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September 2022           Vol. IV Issue 3
"Standing on the Side of Love"
In this issue:
From the Minister
Music Schedule for Aug 2022
Side with Love
Book review
Poetry Corner
Standing on the Side of Love
Birthdays in September
Volunteer Spotlight
August Board Meeting and Committee Reports
Climate Justice at UU General Assembly 2022
Tidings Notes
UUCSV Leadership
From the Minister

Well, we're here. The last quarter of the year! Labor Day weekend is coming up and of course UU Homecoming Sunday on September 11th. We're in the home stretch here and this is the harvest time. We get to reap the benefits of the seeds we planted earlier in the year or maybe even before that. Remember, we all reap what we sow and that is the Universal Law. 
There is a Full Moon on September 10th this year and it is called The Harvest Moon. The Full Moon that happens nearest to the fall equinox is called The Harvest Moon. This time of year---late summer into early fall- corresponds with the time of harvest corn in much of the United States. Many First Nations people traditionally use some variation of the name "Corn Moon" to refer to this Full Moon.
All this is to say that this time of year, we usually see some of the seeds that we planted earlier in the year come to fruition, literally and figuratively speaking. At least this has been my experience.  So, I'd like to offer some words of encouragement for those who are struggling as we begin the last 3 months of 2022.
You are a good person. Never doubt this. Lighten up and don't be so hard on yourself.
There is a purpose to your living. You were born to fulfill that purpose in a way that only you can.
You bring to life talents and gifts unlike those of any other person.
Every experience supports your purpose. Every experience will facilitate your understanding of your purpose and will call you to use the talents and gifts you possess.
Every person you have ever met has played an important role helping you to achieve your goals and the understanding of your purpose here.
You are worthy.
You can and will make the choice to fulfill your purpose here.
Balancing your heart and your mind are key.  Be gentle with yourself. These are both exciting and trying times. You've already come this far. It's harvest time these last three months of 2022. 
Be well!
Rev. Michael J. S. Carter
Music Schedule for Aug 2022
September 4-    Sue Stone, piano: prelude, postlude, offertory and three hymns.
September 11-   Sue Stone, Second Sundays performer; Linda Metzner, piano: two hymns.
September 18-  Linda Metzner, piano: prelude, postlude, offertory and three hymns.
September 25-  Two Choir Anthems; Sue Stone, piano: prelude, postlude and two hymns.
Side with Love
If you've been around UU's for a while, you've heard of the Side with Love actions...or Sanding on the Side of Love. Here's a link and I've quoted what is said there.
Unitarian Universalists affirm unconditional, universal love as a foundation and grounding for our actions in the world. We strive to be of service to our communities and advocate for change on local, state, national, and international levels.
Through our Side with Love campaign (formerly "Standing on the Side of Love") we amplify the voices of the oppressed through online media; we show up in partnership at justice events across the country; we lobby national leaders on immigration reform, racial justice, equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people, religious freedom, and more; and above all we work to make love real in the world.
Over eighty percent of Unitarian Universalist congregations, and many more individual UUs and others who care about justice, have become a part of Side with Love.
Mahatma Gandhi did it. Mother Theresa did it. Martin Luther King, Jr., did it.
We do it. How do you reach out in love?
Book review
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
by Taylor Jenkins Reid
2017 Fiction
Love is love.
I hesitated at first to read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. But I’m so glad I did.
The title is misleading. The characters in this book are gay. They are celebrities who must hide their truth and their love in the 60’s and 70’s and 80’s to save their reputations and careers. The tale has a surprise at the end but all in all it is about standing on the side of love, whatever that love is. 

