Sunday, November 6, 2022 - 11:00 a.m. “Living the 8th Principle Through Individual & Collective Racial Trauma Healing" Presented by Members of the UUCSV
Covenant Group
Music: Sue Stone, piano
Resmaa Menakem, trauma therapist and author of the acclaimed work, “My Grandmother’s Hands”, frames racism as “white-body supremacy” enacted on black bodies, resulting in racialized trauma that lives in all of us, individually and collectively. He makes a strong case that racialized trauma is in all of us, regardless of skin color, is the core issue for the healing of our national wounds. Inspired by recommendations from the Report of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change, a group of UUCSV members took this trauma healing work on together last spring and summer, using Menakem’s work to help us map the journey. In the Sunday service, the group will offer readings and insights from their collective work and some opportunity for all to “practice” Menakem’s exercises. We hope that sharing our process will inspire others to join and a become part of the ongoing work of our denomination to live our 8th Principle.
The leaders of the group, Deb Vingle and Anna Marcel de Hermanas are both retired social workers/therapists. They have trained with local organizations such as Building Bridges and Racial Equity Institute (and other racial equity groups both here and elsewhere). Our members come from a variety of work backgrounds but have in common the desire to “dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.” There will be an opportunity to talk with members and sign up for the next group.
Order of Service
Gathering Music: Congregational humming of “Amazing Grace” Welcome & Announcements: Jackie Franklin
Opening Words & Chalice Lighting: Anna Marcel de Hermanas & Deb Vingle Opening Hymn: “Amazing Grace” (1st & 2nd verse sung & 3rd humming) Reading: 8th Principle – Heidi Blozan Meditation: Carrie Schmidt (from Resmaa Menakem) Offering: “American Tune” (Paul Simon/Rhiannon Giddens) Sermon: Living Our 8th Principle Through Individual & Collective Healing of Racialized Trauma” – Covenant Group Members: Anna Marcel de Hermanas, Deb Vingle, Heidi Blozan, Carrie Schmidt, Miriam Stuart, Ray Bockhorst (Larry Pearlman is unable to attend) Closing Words: Deb Vingle (words by Barack Obama) Postlude: “Man in the Mirror” (Michael Jackson)
Music: Sue Stone, piano
Religious Education: Nursery/Pre-K caregivers: Childcare at this time is limited, and is performed as needed by either Susan Enwright Hicks, DRE, or one of our trusted childcare volunteers
Video: Evan Yanik Sound Team: Marti Saltzman, Barbara Rogers, Rhea Bockhorst, Larry Pearlman & David Reid
The YouTube video of today's service will be available Sunday afternoon, as well as all previous Sunday Services at UUCSV Productions. Click to go to YouTube here.
Joys & Concerns:
We want to hear from you about your joys and concerns. If you cannot attend in person and would like to be heard, please send your message to Rev. Michael Carter by noon on Friday so he can read it during the Sunday service.
For online offertory and/or pledge donations:
November 6, 2022No virtual RE 11:00 a.m. at UUCSV with Susan Enwright Hicks
This month’s story suggestions will honor Native American authors for American Indian Heritage Month. Our first story is the joyful, My Heart Fills With Happiness, by Monique Gray Smith.
On Sunday, Susan, will lead students in a lesson from Faithful Journeys, Welcoming Superman. We will talk about heroic human qualities and how we can be our best selves... “One's life has value so long as one
attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion.” - Simone de Beauvoir
We still need more volunteers to help with nursery/PreK on Sundays and to substitute for Susan on her Sundays off. If you can volunteer, please let Susan know at
Sunday, November 13, 2022 - 11:00 a.m.
"African American Humanism"
Rev. Michael J S Carter
I still remember meeting my first group of African Americans who self-identified as Humanist. It was at the Community Church of NY (Unitarian Universalist). These folks were upper middle class and well educated, like many of the European American members of that congregation. I met these courageous folks at a time in my life when I was attending seminary and wrestling with my own
theological path. It was great to see others who too had strayed from the path of the African American church tradition. Let's explore together the African American Humanistic (Atheistic) tradition.
