B-C's Special Distance Learning Content with Complimentary Materials
In response to school closures due to COVID-19, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers made a variety of materials available to the classics community. Please see our Distance Learning page to freely access downloadable packets of fair use excerpts from our books as well as some fun mythology-related activities.
SNL: If men think about Rome, what do women think about?
Ralph Fiennes stars in a movie based on Homer’s Odyssey.
British actor Ralph Fiennes, leaving the Booth Theater, after performing in a matinee performance of Faith Healer, on his way to the 60th Tony Awards (2006) ceremony in New York City. Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons 3.0.
Aerial view of Manoel Island, Malta. Photo by Matthew Benn. Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons 4.0.
Rev. Efren V. Esmilla, auxiliary bishop designate of Philadelphia, began his remarks with a Latin sentence Fiat.
Bibo, ergo sum.
Vergilian Society Translation Test
Important 2023–2024 Classics Deadlines
National Greek Exam Exam Registration September 1, 2023–January 15, 2024 Exam Administration: February 27–March 17, 2024 |
National Latin Vocabulary Exam Exam Registration November 1, 2023–January 25, 2024 Exam Administration: February 1–March 5, 2024 |
National Hellenic Civilization Exam Exam Registration November 1, 2023–January 25, 2024 Exam Administration: February 1–March 5, 2024
National Latin Exam Registration: Paper exams: August 23, 2023–January 26, 2024; online exams: August 23, 2023–February 16, 2024 Examination Window: February 26–March 15, 2024
National Pegasus Exam
Hergules Pegasus Mythology Exam, grades 3–8 Pegasus Exam Registration September 1, 2023–January 31, 2024 Pegasus Exam Administration: February 12–March 8, 2024 National Medusa Exam
What Happens in Tartarus . . . Medusa Mythology Exam, grades 9–12 Medusa Exam Registration September 1, 2023–January 31, 2024 Medusa Exam Administration: March 18–April 5, 2024 |
Exploratory Latin Exam Geography of the Ancient Mediterranean Exam Registration September 1, 2023–February 10, 2024 Exam Administration: January 1–March 10, 2024 |
SCRIBO Roman Entertainment Registration: September 1, 2023–March 15, 2024 Submission Deadline: March 15–April 15, 2024
Bernice L. Fox Classics Writing Contest “Olympians as Olympians, Achieving in Unconventional Ways” deadline: March 15, 2024 postmark |
Celebrating the Second Decade!
Join us for our 13th year of providing the classics community this complimentary professional development series of webinars.
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers was honored to offer these webinars for Fall 2023: Darius Arya, “Incorporating Videos on Roman Material Culture into the Latin Classroom”; Henry Bender, “Using Visuals to Enliven the Vergil Classroom and Deepen Comprehension”; and Daniel Libatique, “Feminist and Queer Perceptions of Homer's Iliad.”
Suggestions for future webinar presentations are always welcome. We’ll publish our schedule for Spring 2024 in the new year.
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to provide complimentary webinars on a variety of subjects, especially pedagogical, of interest to classicists. Some webinars are geared to the Latin for the New Millennium program and to topics generated by the AP* Latin curriculum.
Please note: The Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers Webinar Program is intended to be a live interactive endeavor in which presenter and attendees ask questions, make comments, seek clarification, share examples, etc. Thus, by design and in order to protect the presenter’s intellectual property, B-C does not make recordings available to non-attendees. B-C encourages those interested in a given topic or presenter to plan to attend the live webinar. If you have suggestions for webinars, please contact Don Sprague.
What Equipment Do I Need for B-C Webinars?
To participate in Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers sponsored webinars you will need high-speed internet access, computer speakers/headphones, current web browser, and the link to the webinar virtual meeting space, which is provided in your webinar invitation. Webinars Make for User-Friendly Professional Development
Participation is free. All webinars provide opportunity for participants to ask questions. Learn lots—attend as many presentations as you can. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers provides documentation for your participation. You can share this with your supervisors. Many webinar presenters provide handouts, etc.
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers provides eTextbooks on a variety of eBook platforms. Bolchazy-Carducci textbooks are available through VitalSource, GooglePlay, Chegg, RedShelf, Adams Book, Follett, MBSDirect Digital, and ESCO. Each eBook platform offers a variety of tools to enhance the learning process. eBooks have the same content as our traditional books in print.
