to the 2022 CAMWS Teaching Award Winners!
College – Philip S. Peek, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio
K-12 – Daniel Germain, Timber Creek High School, Orlando, Florida
FORTHCOMING in Late Spring |
Martia Dementia 2022 featured a fierce competition, pitting humans against avian foes. Our ancient author field covered writers from Athens to Rome and beyond, some quite archaic (Homer, Sappho), and some relatively more modern (Perpetua, Augustine). Whether poets, historians, playwrights, or philosophers, these writers wielded their all-mighty pens styli?—against mythological winged creatures, ominous raptors, domestic fowl of note, and more.
Round one saw the advancement of Homer, easily defeating the eagle of Zeus, then later the ossifragus, the bonebreaker bird. While comic Plautus and saintly poet Aelia Eudocia fell out of the competition early on, Menander rallied against the ostrich, known to the ancients as the sparrow-camel. Apollonius of Rhodes failed in his foray against the famed harpies, whom he had described attacking the Argonauts in his own epic. Meanwhile, Seneca the Younger could not repel the sacred chickens of Rome, who proved blessed by the gods. Roman poets Vergil, Lucretius, and Ovid did quite well, however, as did several historians and the mathematician and scientist Perpetua.
Poets continued to hold their own against birds large and small: Homer was able to overtake the sirens, the bird-women of the Odyssey, before matching up with (and winning against) Catullus. Vergil, who handily beat last year’s champion, the phoenix, continued into round three—where the powerful pulli, the sacred chickens, were too formidable. Of all the authors, Ovid came the closest to winning the contest, but in the semifinals, he succumbed to King Mithridates’s poisonous ducks. The final battle in the championship round was bird vs. bird, as the sacred chickens of Rome fought the poisonous ducks of Pontus beak and nail. While Rome famously defeated Pontus, the same was not true of each respective state’s representative birds. The poisonous ducks brought down the sacred chickens, reigning victorious in Martia Dementia 2022!
Thank you to all who participated this year in Martia Dementia. Our top scorer was Charlie White of Trinity Valley School in Fort Worth, TX. Second place goes to Alek of New Trier Township High School in Winnetka, IL. Rounding out the top three: Magistra Farkas’s Latin 2 class at Belmont High School in Belmont, MA. Congrats to these astute winners, who all selected their bracket matches with care and great forethought. In contrast, Ava of New Trier Township High School achieved the most abysmal bracket, barely progressing past the first round of voting.
Once again, thank you to all participants, who helped make this year’s contest a resounding success. Have strong feelings about this year’s winners? Hope to see a particular ancient figure featured in next year’s contest? Tweet @BCPublishers what and who you would like to see and include the hashtag #MartiaDementia. We would love to hear from you!
B-C's Special Distance Learning Content with Complimentary Materials
In response to school closures due to COVID-19, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is making a variety of materials available to the classics community in order to ease the transition to distance learning. Please see our new Distance Learning page to freely access downloadable packets of fair use excerpts from our books as well as some fun mythology-related activities.
An eye-catching diamond jeweler in Cape Town.
Glasses of the gods—what every Latin teacher needs!
Interior courtyard of the Villa Sapienza, seat of the university. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 2.0.
Taylor Swift performing Fearless on her Reputation Stadium Tour 2018 in New Jersey. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 4.0.
Winter/Spring 2022 Webinars
Celebrating a Decade of Complimentary Professional Development
Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 6:00–7:00 pm ET (5:00–6:00 pm CT)
Greece & India, China & Rome: at the Crossroads of the Ancient World
Presenter: Georgia Irby, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
In this webinar, Professor Irby discusses the relationships and contacts between the west and east of the ancient world. Drawing on both material and literary culture, she explores Greek and Roman knowledge of and interactions with India, China, and Sri Lanka. Long-distance exchange was complex, from commercial links (along the Erythraean Sea and the Silk Road) to philosophical cross-pollination and diplomatic embassies. Greek and Roman thinkers were fascinated by the peoples at the edges of their world, and they understood these distant peoples imperfectly, giving rise to utopias, dystopias, and fanciful hybrid-folk.
