HealthProducts2 February News Letter 2023
In this issue:
Latest Blog Posts
Helpful LINKS
Herpes & Autism Study
Herxheimer Reaction
Rife Digital Professional V3 & Super Mat Pack
Cheesy Lasagna Rolls with Spinach and Ricotta
Swiss Chard Gratin
Butternut Squash with Wilted Spinach and Blue Cheese
Sweet and Sour Gelatin Gummy Snacks
Latest Blog Posts
Once you have bought one machine from us then your next machine purchase, Rife or Zapper, any model, or the Beck machine will be discounted.  So, should you decide you want to upgrade, or just have another machine, or even an extra machine to loan to friends or family, we have a lot of people who do that -- I have one here that I use as a loaner.
Email me and I'll let you know how we do this so you get your discount.
  And this can be for you, friends or family.
We do this because we want people to be aware of this technology, and to make it as affordable as we can to upgrade as the technology advances
Email me if you have any questions on this:
Helpful LINKS
Here are some links you might want to check out if for no other reason, future reference 
This is the Link for the liquid tonic versions
Chinese herbs:  Specifically astragalus
Herpes & Autism Study
Herpes & Autism
We have someone who is doing some trials with the Rife machine or Zapper for Herpes.  The study is free to join, you do need to have your own machine.  This study includes some supplements which will be provided at no cost.  Other than having your own machine there is no cost.
Steven Evans, Therapeutics Research Institute is running this study.  He has had good results with an Autism study he is doing as well.  If you are interested in either, for more information and/or to join this study, email Steven at,
If you are interested in the Herpes Study, please put Rife Herpes Study in the Subject line.
If you are interested in the Autism study, put Rife Autism Study in the subject line.
You can do this if you have the Zapper as well.  
Herxheimer Reaction
Herxheimer Reaction
Herxheimer Reaction
I had someone contact me about this and I thought it would be a good idea to put this information out again, it has been a while.  Let me know if you have any questions on this.
When you begin the electrotherapy treatments, many parasites and pathogens are killed. This can overwhelm your immune system and lead to nausea, fatigue and dizziness. This is called the ‘Herxheimer effect’, or Parasite-Die-Off-Syndrome’, an immune system response to toxins in the blood and tissues.
This brief overloading of the liver and other eliminating organs worsen your symptoms at first. This can be a for a few hours, but can also last up to 2-3 days before you begin to feel much better.
It is important to know that the worsening of symptoms does not mean the treatment has failed; in fact, it is exactly the opposite, namely the evidence for a very strong and effective detoxification.
7.2. What to do when a Herxheimer reaction occurs?
The most important thing is to accept this physical reaction, as a confirming result of the treatment.  If it is very severe, then reduce the time of treatment, drink lots of water (at least 4 L per day) and rest (no exercise!), eat lightly to not burden your digestive system additionally, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to your drinking water and make sure that your digestion system is working properly (using Epsom salt or natural laxatives may be recommended). Take a rest from the Electro Therapy sessions for a few days until you recover.
For any questions on this email me at:
CW, Carrier Wave, relates to Dr Rife’s cancer frequency sets. So it is more specific to Cancer treatments.
CW was designed by Dr Rife specifically for cancer treatments 
RF, Radio Frequency, would not make a big difference on other disease types but I would still use CW most of the time.
And, not a bad idea to switch now and then. Some bacteria can be smart and changing from CW to RF now and then fools them and healing can take place a little faster. So, switching from CW to RF, and SWEEP to Pulse SWEEP now and then is a good idea.
The exception would be cancer, stay on CW for cancer. When you are in CW you will see an X to the right of PLAY on the display screen. When in RF it looks more like a square. You can do this mid-treatment. Push SWEEP to begin the treatment and then push CW. Pulse SWEEP is also good – it adds a little more power to the signal when it pulses on and off.
But, still best to use SWEEP most of the time. Stays on each frequency for a longer period of time. Pulse SWEEP is good once or twice a week or when you don’t have time for a full treatment. It is good to do both.
 Rife Machine Page
Rife Digital Professional V3 & Super Mat Pack
Rife Digital Professional V3 & Super Mat Pack
Still on SALE
This is a good deal.
This is the top of the line machine and all available accessories.
The V3 has 30 groups including the Group SWEEP function.  So you can SWEEP through every frequency in every group.  You can also set this up so it is specific to the issues you need to work on.
More information HERE for questions
Hello! Please let me introduce myself, my name is Aja, I am a mother of 3, wife to an amazing man and a I am also a passionate photographer.
I have struggled with my weight and feel like I’ve tried all the eating plans, Whole 30, Weight Watchers and Atkins just to name a few and I succeeded until I failed.
A friend turned me onto Pure Exogenous Ketones, WOW what a game changer!!!
Since starting ketones I’ve lost 42 pounds, I’m a more present mom and have more energy to do the things I truly enjoy!
This doesn’t require eating full Keto, working out or completely changing your lifestyle.
What are Ketones? How do they work?

Take a look at this short video 
We always suggest organic ingredients and at least NO GMOs
All recipes are sourced from Whole Foods Market
Cheesy Lasagna Rolls with Spinach and Ricotta
Cheesy Lasagna Rolls with Spinach and Ricotta
Serves 4 to 6
Kids love this dish and thankfully it's easy to customize to their tastes. Start with the basic recipe then add cooked sausage, pepperoni or black olives, if you like. Little hands can spread the cheese or sauce, sprinkle the fillings or roll up the pasta.
  • Salt
  • 1/2 pound (8 to 10) uncooked lasagna noodles
  • Nonstick cooking spray
  • 1 cup ricotta cheese
  • 1 1/2 cups prepared marinara sauce
  • 1 1/2 cups packed baby spinach
  • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella
Preheat oven to 400°F. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil, add noodles and cook until al dente, 8 to 10 minutes. Drain well and gently transfer to a clean work surface.

