"No Such Thing As a Bad Kid" with Charlie Appelstein
Understanding and Responding to Students with Emotional & Behavioral Challenges Using a Positive, Trauma-informed, Strength-Based Approach & Creating a Positive, Strength-Based Culture in Your School

Strength-based practice is an emerging approach to guiding students and, in particular, those with emotional and behavioral challenges, that is exceptionally positive and inspiring. Its focus is on strength-building rather than flaw-fixing. It begins with the belief that every young person has or can develop strengths and utilize past successes to mitigate problem behavior and enhance academic and social functioning.
Location: Live online presentation via Zoom
Dates/Time: Tuesday evenings, October 11, 18, 25 and November 1, 2022 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM
- Staff from NCES Member Districts (SAUs 3, 9- Jackson only, 20, 23 - Haverhill Coop SD, 35, 36, 48 - Campton only, 58, 68, 77, and 84): Free
- Staff from NCES Associate Member Districts (SAU 7): $50 for the series
- Staff from non-members: $100 for the series
- Staff from child-serving non-profits and early childhood centers, pricing follows respective school district.
Register: Online or by calling 603-466-5437 M-F between 8-4.
About the presenter:
Youth care specialist Charlie Appelstein, M.S.W., provides expert strength-based training, consultation, publications, CDs, and DVDs for individuals and groups who work with children and youth experiencing emotional and behavioral challenges. Described as “the best youth care trainer in America” by Robert Lieberman, former president of the American Association of Children’s Residential Centers, Charlie has devoted his entire adult career to helping children and youth struggling with emotional and behavioral challenges and those who guide them. An engaging, informative, and humorous speaker, Charlie is the author of three critically acclaimed books on youth care and the creator of two innovative CDs that helps kids and parents make better choices and lead happier lives. Charlie’s strength-based approach delivers a message of hope and possibility to our most vulnerable youth and those who shape and influence their lives.
Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics
Join math consultant Ann Elise Record for an engaging workshop on meeting the individual math needs of all your students. It can seem like a daunting task when it seems like the spectrum of abilities in classrooms just keeps getting wider. How do we discover where students are on their learning journeys and then provide experiences in our math classrooms that provide equitable access to rigorous instruction for ALL students?
Ann Elise will share practical answers to these questions and connect you to a wealth of free resources that will help you on your journey. Topics will include Daily Routines that promote reasoning, fluency, and problem solving, and Building Thinking Classrooms, Peter Liljedahl's practices for thinking that create an ideal setting for deep mathematics learning to occur. As Chase Orton says, "We are not only teaching our students math content, but helping them author their own math stories."
For: Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics applies to K-12, however, the examples in this workshop will explore multiplication, division, and fractions, and thus suited for elementary and upper elementary educators.
Date/Time: Thursday, November 10, 2022 from 8:30 to 3:00 (lunch provided)
Cost: Staff from full member schools, $175; associate member schools $225; non-members $275.
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH
Register: Online or calling 603.466.5437 M-F between 8:00-4:00.
About the presenter:
Ann Elise Record is a Bureau of Education and Research presenter and an independent elementary math consultant. She is a contributing author, together with Dr. Alison Mello, on Dr Nicki Newton’s book Fluency Doesn’t Just Happen with Addition and Subtraction. She has presented at National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and Association of Teachers of Mathematics New England (ATMNE) conferences as well as various other state conferences. Her passion is working with educators to help them implement best practices within the three basic pillars of classroom math instruction that encourage growth mindset messages: math fact fluency, word problem structures, and understanding progressions of the standards.
NHTM Statewide Book Study "Building Thinking Classrooms"
 NHTM is offering a continuation of the virtual state-wide book study centered on Peter Liljedahl’s book, “Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Grades K-12”. Those who participated in last year's book study will have the opportunity to share experiences with colleagues from across the state who are also working to implement strategies in their classrooms. New participants are welcome to join at any time! Come away with ready-to-use instructional strategies for your classroom!
Registration is open only to NHTM members, however, anyone interested in participating can register for a free one-year basic membership.
