Level 1 student text, workbook, and teacher’s manual! |
Congratulations, Bernice Fox Classics Writing Contest Winners! Monmouth College is happy to proclaim Ian Rosenzweig, a ninth-grader at the Haverford School in Haverford, PA, as winner with his essay, "Faithful Return." Ian’s Latin teacher is Andrew Fenton. Congratulations, Ian and Magister Fenton! Honorable mentions go to the following students: Willa Salmanson and Arielle Brian (both of Harriton High School, Bryn Mawr, PA), both taught by Veronica-Vladimiorva Cambria; Phoebe Han (Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, New York, NY), taught by Peter Gill; Clarence W. Chaptman III, Forest Rudd, and Frederick Huang (all of Memphis University School, Memphis, TN), all taught by Ryan Sellers; Martina Campagnoli and Edward Gilligan (The Hill School, Pottstown, PA), both taught by Patrick Lake; and Brad Derfner (The Peddie School, Hightstown, New Jersey). Thanks to students across the nation for your submissions!
B-C's Special Distance Learning Content with Complimentary Materials
In response to school closures due to COVID-19, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is making a variety of materials available to the classics community in order to ease the transition to distance learning. Please see our new Distance Learning page to freely access downloadable packets of fair use excerpts from our books as well as some fun mythology-related activities.
Classical art in the Student Union dining room at the University of Zurich. Photo by David Doubleday.
Pegasus defeating the dragon in Hallandale Beach, FL. This is the second largest statue in the USA after the Statue of Liberty. Photo by Athena Universe, Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 4.0.
Check out this Teen Spirit cover in classical Latin!
Wonder how long you can dine at this restaurant in Kittery, ME?
Celebrating a Decade of Complimentary Professional Development
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to provide complimentary webinars on a variety of subjects, especially pedagogical, of interest to classicists. Some webinars are geared to the Latin for the New Millennium program and to topics generated by the AP* Latin curriculum.
Read eLitterae or follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the announcement of our winter/spring series of free webinars. Please note: The Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers Webinar Program is intended to be a live interactive endeavor in which presenter and attendees ask questions, make comments, seek clarification, share examples, etc. Thus, by design and in order to protect the presenter’s intellectual property, B-C does not make recordings available to non-attendees. B-C encourages those interested in a given topic or presenter to plan to attend the live webinar. If you have suggestions for webinars, please contact Don Sprague.
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Dear Colleagues,
Strong sighs of relief echoed across the country recently as students undertook the 2022 AP Latin Exam and others wrote their IB Latin papers! Many teachers of seniors also sighed as they held their final classes and wished seniors well. All of us at Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers wish the seniors well as they graduate and look forward to college and other post-secondary school endeavors. May they hold dear their experiences with their Latin and Greek studies!
This past week we presented our final webinar of the 2021–2022 school year—an excellent cross-cultural talk, “Greece & Rome, China & India: at the Crossroads of the Ancient World” by Georgia Irby of William and Mary College! This marked our eleventh consecutive year of providing these complimentary professional development opportunities. As I plan for next year, do send me any recommendations!
With this issue of eLitterae, we publish the seventh and final Latin story to accompany each of the seven reviews in Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1. How wonderful to have enlisted the multitalented and multiple novella author Emma Vanderpool to create these stories that both complement the LNM material and provide a different perspective on mythological and historical material. While written with LNM in mind, the stories can be used in all beginning Latin classes. As we look to planning eLitterae for next year, please let us know if you would like to see more stories to accompany Latin 1. Take ten seconds and zap me an email: don@bolchazy.com.
Among the many links provided in this month’s Teaching Tips & Resources, let me call your attention to the close reading of Auden’s Musée des Beaux Arts. This poem has special significance for me. My Honors English 2 class at Boston College High School with Mr. Bill Collins was a learning watershed. I was taken with his presentation of the poem and the Brueghel painting that it references. For years I hung a copy of the painting by my desk. Then, seeing it later at the Musée des Beaux Arts, the impactful lesson was brought full circle. Thank you, Bill Collins, and thank you, editor colleague Amelia Wallace, for sharing the New York Times piece with me. I hope you’ll enjoy the close reading.
Best wishes as you work toward the end of the school year.
All best,
Don Sprague
Executive Editor
Teaching Tip: A Latin Story to Accompany Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1, Review 7
This is the seventh in a series of stories to accompany each of the seven reviews in LNM 1. While complementary to LNM, the stories can serve all first-year Latin students.
This story provides a look at the Underworld and its inhabitants through the eyes of the Queen of the Underworld, Proserpina.
