Exploring STEM through Problem-Based Learning:
A two-part webinar with MindSpark
Attendees will learn how to facilitate student learning through authentic real-world problem-solving that aligns with standards. Participants develop a strong understanding of the problem-based learning (PBL) model, and how to partner with industry leaders in their community so they can bring authentic learning experiences to their classrooms and schools.
Key content:
- Deep understanding of the PBL model and how to present students with real-world problem-solving opportunities.
- Leverage community partners to improve student learning.
Presenter: Sarah Call is The Senior Director of Professional Learning at MindSpark. Sarah is a creative problem solver with 10+ years of experience as a facilitator and instructional designer. She brings an extensive track record scaling and delivering human-centered programs to a range of learners across corporate, nonprofit, higher ed and K-12 settings.
For: Targeting middle and high school educators. Elementary educators are welcome.
Dates/time: February 1 and 15, 2023 from 4:00-5:30 PM
Cost: $95 for staff from full member school districts (SAUs 3, 35, 36, 58, 68, 77, 84, plus Haverhill Coop, Jackson, and Campton; $145 for staff from associate member districts (SAU 7); and $195 for nonmembers.
Register: Online or by calling 603.466.5437 M-F between 8-4.
Registration deadline: December 16th (yes, it's an early deadline so please do not delay if you are interested)
Note: This webinar will not be available as a recording.
Local teacher testimony: Gorham Middle High School educator, Shannon Wydra, has been engaging with MindSpark professional development through her students' participation in the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow competition. Shannon shared, that despite this being an online offering, this professional development was the best she has engaged with in her teaching career. You can read more about the project and her experience with PBL in this WMSI "teacher spotlight blog".
Playful Engineering Based Learning: LEGO Robotics*
“Play fuels curiosity, sparks creativity, and inspires a lifelong love of learning” (Learn Through Play). For this two session workshop, we will harness play by focusing on integrating robotics lessons into any classroom! Emphasis will be placed on coding, design process, and meaningful play. By the end of the workshops, teachers will have the tools and knowledge to feel comfortable using robotics units as an integrative tool in lessons to enhance learning, playful engagement, and real world connections. No experience required!
For: Educators grades K-8
Dates: Tuesdays, January 17th & February 21st, 2023
Time: 4:00-8:00 PM – Dinner will be provided
Where: NCES, Gorham, NH
Cost: Free to NH educators and a participation stipend**
Register: Online or by calling 603.466.5437 M-F between 8-4.
*If a participant's school does not have robotic kits, participants may be able to borrow LEGO robotic kits for their classroom to utilize the lesson they developed in the workshop. Subject to availability.
**Teachers who attend both sessions will receive a $50 stipend thanks to a generous grant from the LEGO Foundation.
A collaboration of
School Counselor Professional Development:
DBT for Adolescents & DBT Refresher Training
School Counselor Professional Development:
MATCH Training
Parent/Caregiver workshop on Conscious Discipline
Conscious Discipline Community of Practice
Those who have engaged the video series, Building Resilient Homes and Classrooms by Conscious Discipline®, either though NCES or their school district, are invited to participate in a "community of practice" to further your understanding, reflect on your practice, or simply connect with other educators interested in delving deeper into the topic.
Anne-Marie Gagne, SEL Specialist and Behavior Interventionist for SAU 3, will serve as the facilitator for the group.
The community will meet on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30 PM via Zoom on January 10, February 7, and March 14, 2023.
This opportunity is only open to school districts that hold full or associate membership with NCES and is being offered at no charge. A professional development certificate will be issued in April to reflect your participation.
Playful Engineering Based Learning: Engaging Students with the Eclipse of 2024!
On April 8th, 2024, Northern New Hampshire will be in the path of totality for a solar eclipse! NCES, WMSI, and other partners are gearing up for this rare natural phenomena. We want to share our excitement with you and your class. In this workshop, we will go over activities to prepare your students to understand and learn from this rare event!
For: Educators grades K-8
Dates: Wednesdays, March 8 and April 5, 2023
Time: 4:00-8:00 PM – Dinner will be provided
Where: NCES, Gorham, NH
Cost: Free to NH educators and a participation stipend*
Register: Online or by calling 603.466.5437 M-F between 8-4.
*Teachers who attend both sessions will receive a $50 stipend thanks to a generous grant from the LEGO Foundation.
A collaboration of
NH Drinking Water Festival is BACK!
After a three-year hiatus, the New Hampshire Drinking Water Festival returns on May 10, 2023, in Keene, NH.
