December 2023 News Letter
In this issue:
Latest Blog Posts
Using All 4 Straps, Straps & Mat/Belt, Mat & Belt
Helpful Links
Some Interesting Frequency Sets
Autism and Herpes Study
Rife Digital Professional V3 & Super Mat Pack -- On SALE --
Fish in Parchment
Grilled Smoked Tea Rib-Eye Steaks
Champagne Baked Eggs with Spinach and Crispy Ham
Red Lentil Crackers with Spicy Vegan Cream Cheese
Latest Blog Posts
Using All 4 Straps, Straps & Mat/Belt, Mat & Belt
When using all 4 straps or the mat/belt & straps or the Mat & Belt, you need to have the positive on one side of the body and the Negative on the other.  And if you want to follow the natural polarity of the body then; Positive is the Right side of the body and Negative is the Left.
This is called Meridian Zapping or Meridian Rifing.  It works well in 2 ways;
(1) Provides a good penetration of the healing frequencies in both the lower and upper body simultaneously.
(2) Allows the positive and ground current to intersect the mid body around the heart, which permits the healing processes to be concentrated from the central point of the body. 
See crossover point in picture below.
Meridian Zapping
If you have any questions email me at
Once you have bought one machine from us then your next machine purchase, Rife or Zapper will be discounted.  So, should you decide you want to upgrade, or just have another machine, or even an extra machine to loan to friends or family, we have a lot of people who do that -- I have one here that I use as a loaner.
Email me and I'll let you know how we do this so you get your discount.
  And this can be for you, friends or family.

We do this because we want people to be aware of this technology, and to make it as affordable as we can to upgrade as the technology advances.
Email me if you have any questions on this:
Helpful Links
Here are some links you might want to check out if for no other reason, future reference 
This is the Link for the liquid tonic versions
Chinese herbs:  Specifically astragalus
Some Interesting Frequency Sets
Some of us like to add some of the Esoteric.  For those of you who do check out the sets below
The main six Solfeggio frequencies are:
000.39  KHz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
000.41  KHz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
000.52  KHz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
000.64  KHz – Connecting/Relationships — Forgiveness
000.74  KHz – Expression/Solutions
000.85  KHz – Returning to Spiritual Order Vibration is everything.
And every vibration has its own frequency. By exposing the mind and body to the Solfeggio frequencies, you may achieve a greater sense of balance and deep healing. The Solfeggio frequencies align you with the rhythms and tones that form the basis of the Universe.
There are 10 banks for programming so you can use the six and then the below.
0.40  KHz 0.53  KHz .– Choose any of the above to put in for the last 2 frequency banks.
I have converted the above frequencies from Hertz to KHz so you can program them into the Rife Machine or Zapper.
 Five Platonic Solids (Sacred Geometry)
Platonic Solids; 
                Fire       Tetrahedron (triangle)      720 Hz  
                Air         Octahedron (2 triangle)  1440 Hz 
                Water    Icosahedron (2 tri +)        3600 Hz 
                Earth     Hexahedron (cube)          2160 Hz 
                Ether     Dodecahedron (5 sides) 6480 Hz 
These frequencies are in Hertz -- they need to be KHz to program into the Rife machine or Zapper
To translate a Hertz value into a KHz value, divide the Hertz number by 1000.  I have done the math. The KHz values are below.
Fire -- 000.72 KHz
Air -- 001.44  KHz
Water -- 003.60 KHz
Earth -- 002.16 KHz
Ether -- 006.48 KHz
For more on this:

