coaching to Understand Yourself from a place of purpose. You may find you judged yourself harshly when your intentions were actually admirable and wonderful! Coming to know this will liberate you from pain you may have carried in cycles.
Laurie Moore, PHD831 477 7007lauriemoore.session.seminar@Gmail.comwww.animiracles.com/new/