Georgia Irby, Professor of Classical Studies, has broad research interests including the history of Greek and Roman science. She received her PhD in Classical Philology from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She has co-authored a Latin textbook, edited a two-volume History of Science and Technology in the ancient world, and has published on Greek mythology, Roman military religion, and Roman military medicine. Two of her recent books, Conceptions of the Watery World in Greco-Roman Antiquity and Using and Conquering the Watery World in Greco-Roman Antiquity (Bloomsbury, 2021), stem from her COLL 100 course, “Why Water Matters.” In the class and the books, she explores water as a focus of engagement with the natural environment in the ancient world, including physics, infrastructure (e.g., aqueducts), medicine, mythology, religion, and more. In a recent monograph Epic Echoes in The Wind and the Willows (Routledge, 2021), she investigates Kenneth Grahame's engagement with classical literature, especially the themes and imagery of the Iliad and Odyssey. Together with a number of smaller projects (including articles on sea monsters and on environmental history), she is currently working on a translation and commentary of the Hispano-Roman geographical writer Pomponius Mela. She is also the editor of the Classical Journal, one of the premier journals of the field. Her talk today stems from her work in ancient geography and cartography.
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to provide complimentary webinars on a variety of subjects, especially pedagogical, of interest to classicists. Some webinars are geared to the Latin for the New Millennium program and to topics generated by the AP* Latin curriculum.
Read eLitterae or follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the announcement of our winter/spring series of free webinars. Please note: The Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers Webinar Program is intended to be a live interactive endeavor in which presenter and attendees ask questions, make comments, seek clarification, share examples, etc. Thus, by design and in order to protect the presenter’s intellectual property, B-C does not make recordings available to non-attendees. B-C encourages those interested in a given topic or presenter to plan to attend the live webinar. If you have suggestions for webinars, please contact Don Sprague.
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To participate in Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers sponsored webinars you will need high-speed internet access, computer speakers/headphones, current web browser, and the link to the webinar virtual meeting space, which is provided in your webinar invitation. Webinars Make for User-Friendly Professional Development
Participation is free. All webinars provide opportunity for participants to ask questions. Learn lots—attend as many presentations as you can. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers provides documentation for your participation. You can share this with your supervisors. Many webinar presenters provide handouts, etc.
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Dear Friends and Colleagues,
How fitting that you receive this month’s issue during National Classics Week! May you and your students celebrate your work together learning Latin and Greek and the world of the Greeks and the Romans. May your enthusiasm and zeal yield both great retention for next year as well as a bumper crop of new students. We’re rooting for you!
This week’s reminder of the ancient world took place in Boston, where the world’s most competitive runners participated in the Boston Marathon. Both Massachusetts and Maine, until 1820 a province of Massachusetts, celebrate Patriots Day on April 19. We are humbled these days to be witnesses of the tremendous patriotism of our sisters and brothers who are defending their beloved Ukraine. We pray that the barbarism and slaughter of civilians and destruction of cultural landmarks end soon.
On a brighter note, the great competitions of March have both seen avian champions—the Jayhawks of Kansas emerged as college basketball champions, while the celebrated Martia Dementia saw the poisonous ducks of Pontus take first place in a struggle for the millennia. Congratulations to my colleague, Amelia Wallace, for once again leading the charge for this epic certamen! Check out her brilliant final report in this issue.
The multitalented Editor Wallace also regales us with her report from the 118th meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. How wonderful to participate in an in-person meeting—the first for us since AIA-SCS in January of 2020! I look forward to seeing you at the Diamond Jubilee American Classical League Institute in June and the National Junior Classical League convention in July.
Please indulge me a moment of personal sharing. I would love to have joined Amelia at CAMWS but think you’ll understand why I didn’t. 😊 After a two-year postponement due to Covid, my husband Ray and I were finally able to enjoy our honeymoon in South Africa. We are ever grateful to our friends’ wedding presents that made this adventure of a lifetime possible. And, of course, we shared a classics-connected moment: a wine tasting at Uva Mira, the vineyard situated highest in the Cape Town wine country. Stunning scenery, luscious wines, and wonderful company! Ad multos annos!
This issue also features another Latin story from the pen of Emma Vanderpool, who offers a selection about Agrippina to accompany Review 6 of Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1. Note, however, that these stories work well in any Latin 1 class.