Learn more
Conscious Discipline Fall/Winter Series
Conscious Discipline is a social‐emotional learning and classroom management approach. Developed by a teacher for teachers, the philosophy of Conscious Discipline emerged after years of working with children and experiencing the challenges of a broken system full of hurting children and frustrated adults. The methodology and best‐practices of Conscious Discipline offer a different – and proven – pathway to transformation.
Join colleagues for online discussions to reflect on the 10-lesson video series, Building Resilient Schools and Homes. The video series is lead by Dr. Becky Bailey, educator, author, and child development expert.
Facilitators: To be announced
Format: Watch video lessons 1-2 prior to Discussion #1,
lessons 3-5 for #2, lessons 6-8 for #3, and lessons 9-10 for #4
Dates/Time: Online via Zoom
Discussion #1: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 from 6:30-7:30 PM
Discussion # 2: Wednesday, November 16, 2022 from 6:30-7:30 PM
Discussion # 3: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 from 6:30-7:30 PM
Discussion #4: Wednesday, January 18, 2023 from 6:30-7:30 PM
Cost (includes video access, book and workbook, and online resources): Free for educators employed by school districts with an NCES full membership: SAUs 3, 9 (Jackson only), 23 (Haverhill only), 35, 36, 48 (Campton only), 58, 68, 77, & 84. Associate member districts: $50. Non-members $100 (space permitting).
For: PreK, elementary, and middle educators but please note that the video content is geared to the elementary grades. Staff from childcare and family-serving organizations are also welcome and pricing follows your local school district.
Register: Online or by calling 603.466.5437, M-F between 8:00-4:00.
Celebrate Farm to School Month

Every October, National Farm to School Month is celebrated by the National Farm to School Network in all 50 states.
NH Farm to School encourages you to celebrate too!
Join schools across the state in recognizing the importance of farm to school through activities, lesson plans, good local food, and fun!
NH Farm to School will has 4 themed weeks during Farm to School Month highlighting one different aspect of student engagement with food and agriculture.
Learn more
Attention PreK, K, 1, and ECE Teachers
Keeping Students Safe: Practical Strategies for Supporting Students in Mental Health Distress
This interactive, web-based learning series for school staff in New Hampshire will provide tools to better support the increased number of students experiencing mental health distress. Students are experiencing crisis levels of anxiety, depression, trauma, and suicidal ideation. Rooted in the pandemic and loss of in-person classes, school staff are also reporting delayed coping and socialization skills and insufficient backup from outside behavioral health counselors and facilities. Our goal, based on needs identified by schools, is to provide resources for the most urgent mental health issues facing school staff today, along with an opportunity for discussing de-identified situations and receiving peer support.
Dates/Times: Sessions will be held biweekly starting Oct 18 through Dec 13, 2022 from 3:30-4:30pm EST
Sponsored by: Dartmouth Health ECHO Programs
Learn more
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) are the highest honors bestowed by the United States government specifically for K-12 science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science (STEM) teaching. Awardees serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in the improvement of STEM education. Recipients of the award receive the following:
- A certificate signed by the President of the United States.
- A paid trip to Washington, D.C., to attend a series of recognition events and professional development opportunities.
- A $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation.
- An opportunity to build lasting partnerships with colleagues across the nation.
Nomination process Anyone—principals, teachers, parents, students, or members of the general public—may nominate outstanding 7-12 science, technology, engineering, or mathematics teachers now for this award year. Teachers may also initiate the application process themselves Learn more
Place-Based Learning Grants
The Rural Schools Collaborative’s Celia B. Godsil Grants-in-Place Fellows program provides grant awards to rural school teachers who engage their students in exemplary place-based learning. Each Godsil Fellow will receive a total award of up to $2,500 with $2,000 earmarked for the place-based project and $500 provided to the educator as an honorarium.
NH educators are eligible to apply. Deadline for applications is October 14.
