Universal Design for Learning Online Book Discussion Summer Series
Educators are invited to engage in conversation on Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Participants will read the book: “Innovate Inside the Box: Empowering Learners Through UDL and the Innovator’s Mindset” and then join the conversation (via Zoom) making connections between the text and classroom practices. This series will enhance a deeper understanding of how to create purposeful learning for all students. Dates/time: Meetings will be held via Zoom from 8:00 – 10:00 AM on Wednesdays July 13, July 27, August 10, and August 24, 2022. Facilitator: Robin Scott, Professor of Education, White Mountains Community College; North Country Teacher Certification Program Coordinator, Plymouth State University
Cost (includes book): $75 for staff from member districts (SAUs 3, 7, 9 - Jackson only, 20, 23 - Haverhill Coop only, 36, 48 - Campton only, 58, 68, 77, & 84); $90 for staff from associate member districts (SAU 35 schools); and $105 for non-members. Professional development hours: Those who participate in the four discussions and demonstrate they have read the book will receive a certificate for 10 hours of professional learning. Register: Online, email lisa@ncedservices.org, or call 603-466-5437 M-F 8:00-4:00. Registration deadline: June 17th
Conscious Discipline - Interest in summer series?
NCES and the North Country Partnership for SEL Practices is planning to offer an online series for Conscious Discipline's Building Resilient Schools and Homes. Through online videos by Dr. Becky Bailey, this comprehensive program combines, social-emotional learning, discipline, and classroom management for transformational results.
The asynchronous 10-session course will be supplemented by an online reflection and discussion group (anticipated to be three mornings this summer). Participants would engage with the approximately ten hours of video content on their own time and then come together with colleagues online for facilitated discussions.
For staff at NCES member districts, this will be offered to you free of charge. If you are potentially interested, please add your name, school, and email address to this interest form. You will not be obligated to register. We will use this form to share out the details once they are finalized.
You can learn more about the e-course and Dr. Bailey by visiting the Conscious Discipline website.
Specially Designed Instruction & Co-Teaching PD
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible student, the content, methodology, and/or delivery of instruction to address the unique needs that result from the student’s disability. This also ensures the student’s access to the general education curriculum, so that he or she can meet the educational standards that apply to ALL students. SDI begins with the knowledge that:
- students with disabilities are always general education students first
- special education is a service-not a place-and is always available within the differentiated core, supplemental and intensive supports
- an effective integrated system results in accelerated learning of academic, functional, behavioral, and social-emotional skills for students who are behind
Co-teaching involves two or more adults simultaneously instructing a heterogeneous group of students in a coordinated fashion. When done correctly, co-teaching will significantly impact the classroom learning of students with special needs. The many benefits of co-teaching aren’t limited to students with disabilities. When a co-teaching model is implemented, ALL students in inclusive classrooms receive increased academic support from educators who are making good use of co-teaching structures and strategies. Within each structure, different strategies can be implemented that successfully address the needs of students with disabilities. Trained facilitators will provide you with the necessary background, tools, resources, and high leverage skills needed to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities, have full access to the general curriculum. Participants will receive a copy of Co-Teaching Do's, Don'ts and Do Betters. Dates: June 23rd and 24th, 2022 Time: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Location: Lancaster Elementary School Media Center Lead Facilitator: Shelli Roberts Co-Facilitators: Christine Stevens, Kathy Carlson, Lindsey Spencer Audience: Special Education Teachers, Classroom Teachers, Paraeducators Cost: Free to NH educators/paraeducators. Stipends available to TRRE graduates (contact Jen Baker Jennifer.Baker@unh.edu for more information). Lunch will not be provided. Registration: Online or contact NCES, M-F, 8-4PM at 603-466-5437.