The Festival also includes the New Hampshire State Water Science Fair and Water Poetry Contest. NH schools may participate in one or all events! At the Festival, fourth grade students will spend the day learning about water quality, conservation, pollution, wildlife and many other water-related topics. Activities are hands-on and students interact with professionals in fields of science, technology, engineering and math. These lessons are packed with opportunities to explore Next Generation Science Standards concepts!
For the state-level Water Science Fair, fourth graders will conduct research, create an exhibit, write a report and present their findings to a panel of judges. There are a variety of ways the school-level fair can be configured. Guide booklet available. We are happy to discuss ways your school can participate. The Festival and Water Science Fair are free to registered schools and will take place on May 10, 2023, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm in Keene, NH. Registration deadline: January 31, 2023. Space is limited.
Students in third through fifth grades, home schooled and in traditional classes, may participate in the Water Poetry Contest. The theme this year is “Water Rising.” Submission deadline: March 31, 2023.
For more information on all three events and to register, visit the website or contact Lara Hooper at (603) 271-4071 or lara.hooper@des.nh.gov.
Early Childhood Connections Workgroups Resume
On November 9th, approximately 80 participants gathered at the Mountain View Grand for the relaunch of the Early Childhood Connections sub-regional workgroups. The effort brings together early childhood professionals, preschool, kindergarten, and first grade teachers and leaders for the purpose of enhancing the transition experience for children and their families.
The group reaffirmed its commitment to prioritize 8 of the 95 NH Kindergarten Readiness Indicators. There are currently five facilitators supporting workgroups. Airole Warden for the SAU 7 region, Ann Auger for SAU 58, Cathy McDowell for SAUs 3 & 20, Annalisa Blake for SAUs 35, 84 & 77, and Emily Benson for SAU 9 and other Carroll County partners participating in the Region 7 Preschool Development Grant.
The semi-annual summits resumed after pausing due to the pandemic. The first summit was held in the fall of 2017. The November summit marked the 6th convening of North Country partners working towards early childhood transition efforts.
Publishing Opportunity for Teens
Under the Madness Magazine, a magazine for teen writers-by teen writers, is accepting submissions of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction for its first issue. The magazine's editorial board is composed of students largely from the North Country, working under the mentorship of the New Hampshire Poet Laureate. Under the Madness Magazine publishes writers, ages 13-19, from around the globe.
Under the Madness is made possible with the generous support of the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. The magazine began as an off-shoot of the North Country Young Writers’ Festival.
Learn more about submitting teen work
Empower Coos Youth Grants Program
The Empower Coös Youth Grants Program supports programs in Coös County, NH and Essex County, VT and surrounding communities in both states that focus on supporting environmental initiatives that involve youth; increasing extracurricular activities for youth; strengthening community engagement, and addressing gaps in need.
The Tillotson Fund’s Empower Coös Youth Grants program is designed, implemented and led by our student committee members. Organizations that benefit Coös and Essex County and all surrounding communities in New Hampshire and Vermont are encouraged to apply for funding. Organizations must be recognized as a 501(c)3, municipality, school or place of worship for non-religious, non-denominated and inclusive programming to be eligible for an award.
Learn more
NH Young Child System of Care Provider Conference
For those interested in providing trauma-informed care for families and young children, the NH CPP Provider Network is hosting a free conference for information sharing, panel discussion, breakout sessions and a keynote speaker, Dr. Julie Larrieu.
Julie Larrieu, PhD, is the Director of Clinical Psychology at Tulane University. She has focused much clinical work on infant mental health and developmental psychopathology, and recent research includes partnering with court systems. As a National and International CPP Trainer, she has been the Mentor and Trainer for the NH CPP Network since 2016.
Date: January 12, 2023 from 9O00-4:30
Cost: Free
Location: Online via Zoom
Register: Online or contact Jenn Comeau at jennifer.comeau@centerfortrpchange.com
4-H Barry Conservation Camp Scholarships
Art Teacher & Artist Chemical Safety Training
Are you a school art teacher, administrator, facility operation manager, or artist? Many materials used in art contain toxic, flammable, or dangerous ingredients that can have ongoing health effects with unsafe exposure. Learn how to protect yourself and your students with safety tips, proper storage techniques, and waste disposal options to minimize your exposure risk.
