Polly Bath returns in July
Polly Bath returns to the North Country in July to work with school-based teams on MTSS-B. This event is open to teams from:

- Berlin Elementary School
- Berlin Middle High School
- Bethlehem Elementary School
- Colebrook Academy &
- Elementary School
- Edward Fenn Elementary
- Gorham Middle High School
- Haverhill Cooperative Middle
- Lisbon Regional School
- Milan Village School
- Pittsburg School
- Stewartstown Community
- Stratford Public School
- Woodsville Elementary School
If you attended the March institute, check your email for the invitation to register. If you did not participate in the March institute with Polly Bath, to potentially be added to your school's team, please check with your school administrator or contact NCES for more information at nces@ncedservices.org. Registration closes on June 9th!
Congratulations to the Class of 2023 North Country Scholars and Outstanding CTE Students! On May 25th, the valedictorians and salutatorians of each of the North Country's high schools and outstanding CTE students from the Career & Technical Education Centers were honored. This marked the 18th year of the regional celebration of the top students.

Pictured in the front row (left to right) are Noah Keefe - Co-Outstanding CTE Student at Mount Washington Valley Career Technical Center, Katherine Bushey - Salutatorian of Groveton High School, Kaia Chakravadhanula - Valedictorian of Kennett High school at Co-Outstanding CTE Student at MWVCTC, Hannah Smith - Outstanding CTE Student at Arthur T. Paradice Regional Career & Technical Center, Jennifer Bolton - Salutatorian of Pittsburg School, Dawson Owens - Valedictorian of Groveton High School, Madison Heitz - Salutatorian of Lin-Wood Public School. Second row: Victoria Whitcomb - Salutatorian of White Mountains Regional High School, Bryn Fayle - Salutatorian of Kennett High School, Lily Pospesil - Salutatorian for Profile School, Abigayle McCusker - Valedictorian of White Mountains Regional High School, Allyson DeMoras - Valedictorian of Littleton High School, Emma Labelle - Valedictorian of Berlin Middle High School, Shanna Drapeau - Valedictorian of Lin-Wood Public School. Third row: Braden Lewis - Outstanding CTE Student at Hugh J. Gallen Career and Technical Center, Gordon Chau - Salutatorian of Littleton High School, Aimee Bousquet - Salutatorian of Gorham Middle High School, Jada Lottie Fysh - Valedictorian of Pittsburg School, Kaiden Dowse - Outstanding CTE Student at North Point Career & Technical Education Center, Tyler Young - Valedictorian of Colebrook Academy & Elementary School, Garrett Hodge - Salutatorian of Colebrook Academy & Elementary School, Jeremyah Dow - Salutatorian of Berlin Middle High School, Alec Wydra - Valedictorian of Gorham Middle High School, and Ryan Mercier - Outstanding CTE Student at Berlin Regional Career & Technical Education Center. Unable to attend the ceremony were: Woodsville High School's Valedictorian, Aeona Cuaresma and Salutatorian, Paige Smith; River Bend Career & Technical Education Center Outstanding CTE Student, Jaylin Pereira; Lisbon Regional High School Valedictorian, Victoria Jellison and Salutatorian, Merrick Houston; and Profile High School Valedictorian, Samuel Jacobs.
To view the recording of the event visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg3-MHPCbn4
North Country Champion for Children
Congratulations to Melissa Shaw on being selected and recognized as the North Country's Champion for Children recipient for 2023. Melissa and other regional winners were honored on May 10, 2023 in Concord, NH.
Pictured are Dr. Debra Taylor, Superintendent of Schools for SAU 7, honoree Melissa Shaw, and Melissa's family: sons Colin and Liam, and husband Phil.
The New Hampshire School Administrators Association (NHSAA) established a Champions for Children award program to recognize New Hampshire citizens who have given distinguished public service to benefit children. The NHSAA organization includes New Hampshire Superintendents of Schools, Assistant Superintendents, School Business Officials, Special Education Directors, and other school system administrators.
Louise Tillotson Fellows for 2023
Congratulations to Marc Salmin, Art Teacher at White Mountains Regional High School, and Gail McVetty, a 3rd Grade Teacher at Lancaster Elementary School, Lancaster, for being selected as the 2023 Louise Tillotson Teacher Fellows.
The selection of recipients for the Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowship is based on the following criteria:
- commitment to public education
- breadth of experience
- demonstration of innovation in education
- creativity in solving problems
- communication skills and
- ability to inspire educators and students.
The recipients receive a $10,000 stipend and are expected to serve as ambassadors for the Louise Tillotson Teaching Fellowship.