You can read eBooks on a Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad, Android, or a variety of eReaders. Review the eBook providers specifications.
As is our custom, you can download the Roman Calendar from our website. Feel free to print the calendar for display in your classroom.
This year’s Roman Calendar takes a closer look at some of the chapter-anchoring images in our new introductory Greek series, New Testament Greek: A Reading Course. The featured artwork shows the diverse cultural influences that intermingled and affected the products and practices of the ancient Mediterranean.
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The most recent addition to the blog includes tips on incorporating 3-D printing projects, including Latin inscription cookies, into the Latin classroom.
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Dear Friends,
In this issue of eLitterae, I am pleased to report that curriculum specialist and veteran Latin teacher Lynne West’s Teaching Tip shares a set of tools for end of semester review. If they seem too ambitious for this semester, you have all of the spring semester to rev up.
Allow me to share a side note about ACTFL 2023. As the convention took place in Chicago this year, my dear B-C colleague, Rene Vela, our operations manager, picked me up at O’Hare Airport in his SUV packed with books and exhibit materials. After navigating check-in points and the maze of an entrance, we moved the materials in the fifteen-minute window allowed. On Sunday, the last day of the conference, Rene arrived just before noon and we packed up the booth in record time. Rene is a delight to work with and a great asset to the B-C operation. As a small business, employees like Rene make all the difference. And, delivering the materials ourselves meant considerable savings over UPS charges and additional handling charges at the venue. Thank you, Rene!

Fortunately, I was able to check into the hotel early. I then treated myself to a sushi lunch in the hotel’s Asian restaurant. I additionally treated myself to a glass of sauvignon blanc. The wine was delicious and, as the photograph shows, evokes the classical world. Thus, I asked the server to bring the bottle so I could take a photo of the label. Somehow, lost in translation perhaps, he brought both the bottle and another glass of wine! So, I dutifully savored each sip and then repaired to my hotel room for a much- needed nap—morning flights out of Albany International mean leaving the house by 3:45 am.
This month’s eLitterae discount special offers Reading the Gospel of St. John, an appropriate choice for folks raised in the Christian tradition. For me, the Gospel of St. John evokes the annual Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols at Williams College. In my day, the late Charlie Fuqua, chair of the classics department, pronounced in his deep, stentorian voice the koine Greek of the beginning of the Gospel of John. It was a profound experience as his voice and the carefully articulated Greek echoed in the neo-Gothic Thompson Memorial Chapel. My husband Ray was asked to do a reading this year but, alas, we were out of town the days of the service.
As I look out our front windows this morning, a sticky snow clings to the branches lending a brightness despite the cloud cover. This time of year, across the planet, people celebrate the power of the light overcoming the darkness. And, surely with war raging from Ukraine to Gaza to Sudan, we need light, a light that brings peace. May each of us be agents of peace in big ways and small.
Our B-C family wishes you and your families as well as your students and their families, a happy holiday season.
With all good wishes,
Don Sprague
Executive Editor
Teaching Tip: Tools for End of Semester Review
As the end of the term draws near, I wanted to share a few tools that continue to be helpful as teachers plan review opportunities for their students. In “ideas,” I provide suggestions for implementing the specific tool.
Socrative - Socrative is a free web-based tool that turns any web-enabled device into a student response or clicker system
How it works: As the teacher, you need to sign up for a free account and log in. You select a “room number” that students will use to access your activities. Then, you can use the simple interface to create a variety of activities to check for understanding, from student-paced quizzes with multiple choice, true/false, or short answer questions to exit tickets. Students access the activities you have created by going to the Socrative site and entering your virtual room.
Ideas: I’ve used Socrative in a variety of ways for review but my favorite is the “quick question-short answer” option. I launch the question and ask students to find me an example of a particular grammar structure or form in the text. As students enter their responses, I project them and we can talk through whether or not they are correct. I get responses from virtually every student in class and, therefore, have better information about how they are doing than I would if I had conducted the activity by calling on a handful of students.
Kahoot - Kahoot is a game-based classroom response system that is free, works on any web-ready device, and is really easy to use.