Teresa Ballinger
Poetry Corner
seriously at risk of distinction
flying in migratory pattern, finally
fatigued from drought, their wings
fluttering, the monarch’s flight found

found rest at The Border.
first on very young
Valencia’s delicate collarbone,
skin swollen from blood thirsty

found rest on raw knee of Santiago’s
bravery, as he crawled from country to

found rest on nose of baby Sophia
wrapped across her mothers breast,
milk yet to dry.

found rest on Border Agent Charlie’s
muscled arm, slack now from days he
held crowds back

found rest on Diego’s heart, longing
for his new bride left at home.

found rest on Joe’s hand
resting on his Border rifle,
rifle he was frightened to use.

finally monarchs fluttered, flew as
one. in that moment as all looked
up, they knew that they too, were

Elizabeth Wallace
by Bill Altork

Conflicted Again
“How does a pacifist like you feel about your tax dollars supporting
arms and war material to Ukraine in the face of Putin’s aggression?”

I don’t know how to answer her.
It’s a long way and time from
being a conscientious objector
during the Vietnam war.  Or is it?
Are there any instances when defense
against an outrageous aggressor 
is ever justified?  
Or is this another slippery slope?
Uncomfortable either way,
do I stick to my values, 
insisting that peaceful means 
must be the only way to peaceful ends?
Yet daily losses of innocent civilians
troubles me more than I can express.
Stopping Putin now and in Ukraine seems 
the only way to prevent even more lives lost.
I remain conflicted, unsure 
and relieved not to be the decider.
Yet I can’t escape the responsibility
of taking my stand either way.
No more war means never.
How then do I live with myself
and these horrific consequences
in this brutal situation?
Jim Carillon
Standing on the Side of Love
Every time I drive into Black Mountain I look for what I call my Burma Shave signs:  Every
Something so simple and yet reassuring, something that speaks of love not fear.  That duality, love and/or fear, seems to pop up enough that we humans have ample opportunity to examine its many manifestations and to make choices that reflect our current life:  again, love or fear. 
Recently I read a little book called The Children's Bible, where in a disintegrating social situation, a number of children and young adults are on a farm which has ample food supplies.  A truck loaded with armed men drives up and they proceed to take the provisions.  I have to say that is one of my worst fears in relation to climate change i.e. that we humans will not collaborate or cooperate but will succumb to the use of force to obtain food and other basic necessities.

What sort of community building that we practice now will help us stand on the side of love rather than fear when the many aspects of climate change begin?  Here is a simple proposal.  To anyone who has an interest, anyone who has struggled to find answers for personal mitigation actions, simply anyone who wishes, let's get together once a month and share ideas.  By anticipating the things that can challenge us in the future, we will be practicing standing on the side of love and not fear and hopefully help others to do the same.