This tapestry based on Ovid’s Metamorphoses, a collection of myth stories, shows Orpheus, the renowned musician, playing his lyre for Pluto (Hades in Greek) and Proserpina (Persephone in Greek) in the Underworld. The tapestry was woven at the Wauters workshop in Antwerp, c. 1685, following a design probably by Peter Ykens (1648–1695) and Pieter Spierinckx (1635–1711). Photo courtesy of the Art Institute of Chicago, Open Access. Gift of Marshall Field and Company.
Prōserpina Mihi nōmen erat Prōserpina. Quia meus marītus, Plūto, mē ā mātre, Cereres, ēripuit, nōlēbam vīvere in Orcō. Orcus locus sub terrā erat. Mē dēlectāvit lūdere inter flōrēs. Nōn erant herbae et flōrēs sub terrā; herbae et flōrēs in terrā vīvēbant. Plūto rēx mortuōrum erat, ego eius rēgīna facta sum. Nōn licet dīvinīs aliīs in Orcum dēscendere.
Mortuī in Orcum dēscendērunt; Plūto omnēs laetē recēpit. Erant illī pauperēs, quī vīventēs multīs eguerant. Erant hī magnārum dīvitiārum, quī vīventēs multa possēderant. Erant fūrēs terribilēs et ferōcēs. Erant mīlitēs magnae cōnstantiae, quī in proeliō mortuī erant. In Orcum dēscendere nōn īnīquitās erat, sed fortūna et futūra omnibus.
Meus marītus omnēs legēs et iussūs dābat. Multī mortuī circum Orcum errābant et inter sē vīvēbant. Hī vīventēs bonī fuerant. Dēlectāvit autem meum marītum adulēscēntēs improbōs pūnīre. Illī vīventēs malī fuerant.
Ixīōn fēcit multa contrā lēgēs hūmānās et dīvinās, itaque in axe versābatur. Diē vulturēs carnem Tityī celeriter cōnsūmēbant. Quamquam eius vulnera terribilia erant, noctū carō sanābat sed vulturēs rediēbant. Tantalus carnem hūmānum coxerat itaque prō poenā omnibus cibīs egēbat. Sororēs Danaidēs vās implēbant. Vās numquam plēnus erat et numquam abundābat. Necesse erat Sisiphō tollere saxum, et sedēre nōn poterat. Saxum terram terēbat.
Quamquam ego rēgina eram, tamen cum nymphīs lūdere et inter flōrēs in terrā cupiēbam. Spectāre improbissimōs virōs et eōrum poenās nōn mē dēlectāvit.
Vocabula Nova Cerēs, -eris, f. – goddess of agriculture Orcus, -ī, m. – the underworld flōs, flōris, m. – flower mortuus, -a, -um – dead laetē (adv.) – happily, joyfully vīvēns, vīventēs – living; here, translate as “while alive/when living” morior, morī, mortuum – to die futura, -ōrum, n., the future improbus, -a, -um – naughty redeō, redīre, redīī, redītum – to return, go back poena, -ae, f. – punishment cibus, -ī, m. – food vās, vāsis, n. – vase impleō, implēre, implēvī, implētus – to fill necesse (indeclinable adj.) – necessary saxum, -ī, n. – rock
Editor’s Note: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to provide this Latin story for Latin teacher subscribers to use with their own classes only. The PDF version includes a full color illustration and caption.
About the AuthorEmma Vanderpool has taught Latin at the university, middle school, and high school levels—currently at the Springfield Honors Academy in Massachusetts. Vanderpool earned her Bachelor of Arts in Latin, Classics, and History from Monmouth College in Illinois and her Master of Arts in Teaching Classical Humanities from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. She serves as a state rep for CANE, as an executive board member of Ascanius, and as an organizer for Our Voices and Lupercal. Vanderpool is the recipient of a Distinguished Teaching Award from UMASS Amherst and was honored as the Lincoln Laureate for Monmouth College. She has self-published ten novellae. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to have had Vanderpool launch our novella series with Explore Latin: Aves and the first three titles for the Encounter Latin series— Augury is for the Birds: Marcus de Avibus Discit and Under His Father's Wing: Marcus de Auguribus Discit, and Princess, Priestess, Mother, Wolf: Fabula de Romulo et Remo (forthcoming).
Content by Emma Vanderpool
Latin for the New Millennium ©2022 Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
Students proclaim Lumina excellent prep for the MCQs on the AP Latin Exam!
Available to accompany AP Latin Caesar and Vergil Selections—a splendid tool for AP* Exam review!
 Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is thrilled with the very positive response from students and instructors alike about this Lumina content: online exercises to accompany the Caesar and Vergil selections on the AP Latin syllabus! With its comprehensive, completely original content, Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections is a perfect complement to Bolchazy-Carducci's print and eBook resources for AP Latin. Better yet, Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections works on any internet-enabled device! Features
• Hundreds of automatically-graded multiple choice questions promote close reading of all syllabus selections and provide students with immediate feedback
• Veteran AP Latin teacher Patrick Yaggy has carefully constructed Lumina to model the formatting, terminology, and question-type frequency of the AP Latin exam.
• Multiple choice questions cover every single line of Caesar and Vergil in the AP Latin syllabus.
• Copious AP-style free response questions ensure that students develop the necessary skills to thoroughly analyze and respond to all passages on the syllabus
• Thorough practice exams prepare students for the format of the AP Latin exam
• Vocabulary and figures of speech flashcards allow for additional review.
The current version reflects additions and revisions, as well as some corrections, made in response to student and teacher feedback. An ideal learning tool, for online or in person classes, that provides exceptional AP Exam prep! To learn more, visit the Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections product page and watch the overview video.
Contact lumina@bolchazy.com to schedule an online demonstration.
NB: B-C has also developed Lumina for Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1 and Level 2 and for the online self-learning program Artes Latinae, Level 1 and Level 2.
Teaching Tips & Resources
► Res Ucrainae
• Map with dates, which show when Ukrainian cities and towns were established.
• Comparing the “glory” of war from Troy to Kyiv.
► Res Romanae
• Video captures rain storm inside the Pantheon!
• Seeking UNESCO World Heritage status for the Appian Way.
• Follow Hadrian’s Villa on Facebook.
• Producing olive oil at Hadrian’s Villa.
• Roman glass featured on Digital Maps of the Ancient World.
• Video shows how to recreate ancient bread.
• The popularity of erotic art in Pompeii.
► Res Hellenicae
• A close read of Auden’s Musée des Beaux Arts and Icarus’s fall.
Traditionally attributed to Pieter Breughel the Elder (1526/1530–1569), Landscape with the Fall of Icarus is housed at the Musée des Beaux Arts in Brussels, Belgium. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 3.0.
• A musical retelling of the Odyssey from Penelope’s perspective.
• New director of Paestum archaeological site.
• Hope that more courses in English at Greek universities will draw more international students.
• When did the Thera volcano erupt
► Res Aegypticae
• Greco-Roman pottery workshop discovered in Alexandria.
• Excavations in Sinai reveal temple to Zeus.
• Egyptian garden recreated for first time.
► Social Justice
• Sudan’s powerful, complex past.
Granite statue in Tombos, Sudan. This unfinished recumbent granite statue of a Napatan king—a Black Pharaoh of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt, has been abandoned for over 2,700 years. It was intended to stand in front of the doorway of Temple B 700 at Jebel Barkal. Photo by Sue Fleckney, Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 2.0.
• Prehistoric women were hunters, artists, and mothers.
• Fabulous site for the study of Roman women.
• Sheffield, UK: Latin study for improved literacy skills.
• More on the Benin bronzes.
• Smithsonian’s policy on looted artworks.
► Res Aliae
• Phoenician necropolis found in southern Spain.
• Religious significance of Phoenician “harbor” in Sicily.
• A look at impressive and powerful ancient Persia.
A striking view—360⁰ panorama—of the dome of the Tachara or Tachar Castle, the Palace of Darius the Great, in Persepolis. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons 4.0.
• Persepolis reimagined by the Getty.
• Interesting discovery at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem.
• Giant statues from three millennia ago unearthed in Sardinian necropolis.
• Open-air Neanderthal habitat discovered in Alicante.
• Chinese smoked cannabis 2,500 years ago!
• Viking runes at Hagia Sophia.
• Manuscripts reveal Armenia’s culinary history.
• Sculpture of the Canaanite goddess Anat discovered.
• Bronze Age influx of women to Orkney.
• Just what did Anglo-Saxon kings eat? Barbecued meats or veggies?
• Climate change reveals 1,700-year-old sandal in Norway.
• Ancient images found in Alabama cave.
• The purpose of Bronze Age daggers.
2022 Classics Conferences and Meetings
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to be exhibiting in-person or virtually at these conferences of the new academic year.
College of Charleston, Charleston, SC June 24–26, 2022 B-C Representatives: Bridget Dean and Donald Sprague
B-C Author Presentations:
NJCL—National Junior Classical League2022 NJCL ConventionUniversity of Louisiana, Lafayette, Lafayette, LA July 24–29, 2022 B-C Representatives: Donald Sprague and Amelia Wallace |
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Bolchazy-Carducci's New Novella Series: Great Gifts for the Young Latin Learner in Your Life
Don’t miss the latest Explore Latin title.