How it works: After signing up for the free account, the teacher uses the online interface to create a multiple choice quiz. Once the quiz is made, the teacher clicks to start the quiz and projects her computer screen for the class to see. Then, the teacher instructs the students to take out their devices, open up the web-browser, and navigate to the website Kahoot.it. At this point, the teacher’s screen will show a quiz pin that the students enter into their devices. The students are prompted to enter a name and enter the quiz and the teacher clicks to show the first question. The students see the question on the main screen but have to answer on their own devices. Kahoot awards points based on accuracy and speed. After each question, the students can see their standing in the game. When ready, the teacher moves the quiz to the next question.
Ideas: Great for simple vocabulary review with images, form recognition, and reading comprehension.
Magistrula - This website offers many different types of activities that are beneficial either in class or as individual review activities. Magistrula.com is free but there is an invitation to make a donation to support the work.
How it works: A teacher can create a teacher account and provide a code to students so that they can join the class. Then, it is simple to share an assignment with the class and to check for completion and accuracy. I really like that I can see how my students are doing as well as how much they are practicing.
Ideas: If you find yourself needing to review forms and important grammatical structures, Kahoot’s a great tool for this. I particularly like that, as the teacher, I can limit the practice to the specific forms or constructions that we are working on in class. So, if my students haven’t yet been introduced to a particular tense, mood, conjugation, etc., I can eliminate those from the practice.
How it works: On the GooseChase web platform, the teacher creates tasks, called “missions,” for the students to complete and assigns them point value. To participate in the scavenger hunt, students need the GooseChase app (available via the Apple app store or Google Play) downloaded to an iPhone or iPad. On the day that we played, I made sure that the students had downloaded the app and created a free account. I assigned students into teams, told the teams that they had fifteen minutes to earn as many points as possible, and hit the start button on the GooseChase online platform.
Ideas: GooseChase offers four different types of missions to choose from: photo, video, text, and GPS. It's good to use a combination of all four types to keep interest high. Some possible missions include submitting pictures of items around campus that illustrate vocabulary, translation of a clue and “check in” from the location indicated by the clue, and creation of a video explaining or demonstrating a grammatical concept.
Lynne West is a veteran teacher and teacher leader in K–12 schools. She earned her teaching credentials at Santa Clara University, her master’s degree from the University of California at Santa Barbara, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of California at Los Angeles. In 2016, as a Fulbright Distinguished Teaching awardee, West studied pedagogy at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. She founded Sunodia Educational Consulting to share her passion for teaching with her fellow educators by providing creative, tailored, and patient professional development services. In addition to her consulting, currently, West serves as interim assistant principal for instruction at Bellarmine Prep in San Jose, CA. |
Lumina Interactive Online Content
Lumina: Latin for the New Millennium Level 1 and Level 2 is designed to be guided online practice to accompany the Latin for the New Millennium textbooks.
Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections offers online interactive exercises designed to prepare students for the rigors of the AP® Latin exam. Hundreds of automatically-graded multiple choice questions promote close reading of all syllabus selection lines and provide students with immediate feedback. Ample free response questions ensure that students have the tools to thoroughly analyze and respond to syllabus passages. Practice exams prepare students for exam format, while vocabulary and figures of speech flashcards encourage additional self-review.
It was a special delight to represent Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers at the 2023 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language— ACTFL Exposition and Convention in Chicago. Having lived in the Windy City for forty-three years until our move back to New England three years ago, the ACTFL convention afforded me the opportunity to catch up with some old friends while working. Chicago’s cavernous McCormick Place swarmed with enthusiastic and energetic foreign language teachers. It’s always a special moment when the crowds are first admitted to the exhibit area—10:00 am on Friday. It is gratifying that the size of the Latin teacher contingent continues to grow. It is especially gratifying that so many teachers give presentations geared to all language teachers.
B-C’s Don Sprague oversees the book exhibit at ACTFL 2023.
For several years now, B-C has arranged with the American Classical League—ACL to have adjoining booths at ACTFL. This year, the Via Latina doubled in size with Cambridge University Press and Hands Up joining the endeavor. The arrangement generated steady traffic through the course of the convention with Latin teachers, language department chairs, and the colleagues of Latin teachers unable to attend ACTFL checking out B-C’s titles. Our Latin and Greek buttons with their famous quotes and matched images proved popular.