Let me know if you would be interested in forming a discussion group. 
Suzanne Ziglar
Birthdays in September
Bill  Altork 3
Damaris Pierce  
Maggie Schluback
Joy Levine 6
Carolyn Shorkey 14
Milt Warden  
Jackie Franklin 21
Rhea Bockhorst 29
Rebecca Williams 30
To be listed in your birth month, just let the Tidings editor know by sending your info at any time to
Volunteer Spotlight
Behind the Scenes
Mark and Angie Manuel
     For years and years, Mark and Angie have been quietly and faithfully responding to requests from UUCSV leadership to perform specific tasks.  Angie and Mark have hosted many a coffee hour and have showed up in their painting clothes ready to help.  As members of our Caring Committee, Angie, (one of our UUCSV Gourmet Cooks) attentively prepares meals for congregants who are in temporary need of support from our Caring Committee. Mark delivers her meals with such pride! And rightfully so, he’s the first to say, “You’re going to like this, Angie’s a really good cook!”
     Mark offers to give rides and regularly visits one of our congregants who does not have any family and resides in a nursing home in Black Mountain. Mark assumed a long stint, changing the letters on our sign along Montreat Road which announces our sermon topic for the upcoming Sunday. He shows up to mow grass and help with autumn leaves. 
     Modestly, they think they don’t do much for the congregation, but our committee heads could not accomplish what they do without our behind-the-scenes “first responders,” like Mark and Angie.  We are so fortunate to have them in our community. Their family and particularly their young grandchildren are flourishing under the umbrella of Angie and Mark’s love.
Carolyn Shorky
August Board Meeting and Committee Reports
UUCSV Board Meeting Abbreviated Minutes
Thursday, August 25, 2022 
Treasurer’s ReportLarry Perlman, our volunteer Treasurer, reviewed the Balance sheet and indicated that the Welcome Circle now has $3300 which is double from last month.  Looking at the Income & Expenses report, Larry mentioned some items are either ahead or behind expectations based on one month into the fiscal year. The offering plate is behind projected income. Some annual pledges are paid in full at the beginning of the fiscal year, making it appear that income is way ahead of projections. Music spending is ahead because the music director buys music early in the year. Printing is high but reflects a past bill.
Building and Grounds Committee: (BAG) Jackie summarized the attached report and asked the Board to cancel the Little Library/Pantry project because deadlines aren’t being met. There were no objections. Jackie reminded the Board that projects presented to the church should go to the appropriate committee first, and the committee should review the project and report to the Board on whether the project should be accepted.
Congregational Care: Larry summarized the attached report from committee chair, Carolyn Shorkey. Rochelle reported that she is getting very positive feedback from the church community about Congregation Care which has had a very busy couple of months.  She praised the Committee for the work they are doing.
The Garden Committee: Larry talked to Dawn Wilson who reported that the replacement bench slats have been received and will be installed. Two new names (Phil Fryberger and Julia Jordan) will be inscribed on the monument, in the next month.
Membership Committee: Rose summarized the attached committee report. After mentioning that we gained 10 new members and lost 10 members, a question arose about why people have left the congregation. 
Religious Education (RE): Report is attached.
Safety Committee: Marti reported that the approved door locking procedure was implemented and is working. The Committee is working on setting up another safety training session with the Black Mountain police. Someone raised a privacy concern of our church service being posted on YouTube revealing intimate joys and concerns to the world, by way of our posting on YouTube.  The issue was shelved for later consideration.
Sunday Service Associates (SSA): Marti reported that all remaining Sundays are booked to the end of the year.
Stewardship: Dan summarized the attached report. Ro suggested talking about the draft endowment fund document during the Board retreat.
New American’s Fund disbursement: Anna requested money from the fund raiser be transferred @300/month starting in Oct. into the checking account for the head of the household and hold the rest of the funds for later. Rochelle asked for the longer term plan for helping this family becoming self-sufficient.  Jane Carroll listed all the training the family is getting from the UUCSV Circle of Welcome.
Mary Soyenova RecognitionRo received a request from someone who wants to recognize Mary for all she does for our church community such as making signs for the church, making coffee, bringing flowers, and generally being a bright light in our community. Michael will acknowledge Mary at the Sunday service on August 28th.  How to recognize those congregants like Mary who contribute so much to the community could be a possible retreat topic.
How to handle political statements from the pulpit: Dan raised the issue of “direct political comment” about former President Trump and the Republican party during a recent sermon. UUA guidelines about political speech were mentioned, and it was agreed that those guidelines should be reviewed. 
Julia Jordan Memorial Fund: Larry has been receiving memorial donations for Julia Jordan and they are listed as memorial donations in the budget. After some discussion, it was decided to donate the money to committee work supported by Julia. It was decided that half of the sum of donations will go to the Welcome Circle and and half to the Social Action Committee.  Larry will check with the donors to see if this is acceptable. Larry suggested waiting for 6 months before distributing the total sum of the donations to the two committees. 
Respectfully submitted by Milton Warden, Board Secretary
Next Regular Board meeting:  September 22nd @ 6:00 p.m.