Learn more
Amplifying Youth Voice through Project Soapbox
Project Soapbox is a public speaking competition facilitated by Mikva Challenge that calls young people to speak out on issues that affect them and their communities. These powerful speeches have lasting, transformative impacts on classrooms, schools, and communities. The first step to being an active and engaged citizen is to be able to stand up and speak out on an issue that you care about. Challenging the stereotype that young people are apathetic, Mikva’s Project Soapbox curriculum provides an avenue for students to identify a passion and learn effective public speaking skills. Students also develop their listening and empathy skills.
To learn more about your classroom participating in Project Soapbox, contact Amanda Maguire, NH Mikva Coordinator at amandam@mikvachallenge.org or visit:
Publishing Opportunity for Teens
Under the Madness Magazine, a magazine for teen writers-by teen writers, is accepting submissions of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction for its first issue. The magazine's editorial board is composed of students largely from the North Country, working under the mentorship of the New Hampshire Poet Laureate. Under the Madness Magazine publishes writers, ages 13-19, from around the globe.
Under the Madness is made possible with the generous support of the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. The magazine began as an off-shoot of the 2021 North Country Young Writers’ Festival.
Learn more about submitting teen work
Grants Available To Bring FIRST Robotics Programs To Your Students!
Fueled by a multi-year grant from the Northern Borders Regional Commission (NBRC) and from the The Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, FIRST New Hampshire (FIRST NH) has launched an ambitious project to make FIRST robotics programs available to all students in grades PK-12 in every school and in every community in Coos and northern Grafton counties. This project provides resources to introduce new FIRST programs in the classroom or as after-school enrichment activities, and to strengthen and grow existing FIRST programs. FIRST NH has partnered with White Mountain Science, Inc., (WMSI) to provide training and professional development through this project. WMSI is a trusted STEM education provider to schools and communities throughout New Hampshire. Together, we will provide the support that our teachers and coaches need to build sustainable and successful programs for the students in northern New Hampshire.
For more information on this exciting opportunity for your students, please contact FIRST NH by email at info@firstnh.org or call 603-320-8262. For general information on FIRST programs, visit www.firstinspires.org.
NH Performance Learning and Assessment Consortium for Education (NH PLACE)
The goal of PLACE is to support teacher development of performance learning and performance tasks to be used by teachers in the classroom. Taking the positive learning from the PACE project, PLACE additionally focuses on individual classroom assessment needs and the context of each learning community.
The project will be led by teacher leaders who will work with experts to design professional development for teachers specific to assessment and content needs. Teachers will also lead their peers in a collaborative process to develop performance learning and tasks to be shared with all NH teachers.
The PLACE project is virtual training (4:00-6:00pm) every other month for teachers. One day mid-year will be in person. There will be teams for science, ELA, math, social studies, and an interdisciplinary team.
Join a community of practice led by and for NH teachers with guidance from national experts.
- Deepen Knowledge of Assessment Literacy to Use Immediately in the Classroom
- Embed Student Agency and Competency-Based Learning into Unit Design
- Develop Teacher Agency and Leadership Capacity
- Build a State-Wide Performance Task Bank
This is a no-cost opportunity for NH Teachers.
Learn more or contact the NH Learning Initiative for details.
Are your 5th graders participating?
2022 Fall Science Education Conference
Content, Creativity & Courage: Re-Inventing the Basics
October 27, 2022, 8:00 am -2:00pm
Pembroke, NH
Keynote Presenter: Dr. Charles Smith
NH Young Child System of Care Provider Conference
For those interested in providing trauma-informed care for families and young children, the NH CPP Provider Network is hosting a free conference for information sharing, panel discussion, breakout sessions and a keynote speaker, Dr. Julie Larrieu.
Julie Larrieu, PhD, is the Director of Clinical Psychology at Tulane University. She has focused much clinical work on infant mental health and developmental psychopathology, and recent research includes partnering with court systems. As a National and International CPP Trainer, she has been the Mentor and Trainer for the NH CPP Network since 2016.