Chakra Balance (Fabian Maman Set):
Autism and Herpes Study
herpes autism
We have someone who is doing some trials with the Rife machine or Zapper for Herpes.  The study is free to join, you do need to have your own machine.  This study includes some supplements which will be provided at no cost.  Other than having your own machine there is no cost.
Steven Evans, Therapeutics Research Institute is running this study.  He has had good results with an Autism study he is doing as well.  If you are interested in either, for more information and/or to join this study, email Steven at,
If you are interested in the Herpes Study, please put Rife Herpes Study in the Subject line.
If you are interested in the Autism study, put Rife Autism Study in the subject line.
You can do this if you have the Zapper as well.  
CW, Carrier Wave, relates to Dr Rife’s cancer frequency sets. So it is more specific to Cancer treatments.
CW was designed by Dr Rife specifically for cancer treatments
RF, Radio Frequency, would not make a big difference on other disease types but I would still use CW most of the time.
And, not a bad idea to switch now and then. Some bacteria can be smart and changing from CW to RF now and then fools them and healing can take place a little faster. So, switching from CW to RF, and SWEEP to Pulse SWEEP now and then is a good idea.
The exception would be cancer, stay on CW for cancer. When you are in CW you will see an X to the right of PLAY on the display screen. When in RF it looks more like a square.
You can do this mid-treatment. Push SWEEP to begin the treatment and then push CW. Pulse SWEEP is also good – it adds a little more power to the signal when it pulses on and off.
But, still best to use SWEEP most of the time. Stays on each frequency for a longer period of time. Pulse SWEEP is good once or twice a week or when you don’t have time for a full treatment. It is good to do both.
Rife Digital Professional V3 & Super Mat Pack -- On SALE --
Rife V3 & Super Mat Pack
The Rife Digital Professional V3 allows you to choose the language displayed.  
It allows for Voltage adjustment
SWEEP, Pulse SWEEP, RUN, Pulse RUN, Super SWEEP, Convergence SWEEP and Group SWEEP
Group SWEEP will allow you to Sweep through all frequencies in all 30 groups.  And this can be set up specific to your needs.
What the machine comes with
Rife Digital Professional V3
User Manual
USB drive with language translations
(6) Velcro Straps
(4) Flex Straps
(4) Leads
Power Supply that works anywhere in the world
We always suggest ORGANIC and at the very least, no GMOs.  All recipes are sourced from Whole Food Market.
Fish in Parchment
Fish in parchment
Serves 4
This classic and extra simple method for steaming fish en papillote (or inside parchment paper packets) yields juicy, tender results for everything from salmon to tilapia. If desired, use two or three of the suggested additions below (olives, tomatoes, etc.) to flavor the fish as it cooks.
  • 4 boneless, skin-on or skinless salmon, arctic char, tilapia or catfish fillets
  • 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 small lemon, lime or orange, thinly sliced
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme, oregano, rosemary or flat-leaf parsley
  • 1/2 cup any of the following: pitted and halved Kalamata olives, finely chopped tomatoes, thinly sliced green onions, grated zucchini or carrots (optional)
Preheat the oven to 400°F.
Place each fish fillet in the center of a 13-inch square of parchment paper.
Season fish with salt and pepper and drizzle with oil.
Arrange citrus slices down the length of each fillet, sprinkle with herbs and scatter additional ingredients, if using, over the top.

Lift the parchment paper on 2 opposite sides to meet in the middle above fish.
Tightly fold down paper until it reaches fish, crimping to seal.
Roll up and crimp the ends to seal. (Be sure the paper is sealed snugly so that steam won’t escape during cooking. Secure folds with toothpicks, if you like.)
Place the packets on a rimmed baking sheet and roast until fish is just cooked through, 10 to 12 minutes for thin fillets like tilapia, and 14 to 16 minutes for thicker fillets like salmon.
Transfer packets to plates, carefully unwrap and serve en papillote.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving: Serving size: , 270 calories (120 from fat), 13g total fat, 2g saturated fat, 95mg cholesterol, 370mg sodium, 2g carbohydrates, (0g dietary fiber, 0g sugar), 34g protein.
Special Diets: 
  • Sugar Conscious
  • Wheat Free
  • Dairy Free
  • Gluten Free
Grilled Smoked Tea Rib-Eye Steaks
Grilled Smoked Tea Rib-Eye Steaks
Serves 4
Lapsang souchong is a smoked black tea that lends powerful fragrance to these grilled steaks.
  • 4 lapsang souchong tea bags or 2 tablespoons loose tea leaves
  • 3/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 bone-in rib-eye steaks, each about 1 1/2 inches thick (about 2 1/2 pounds total)
  • 1 tablespoon expeller-pressed canola oil
Empty contents of tea bags into a spice grinder and finely grind, or use a mortar and pestle.
If tea leaves are already very fine, use as is. In a small bowl, stir together tea, salt and pepper. Rub steaks all over with tea mixture and let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.  