Congregational Care Committee (CCC) Report August 2022
Carolyn Shorkey, Chair
Cards, calls, visits, meals, rides
Shopping, outings, email, zoom
Caring Committee.
Let’s see if I can elaborate on the above haiku.
     We’ve had three reported recent hospitalizations, two such patients requested assistance. Support was provided by 7 volunteers including brief and extended hospital visits, follow up home visits, cards, meals, transportation, texts, calls and emails. Both have been discharged and receiving meals and visits at home.
     One seriously injured person completed about 4 weeks of assistance with meals and transportation and loan of medical equipment.
     Cards and phone calls and equipment loaned to another injured person.
     One case of COVID reported with no request for assistance.
     One minor car accident with request for help navigating the insurance/repair process and rides.
     Of our five homebound congregants, 4 received assistance from a total of 8 volunteers. Assistance includes, extended visits, outings, shopping, delivery of groceries, emails, extended phone calls, and transportation.
    Many, many thanks to Larry for researching, planning, shopping, installing and teaching one of our homebound congregants how to use a new, very simple phone system, so that he can be contacted with some degree of success.
     A few requests for transportation were not satisfied by our committee.
     Concluding the second month of my leadership, I have learned that most folks needing assistance solicit help from their family, friends and neighbors to supplement help from CCC members and other members of the congregation. Seldom are all of their needs met by our active and responsive 14 committee members alone.  These dedicated committee members play a critical role for the safety network of members and friends of the UUCSV.
RE Report to the UUCSV Board - August 2022
Sunday Mornings: Online RE
I continue to post stories for families to explore on their own. 
Recent stories have featured back-to-school themes, including an auto-biography of Malala Yousafzai, and growth messages of learning from mistakes, and overcoming negative messaging.
Live Offerings for fall
In light of the fact that it is late July and I’ve had no would-be teachers volunteer, my plan for fall RE is to lead it myself one-room-schoolhouse style and hopefully recruit enough volunteers to be able to offer an open Nursery each week. This is far from ideal, but seems my only real option at this low-point of volunteer support. 
Adult RE
Look for an opportunity to sign up for discussions of Michael Sandel’s Justice at UUSCV this Sunday. If more than a couple folks sign up my plan is to host a discussion of the book/video segments starting in late September. 
Baseball Game!
Those of us who attended the 8/12 Tourist’s game had a wonderful time, despite a disappointing outcome. We enjoyed each other’s company, concessions , and many stayed for a delightful fireworks show after the game!
UUCSV Auction Contributions
We began working on our contributions to the auction this week. The Students each colored 1 piece of a segmented chalice picture that will be framed. Next week we’ll create some alcohol ink ornaments I hope will prove popular.
Playground Refurbishment
Thanks to the wonderful folks on the Building and Grounds Committee this weekend we’ll be staining the older playground equipment (which B & G has pressure washed) to seal it against wear & weather (assuming it isn’t too wet to stain that is). I can’t overstate how much I appreciate their help with this project!
RE Committee & Volunteers
We’re still looking for new Committee members and Volunteers for the fall.!
Thanks!                                        Susan Enwright Hicks, DRE 
Building & Grounds Committee - Action Summary August 2022
The Building & Grounds Committee is asking the Board for their consideration for cancelling the Little Free Library project which the Board approved earlier this year. Zeke, the young man who proposed this Scout project, has missed several deadlines for completion.
In addition, B&G feels the stand is much too large to be in scale with our property. Attached are pictures of the work so far. There are also concerns about maintaining this large pantry/library. 
UUCSV has received $181.84 from the Beautification Committee of Black Mtn to enhance the area around the structure. We have spent $85 for 2 shrubs and soil amendments. If we cancel this project, we would need to refund the Committee $96.84 in unspent funds.
Zeke had the materials donated by Lowes so has no out of pocket costs. He most likely can find another location for the structure.
I received this information too late to get on the agenda for Thursday's meeting. I would appreciate your reviewing and commenting. 
Thanks,                                                    Jackie
Membership committee liaison report for August 25, 2022
I (Rose) met with the membership committee two Sundays ago. 
We spent a little time going over the new safety policy for door locking; I reiterated that it is the responsibility of board members (whoever is doing the welcoming words) to lock door and standby in the foyer or portico for late arrivals.  I provided the written policy to Heidi and Andy.
Heidi will continue to be my contact person for membership and she will also serve as the Committee’s liaison to the Board.
Diane De Grasse has taken on the responsibility for reviewing the past few months’ worth of visitor info cards and will be contacting any potential members — that is, people who have attended 2-3 or more times in that time period.
The Committee reports that in the last few months we have gained 10 new members, but we also lost 10 existing members. 
Andy reminded the group that we are still expecting the welcoming sign for the church interior that Mary Soyenova will be lettering.
UUCSV Stewardship Report August 2022
Larry Pearlman and Dan Hadley are soliciting local businesses. Jim Carillon and Rochelle Broome are contacting UUCSV members re: donating to auction.  Heidi Blozan had to drop out because of the situation with her Mom.  David and Kathy Folsom are filling in for her.
Endowment Fund 
Dan Hadley drafted a sample draft for establishing an Endowment Fund. The draft needs to be reviewed and edited to set policies for promoting the endowment and standards for accepting gifts.
Climate Justice at UU General Assembly 2022
"Little did I know that in the future an entire generation of young people would be looking at my generation with the question, 'How did we let climate change get THIS bad?"
Cindy Piester said this during an interview following UU GA. She  is a political organizer and activist for peace and climate justice, and was born on the day the hydrogen bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. She and I are in the same generation and our parents were the generation that fought WWII.
"The climate crisis is not going away," she said in this interview following the UU GA.
"Inevitably, without urgent action, those who inherit this planet from us will be the ones to face the worst outcomes of our failures. The climate emergency is the most devastating issue of intergenerational injustice in the history of humanity. 
Her "...proposed Action of Immediate Witness, 'CODE RED for Humanity,' only lost by one vote to be an AIW focus at this year’s UUGA." (AIW is an Action of Immediate Witness, only three are chosen each year... see below for more information.)