Date: January 12, 2023 from 9O00-4:30
Cost: Free
Location: Online via Zoom
Register: Online or contact Jenn Comeau at jennifer.comeau@centerfortrpchange.com
NHCSS Teacher of the Year Award
Nominations for the NH Council for the Social Studies Teacher of the Year are sought by March 15th of each year. The NHCSS Teacher of the Year will be awarded a year's membership in NHCSS, will be recognized at the NHCSS Annual Conference in the fall, and will receive a cash award. In addition, they will be recognized at the New Hampshire "Excellence in Education Program" (known as the "EDies") in June the following year and will have a table for them and their family at the event.
NHCSS also awards the Kristi Alvarez Geospatial Educator Memorial Award and The Mary Susan Leahy Civics Educator Award. To learn more about annual through NHCSS, visit https://www.nhcss.org/awards-and-grants.html
NH Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference
The NHCSS has announced the annual in-person conference will be October 21, 2022 in Manchester, NH. The event will feature keynote speaker, Dr. Chris Capozzola and over 30 workshops.
Learn more at nhcss.org.
WMCC Hosts K-12 Integration Forum on Rural Pathways for College & Career
Dr. Kristen Miller, Vice President of Academic Affairs at White Mountains Community College, provided an overview of the rural pathway projects underway at the college. Hosted in partnership with NCES, school counselors and administrators from throughout the North Country joined WMCC faculty and leaders for three round-robin input sessions on topics pertaining to ways to better integrate K-12 opportunities and partnerships for career and college pathways.
Learn more
Interested in a Debate-Inspired Classrooms workshop?
NCES would like to hear from educators who may be interested in participating in a Debate-Inspired Classroom workshop. Through the Boston Debate League, this training trains teachers to cultivate authentic student discussions driven by curiosity and problem-solving. Using non-controversial prompts, the Debate-Inspired Classrooms instructional approach creates a classroom community where students build argumentation skills. Learning to talk with others, question, and collaborate with each other, these essential skills give students power and agency.
You can view samples of Debate-Inspired Classrooms in action here:
If you are potentially interested in one-day training if NCES were to host a workshop, please send an email to nces@ncedservices.org.
Playful Engineering-Based Learning in Schools
Representatives from the LEGO Foundations, Play@Heart, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach, and WMSI crafted a Rube Goldberg-style soccer machine during their visit to WMSI in September.
This international collaboration began in Fall 2021 when the LEGO Foundation awarded a $2.8 million grant to Tufts CEEO to amplify the work of organizations like WMSI that are engaged in playful engineering-based learning (PEBL).
Learn more
NH Council of Teachers of English Seeking Additional Board Members
Three Openings for Partnerships for Access to College Education (PACE) Project Coordinators
PACE Project Coordinators will work with students at 12 New Hampshire secondary schools in the North Country ,and White Mountains Community College, to develop ongoing services, provide access to resources, and create a network of support to promote student success. Success factors include college enrollment, persistence, and overall achievement of personal and professional career goals for students in New Hampshire's North Country. PACE Coordinators will report to the White Mountains Community College Vice President of Student Affairs. These are 12-month, full-time positions.
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NH JAG Seeking Youth Specialist for Out-of-School Training Program in the North Country
NH Jobs for America's Graduates (NH JAG) is seeking a Youth Specialist to implement NH JAG's Out-of-School Training Program in the North Country. This WIOA funding training and employment program serves eligible youth between the ages of 16-24 who are not current attending school and who are interested in a meaningful career pathway. Full time position with benefits.
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Art Teacher & Artist Chemical Safety Training
Are you a school art teacher, administrator, facility operation manager, or artist? Many materials used in art contain toxic, flammable, or dangerous ingredients that can have ongoing health effects with unsafe exposure. Learn how to protect yourself and your students with safety tips, proper storage techniques, and waste disposal options to minimize your exposure risk.
Trainer: Ashley Augspurger, PhD Analytical Chemistry, Iowa State University, Certified Safety Professional
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 from 8:30-11:30
Location: Littleton Opera House
Cost: $35
Register: Online
Questions should be directed to Vickie at vdavis@uvlsrpc.org
School Chemistry Lab Science & Safety
Are you a science faculty member, administrator, or facility operations manager? Many materials used in science contain toxic, flammable, or dangerous ingredients that can have ongoing health effects with unsafe exposure. This workshop will cover integrating safe practices into your lab, safe storage and chemical management, overview of safety laws and more!