As you contemplate next year’s book orders, do not hesitate to reach out should you have questions about any of our texts or Lumina. When the phone rings at Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, it’s quickly answered by a helpful customer specialist.
All good wishes for you and your students.
All best,
Don Sprague
Executive Editor
Teaching Tip: A Latin Story to Accompany Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1, Review 6
This is the sixth in a series of stories to accompany each of the reviews in LNM 1. While complementary to LNM, the stories can serve all first-year Latin students.
Agrippina the Elder, a member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, was a brave and active supporter of both her husband, Germanicus, and her son, the future emperor Caligula. This story recounts how Agrippina the Elder welcomed back soldiers from battle.
This oil painting by Scottish painter Alexander Runciman (1736–1785) shows Agrippina returning to Brundisium from abroad with the ashes of her husband, Germanicus. National Gallery of Scotland, Public Domain.
Agrippīna Mihi nōmen erat Agrippīna. Mea familia praeclāra erat; magnam potestātem habuit. Ego eram uxor Germānicī, quī bellum contrā Germānōs gerēbat. Ego uxor et quoque māter eram; nōmen fīliō Gāius erat. Gāius vestīmenta mīlitis semper gerēbat. Ubi militēs Gāium in caligīs vīdērunt, exclāmābant, “Caligula! Caligula!” Omnēs puerum nostrum amābant.
Meus marītus imperātor fortis erat. Nōn sōlum mīlitēs dūcēbat sed etiam mīlitēs ad bellum excitābat. Imperātor sapiēns erat quia sine causā numquam pugnābat.
Erat pulcher diēs; caelum clārum erat. Germānicus cōnsilium cēpit quō castra hostium corripere voluit. In initiō dua cornua mīlitum erant. Cornua impetum fēcērunt. Erant multī hostēs in castrīs; Germānī nōs dēvastābant.
Erat inter Rōmānōs et Germānōs tumultus magnus. Germānī mīlitēs nōs opprimēbant et multōs occīdēbant. Militēs Rōmānī igitur iussū imperātōris ā castrīs fūgērunt. Facile nōn erat sed aliī mīlitēs fugere temptāvērunt et ad pontem cucurrērunt. Pars mīlitum āmissus est et occīdēbātur. Meus marītus post mīlitēs eius currēbat; dē fātō mīlitum dolēbat.
Ego fēmina magnī animī eram. In vestīmentīs imperātōris in ponte stābam et exclāmābam, “Currite! Currite!” Clādēs terribilis fuerat. Mīlitēs trāns pontem currēbant. Sanguis in faciēbus, manibus, et brācchiīs erat. Meus marītus mīlitēs dūcēbat, sed ego mīlitēs alēbam, vulnerātōs cūrābam et ligāmina dabam.
Vocabula Nova potestās, potestātis, f. – power, authority vestīmentum, -ī, n. – garment, (pl.) clothes caliga, -ae, f. – boots caligula, -ae, f. – little boots clārus, -a, -um – clear pōns, pontis, m. – bridge animus, -ī – mind, spirit trāns + accusative – across brācchium, -ī, n. – arm vulnerātus, -a, -um – wounded ligāmen, ligāminis, n. – bandage
Editor’s Note: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to provide this Latin story for Latin teacher subscribers to use with their own classes only. The PDF version includes a full color illustration and caption.
About the AuthorEmma Vanderpool has taught Latin at the university, middle school, and high school levels—currently at the Springfield Honors Academy in Massachusetts. Vanderpool earned her Bachelor of Arts in Latin, Classics, and History from Monmouth College in Illinois and her Master of Arts in Teaching Classical Humanities from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. She serves as a state rep for CANE, as an executive board member of Ascanius, and as an organizer for Our Voices and Lupercal. Vanderpool is the recipient of a Distinguished Teaching Award from UMASS Amherst and was honored as the Lincoln Laureate for Monmouth College. She has self-published ten novellae. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to have had Vanderpool launch our novella series with Explore Latin: Aves and the first two titles for the Encounter Latin series— Augury is for the Birds: Marcus de Avibus Discit and Under His Father's Wing: Marcus de Auguribus Discit.
