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May you know the Beauty and Truth that is Who You Are. May you know the Wisdom within, and always listen to and express the Song of your Soul.

 Hi Everyone,

"When we devote some calm time to the heart and come off the treadmill of stress and distraction, we can enter into the beauty within." To do so "...heals you and calls you out beyond the smallness of your own self-limitation, to experience new horizons. To experience beauty is to have your life enlarged." -John O'Donohue

Take time for your self care. Unplug. 
Nourish and Recharge.
I'm here for you.

Wishing you much peace, love, wellness and joy,
Beth is an energy medicine practitioner, intuitive guide, bodyworker, artist, psychosynthesist, RN, HeartMath Practitioner, 20+ years meditator, yogini, and nature lover.
For over 20 years, Beth has assisted others through her creativity, intuition, and healing sessions, with their physical well-being, inner spiritual connection, dreams and life decisions, soul growth, transitions, and general need for self care.
Beth has a healing practice in Santa Fe, and a growing clientele across the US. Her guided meditations may be found on the Insight Timer app:  and more about her healing practice, artwork and more at her website:
Sessions are available in-person, and through phone, Skype and email.
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Beth Budesheim  •  826 Camino de Monte Rey Suite B2  •  Santa Fe, NM 87505

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