Offered in partnership by:
Co-Teaching Professional Development Follow-Up
Participants will receive a copy of Co-Teaching Do’s, Don’ts and Do Better’s to read in advance of the in-person sessions. In this practical guide, co-teaching and inclusion experts Toby J. Karten and Wendy W. Murawski detail the best practices for successful co-teaching and ways to troubleshoot common pitfalls. Participants will gain valuable insights on what to start doing, what to stop doing, and how to improve co-teaching practices to better reach all students. In this two-day follow-up to the June SDI training, we will begin with an interactive discussion of participant insights from the reading followed by a facilitated individual/team planning time. You will walk away from day two with what you need to start your 2022-2023 teaching year off right! We encourage you to reach out to teachers that you may be working with and ask them to join you in this two-day event. You do not have to attend the June SDI training to participate in this follow-up event. Dates: August 16th and 17th,2022 Time: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Location: North Country Education Services Lead Facilitator: Shelli Roberts Co-Facilitators: Kathy Carlson, Lindsey Spencer Audience: Special Education Teachers, Classroom Teachers, Paraeducators Cost: Free to NH educators/paraeducators. Stipends may available to TRRE graduates (contact Jen Baker). Breakfast refreshments and lunch will be provided. Registration: Online or contact NCES, M-F, 8-4PM at 603-466-5437. NCES is offering this PD in partnership with UNH Teacher Residency for Rural Education and White Mountains Regional School District.
2022 Champion for Children - North Country Region
Congratulations to Lisa Grimes of Groveton, NH for being recognized as the 2022 North Country Region Champion for Children. Lisa (left) is pictured with SAU 58 Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Ronna Cadarette, after receiving her recognition at the Grappone Center in Concord, NH on May 13th. The award program is sponsored by the NH School Administrators Association to highlight and recognize NH citizens who have given distinguished public service to benefit children.
Lisa was nominated at the community level, voted on by a local committee, and was then selected by the North Country Superintendents for the regional award. Superintendent Dr. Ronna Cadarette spoke regarding her nomination, “Lisa Grimes embodies a fantastical history of every nook and cranny of Groveton Elementary and High School. Now, she keeps them spit shined volunteering far beyond her scheduled shifts, and this will surely be her legacy. Life has thrown Lisa many curveballs that she managed to make grand slams."
Shannon Wydra - NHSTA Award
Shannon Wydra from Gorham Middle High School received state-wide honors from the NH Science Teacher's Association with the Novice Science Educator in New Hampshire Award for 2021-22. The award is presented annually at the NHSTA Spring Science Education Conference by the NHSTA Board of Directors to highlight a science teacher who is outstanding in the field of science education. The award is given to a novice educator in their first through fifth year. Shannon is completing her fourth year as STEM educator. She was nominated for the award by fellow GMHS science colleague, Sarah Clemmitt.
Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowships
The Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowship program strives to raise public awareness about the value of excellence in education and to retain good teachers in New Hampshire’s North Country and in Essex County, VT. In 2006, self-made businesswoman, Louise Tillotson, established the Louise Tillotson Fellowship Fund through the NH Charitable Foundation. She had great confidence in the fact that a strong education system would boost the economy as whole.
The selection of recipients for the Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowship is based on the following criteria:
- commitment to public education
- breadth of experience
- demonstration of innovation in education
- creativity in solving problems
- communication skills and
- ability to inspire educators and students.
Congratulations to the 2022 Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowship recipients:
Christina Noyes, Music Teacher, Littleton School District
David Morrissette, Social Studies Teacher, Gorham Middle High School
The recipients receive a $10,000 stipend and are expected to serve as ambassadors for the Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowship.
Erika Proulx named NHASEA “Emerging Leader” for the North Country Region
Congratulations to Erika Proulx, a special education teacher at Lancaster Elementary School, for being named the “Emerging Leader” for the North Country Region by the New Hampshire Association of Special Education Administrators. Criteria considered in nominations for an Emerging Special Education Leader are:
- Currently works in the field of special education (less than five years)
- Demonstrates potential and has a general interest in becoming a special education administrator
- Is a newly certified special education administrator with less than five years on the job
- Applicant may have experience with varied roles in the district
- Inquisitive lifelong learner
- Positive and productive
- Family/community engagement
- Strong communication, facilitation and interpersonal skills
The award not only recognizes leadership skills, but also the countless hours and dedication provided to the field of special education.
Free Showing of Tyson's Run
In celebration of Autism Awareness and Acceptance, Northern Human Services, SAU 36, and Partners in Health are sponsoring a free viewing Tyson's Run at the Rialto Theater in Lancaster, NH on June 7, 2022 at 6:30 PM.
When fifteen-year-old Tyson attends public school for the first time, his life is changed forever. While helping his father clean up after the football team, Tyson befriends champion marathon runner Aklilu. Never letting his autism hold him back, Tyson becomes determined to run his first marathon in hopes of winning his father's approval.