A short walk from McCormick Place stands the Clark-Ford House. Built around 1836 in the Greek Revival style, the house is considered the oldest in Chicago. The neighborhood has evolved from residential to industrial/commercial to residential once again.
B-C again offered its Exploring Latin and novella titles for a book drawing. Laura Zoeller, who teaches elementary grade students at Seattle’s Epiphany School, won the five titles.
The VU rooftop provides views of McCormick Place and the Chicago skyline, respectively.
The American Classical League and the National Latin Exam hosted a lovely reception for Latin teachers attending the convention as well as for Latin teachers from Chicagoland, Saturday evening, at the nearby VU Rooftop. The setting provided attendees a fabulous view of Chicago’s skyline as well as a cozy area to gather. Sherwin Little negotiated a great deal that included drinks and fabulous appetizers. The Latin teacher buzz was energizing! These photos certainly captured the vibe!
Next year, ACTFL invites you to Philadelphia. Hope to see you there!
Don Sprague
Teaching Tips & Resources
► Pedagogy
• Is there a middle road for Latin instruction?
• Grammar changes how we see.
► Social Justice
• Material culture documents enslavement in Pompeii.
• Met exhibit explores Africa and Byzantium.
• Latest issue of Revue EuGeStA.
• Stone slab upends ancient gender roles.
► Res Romanae
• Did Roman mariners discover the Americas?
• Check out BBC Sounds: Being Roman with Mary Beard.
• Roman pottery center and henge monument remains found in England.
• 2,000-year-old wooden bridge linking England and Wales discovered.
• Map shows Roman emperors’ place of birth.
► Res Hellenicae
• Greek PM “annoyed” with British counterpart over Parthenon marbles.
• British PM cancels meeting with Greek PM. Here’s why.
• British Museum loans Greek vase to Greece!
• Greek comedies still funny today!
► Res Aegypticae
• Napoleon’s cannons and the pyramids.
► Res Aliae Antiquae
• New study reconciles hypotheses about the origin of Indo-European languages.
• Deciphering Bronze Age rituals.
• Curse tablet may contain earliest name of God.
• Tyrian purple: more valuable than gold!
Purple-dyed fabric with their corresponding sea snail from a 2018 exhibit at the Naturhistorischen Museums in Vienna, Austria. Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons 4.0.
• Complex prehistoric society rewrites history.
► Res Post-Antiquae
• Using bones to reconstruct the lives of medieval commoners.
• The significance of Irish round towers.
Round tower at Glendalough, the monastic community of Ireland’s St. Kevin. Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons 4.0.
• Archaeologists discover world’s oldest fortress.
• 1,000-year-old mummies of children unearthed in Lima.
► Res Pre-Columbianae
• Scholar who unlocked the secrets of the Aztecs.
2023–2024 Classics Conferences and Meetings
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to be exhibiting in-person at these conferences of the new academic year.
AIA-SCS—Archaeological Institute of America/Society forClassical Studies2024 Annual MeetingHilton Chicago, ILJanuary 4–7, 2024
Booths 203/205
Bolchazy-Carducci Representatives: Bridget Dean, PhD, Donald Sprague, and Amelia Wallace
CANE—Classical Association of New England118th Annual MeetingUniversity of New Hampshire, Durham, NHMarch 22–23, 2024Bolchazy-Carducci Representative: Donald Sprague
CAMWS—Classical Association of the Middle West and South120th Annual Meetingat the Invitation of Washington University in St. LouisThe Royal Sonesta Chase Park Plaza Hotel, St. Louis, MOApril 3–6, 2024Bolchazy-Carducci Representative: Donald Sprague
ICMS—International Congress on Medieval Studies59th CongressWestern Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MIMay 9–11, 2024
Booths 69/70 Bolchazy-Carducci Representative: Donald Sprague
ACL Institute 2024Bolchazy-Carducci Representatives: Bridget Dean, PhD, and Donald Sprague
NJCL—National Junior Classical League
Bolchazy-Carducci Representatives: Donald Sprague and Amelia Wallace
eLitterae Subscribers Special Discount
Special 40% Discount
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290 pages, paperback, ISBN: 978-0-86516-866-4 • $24.00 $15.00
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