Trainer: Ashley Augspurger, PhD Analytical Chemistry, Iowa State University, Certified Safety Professional
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 from 12:30 to 5:00
Location: Littleton Opera House
Cost: $35
Register: Online
Questions should be directed to Vickie at vdavis@uvlsrpc.org
Renewing Trust in Democracy: Equal Access to Justice
Featuring Maggie Goodlander, Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice, and Laura Knoy, former host of The Exchange, New Hampshire Public Radio, join others in-person or online for a William W. Treat lecture on Renewing Trust in Democracy: Equal Access to Justice.
Date/Time: October 25, 2022 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm ET
Location: Hybrid event taking place at the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law in Concord and via Zoom.
Cost: Free
Register: Online
Contact: Heather MacNeill at heather.macneill@nhcivics.org
This William W. Treat Lecture is presented in partnership with the The Warren B. Rudman Center at the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law.The William W. Treat Lecture Series is made possible with support from New Hampshire Humanities, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Supporting Effective Teacher/Paraeducator Partnerships and Implementing Proactive Behavior Strategies
These FREE interactive 3 hour workshops provide a deeper dive into how to implement practical strategies for utilizing, coaching and supervising paraeducators, and take a closer look at hands-on best practices for better addressing challenging student behavior. This series is supported by Title II, Part A funding.
This full day of professional development will held on Friday, October 7th, 2022, include a morning and an afternoon session:
- Morning Session: 8:30-11:30am - Building Effective Teacher/Paraeducator Partnerships
- Afternoon Session: 12:30-3:30pm - Proactive Behavior Strategies
For: Teachers and paraprofessionals (ideal to attend as a team but not mandatory)
Location: White Mountains Regional High School
Registration: Online (by noon on October 6)
Questions should be directed to Joey Nichol at Kathryn.J.Nichol@doe.nh.gov
Support NCES when you shop at Amazon
If you shop at Amazon, please consider selecting NCES as your charity through AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support NCES every time you shop, at no cost to you. You’ll find the exact same prices and shopping experience with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to NCES.

- Math instruction and tutoring
- Computer and digital literacy
- English Speakers of Other Languages
- Online assessments for HiSet preparation
Call 603-752-1927 or email info@coosae.org for more information.
New Hampshire Family NOW is a bi-weekly podcast with frank conversation about the ups and downs of parenting hosted by NH Children's Trust. Sometimes funny and irreverent, other times earnest and insightful, the co-hosts are joined by experts in the field to discuss the state-of-the-state of New Hampshire’s family-friendly landscape and where to turn in times of need.
Learn more
Employment Opportunities in North Country Schools
Find education-related employment opportunities at teachnorth.org.
Kinship Caregiver Resources
Step Up Parents provides financial assistance to kinship caregivers in New Hampshire who are raising the children of parents with substance use disorder.
Learn more
SmallActs North

The #SmallActs campaign is about neighbors helping neighbors and building communities where #SmallActs are a way of life.
Join in! Do something unexpected and kind for someone. Spread the word. Bring SmallActs to your classroom.
Learn more
North Country Partnership for SEL Practices
View this short video to learn more about NCP4SEL. Follow NCP4SEL on Facebook for more tips, resources, and announcements.
Bring daily movement routines to your classroom!
Move One Million (M1M) is on a mission to improve physical, mental, and social health around the world. Move One Million is a 100% free service to bring movement and togetherness to the world. The goal of M1M is to move one million people every day.
M1M is a daily broadcast that includes music, movement and mindfulness all in one video! The 2.5 minute movement routine and music are the same each day and accompanied with a mindfulness activity. The M1M routine is easy to learn and is for everyone! It is a great way to start your day with your students!
You can learn more about Move One Million at m1m.org. You may also reach out to a local Move One Million Ambassador, Susanne Styles, an educator from Berlin Elementary School, at styles@sau3.org.
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.