“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet
on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks
to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” — Saint Teresa of Ávila (1515–1582),
mystic and doctor of the church.
Dear Alki UCC,
Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the hands of blessing. Yours are the eyes of compassion.
Do you sense it? You are the body of Christ, dear congregation. Yours are the hands, the arms, the breath of love incarnate.
Your prayers float on the air and the Spirit enlivens them, whooshing them to where they need to be.
May you be strengthened in the days and weeks ahead. May your blessing of others make you such a conduit of God’s peace that you cannot help but be filled with that peace. Filled to the brim.
In hope,
Pastor Emily
(Pictured above: Precious hands and souls blessing me as I prepare for surgery)
Rev. Bruce Wilson Visiting Pastor during Pastor Emily Medical Leave
Our hearts are with Pastor Emily and family as she begins her medical leave this week. While she is away, we will welcome Rev. Bruce Wilson as our Visiting Pastor. Per Bruce’s bio below, this is not his first visit to Alki UCC. We remember Bruce fondly for his previous times with us, and we look forward to his leadership during the next few weeks.
— Joe M, Council Moderator
Reverend Bruce Wilson is a psychotherapist and board-certified chaplain. In 2020, Bruce decided to leave full time hospital chaplaincy and pursue a career as a licensed mental health counselor.
Bruce recently has been invited to teach as adjunct faculty at Tacoma's Pacific Lutheran University and University of Puget Sound. He has taught Human Behavior, Psychology 101, Group Psychotherapy and Career Development. He will be teaching again this fall. Bruce serves on the Committee on Ministry for the PNCUCC and fills in pulpits from time to time.
Bruce is looking forward to coming back to Alki UCC where he interned and spent the summer of 2018 filling in as pulpit supply.
Registration still open! ... "Original Blessing" Tuesday Book Study through June 13
"Original Blessing" Book Study Noon to 1:30 pm on Zoom Tuesdays through June 13 Zoom Registration here“Every object in the universe
has a center of gravity. Ours is original blessing."
Yes, the Tuesday Study Group is Back!! Our discussions are guided by Danielle Shroyer’s provocative book Original Blessing: Putting Sin in its Rightful Place.
Of the world's major religions, only Christianity holds to a doctrine of original sin. In Original Blessing, the author shows not only how we got this doctrine wrong, but how we can put sin back in its rightful place: in a broader context of redemption and the blessing of humanity's creation in the image of God.
Study topics include: Awakening to Blessing, Revisiting the Garden and Living into Blessing.
Attached is the Original Blessing study guide for you to download or print out. Additional copies will also be at worship this Sunday.
Note: If you are not able to join us live, you will have an option to request recordings. Questions? Contact Julia P
Zoom Registration Link Here
# # # Here are some options for securing your book NOW ... (Kindle versions available online)
Amazon Goodreads Paper Boat Book Sellers Support our local bookshop! The folks at Paper Boat tell me that the book isn't in stock but they can special order Original Blessing @ $18.99; delivery within 3 to 5 business days. 206-743-8283
Please contact the church office if you need assistance securing a book.
Peruvian Families Seeking Asylum Status
Update: Week of May 10
Seven people accompanied Jhordy and Yesenia to their Final Merits hearing last Thursday including Pastors Leah, Karyn and Stevi from Fauntleroy UCC. Leah and Stevi wore their clerical collars. Julia C and Vicky S represented Alki UCC; and Karen S (aka Nona), who took them into her home for almost three months, was there, as well as Peter C a wonderful bilingual volunteer.
We had hoped to sit behind Jhordy and Yesenia to show the judge our unwavering support for this couple and their son. Unfortunately, on arrival, we learned that the hearing would be virtual, so we walked across the street sat in their attorney's office while the hearing was held in a nearby meeting room.
The important part, though, was that Jhordy and Yesenia felt and were bolstered by our support, hopefully giving the best testimony that they could under very stressful circumstances.
Even after more than three hours, with the hearing still not concluded, the judge called time so he could move on to the next hearing, postponing consideration of testimonies and rendering a decision. As of this writing, he has still not done so. And so, we wait with hope.
— Vicky S
KHN invites Alki UCC to Installation Service and Concert for Rabbi Sabine Meyer
Friday, May 19 at 7:00 pm Rabbi Sabine Service of Installation
in the Sanctuary followed by a festive oneg (gathering) RSVP here
Saturday, May 20 Chava Mirel in Concert Doors open at 7pm with wine & schmoozing | Concert at 8pm
You are invited to join us for an evening of celebration and soulful music with Chava Mirel, one of the leading voices in contemporary Jewish music. Chava is acclaimed for her unique blend of Jewish folk, jazz, and world music for this special concert at KHN celebrating the Rabbinic Installation. Check out her website here!
Concert Tickets are $36 and available here.
Tim M, son of long-time Alki UCC member Verona R, shares a link to Verona's obituary. What a lovely tribute! We continue to hold the family and all who knew Verona in our hearts.