The above quotes are from an interview with Cindi Priester following 2022 GA, by Vandana Menser available by link HERE.
Barbara Rogers
Tidings Notes
To continue from the article (above) about the Climate Change AIW at UUGA.... the Actions of Immediate Witness did focus on topics of great concern for this particular year...
"Three Actions of Immediate Witness passed: “We Do Not Consent: Rejecting Legal Challenges to Abortion (PDF)” (99.7 percent of the votes in favor); “Antiracism and Reparations via Restorative Justice (PDF)” (95 percent); and “Stop the Privatization of Medicare (PDF)” (77 percent).
I'm looking forward to joining a group of interested Climate Awareness people that Suzanne Ziglar is proposing (above) and she is hoping to have it open to the public, not just UUs.
I continue to learn so much from the Climate Aware people, who aren't out there preaching doomsday. What did anthropologist Margaret Mead say?
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." 
Next month's Tidings topic is suggested to be Conversations.
UUCSV Leadership

Board of Trustees: 
Rochelle Broome - President
Sally Smith - Vice-President
Larry Pearlman - Treasurer
Rose Levering 
Jackie Franklin
Marti Saltzman
Dan Hadley
Non-board officer:
Milt Warden – Secretary

Committee Chairs:
Building & Grounds - Deb Evenchik 
Social Action - Jane Carroll (rotating)
Finance - Lee Reading
Nominating - Evan Yanik
Congregational Care - Carolyn Shorkey
Membership - Heidi Blozan
Personnel – Linda Tatsapaugh
Communications - Susan Culler (contact)
Governance – Evan Yanik
Religious Education - Contact RE Director Susan Enright Hicks
Coffee Hour Hosts Coordinator - Carolyn Shorkey
Sunday Service Associates - Diane Graham (rotating)
Strategic Planning Task Force - open
Memorial Garden - Dawn Wilson
Safety Committee - Marti Saltzman
Stewardship - Dan Hadley

Sunday Service Production:
AV producer/editor - Evan Yanik and Deb Evenchik
Music director and piano - Annelinde Metzner
Sue Stone, piano

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Swannanoa Valley
500 Montreat Road
Black Mountain, NC 28711
(828) 669-8050 (email preferred during pandemic)
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UUCSV  •  500 Montreat Road  •  Black Mountain, NC 28711

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