Trainer: Ashley Augspurger, PhD Analytical Chemistry, Iowa State University, Certified Safety Professional
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 from 8:30-11:30
Location: Littleton Opera House
Cost: $35
Register: Online
Questions should be directed to Vickie at vdavis@uvlsrpc.org
School Chemistry Lab Science & Safety
Are you a science faculty member, administrator, or facility operations manager? Many materials used in science contain toxic, flammable, or dangerous ingredients that can have ongoing health effects with unsafe exposure. This workshop will cover integrating safe practices into your lab, safe storage and chemical management, overview of safety laws and more!
Trainer: Ashley Augspurger, PhD Analytical Chemistry, Iowa State University, Certified Safety Professional
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 from 12:30 to 5:00
Location: Littleton Opera House
Cost: $35
Register: Online
Questions should be directed to Vickie at vdavis@uvlsrpc.org
Curious about how these partners are working together?
Click to learn more through a short video about how the Coos Coalition for Young Children and Families is working to bring partners together around early childhood.
Free online workshop by Facing History & Ourselves
This educator workshop will feature tools, strategies and resources that will help you bring, Being Heumann: Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist or the young adult adaptation Rolling Warrior: The Incredible, Sometimes Awkward, True Story of a Rebel Girl on Wheels Who Helped Spark a Revolution into your classroom.
For: This workshop is designed for middle and high school teachers of English Language Arts, humanities, social studies, and Special Education.
Date/Time: December 8, 2022 from 10:00 to 3:00
Cost: Free
Register: Online registration
Note: A recording will not be available.
Family fun at the 4-H Science Bonanza at UNH Manchester
Spend some time with your family learning insect anatomy, identifying twigs in winter, and having STEM-powered fun at the UNH STEM Discovery Lab's fifth annual 4-H Science Bonanza on Saturday, December 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Along with workshops, there will be demonstrations from a variety of organizations from the area and a raffle at the end of the day. Although the event is geared primarily toward youth ages 4- 10, adults and older kids are welcome to join the festivities.
Registration Deadline: December 2, 2022
Cost : $15 per youth with max $30 for families (scholarships available). The registration fee includes materials for the day and a box lunch for the participant. For financial assistance or if you are registering three or more children, please contact Sarah Grosvenor at sarah.grosvenor@unh.edu for a special discount code.
Ages 4-7: Cloverbuds can join in on the Science Bonanza fun! Experience a variety of hands-on exploration stations like BOOK-IT (Inventors & Thinkers), Electricity, or Nutrition.
Ages 8-10, for session #1 can join: Exploring an Alien World: Our Oceans; Rubbish in our Rivers: How microplastics make it to our seas; Should we eat bugs?; My Digital Life; Hands on Hydroponics; and for session #2: Feeling Electric; Spherobotics!; Hands on Hydroponics; Taking Root: Nature and Mindfulness; and Invention in a Bag; and for session #3: Set Sail with Robot-Powered Ships!; Insect Anatomy; Feeling Electric; Exploring an Alien World - Our Oceans; Rubbish in our Rivers.
Adults can register to attend one of these free learning sessions but registration is requested to help with material preparation:
- Taking Root: Nature and Mindfulness
- Digital Wellness for Families
- Help Your Child Discover Their Spark
Lunch is not included for adults but a box lunch can be ordered with registration for $8.
For instructions on registration, contact Janell George, NH 4-H Program Assistant at janell.george@unh.edu.
Support NCES when you shop at Amazon
If you shop at Amazon, please consider selecting NCES as your charity through AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support NCES every time you shop, at no cost to you. You’ll find the exact same prices and shopping experience with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to NCES.

- Math instruction and tutoring
- Computer and digital literacy
- English Speakers of Other Languages
- Online assessments for HiSet preparation
Call 603-752-1927 or email info@coosae.org for more information.
A part of the NH Farm to School network, the mission of the Androscoggin Valley Farm to School program is to engage youth and community in promoting, utilizing, and expanding the use of local produce in order to create a healthy well-connected Androscoggin Valley community.
Learn more
Employment Opportunities in North Country Schools
Find education-related employment opportunities at teachnorth.org.
Kinship Caregiver Resources
Step Up Parents provides financial assistance to kinship caregivers in New Hampshire who are raising the children of parents with substance use disorder.
Learn more
Learn more
SmallActs North

The #SmallActs campaign is about neighbors helping neighbors and building communities where #SmallActs are a way of life.
Join in! Do something unexpected and kind for someone. Spread the word. Bring SmallActs to your classroom.
Learn more
North Country Partnership for SEL Practices
View this short video to learn more about NCP4SEL. Follow NCP4SEL on Facebook for more tips, resources, and announcements.
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.