Teacher of the Year Semi-Finalists
 Congratulations to 2024 NH Teacher of the Year Award semi- finalists, Kimberly Dorman from Colebrook Academy and Elementary School and Jennifer Lambert from Groveton Elementary School.
These North Country educators were among the 20 semi-finalists announced by the NH Department of Education. A record number of 92 nominees were considered this year. A final recipient will be selected this fall. The 2024 Teacher of the Year will be New Hampshire’s entrant in the National Teacher of the Year program, which is run by the Council of Chief State School Officers.
BioTrek PD anticipated for North Country educators this summer
BioTrek is a challenging, student-led, project-based learning program that introduces the science of regenerative medicine and related advanced technologies to inform students about biofabrication and tissue engineering. Students work in teams to:
- research a medical problem plagued by limited treatments and poor outcomes;
- discuss, debate and conceptualize a better tissue-engineered medical product;
- propose a business model with financial and manufacturing accountability;
- defend their process, product, and business model to a panel of judges in a culminating presentation!
BioTrek is presented within your existing biology curriculum or as an Extended Learning Opportunity, during or after the school day. You and your students will use BioFab Explorer to learn about traditional college pathways toward a career in this growing industry, as well as the training and apprenticeship programs currently in development in Manchester, NH. The NGSS aligned curriculum includes:
- teacher guides,
- student workbooks,
- website access,
- ARMI instructional support.
BioTrek is free to schools with teachers who successfully complete the training session.
Teacher Benefits:
- $500.00 stipend and lunch will be included
- Collaboration with ARMI instructors
- Full curriculum and UDL enhanced lessons
- Certificate for 20 CEUs
Anticipated Dates: Monday, August 14-Thursday August 17, 2023; 9:00am- 3:00pm (may be subject to change until location is secured).
Where: North Country with specific location to be determined
Please contact cjohnson@armiusa.org to be notified with the details or for more information.
The Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI) is a member-based, nonprofit organization whose mission is to advance the bioeconomy of the United States. The institute’s work will positively impact not only manufacturing but also healthcare and education & workforce development for the nation.
Chess in Education ~ Granite Gambit
Granite Gambit is statewide program in New Hampshire supports training for teacher-driven chess initiatives that connect chess with core academic content, helping to build student engagement. NHDOE is funding the program throughout the upcoming school year.
There are multiple ways to integrate a chess program. Each school decides what kind of chess program works best for their students. Options include using chess and chess-related activities during the day to teach curriculum standards, before- or after-school chess clubs, summer chess camps, or some combination of these programs. CIE provides teachers with the training to plan and implement programs for their schools.
CIE provides a 4-day Chess in Education Instructor – Level 1 Certification Training for teachers. Teachers who complete Level 1 training have the option of taking the 2-day CIE Instructor Training – Level 2 Certification course.
Participants receive:
- 12 mats and sets for their school
- Demonstration Board
- Teacher training manual
- Keychains, magnetic chess boards
- 50 Chesskid licenses (Chesskid is a computer based Chess program that
can be used as a teaching tool, online tournament or simply playing chess vs. computer.)
A North Country training is anticipated to held at NCES in July or August. Please contact Paul Roberts, Chess in Education NE Event Organizer, at paulroberts@chessineducation.us to be notified with the details once they have been confirmed.
NH Energy Education Project Summer Institute
Registration is now open for Vermont Energy Education Program (VEEP)/New Hampshire Energy Education Project (NHEEP) Summer Institute.
The 2023 Summer Institute encourages teachers to use play, wonder, and hope as catalysts for inspiring students to make change, and to find joy in taking action.
The institute will model empowering, interdisciplinary, student-driven instructional practices to connect students to energy and climate topics and to help them find meaningful and authentic ways to be part of evidence-based solutions in their communities.
Learn more
Invitation to join the White Mountains Connected Learning Ecosystem
Mount Washington Observatory (MWOBS) and Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) educators, in partnership with The Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) (and with funding from NASA), are developing a Connected Learning Ecosystem (CLE) across the White Mountain and North Country Region of New Hampshire. CLEs are a space for communities of educators and learning facilitators to share resources to support climate and data literacy for students.
CLE members will collaborate to enhance their own understanding of climate, data, and a range of STEM skills and knowledge that kids need. This community will work together to engage youth all over northern New Hampshire in place-based, locally relevant investigations of ecosystems and climate change, connecting formal and informal learning spaces. Educators across all these spaces have so much to share with one another in support of their own professional learning and the learning of local youth. All the project partners are excited to help forge new connections.
