B-C's Special Distance Learning Content with Complimentary Materials
In response to school closures due to COVID-19, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers made a variety of materials available to the classics community. Please see our Distance Learning page to freely access downloadable packets of fair use excerpts from our books as well as some fun mythology-related activities.
AP Latin Summer Institutes 2023
The College Board has made the AP Latin 2023 Free-Response Questions available.
Patrick Yaggy, author of Bolchazy-Carducci’s Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections, generously shares his answer suggestions for the AP Latin 2023 free-response questions. Gratias maximas tibi, Magister Yaggy, agimus! Once again, AP Latin students aver that Yaggy’s Lumina provides excellent preparation for the AP Latin Exam!
AP Latin Summer Institutes 2023
The AP Latin consultant team, Bob Cape, Jill Musselman Crooker, and Jennie Luongo, wanted to let you all know about AP Summer Institutes for the summer of 2023. These programs are designed to benefit anyone from a new to a long-time AP instructor with ideas for being more inclusive in recruiting for the AP Latin classroom and about how to use the AP Daily videos and other AP Classroom materials. Here’s the list of most of the programs, dates, and consultant presenting. Contact information for each consultant also appears below.
June 20-23: UT-Austin (Bob Cape)
July 10-14: UT-El Paso (Bob Cape)
Bob will also be presenting at the AP Annual Conference in Seattle on July 20th.
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to be a long-time supporter, providing learning materials, of these AP Latin Summer Institutes.
Looking for a stimulating week learning about the classics this summer?
Coronation Procession at the Coronation of Charles III and Camilla. Photo by Katie Chan. Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons 4.0.
A handy example of the iussive subjunctive from King Charles’s coronation service—thanks to Will Nifong for posting on Facebook.
Greek Lessons by Han Kang—a review.
Venus from Sandro Botticelli’s (1445–1510) The Birth of Venus. Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain.
Celebrating the Second Decade!
Thank you for joining us for our 12th year of providing the classics community this complimentary professional development series of webinars.
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to provide complimentary webinars on a variety of subjects, especially pedagogical, of interest to classicists. Some webinars are geared to the Latin for the New Millennium program and to topics generated by the AP* Latin curriculum.
Please note: The Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers Webinar Program is intended to be a live interactive endeavor in which presenter and attendees ask questions, make comments, seek clarification, share examples, etc. Thus, by design and in order to protect the presenter’s intellectual property, B-C does not make recordings available to non-attendees. B-C encourages those interested in a given topic or presenter to plan to attend the live webinar. If you have suggestions for webinars, please contact Don Sprague.
What Equipment Do I Need for B-C Webinars?
To participate in Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers sponsored webinars you will need high-speed internet access, computer speakers/headphones, current web browser, and the link to the webinar virtual meeting space, which is provided in your webinar invitation. Webinars Make for User-Friendly Professional Development
Participation is free. All webinars provide opportunity for participants to ask questions. Learn lots—attend as many presentations as you can. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers provides documentation for your participation. You can share this with your supervisors. Many webinar presenters provide handouts, etc.
2023 Classics Conferences and Meetings
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to be exhibiting in-person at these conferences of the new academic year.
Caelum, non animum, mutant qui trans mare currunt. “They who rush across the sea change their sky, not their soul”
–Horace, Epistles 1.11
Bolchazy-Carducci Representatives: Donald Sprague and Amelia Wallace
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers provides eTextbooks on a variety of eBook platforms. Bolchazy-Carducci textbooks are available through VitalSource, GooglePlay, Chegg, RedShelf, Adams Book, Follett, MBSDirect Digital, and ESCO. Each eBook platform offers a variety of tools to enhance the learning process. eBooks have the same content as our traditional books in print.
You can read eBooks on a Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad, Android, or a variety of eReaders. Review the eBook providers specifications.
As is our custom, you can download the Roman Calendar from our website. Feel free to print the calendar for display in your classroom.
This year’s calendar takes you on a journey through the “lesser” gods of the Greek and Roman pantheon. From Nike and Nemesis to Isis and Vertumnus, a variety of gods and goddesses are represented, portrayed as classical statuary, in colorful mosaics, and more!
