September: Savoring Source
Sure, September's my birthday month, so I do have a special fondness for it!
It's also my family's Canadian birthday, as we landed in Toronto on September 18, 1967 from Taipei, 5 days before my 8th birthday.
And, oh, the crisp, rosy leaves! Oh, the chestnuts raining on the streets! Oh, the doll-like townhouses, the wood wax smells of the banisters! The confusing sounds on teachers' and classmates' tongues, the uncertain glances. September spells newness. Every autumn, new teachers. New challenges, new embarrassments, and also new learning, excitements, new possible friends! Don't you feel the tingling of the fall?
This fall, I'm excited for my Beatles song birthday! When I get older, losing my hair, many years from now (do-do-doo-de-doo)... Will you still be sending me a Valentine? ...
Yes, I believe "U" will. The U-niverse that is. The love force that made us and loves us dearly, the love we've been longing for, all our lives. You know this love. You knew it as a baby: you glowed it. You felt it in snowflakes on your cheeks. You see it in the eyes of loved ones. You know it inside, in moments of peace. And yes, love will still be sending you a valentine, birthday greetings, bottle of wine and more. At any age.
Source. God. Inner Being. Higher Self. Your name for love may vary, but you know it when you feel it: Radical Acceptance, Amazing Grace. And you know it by many faces. The face of your pup. Your mother or grandpa or whoever you are lucky enough to be unconditionally loved by. What better gift, at any birthday, than to connect with that Source within you?
The bigger Yoga is always connection to your Source. And being a path to their connection for others. As a wise teacher said: "We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past, but by the love we're not extending in the present."
Mm. Food for thought. Write me if you know who wrote that.
YINspirations Love Retreat 2/28-3/5/24
Get YINspired to run away with us to a Yoga vacation retreat this winter, on the sunny, warm beaches of Puerto Plata "the Silver Port" of the Dominican Republic!
YINspirations Yoga Retreat:
Feb 28 - March 5, 2024
Six nights at our deluxe all-inclusive resort, with morning and evening yoga with myself and Donna Davidge.
Enjoy the luxurious pools, beaches, restaurants, deluxe cabanas, the free resort activities, and lots of free time to relax, shop, play, or book excursions or massages, as your heart may desire!
Fantastic to bring friends or loved ones to, and to make all new friends too, like Troi and Simone here! Learn more here.
Early Bird discounts end October 31st; fares are best early, too.
Come Friday the 13th of October, to Acro Thai Yoga at Floating Lotus Holistic, 39 W.56 St. under their lovely penthouse atrium, for some fun AcroYoga followed by Thai yoga loving-kindness bodywork, to start your weekend!
No partner needed. All levels welcome! Costumes welcome! Glitter tattoos provided!
Time for a Fresh Foods Reset Cleanse! You'll be delighted and surprised at how much delicious choice you have in foods on this healthy elimination and detox eating cleanse.
We do it together, have Zoom check-ins, and you learn food and self-care habits you will keep in and bring to your regular life, forever!
Register to get your Cleanse Manual now. More Info Here
Photos this issue thanks to: Floating Lotus, Health Coach Institute, Lifestyles Tropical Vacation Club, Raul Aranas, Sara Braverman, Acro Thai Yoga students, YINspirations students and Donna Davidge.
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Happy Autumn!
Abiding Peace ~