Content by Emma Vanderpool
Latin for the New Millennium ©2022 Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
CAMWS 2022 Meeting Summary
After two years of covidian social distancing, B-C representative Amelia Wallace was thrilled to attend a classics conference in person once again! The Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) met in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, March 23–26 for its 118th annual meeting. Congratulations to Davina McClain, secretary-treasurer of CAMWS, for putting together such a successful event, and many thanks to Wake Forest University for hosting. How refreshing to chat face-to-face with professors, scholars, and teachers of the classics—what good fortune to finally be able to reconnect with old friends and colleagues and meet new ones!
Amelia arrived in Winston-Salem a little early, giving her plenty of time to set up Bolchazy’s four tables worth of books! In addition to many B-C classics, there were quite a few new titles on display, including several recently released novellas. Amelia was delighted to see Christopher Bungard, author of Explore Latin: Ludi Scaenici and a forthcoming novella series, at the conference. Although novella author Emma Vanderpool, a frequent CAMWS participant and contributor, was unable to attend this year’s meeting, her series on augury appealed to conference-goers.
Editor Amelia Wallace and the Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers exhibit at CAMWS 2022. Photo kindness of Professor Debbie Felton of UMass Amherst.
Several forthcoming books garnered special interest, including the fifth volume of Lectiones Memorabiles, a student-friendly text designed for the new IB syllabus, coming in late spring. The B-C display also featured a sample of New Testament Greek: A Reading Course, which caught the eye of several Greek instructors. The first level of this textbook series, written by master teacher Sally Teague, will be available in Fall 2022.
When not in the book room, Amelia enjoyed the vibrant downtown and interesting environs of Winston-Salem (despite the somewhat disappointingly chilly weather!). Visiting the Reynolda House and Museum was a highlight: this 1917 historic home reflects the unique vision of Katharine Reynolds, wife of tobacco magnate R.J. Reynolds. Amid the original furnishings and collection of American art were some truly unusual touches, such as a massive built-in organ (manufactured and installed by the classically named Aeolian Organ Company), with pipes extending into the attic.
One of the Reynolda estate treasures, Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis by Gilbert Stuart (1755–1828). The style of her white dress was termed the mode a la Grec, and her gold armbands were also supposed to evoke classical fashion. These visual cues helped establish a link between citizens of the young American republic with democracy in Greece. Photo by Amelia Wallace.
The Friday night banquet represented another opportunity to joyously celebrate the many accomplishments of fellow classicists. David White of Baylor University offered up a set of witty, beautifully enunciated ovationes, his final declamation as CAMWS orator. Kudos to the ovationes recipients—Adam Blistein, Victoria Pagán, and Duane Roller. Additionally, many thanks to Hunter H. Gardner of the University of South Carolina, who provided an interesting, thought-provoking presidential address on “Classics for an Age of Anxiety.”
Before packing up and making the journey back to Chicago, Amelia was pleased to announce the winner of the Bolchazy “Welcome Back” book drawing. Paul Hay of Hampden-Sydney College won the grand prize, an entire set (all nineteen volumes!) of the well-loved BC Readers. Congratulations to Paul, and much appreciation to all of the CAMWS participants who stopped by the Bolchazy-Carducci booth to enter the contest and browse our books.
Congratulations to Classics Professor Paul Hay of Hampden-Sydney College, winner of B-C’s “Welcome Back” book drawing—all nineteen titles of the acclaimed BC Latin Reader series. Photo by Amelia Wallace.
Instructors praise LUMINA—B-C’s new interactive learning program
Available to accompany AP Latin Caesar and Vergil Selections—a splendid tool for AP* Exam review!
 Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is thrilled with the very positive response from students and instructors alike about this Lumina content: online exercises to accompany the Caesar and Vergil selections on the AP Latin syllabus! With its comprehensive, completely original content, Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections is a perfect complement to Bolchazy-Carducci's print and eBook resources for AP Latin. Better yet, Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections works on any internet-enabled device! Features
• Hundreds of automatically-graded multiple choice questions promote close reading of all syllabus selections and provide students with immediate feedback
• Veteran AP Latin teacher Patrick Yaggy has carefully constructed Lumina to model the formatting, terminology, and question-type frequency of the AP Latin exam.