- Monthly meeting (virtual), networking and in-person meet-up planning starting Tuesday June 27 (Tues), 3:30-4:30pm
- In-person meet-up and professional development on Mount Washington, July 31-August 1 or August 3-4 (Thurs-Fri)
- Tailored STEM professional learning opportunities focusing on skills and resources related to climate change and data literacy
- Opportunities to work together and with the project team to co-design new locally relevant data-focused learning experiences for youth that leverage the unique and exciting opportunities offered by a variety of learning contexts
Membership Includes:
- Participation stipend
- Reimbursement for mileage to in-person events
- Connections with regional and statewide communities of peers working together to enhance STEM learning for New Hampshire Youth
- Connections with supportive and engaged project team that includes staff from institutions from Maine to California
Express interest in being part of a CLE through this form.
Questions should be directed to Brian Fitzgerald at bfitzgerald@mountwashington.org.
Place-based Learning Opportunity
The NASA-funded project Place-Based Learning to Advance Connections, Education, and Stewardship (PLACES) is seeking formal and informal educators who teach Earth Systems topics to youth in grades 6-12 to participate in professional learning and research activities. The program is designed to engage teachers in data-rich Earth Systems learning through the integration of NASA data sets, images, and resources with instructional activities and lessons. Educators will receive a $1250 stipend for attending an in-person workshop in Tucson, Arizona from July 11-13, 2023 and 4 virtual sessions through March 2024. Fill out an application.
Early Childhood Connections Summit
Over 100 early childhood professionals and partners attended the spring Early Childhood Connections Summit in May. Jennifer Berube from UNH keynoted the event, speaking on the topic of play-based learning.
A "Ready for Kindergarten" brochure for parents and caregivers was unveiled at the event. The brochure was developed by the regional workgroup facilitators with feedback from parents shaping the final product.
The sub-regional facilitators, Airole Warden, Cathy McDowell, Elina Nilhas, Annalisa Blake, and Emily Benson, shared highlights of the early childhood transition efforts taking place in their respective regions.
The theme for the fall summit will be on strategies for authentic family engagement. The summits are a collaboration of the Coos Coalition for Young Children and Families, Region 7 PDG, the Coos Director Network, NCES, and the North Country Partnership for SEL Practices.
Purposeful Play Book Group Study
 The Coos Coalition for Young Children and Families is gathering interest for book discussion groups for this coming summer and/or fall for the book Purposeful Play, A Teacher's Guide to Igniting Deep and Joyful Learning Across the Day by Kristine Mraz, Alison Porcelli, and Cheryl Tyler. The book and discussion sessions will be provided for free to educator, child care providers, and other professional working with young children in the North Country. Five or six discussion sessions of 90 minutes are anticipated.
Those potentially interested in participating should complete this interest form.
Learning through Play: Creating Opportunities for Deeply Connected and Meaningful Experiences
Are you interested in creating successful play-based learning experiences for your students? Discover the what, why, and how of play-based learning in NH at the UNH Early Childhood Education Coaching Initiative FREE introductory workshop on two dates. They will dive into the essential elements of guided play and explore the endless possibilities open-ended experiences offer children.
Want to dive deeper? Join them for a second workshop in August, where they will explore the implementation of guided play practices. They will take things to the next level and focus on connecting play to content, making learning visible, and developing 21st century skills through play-based learning. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to enhance your teaching skills!
Participants will:
- develop a deeper understanding of play-based learning, specifically guided-play
- learn about the teacher as facilitator taking on roles of intentional planner, guide and co-constructor of learning within meaningful play-based experiences
- experience and engage with open-ended materials and collaborate with colleagues about the opportunities they afford to students
- learn how to facilitate meaningful play-based learning experiences within classrooms
- become familiar with strategies for documenting and making children’s learning through play visible
- hear from teachers who are creating time, space and opportunity for authentic and meaningful learning
Introductory workshop option one registration on June 28
Introductory workshop option two registration on July 19
Second workshop registration on August 8
Location: Concord
Questions about this training should be directed to: Karen DuBois-Garofalo, Project Director UNH Human Development & Family Studies, karen.dubois-garofalo@unh.edu| (603) 862-2835.
NH Civics Summer Professional Development
Integration of Civics in Elementary Grades Integration of Civics in Elementary Grades professional development is for K-5 educators and administrators. Attendees will be provided with valuable resources that will help them to easily incorporate civics in elementary grades.
Date & Time: August 15 from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Location: St. Anselm College Institute of Politics, Manchester, NH
Presenters: Laura Brenner, Discovering Justice & Erin Moore, education consultant
Cost: Free, light lunch provided
Register: Online
Civics Resources for Secondary Education (Virtual) For grade 6-12 educators and administrators. Participants will be provided with resources and pedagogy for secondary civics.