Meanwhile, prepare a grill or grill pan for medium-high heat cooking.
Rub steaks with oil.
Grill steaks, flipping halfway through, about 10 minutes total for medium-rare.
Transfer steaks to a cutting board and let rest for 10 minutes, then slice and serve.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving: Serving size: , 360 calories (130 from fat), 15g total fat, 4.5g saturated fat, 175mg cholesterol, 560mg sodium, 0g carbohydrates, (0g dietary fiber, 0g sugar), 55g protein.
Special Diets: 
  • Dairy Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Sugar Conscious
  • Wheat Free
Champagne Baked Eggs with Spinach and Crispy Ham
Champagne Baked Eggs with Spinach and Crispy Ham
Serves 4
This rich and delicious egg dish is worth a celebration, so be sure to serve it with the leftover Champagne — straight up or in mimosas. Add a green salad and bread to make it a complete meal.
  • 1 cup Champagne or sparkling white wine, divided
  • 1 shallot, diced
  • 8 ounces (about 7 1/2 cups) baby spinach
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt, divided
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper, divided
  • Butter for ramekins
  • 4 eggs
  • 3/4 cup (about 3 ounces) shredded Le Maréchal cheese or other Swiss cheese, such as Gryuère
  • 2 ounces spiral ham or other sliced ham (about 2 slices), cut into thin strips
In a large saucepan, combine 1/2 cup of the wine and shallot.
Set over medium heat and cook, stirring, until most liquid has evaporated, about 3 minutes.
Scrape into a small bowl.
Return the pan to medium heat and pour in remaining 1/2 cup wine.
Add spinach, 1/8 teaspoon of the salt and 1/8 teaspoon of the pepper.
Cook, stirring frequently, until spinach is very soft and most liquid has evaporated, about 6 minutes.  

Preheat the oven to 350°F.
Butter 4 shallow or deep 6-ounce ramekins.
Divide spinach and any liquid among ramekins.
Crack an egg in each and top evenly with shallot and any liquid.
Sprinkle with remaining 1/8 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper and then with cheese.  

Heat a large, heavy skillet over medium-high heat.
Cook ham, stirring occasionally, until very crisp, about 5 minutes.
Place on top of eggs.
Place the ramekins on a small baking sheet and bake until egg whites are almost completely set, about 12 minutes for shallow ramekins and about 15 minutes for deep ramekins. Let sit for 5 minutes before serving.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving: Serving size: , 210 calories (110 from fat), 12g total fat, 6g saturated fat, 215mgcholesterol, 510mg sodium, 9g carbohydrates, (3g dietary fiber, 1g sugar), 17g protein.
Special Diets: 
  • Gluten Free
  • Sugar Conscious
  • Wheat Free
Red Lentil Crackers with Spicy Vegan Cream Cheese
Red Lentil Crackers with Spicy Vegan Cream Cheese
Serves 10 to 12
Red lentils do double duty here: first as a base for crisp, delicious gluten-free crackers, then as a crunchy garnish for a sweet-and-spicy vegan cheese spread. If you have any leftover roasted lentils, sprinkle them over soup or salad.
  • 3/4 cup red lentils
  • 1/2 cup almond flour
  • 6 tablespoons oat flour, plus more for dusting
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon mustard powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1/3 cup Kite Hill Cream Cheese Style Spread, softened
  • 1/4 cup diced hot peppadew peppers
  • Chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley for garnish
Preheat the oven to 375°F.
Line a small baking sheet with parchment paper.
Combine lentils and 3 cups water in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat.
Stir, lower heat and simmer until lentils are soft but still retain their shape, 7 to 8 minutes; do not overcook. Drain well and cool slightly.  

Transfer 1 cup of the lentils to a large bowl.
Spread remaining lentils on the prepared baking sheet.
Roast, stirring once or twice, until crisp and just golden, about 25 minutes.
Set aside. Lentils will keep in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days.  

Meanwhile, add flours, baking powder, mustard powder, salt and pepper to the bowl with lentils and stir, adding water 1 teaspoon at a time as necessary until dough just holds together when squeezed.
Divide into 2 balls, cover and let rest for 20 minutes.  

Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
Dust a work surface and rolling pin with oat flour.
Roll out 1 dough ball into a rectangle about 1/6 inch thick;
if dough cracks, press it together.
Trim edges and cut dough into 1 1/2-inch squares.
Transfer to the prepared baking sheet.
Repeat with remaining dough and reroll scraps to make about 24 crackers total.  

Lower the oven temperature to 325°F.
Bake crackers until crisp and just golden around the edges, about 25 minutes.
Cool on the baking sheets.
Crackers will keep in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days.  

In a small bowl, stir together cream cheese and peppadew peppers. Spread a generous 1 teaspoon on each cracker. Sprinkle with parsley and roasted lentils.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving: Serving size: 2 topped crackers, 110 calories (40 from fat), 4.5g total fat, 0gsaturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 240mg sodium, 12g carbohydrates, (3g dietary fiber, 0gsugar), 6g protein.
Special Diets: 
  • Dairy Free
  • Sugar Conscious
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Wheat Free
Please understand that can not and will not answer any medical questions. We do not have the expertise nor the authority to do so. We do not claim that our advice cures any diseases. This Website does not adopt the claims of the inventor of the zapper, plate zapper, frequency bottles, herbs, and related products, but makes available, description of same for the information to potential viewers. By using this website / email list you attest that you are not working directly or indirectly for any government or private agency with the purpose of misusing an individual¹s right to seek information and do personal research.

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