News from UUCSV Groups & Committees
Volunteer Opportunity - Communications Committee Chair
After several generous years of service, Susan Culler, has recently stepped down as chair of the Communications Committee. This is the committee
responsible for overseeing all church communications to congregants,
including the Current newsletter, Tidings, the website, social media, etc. The Board is seeking a new chair for this committee who can help standardize and streamline communication processes to make them more efficient and uniform. If you have skills in this area, please consider putting your name
forward as a possible candidate for this position by contacting a member of the board. New committee members are always needed, as well. Remember, that the UUCSV cannot function without members stepping up to serve their congregation. The more people who volunteer, the less work there is for everyone.
Volunteers for Fall Leaf Clean-up Needed!
Please join us this Saturday, November 5, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. to rake, blow and mulch leaves at UUCSV.
There are an abundance of leaves this year and we
really appreciate the help!
We’re almost there! This Sunday, at 12:00 p.m., is the opening bell of the Fourth Annual, 2022, UUCSV Auction! You’ll have seven days to place silent auction bids on all the delightful items we have to sell. Goods & services, art & home goods, holiday gifts for your family and friends - and fun events for you and a loved one to enjoy! What could be better?!? And don’t forget... if you want to help Alice and David Wells with hors d’oeuvres or desserts for the Live Auction dinner the following Saturday, please give Alice a call at (828) 255-4583 for suggestions about what she’d like you to prepare. Don’t delay: go online to and click on “Register.” Buy your ticket(s) and start the bidding!
The Auction Committee
RE Update - Fall Fun!
Please join us on Saturday, November 5, 2022, from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., for a fall evening of inter-generational togetherness! Susan will bring a fire bowl, cider and supplies for s'mores. Please bring a camp chair, snacks and drinks. We will have a fire going, so possibly bring hotdogs, veggie dogs, kabobs, etc. to enjoy.
Missing Your Car Keys?
A set of cars keys were found in the portico on Sunday. They are in the lost-and-found basket under the bookshelf in the portico. Please contact me at, if you need access to the portico during the week.
Thank you,
Michael Donnan - UUCSV Office Manager
Romance, Jingles & Dreams Meta Commerse, November 3, 2022 - 7-9:30 p.m.
Story Parlor - River Arts District, Asheville, NC
Meta Commerse (she spoke at UUCSV in July, 2022) is presenting a one- woman-show at Story Parlor, a new arts venue in Asheville's River Arts District. More information can be found here.
Open Enrollment - Affordable Care Act 2023
Open Enrollment has begun for the 2023 Affordable Care Act (ACA) Health Insurance through the Marketplace. Let trained volunteer Navigators at Pisgah Legal Services help you enroll and select the ACA plan that works best for you and your family. Navigators will help you determine your
advanced premium tax credit and other options to help you pay for your health insurance needs for people who qualify.
Call (828) 210-3404 to reserve an appointment with a Navigator. Enrollment for January 1, 2023, ends on December15, 2022, so call soon!
If you have any questions, call Navigator Jim Carillon at (828) 335-5441.
Egg Cartons Needed - Bounty & Soul
Thank you for donating egg cartons! Please keep them coming!
Thank you!
Mary Soyenova
Church office: (828) 669-8050 (email preferred during social distancing)
Michael Donnan, Office Manager (Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) Rev. Michael J S Carter, (Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)Rev. Carter is available for pastoral care in the church office or virtually via Zoom or Skype. For in-person meetings, protocols of social distancing and face masks are followed. Please email Rev. Michael J S Carter to schedule an appointment.
The deadline for submissions to The Current is Tuesday at 12:00 p.m., please send yours to For more information and guidelines on submissions for our newsletters, website, online calendar, social media, Order of Service, and member news, please see our Publishing Guidelines.
UUCSV 500 Montreat Road Black Mountain, NC 28711