Continued prayers of Healing, Comfort and Support for our own Pastor Emily and her family as she recovers from a medical challenge.
For those grieving the recent death of a loved one:
The Alki UCC community, family and friends of Verona R, Diane J and family on the death of her father Thomas G, family and friends of longtime Alki UCC member Jan C, family and friends of UCC minister Rev. Bobbi Virta, family and friends of longtime Alki UCC member Anne S, Liese F and family, Jeff D and family, friends/family of Dayle B, the Alki UCC community and friends/family of Nick Tobler-Wolff, Charlie H and family, Todd S and family, Patty M
Recent hospitalization, illness and other concerns: Rev. Joan Carter, Dan K, Alki UCC's Peruvian Families Seeking Asylum, Shannon P, former Alki UCC member Dawn N, former members Davney and Bob S and Davney's mom Suzanne H, Shannon P's Florida family: Bill, Gail, Mary Ann & Bob; Julia C's friend Chelsea W, Denis B, Don & Imy P and family, Patty M, Jane C and her family, Sue B's brother Tom and his wife Carla, Julia C's friend Jessie T & family, Amy Y's mother Corlene, Jeff D's brother Andy, former Alki UCC member Mark H, Sue B's friends Mary and Louise, Cindy, Jeff and Kirstin's sister-in-law Sue, Kirstin D, Shannon P's father Rev. Dr. Bill, Claire F, Kirstin D's father
For homebound members/friends of Alki UCC: Doris C
Wider World: Prayers for all those affected by the coronavirus outbreak; all those suffering from PTSD in the military and around the world; for all those affected by misguided immigration policies; prayers for fewer guns, for all victims and those affected by gun violence; victims and survivors of extremist violence around the world; migrants seeking refuge around the world, and for those who are trying to help them. The rest of the missing schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram, who remain in our hearts as long as they remain missing. The hungry and homeless, the ill and the addicted, the lost and the lonely; the unemployed.
For secure, online giving through Give Lively, click the button, OR, send your check, made out to "Alki UCC," to:6115 SW Hinds, Seattle, WA 98116
Sunday Worship Videos Posted on YouTube
S unday Worship recordings now online! Check out Alki UCC's very own YouTube channel. |
6115 SW Hinds
Seattle, WA 98116
Church news/calendar updates at alkiucc.org.
Worship this Sunday,
May 14
at 10:00 am
Sixth Sunday
of Easter
Rev. Bruce Wilson
Visiting Pastor
"Healing with a Promise"
Rev. Penny M
Scripture Reading:
John 14:15-21
Interim Music Director:
DJ Wilson
Music Highlights:
Holy Ground
Geron Davis
#256, We Live By Faith and Not By Sight Breathe on Me
Stephen M. Austin #476, How Can I Keep From Singing
The 23 Psalm
Bobby McFerrin
The Online Order of Worship, including scripture and music, is linked here.
Join us either in-person (masks recommended) or virtually via Zoom.
If you're already registered for Sunday worship on Zoom, use your personal link. If not, welcome! Register here.
Update on Alki UCC Music Program
As previously reported, the Music Director search committee has met regularly and has nearly finalized the job description/profile, which we will be posting soon.
We will not begin applicant review until early June when Pastor Emily is sufficiently recovered to participate.
In the meantime, we have hired DJ Wilson to be our interim music director. DJ has agreed to serve until we have hired a permanent music director, which gives us the flexibility to find and hire the right candidate.
DJ of course served as music director at Alki UCC for a number of years; both she and wife Jill continued as Alki UCC members since then. Her extensive experience and skill set allows us to bring you a variety of musical styles and forms
DJ has served in this interim role for a number of churches in the greater Seattle area. Most recently she spent several months at Normandy Park UCC, working with Pastor Amy Hitchens.
She is no longer looking for a long term job, but is enjoying this opportunity to re-connect with Alki UCC and share her musical talents. We are thrilled to have her.
— Joe M, Worship & Music Ministry Team leader
Antiracist Christian Theology for Majority White Congregations
Interactive Scripture Study
Sunday, May 14
12:30 to 2:00 pm
St John the Baptist Episcopal
3050 California Ave SW
Led by Admiral UCC's Pastor Andrew Conley-Holcom, the free workshop is designed to demonstrate the foundational Christian theology which aligns with and empowers integration of best practices in secular antiracism work for white folks.
A participant workbook is included on The Role of Grace, The Problem of "Goodness," The Endurance of Love and The Gift of Emotions.
A Celebration
of Life
for Verona Ryan
Saturday, June 10
at 1:00 pm
Alki United
Church of Christ Reception to follow
We welcome donations of flowers to create an abundant remembrance of Verona and her love of nature and beauty.
Save the date! More details to come.
Building Elevator Out of Service
We regret that Alki UCC‘s elevator is out of service until further notice. Our building team is working on a solution. We’ll keep you posted.
Sunday Worship Registration
If you've already registered on Zoom, just use your personal link. If not, welcome! You can register here.
When you register, please use your first/last name plus your email.