With the help of an unlikely friend and his parents, Tyson learns that with faith in yourself and the courage to take the first step, anything is possible.
Biofabrication and Regenerative Medicine Professional Development for Teachers at UNH
The Tech for Teachers Institute is a dynamic, paid professional development program open to middle and high school teachers from across all STEM subject areas. The focus of the program is two-fold: Building knowledge of an emerging technology — this year regenerative medicine and biofabrication — and the transformation of instructional practice through project-based learning (PBL). Tech for Teachers is open to both school-based teams and individuals. Upon completion, participants will receive a $1,500 award, CEUs, classroom supplies and ongoing support from UNH faculty and graduate students. Space is limited this year to 12 participants. Working in collaboration with fellow teachers, UNH faculty and graduate student mentors, industry professionals and educational experts, participants will design projects to implement during the 2022 – 23 school year. Dates: Two-week summer intensive, July 18-29, 2022 Location: Kingsbury Hall, UNH Durham Campus Learn more
EdQuity Summit: Develop, Design, Play
The focus of this one day summit is on cultivating teacher skill in responsive and inclusive pedagogy and professional practice to increase STEM engagement and interest in all students, especially those historically underrepresented in biomedicine. Participation is sought from a variety of educators interested in inclusive game-based learning approaches to STEM. The agenda for the summit is designed to equip youth educators with STEM and non STEM roles in sharing and understanding bioinformatics and biomedical career opportunities.
Date: June 16, 2022 from 8:30-5:00
Location: St. Anselm College, Manchester, NH
Registration: Online
More information
CMF Kids Event Celebrates the Achievements of North Country School Districts
On May 5, 2022, Crotched Mountain held the debut CMF Kids partnership special event that celebrated the work of the six school district partners that participated in the inaugural year of CMF Kids. CMF Kids is the innovative new program from Crotched Mountain Foundation, which supports special education initiatives from school districts in economically disadvantaged New Hampshire towns, the goal of which is to serve children with complex disabilities in their own communities.
The event recognized the incredible work from Berlin Middle High School, Milan Village School, Lisbon Regional School, Warren Village School, Northumberland and Stratford Schools, and White Mountain Regional High School. Event guests included superintendents, principals, and special education administrators.
Read more about the event and this year's projects
Pictured: Shelli Roberts, Rob Scott, Dr. Ronna Caderette, Martha Miller, Michelle Mason, Ned Olney, Laura Clark, Jackie Daniels, Dr. Laurie Melanson, Amy Huter, Michael Galli, Jane Bergeron, Melissa White, and Dr. Lori Langlois.
Groveton teacher a panelist on building civic strength

What’s at the heart of civic strength? What can we do to best prepare ourselves and our youth to take on the responsibilities of participation in a democratic society?
Those were some of the questions posed to panelists during the five-stop series hosted by NH Civics and NHPR on community conversations to build civic engagement. Among the panelists at the North Country forum was Mallory Langkau, a teacher at Groveton Middle High School. Ms. Langkau, DAR NH History Teacher of the Year, is the teacher leader for the school's Mikva Challenge.
Other panelists at the Berlin City Hall event were Casey McDermott, NHPR News Editor, Anthony Poore, Principal of AP Consulting Group, and Coltrane Stagg, sophomore at White Mountain Community College. The forum was moderated by Laura Knoy, former host of NHPR's The Exchange.
Listen to the audio from the May 17th event.
The North Country Scholars program recognizes the valedictorian and salutatorian from each northern New Hampshire high school as well as an outstanding student from each of the region's career and technical education (CTE) centers. The year 2022 marks the 17th anniversary of this regional celebration sponsored by North Country Education Services and the North Country School Administrators Association. White Mountains Regional High School hosted the event on May 26th.