Grease a small roasting pan or casserole dish with cooking spray; set aside.
Working with one noodle at a time, spread with about 2 tablespoons of the ricotta and 2 tablespoons of the marinara then top with spinach.
Starting at one end, roll up noodle snugly then arrange in pan either seam-side down or with the rolls close enough together to hold each other closed.
Pour remaining marinara over assembled rolls then sprinkle with mozzarella and bake until golden and bubbly, 20 to 25 minutes.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving:350 calories (100 from fat), 11g total fat, 6g saturated fat, 35mg cholesterol, 670 mg sodium, 47g carbohydrate (4g dietary fiber, 9g sugar), 16g protein
Special Diets: 
  • Vegetarian
Swiss Chard Gratin
Swiss Chard Gratin
Serves 4
This gratin will convert those wary-of-green-vegetable eaters to greens lovers. A simple white sauce lightly coats Swiss chard leaves, and a topping of cheese and crisp breadcrumbs seals the deal. For a different presentation, bake in individual gratin dishes or ramekins rather than one large dish. Make up to a day ahead and keep in the fridge until ready to serve.
  • 2 bunches Swiss chard leaves, chopped (about 8 cups packed)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, more for the baking dish
  • 1 cup low fat milk
  • 2 tablespoons unbleached white flour
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 cup grated Comté or Parmesan cheese, divided
  • 1 tablespoon whole wheat bread crumbs
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Place chard leaves in a saucepan with the water and cook over medium heat until leaves are just tender, 3 to 4 minutes.
Drain, reserving 1/4 cup of the cooking liquid.
Set chard aside.
In the same saucepan, heat olive oil and butter over medium heat.
When butter has melted, whisk in the flour until blended.
Whisk constantly for 1 minute.
Slowly whisk in the milk and reserved cooking liquid.
Continue cooking and stirring until the sauce thickens, 3 to 5 minutes.
Season with salt and pepper and stir in half of the grated cheese.
Stir in the cooked chard and transfer to a buttered 9x9-inch baking dish.
Sprinkle with remaining cheese and breadcrumbs.
Bake for 20 minutes or until hot and bubbling.
Serve immediately.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving:140 calories (80 from fat), 9g total fat, 3.5g saturated fat, 15mg cholesterol, 340 mg sodium, 10g carbohydrate (1g dietary fiber, 4g sugar), 6g protein
Special Diets: 
  • Vegetarian
  • Sugar Conscious
Butternut Squash with Wilted Spinach and Blue Cheese
Butternut Squash with Wilted Spinach and Blue Cheese
Serves 4
With its beautiful colors and pleasing balance of textures and flavors, this dish is bound to become one of your most requested recipes. Serve it either as a first course or a side dish to a fall or winter meal.
  • 1/4 cup blue cheese crumbles
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 (5-ounce) package baby spinach
  • 4 cups cubed and roasted butternut squash, warmed
Use a fork to mash together blue cheese and lemon juice in a large bowl to make a thick smooth dressing.
Season with salt and pepper; set aside.
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.
Add onions, salt and pepper, and cook, stirring occasionally, until golden brown, about 5 minutes.
Add spinach and cook, tossing often, until slightly wilted and warm, 1 to 2 minutes more.
Transfer contents of skillet to bowl with dressing, add squash, salt and pepper and toss to combine.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving:220 calories (70 from fat), 7g total fat, 2.5g saturated fat, 5mg cholesterol, 740 mg sodium, 33g carbohydrate (5g dietary fiber, 6g sugar), 5g protein
Special Diets: 
  • Vegetarian
  • High Fiber
Sweet and Sour Gelatin Gummy Snacks
Sweet and Sour Gelatin Gummy Snacks
This is the only recipe not sourced form Whole Foods Market but from

sweet & sour gummy gelatin snacks

grain-free • gluten-free • dairy-free • nightshade-free
PREP TIME: 10 minutes
COOKING TIME: 5 minutes (CHILL TIME: 60+ minutes)
YIELD: 4 servings


  • 3/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup  freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1/4 cup water (optional, depending on how sour you like things – without it these are quite sour!)
  • zest from lemons and/or limes as desired
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup (optional, but will be very tart without this)
  • 4-5 tablespoons grass-fed gelatin, (orange/red package will gel, the green will not)


In a small pot over medium-low heat, whisk the lemon juice, lime juice, water (optional), zest, maple syrup, and gelatin together vigorously until the gelatin is well dissolved and the mixture becomes a nice slurry.
Pour the mixture into a small glass or ceramic dish, preferably 6×9″ or so. The smaller the pan, the thicker your gummies will be. For thinner gummies (to cut into “worms,” for example), use a larger pan.
Chill in the refrigerator until completely set, approximately 30 minutes.

change it up!

To make these more fun for the kiddos, cut them out with small cookie or aspic cutters once they’re chilled and fully gelled, or chill them in fun-shaped molds.
To remove them from the molds once chilled, set the bottoms of the mold containers in warm water to release them from the pan.
Please understand that www.healthproducts2.com can not and will not answer any medical questions. We do not have the expertise nor the authority to do so. We do not claim that our advice cures any diseases. This Website does not adopt the claims of the inventor of the Rife machine, zapper, plate zapper, frequency bottles, herbs, and related products, but makes available, description of same for the information to potential viewers. By using this website / email list you attest that you are not working directly or indirectly for any government or private agency with the purpose of misusing an individual¹s right to seek information and do personal research.
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