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The most recent addition to the blog includes tips on incorporating 3-D printing projects, including Latin inscription cookies, into the Latin classroom.
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These products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate (IB).
Ah, May! As the musical Camelot proclaims, “the lusty month of May!” As a kid, I loved to play records from my grandmother’s collection on her hi-fi. A favorite was Camelot! So, it should come as no surprise that I seized the opportunity to see its revival at Lincoln Center at the end of April while visiting family in New York City. Julie Andrews was terrific in the original, but I must declare that Phillipa Soo in the current production also does a spectacular job.
Those of you in the classroom during May know firsthand that’s it’s a wild and lusty time of year! Warm weather and the flowers from those showers in April bring on full force spring fever. Of course, the lusty month of May means summer is around the corner. All of us at Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers send our teacher friends positive energy as they keep the kids focused. And, we congratulate your students who are graduating this month and next. May their futures bring them much joy and satisfaction.
Speaking of graduation, I am heading to my alma mater, Boston College High School, to join fellow graduates of the Class of 1973 for our class reunion. Saturday morning, the golden jubilee graduates welcome the current graduates as alumni and receive their golden diplomas at the commencement ceremony. Yes, it was September 1969 when I first encountered Latin, 1971 when I started Greek, and it’s been a wonderful adventure ever since.
Happy May!
Happy Graduations!
All best,
Don Sprague
Executive Editor
If you’re an AP Latin teacher, I highly recommend that you check out Patrick Yaggy’s compilation of suggested answers to the free-response questions. He has generously granted us permission to publish the compilation in this issue of eLitterae. The talented master teacher is not only the author of B-C’s online guided practice and review for AP Latin, Lumina for Caesar and Vergil Selections, but also the author of B-C’s The Thebaid of Statius: The Women of Lemnos. This latter title is this month’s eLitterae featured title offered at a special discount price.
 AhaSlides is an interactive presentation platform that blends a presentation tool like PowerPoint or Google Slides with quizzing tools like Socrative and game platforms like Kahoot. I really appreciate this combination as it affords teachers so many options all in one place. Teachers can share content via slides, embed videos from YouTube, insert questions to check for understanding, conduct a brainstorming session, generate a word cloud, and more. The user interface is clear and fairly intuitive.
The creator selects the type of slide to add (content, quiz, or poll) and then customizes it to include the desired information. For content slides, there are a variety of well-designed templates from which to choose.
As we near the end of the academic year, review activities are a great way to consolidate students’ learning. AhaSlides would be a great tool for student-generated review materials. Teachers can consider assigning pairs or small groups of students a topic on which to focus and then allow them to create an interactive review presentation. The presentations created are easy to share via a link or QR code. A great way to set up an end-of-semester review activity would be to post QR codes to the various presentations around the classroom. Students can then move in groups around the room to engage with each presentation. To get started, visit www.ahaslides.com.
Lynne West Sunodia Educational Consulting
Lynne West is a veteran teacher and teacher leader in K–12 schools. She earned her teaching credentials at Santa Clara University, her master’s degree from the University of California at Santa Barbara, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of California at Los Angeles. In 2016, as a Fulbright Distinguished Teaching awardee, West studied pedagogy at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. She founded Sunodia Educational Consulting to share her passion for teaching with her fellow educators by providing creative, tailored, and patient professional development services. |
Enriching the Content for Lumina for LNM, Level 1
 The April 2023 edition of eLitterae wrapped up our second year of releasing Latin stories designed to accompany Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1. These stories, written by teacher and novella author Emma Vanderpool, introduce beginning Latin students to the myths, legends, and history of ancient Greece and Rome using the vocabulary and grammar of LNM. Bolchazy-Carducci has made all stories from eLitterae published in 2021–22 freely available on our Distance Learning webpage. Here, you can access Metabus et Filia Camila (Review 1) or Proserpina (Review 7). This summer, we will update this page so that you can access the new set of stories, which accompany chapters 3–9 in LNM, Level 1.