Front row (l-r): Alexi Hastings – Valedictorian, Littleton; Reese Routhier – Valedictorian, Groveton; Olivia Barba – Valedictorian, Colebrook; Camille Marceau – Valedictorian, WMRHS; Carissa Challinor – Salutatorian, WMRHS; Madison Crane – Outstanding CTE Student, Arthur T. Paradice CTE Center; Grady Millen – Outstanding CTE Student, Hugh J. Gallen CTE Center; Taylor Gaudette – Valedictorian, Kennett HS; Rylie Platt – Salutatorian, Groveton. Middle row: Ramsey Rancourt – Co-Salutatorian, Colebrook; Abigail Mahoney – Salutatorian, Lisbon; Kendal Clark – Valedictorian, Lisbon; Annabelle Mullins – Salutatorian, Profile; Mackenzie Craig – Valedictorian, Profile; Brayden Landry – Valedictorian, Berlin; Andrew Cole, Salutatorian, Berlin; Jillian Hallee – Outstanding CTE Student, Berlin; Gabreialla Lemay – Salutatorian, Littleton. Back row: Matthew Crawford – Co-Salutatorian, Colebrook; Sydney Pickering – Salutatorian, LinWood; Andrew Wilson – Valedictorian, LinWood; Zaberie Carney – Salutatorian, Pittsburg; Landen Phillips – Valedictorian, Pittsburg; Camden O’Toole Bailey – Salutatorian, Kennett; Reed Karnopp – Outstanding CTE Student, Mount Washington Valley Career Technical Center; Alexander Mayerson – Salutatorian, Gorham; Zoe Grondin – Valedictorian, Gorham. Missing from the photo: Sammy Sarkis – Valedictorian, Woodsville; Hannah Keeler – Salutatorian, Woodsville, and Jessica Riley – Outstanding CTE Student, River Bend Career and Technical Center.
Interested in serving on NCES' Board of Directors?
NCES is accepting self-nominations to be considered to serve a three-year term on the NCES Board of Directors. The board is particularly interested in a having a principal and/or other educator serve on the board. The meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month, September through June, from 9:30 to 10:30 AM and allow for remote participation. Interest should be expressed by June 17th for consideration at the annual meeting on June 21st. Please direct your interest, including brief background/bio info, to Executive Director, Lori Langlois, at lori@ ncedservices.org or Board President, David Backler, at david.backler@ sau20.org.
Support NCES through your Amazon purchases
If you shop at Amazon, please consider selecting NCES as your charity through AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support NCES every time you shop, at no cost to you. You’ll find the exact same prices and shopping experience with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to NCES. To set NCES as your charity, visit this link https://smile.amazon.com/ch/02-0304424
Celebrating the North Country Scholars Class of 2022

Berlin High School
Brayden Landry
Berlin High School
Andrew Cole
Berlin Regional Career & Technical Center
Outstanding CTE Student
Jillian Hallee
Colebrook Academy 
Olivia Barba
Colebrook Academy
Co -Salutatorian
Matthew Crawford
Colebrook Academy
Co -Salutatorian
Ramsey Rancourt
Gorham High School
Zoe Grondin
Gorham High School
Alexander Mayerson
Groveton High School
Reese Routhier
Groveton High School
Rylie Platt
Kennett High School
Taylor Gaudette
Kennett High School
Camden Bailey

Mount Washington Valley Career Technical Center Outstanding CTE Student
Reed Karnopp
Lin-Wood School
Andrew Wilson
Lin-Wood School
Sydney Pickering
Lisbon Regional School
Kendal Clark
Lisbon Regional School
Abigail Mahoney
Littleton High School
Alexi Hastings
Littleton High School Salutatorian Gabriealla "Bre" Lemay
Hugh J. Gallen Career and Technical Center
Outstanding CTE Student
Grady Millen
Pittsburg School
Landen Phillips
Pittsburg School
Zaberie Carney
Profile High School
Mackenzie Craig
Profile High School
Annabelle Mullins
White Mountains Regional High School
Camille Marceau
White Mountains Regional High School
Carissa Challinor
Arthur T. Paradice Regional Career & Technical Center
Outstanding CTE Student
Madison Crane
Woodsville High School Valedictorian
Sammy Sarkis
Woodsville High School
Hannah Keeler
River Bend Career and Technical Center
Outstanding CTE Student
Jessica Riley
Job Openings in North Country Schools
TeachNorth is your one stop spot to find links to current job postings in North Country schools.

- New services in adult education
- Online assessments for HiSet preparation
- In-person and live-online math tutoring (9th grade level and up. Available to college students as well)
Call 752-1927 or email gthebergecoosals@myfairpoint.net for more information.
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.