Black Lawrence Publishing
Sapling #727
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to Sapling!
Thanks to all subscribers: new, continuing, and recently renewed!
This issue is a brief departure in celebration of Halloween - profiling three horror/genre outlets - a small press, a journal, a contest. (Note: the Emerging Writer Feature isn't part of this holiday theme.)
Here are some words on writing from Kelly Link and Octavia Butler.
Enjoy & Keep Writing!
Yvonne Garrett
Senior Fiction Editor/Sapling Editor
Black Lawrence Press
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Reminder: if you are an editor at a journal or small/independent press OR if you have a first book coming out on a small/independent press and would like to be featured in Sapling, please reach out to
Contest Profile

Contest Name:  Dead of Winter Horror Fiction Contest
Award:  publication in Toasted Cheese Lit Journal & gift card
Entry Fee: none
Deadline: December 21st
How to Submit:
Literary Magazine Profile
Title: Love Letters to Poe 
Format: online and print 
Publishes: themed fiction
Small Press Profile
Press: Grinning Skull Press
Publishes: horror fiction
Feature Article
This week Sapling talks with Jules Jacob.
Sapling: Tell us about the process of getting your book published. Did you enter contests? Open reading periods? What transpired between sending the manuscript out initially and its acceptance by your publisher?
Jules Jacob: In its inception, Kingdom of Glass & Seed was a chapbook-length collection of twenty-six poems. It was submitted under a different title to ten contests and several open reading periods between 2015 and 2017 and received a few positive responses, but no publication offers. In 2017, a fellow poet who also had a special interest in toxic and injurious plants invited me to collaborate on a collection of poems after reading published poems from the chapbook that spoke to the creative/destructive duality in humans and nature via poisonous plants. I agreed to collaborate and pulled the poisonous plant poems from my collection, which I decided to turn into a full-length collection—the future Kingdom of Glass & Seed. Between 2020 and 2022, I entered Kingdom of Glass & Seed in two contests and five open reading periods. Rather than entering more contests, I invested time and money in editing workshops, a manuscript critique, and two manuscript conferences, one by invitation from Lily Poetry Review Books Editor, Eileen Cleary, who accepted the manuscript in September 2022 through their open reading period. 
Sapling: What was your experience with the editing of the manuscript? Did you have an opportunity to make revisions either at your own suggestion or at the suggestion of your editor? How involved were you in the design aspects of the book's production (cover image, design, etc.)?
JJ: Editing revisions during the manuscript critique were made by Lily Poetry Review Books Editor, Eileen Cleary. I had opportunities to make collaborative revisions of individual poems and the manuscript during workshops before acceptance and through six proof rounds with Eileen Cleary after acceptance. I suggested an idea for the cover based on an extraordinary flower featured in my poem, “Recycling the life of Pi.” Lily Poetry Review designer Martha McCullough embraced the idea and designed three cover choices.
Sapling: Did you publish any excerpts in literary journals or other periodicals before the publication of your book? If so, did this seem like a necessary part of the process for this project?
JJ: Over sixty percent of the poems in Kingdom of Glass & Seed were previously published in journals, magazines, and anthologies. It may not be necessary, but it helps to have previous publications. Many presses have a minimum percentage requirement for previously published poems—I’ve seen from twenty-five to fifty percent. Other presses don’t include requirements
for previously published poems, but nearly all ask for an acknowledgments page in their guidelines.
Sapling: In what ways have you been involved in the publicity and promotion of your book thus far? In what ways is your publisher helping you with marketing your book?
JJ: I’ve promoted Kingdom of Glass & Seed on my website,, social media platforms, and contact list through MailChimp. Readings have been scheduled by Lily Poetry Review on October 20th during my virtual book launch and at AWP 2024 in Kansas City. In addition to setting up a virtual book launch, my publisher has promoted the book on their website and social media platforms. I’m working on scheduling readings in Missouri, where I currently live, my native state, Colorado, and New England, where I spend part of each summer.
Sapling: What are some things that surprised you about the process of getting your book published? Is there anything you wished you'd known beforehand about putting a book out into the world?
JJ: I was surprised by how quickly time passed between the book’s acceptance in September 2022 and the official launch date of October 8, 2023. I wish I’d known other poets and writers—sometimes strangers and ones you barely know—offer support and encouragement when you least expect it.  
Jules Jacob is the author of Kingdom of Glass & Seed (Lily Poetry Review Books, 2023), co-author of the illustrated chapbook, Rappaccini’s Garden (White Stag Press, December 2023), and author of The Glass Sponge (Finishing Line Press, 2013.) She’s the recipient of a fellowship from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in Auvillar, France, and her poems are featured or forthcoming in PlumeRust + Moth, Lily Poetry Review, The Westchester Review, The Fourth River, and elsewhere. 

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We Love Our Authors!
Featured Title 
Midnight Self
Adrian Van Young


Adrian Van Young beckons readers further into the shifting borderlands of the Gothic and uncanny in his second collection Midnight SelfSpace colonists menaced by a grotesque alien creature adapt a grim charter to ensure their survival. An exhausted new mother makes an uneasy discovery when her baby monitor’s signal gets crossed with another. An heiress imprisoned in a labyrinth of her own making is forced into an obliterating confrontation with grief. A carnivorous car lot tube man terrorizes a gang of transphobic bullies. An army nurse discovers that war’s terrors still hound her in new, chilling forms. Written in the tradition of Angela Carter, George Saunders, and Mariana Enriquez, Midnight Self explores the dissociation of being human and the humanity of being monstrous.
These knife-sharp, hypnotic stories plunge readers into chillingly surreal and powerfully imagined worlds. Adrian Van Young uses the monstrous and the uncanny to cast brilliant light on our human form. -Laura Van Den Berg, I Hold a Wolf by the Ears
Myths, pop culture, culture wars. A living, monstrous house. Death wearing khakis. Repolarized blood. Mediums. Extinction. Midnight Self is a collection of movies to be screened in a theater with one single chair: that is your skull on Van Young steroids. This is the kind of dark, great writing we need to understand our times. -Yuri Hererra,  Ten Planets: Stories & Signs Preceding the End of the World
Midnight Self is an exceptional collection. Every story is perfectly, unnervingly off; every page offered an image or produced a feeling I could not shake. Adrian Van Young is a master of the uncanny. – Jac Jemc, The Grip of It and Empty Theatre
An outstanding collection that skitters from a strange and gigantic skin thing to an oddly transforming doll, from a house that its owner can’t stop building to a house that consumes whoever it wants, from the uprising of the past Civil War dead to the rejuvenation of future semi-artificial animals, without ever giving the reader safe ground to stand on. Midnight Self is filled with well-written, provocative terrors, and it is well worth the read.- Brian Evenson, The Glassy, Burning Floor of Hell and Song for the Unraveling of the World.
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