Vanderpool’s Latin stories have also been embedded within Lumina for LNM. Available only to Lumina users, special comprehension activities have also been created for each reading. Like all Lumina practice, these new activities are self-grading and give automatic feedback so that students can assess their own progress immediately after reading a story. Additionally, these exercises often require students to understand the Latin that they have read as Latin. For example, an exercise might ask students to match characters to short descriptions written in Latin or put Latin summaries of events in the order in which they occur in a story. Some questions are written in English, but require close reading of the Latin passage. Feedback encourages returning to and rereading specific lines of a passage.
Currently, comprehension activities are available on Lumina for the seven review stories. This summer, we will update Lumina for LNM to include similar activities to accompany the stories for chapters 3–9. B-C is pleased to make available a sample Lumina comprehension exercise to all eLitterae subscribers: the following link includes two tasks that accompany the story Cloelia et Lars Porsenna.
If you like what you see and would like to learn more about Lumina, send an email to lumina@bolchazy.com to set up a live demonstration of the platform. This short video overview shows the layout and functionality of Lumina for LNM. And, if you are looking for a fun, quick enrichment activity for a Latin class, be sure to try out this mythological monster activity.
Amelia Wallace, Editor
58th International Congress on Medieval Studies Report
 The 58th International Congress on Medieval Studies took place in a hybrid format Thursday, May 11, through Saturday, May 13, 2023. Some sixteen hundred medievalists converged on Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo while another five hundred tuned in from the comfort of their home or office. Attendees reveled in the opportunity to attend sessions in person for the first time since 2019! They proved equally eager to spend time chatting and catching up with their colleagues who hailed from all across the United States and from countries far and wide. Indeed, a copy of Bolchazy-Carducci’s new New Testament Greek: A Reading Course is on its way to its new owner’s home in Singapore.
The Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers booth at the 2023 Medieval Congress.
Happy book drawing winner Alexander Millette and B-C’s Don Sprague.
The courtyard by the exhibit hall features a pair of Ionic column capitals! Also, note the Adirondack chairs with backs in the shape of the state of Michigan.
Note: A selection of recorded virtual and blended-format sessions is available to Congress registrants from Monday, May 15, until Wednesday, May 31. One can still register as an online participant and view these recordings. |
Musings on a non-Classical Visit to Europe
While escorting my parents on their first ever trip outside North America, I encountered a few interesting tidbits, both classical and not. This troll, Giganta, was found around the end of the harbor in Keflavik, Iceland, just past a fascinating museum about the fishing culture of the original village.
A bubo—a symbol often used by the press—located just around the corner from Mozart’s birthplace made me pause here in Salzburg, Austria.
The breathtaking view from the top of the Untersbergbahn is not for those with acrophobia. We rode a gondola to the top and then toured the salt mine in nearby Berchtesgaden, which visit reminded me of the daily “salary” of a Roman soldier.
Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany was perfect for a casual visit. The old wall and moat, reminiscent of a Roman fortification, greeted us throughout our walk while an excavated Roman latrine lay exposed beneath the garage where we parked! Unfortunately, it was closed when we visited but the courtyard featured several great Roman statues and inscriptions, including this dedication to Mithras.
INVICTO MITHRAE Publius AELius VOC- CO MILes Legionis XXII Primigeniae Piae Fidelis Votum Solvit Laetus Libens Merito |
A hike around Castle Reussenstein (1270 CE), however, nicely scratched my itch for an older site.
We visited many other points of interest, castles, war memorials, beautiful cathedrals, und so weiter. It was fun to venture outside my comfort zone of Greek and Roman sites. And, I must add, the food was delicious!
Bridget Dean, PhD President, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
Instructors and students praise LUMINA: Caesar and Vergil Selections
Available to accompany AP Latin Caesar and Vergil Selections—a splendid tool for AP* Exam review!
 Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is thrilled with the very positive response from students and instructors alike about this Lumina content: online exercises to accompany the Caesar and Vergil selections on the AP Latin syllabus! With its comprehensive, completely original content, Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections is a perfect complement to Bolchazy-Carducci's print and eBook resources for AP Latin. Better yet, Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections works on any internet-enabled device! Features
• Hundreds of automatically-graded multiple choice questions promote close reading of all syllabus selections and provide students with immediate feedback
• Veteran AP Latin teacher Patrick Yaggy has carefully constructed Lumina to model the formatting, terminology, and question-type frequency of the AP Latin exam.