• Multiple choice questions cover every single line of Caesar and Vergil in the AP Latin syllabus.
• Copious AP-style free response questions ensure that students develop the necessary skills to thoroughly analyze and respond to all passages on the syllabus
• Thorough practice exams prepare students for the format of the AP Latin exam
• Vocabulary and figures of speech flashcards allow for additional review.
The current version reflects additions and revisions, as well as some corrections, made in response to student and teacher feedback. An ideal learning tool, for online or in person classes, that provides exceptional AP Exam prep! To learn more, visit the Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections product page and watch the overview video.
Contact to schedule an online demonstration.
NB: B-C has also developed Lumina for Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1 and Level 2 and for the online self-learning program Artes Latinae, Level 1 and Level 2.
Teaching Tips & Resources
► Res Ucrainae
• Preserving Ukraine’s cultural heritage.
• The history behind Russia’s invasion.
• UNESCO confirms damage to Ukrainian cultural sites.
• Ukraine-born artists showcased at MoMA.
► Res Romanae
• More of Baiae, Rome’s party paradise, discovered.
• Experience the space of a Pompeiian house through 3-D reconstruction.
• Roman emerald mine seized?
• Dog-like robot guards the ruins of Pompeii.
• Roman houses on the Caelian Hill reopen.
• Brutus coin of Caesar’s assassination for sale.
► Res Aegypticae
• Five Old Kingdom tombs found at Saqqara.
• Take a virtual tour of the tomb of Menna in Thebes.
► Res Alimentaria
• Italian history revealed in cookbooks and kitchenware.
• Roman Passover from an ancient Jewish community.
• Museum celebrates Mexican cuisine.
• Migrants brought maize to the Maya.
► Res Hellenicae
• The best kept Acropolis secret.
• Evidence for complex Bronze Age trade networks.
• Female clergy remains found in Byzantine basilica.
• Bronze Age bridges still in use!
► Social Justice
• American Academy in Rome led by woman of color for the first time!
Aerial view of the American Academy in Rome. Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain.
• Interview with Caribbean classicist Gregson Davis.
• Met Museum bust returned to Libya.
• British Museum sued for failure to allow 3-D scan of Parthenon marbles.
• The inner workings of the Manhattan DA’s antiquities trafficking unit.
► Res Aliae
• Herod honors his mom. Check out the site!
• Timbuktu, center of scholarship in Mali.
A Timbuktu manuscript saved for conservation. Wikimedia Commons, Connected Open Heritage Project
• Mysterious giant jars found in India.
• Humans in the Yukon, 24,000 years ago.
• UAE buildings are 8,500 years old.
• Evidence of oldest-known mummification?
• Oldest-known ochre workshop in East Asia.
• 9,000-year-old shrine in Jordan desert.
• Vikings abandon most successful settlement in Greenland.
• Digging Viking history in Britain.
• Netflix’s Vikings: Valhalla and the true history.
• Check out these cool 3-D models from Historic Environment Scotland.
• Ancient bones in Cramond, UK.
• Machu Picchu a misnomer?
Stunning view of Incan Machu Picchu. Wikimedia Commons. Photo by Diego Delso,, License CC-BY-SA
• Scholars decipher glyphs on Mexican frieze.
• Starfish offering to Aztec war god.
• The ongoing pursuit of red dye.
2022 Classics Conferences and Meetings
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to be exhibiting in-person or virtually at these conferences of the new academic year.
ICMS—International Congress on Medieval Studies57th Congress will take place online May 9–14, 2022 Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers will participate in the Virtual Exhibit Hall.
College of Charleston, Charleston, SC June 24–26, 2022 B-C Representatives: Bridget Dean and Donald Sprague
B-C Author Presentations:
NJCL—National Junior Classical League2022 NJCL ConventionUniversity of Louisiana, Lafayette, Lafayette, LA July 24–29, 2022 B-C Representatives: Donald Sprague and Amelia Wallace |
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Bolchazy-Carducci's New Novella Series: Great Gifts for the Young Latin Learner in Your Life
Don’t miss the latest Explore Latin title.