Date and Time: Wednesday, August 16 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Presenters: Amanda Maguire, Partner Site Director for Mikva Challenge’s Project Soapbox, and Jeff Urbin, Education Specialist at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library.
Cost: Free
Register: Online
Dialectical Behavior Therapy - Group Consults
For any counselor who participated in the Dialectical Behavior Therapy training with Ryan Aqualina, LCMHC, that was offered through NCES this year or last year, Ryan is offering free group consults on the second Friday of every month from 9:00-10:00 AM. Contact NCES for the Zoom link.
Publishing Opportunity for Teens
Under the Madness Magazine, a magazine for teen writers-by teen writers, is accepting submissions of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction for its first issue. The magazine's editorial board is composed of students largely from the North Country, working under the mentorship of the New Hampshire Poet Laureate. Under the Madness Magazine publishes writers, ages 13-19, from around the globe.
Under the Madness is made possible with the generous support of the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. The magazine began as an off-shoot of the North Country Young Writers’ Festival.
Learn more about submitting teen work
Scholarship Opportunities

The NH Charitable Foundation is now accepting applications for the Student Aid program. In order to qualify, a student just needs to live in NH and be pursuing some sort of post-secondary education. There is a single online application; in completing just one application a student is considered for all of the NHCF funds for which they are eligible.
Non-dependent bachelor’s candidates, associate degree candidates, certificate candidates, students in an apprenticeship or licensing program, etc. can apply on a rolling deadline through December 15 at 5:00 pm ET.
Each year, the NHCF awards more than $7 million in scholarships to help New Hampshire students with the fewest resources and most promise realize their educational goals, whether it’s a two- or four-year college degree, certificate, or professional license.
Apply online at www.nhcf.org/scholarships
High School Coding Programs for Girls
Girls Who Code is offering 9-12th grade girls and non-binary students the flexibility to choose their own summer experience based on their interests, skill level, and schedule! Whether they're brand new to coding or a coding expert, they’ll learn how to code projects they care about alongside a supportive global community of friends, mentors, and role models.
There is a 2-week immersion program (online) or a 6-week self-paced experience that will allow students an opportunity to learn in a style that works best for them while making meaningful connections. All Girls Who Code programs are free.
Download summer program flier
Learn more at https://girlswhocode.com/
For younger students of all genders, learn about the free Girls Who Code clubs and curriculum for grades 3-5 and 6-12 at https://girlswhocode.com/programs/clubs-program.
Androscoggin Valley Farm to School
- School Psychologist (1 day/week) and potential full-time opening
- Speech Language Pathologist (full or part-time)
- SLPA (part-time)
- BCBA (full or part-time)
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Please submit a cover letter detailing your interest, current resume, and three (3) current letters of reference to nces@ncedservices.org with the subject line “Application” or mail materials to: Dr. Lori Langlois, Executive Director, 300 Gorham Hill Road, Gorham, NH 03581.
2024 Eclipse Resources
On April 8, 2024, northern Coos will experience a total solar eclipse. Thanks to the support of the Henry and Helen Cormier Fund for Berlin, Jessie B. Cox Fund for Education, and the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund, NCES, in partnership with WMSI, will provide all students and staff in SAUs 3, 7, 9, 20, 23, 35, 36, 58, 68, 77 & 84 with ISO certified eclipse glasses to safely view the eclipse.
General eclipse information
K-12 Education Resources
Watch this newsletter for announcements on school and/or community workshops about preparing for and viewing the eclipse.
Note: A partial solar eclipse will also occur on Saturday, October 14, 2023.
- Math instruction and tutoring
- Computer and digital literacy
- English Speakers of Other Languages
- Online assessments for HiSet preparation
Call 603-752-1927 or email info@coosae.org for more information.
A part of the NH Farm to School network, the mission of the Androscoggin Valley Farm to School program is to engage youth and community in promoting, utilizing, and expanding the use of local produce in order to create a healthy well-connected Androscoggin Valley community.
Learn more
Employment Opportunities in North Country Schools
Find education-related employment opportunities at teachnorth.org.
Kinship Caregiver Resources
Step Up Parents provides financial assistance to kinship caregivers in New Hampshire who are raising the children of parents with substance use disorder.
Learn more
Learn more
SmallActs North

The #SmallActs campaign is about neighbors helping neighbors and building communities where #SmallActs are a way of life.
Join in! Do something unexpected and kind for someone. Spread the word. Bring SmallActs to your classroom.
Learn more
North Country Partnership for SEL Practices
View this short video to learn more about NCP4SEL. Follow NCP4SEL on Facebook for more tips, resources, and announcements.
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.