• Multiple choice questions cover every single line of Caesar and Vergil in the AP Latin syllabus.
• Copious AP-style free response questions ensure that students develop the necessary skills to thoroughly analyze and respond to all passages on the syllabus
• Thorough practice exams prepare students for the format of the AP Latin exam
• Vocabulary and figures of speech flashcards allow for additional review.
The current version reflects additions and revisions, as well as some corrections, made in response to student and teacher feedback. An ideal learning tool, for online or in person classes, that provides exceptional AP Exam prep! To learn more, visit the Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections product page and watch the overview video.
Contact lumina@bolchazy.com to schedule an online demonstration.
NB: B-C has also developed Lumina for Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1 and Level 2 and for the online self-learning program Artes Latinae, Level 1 and Level 2.
Teaching Tips & Resources
► Social Justice
• Met reviews objects with provenance issues.
• Italy reckons with Fascist-era colonial collections.
• Are the Benin bronzes made of German brass? So?
• The “marvelous” reconstruction of a famous kylix.
► Res Hellenicae
• Subway meets archaeology in Monastiraki, Athens.
The vaulted bed (ca. 2nd century CE) of the Eridanos River on level 1 of the Monastiraki Metro Station, Athens, Greece. Photo by George E. Koronaios. Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons 4.0.
• Hypatia of Alexandria—the “pop star” of antiquity.
• Why has Hollywood abandoned ancient Greece?
• Greeks again worshipping the ancient gods.
• Fabulous mosaic of hero Aeneas uncovered.
• Vergina is key to Macedonia’s Greek origin.
► Res Romanae
• Lightning strikes Hercules but experts find silver lining.
• Travel the Roman roads using modern web mapping technology.
• Temple dedicated to Mars or many gods?
• Segments of Roman wall found near London’s Thames.
• Shopping mall yields Roman mosaic.
• Gallo-Romano necropolis found near Parisian train station.
• Roman winery featured fountains of flowing wine!
• Ancient Romans “did wine” very differently, indeed.
• Monumental statue of emperor found in Turkey.
• Mosaics puzzle experts.
• Lost fortlet discovered in Scotland.
• Who caused the fire that destroyed Caligula’s party ships?
• Western civilization’s first paranormal encounter—Athenodorus’s ghost and Pliny the Younger.
• The Romans, the sea, and the law.
• A Spaniard discovered Pompeii and Herculaneum.
• Scientists fully sequence the DNA of a Vesuvius victim.
• The Colchester Vase revisited.
• Roman jewelry down the drain!
• Pliny the Younger’s villa in Etruria.
• Significant Bronze Age and Roman finds unearthed in England.
► Res Aegypticae
• Buddha found in Alexandria upends historical thinking.
• Who was Cleopatra’s daughter?
► Res Aliae Antiquae
• Nabataean temple found off the coast of Naples.
• Cyrus the Great’s dark side!
The tomb of Cyrus the Great in Pasargadi, Iran. Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons 4.0.
• A lead in the search for the “Seventh Wonder.”
• For 5,400 years, this Spanish tomb has captured the summer solstice.
► Res Post-Antiquae
• Israelis excavate “genizas” in rural Morocco.
• The great builder of Lalibela, Ethiopia.
• The Sarajevo Haggadah, a marvel of survival.
► Res Pre-Columbianae
• Fascinating insights into the study of pre-Columbian indigenous languages.
• The Great Pyramid of Cholula.
• Scientists crack the code of the Mayan calendar.
• 1,400-year-old murals of two-faced men in Peru.
• Unlocking the “Rosetta Stone” of a dying indigenous language.
eLitterae Subscribers Special Discount
Special 40% Discount
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Perfect Text for Pre-AP* Reading or Post-Exam!
ISBN: 978-0-86516-819-0 • $31.00 $18.60
Enter coupon code eLit0523 on the payment page. The special offer pricing will be charged at checkout.
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Discount is not available to distributors. This offer expires June 21, 2023.
(Please note that there will be no adjustments on previous purchases. Offer is nontransferable and subject to change without notice. Only valid on products published by Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.)