April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse

On April 8, 2024, northern Coos will experience a total solar eclipse.
General eclipse information
K-12 Education Resources
Thanks to the support of the Henry and Helen Cormier Fund for Berlin, Jessie B. Cox Fund for Education, and the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund, NCES, in partnership with WMSI, will provide all students and staff in SAUs 3, 7, 9, 20, 23, 35, 36, 58, 68, 77 & 84 with ISO certified eclipse glasses to safely view the eclipse. Additional support from the NH Statewide Family Engagement Center is providing eclipse glasses for school-sponsored events and activities for safe viewing of the eclipse.

Safe viewing instruction using ISO certified eclipse glasses, click here.
Viewing the eclipse with young children? Extend the coverage area of eclipse glasses with student decorated paper-plate masks. Learn how.
What if it ends up being a cloudy day? Well, it will still get dark in the middle of the day. You can watch NASA's eclipse live stream to follow the along as the solar eclipse moves across North America.
Restorative Practices for North Country Teams

Registration for North Country teams to attend at NCES: Online
Interested in connecting with other educators around AI?
NCES, in collaboration with Bill Church of CRCS, is assessing interest in a professional learning community around the uses of AI in K-12 education. This would include both teacher use of AI as a resource and well as student use as a learning tool.
At this time, we are considering an online cohort that would meet 5 or 6 times over the course of the upcoming school year. If this is of potential interest you to, please add your name and contact info via this interest form. It does not commit you to participating but will help us determine interest. Your interest will also help us secure grant funding to make this a no cost offering.
NH Humanities Webinar: What Does AI Mean for Literature?
For the first time in human history, we have invented machines that can produce essays, poems, plays, and short stories that are often as well written as human authored texts. How should we react to these machine-authored works? Dr. Katherine N. Hayles will explore some literary strategies appropriate for thinking about these texts and some of the broader implications of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI for literature and reading.
Date & Time: Friday, March 8, 2024 at 5:00 PM
Presenter: Dr. Kathleen N. Hayles
Register: Online
Chess in Education Informational Overview
Chess in Education - US supports training for teacher-driven chess initiatives that connect chess with core academic content and helps to build student engagement. There are multiple ways to integrate a chess program. Each school decides what kind of chess program works best for their students. Options include using chess and chess-related activities during the day to teach curriculum standards, before- or after-school chess clubs, summer chess camps, or some combination of these programs. CIE provides teachers with the training to plan and implement programs for their schools.
Chess in Education is inviting interested New Hampshire educators to learn more about the program and a potential 4-day professional development opportunity to become a Level 1 Chess in Education Instructor. Your participation will also help CIE gauge interest in hosting a program within the North Country.
Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 from 3:00 to 4:00 via Zoom
Register: Online (Zoom link will be sent with confirmation)
Cost: Free
Questions: Please contact Paul Roberts, Chess in Education NE Event Organizer, at paulroberts@chessineducation.us.
Teacher Voice on the Review of the Minimum Standards for Public Schools
All educators (Kindergarten through Grade 12) are highly encouraged to participate, including curriculum coordinators / directors and school leaders. Your voice is important in the review of Minimum Standards for Public Schools (Ed Rules 306)!
How are these sessions different from previous efforts?
- These sessions will follow a structured review process with focused time for educators to analyze each section in small groups over the course of a full day.
- Educators will do an analysis of what exists in the 306 rules for a specific content area compared to state academic standards.
- Groups will recommend language for incorporation in the Ed 306 draft. Recommendations will be made in terms of 306 language that is:
- To be incorporated into another or new section of the ED 306 draft. Specify where that language should be incorporated and provide proposed language.
- To be carried forward for consideration as a modification to existing State academic standards and content frameworks.
- Proposed for content areas not addressed by current academic standards and frameworks. For such content areas, recommend condensed and concise language to serve as instructional best practices to be incorporated into the ED 306 rule proposal.
- Not necessary to the ED 306 rule draft to be removed completely from the rules or shifted to state academic standards.
Day One Content Areas:
- Arts Education (includes visual and performing arts)
- Career Education & Career Technical Education - Ed 306.34 (also includes Ed 306.20 CTE & Ed 306.35 Career Education Programs)
- Health Education
- Mathematics Education
- Physical Education
- School Counseling
- School Psychological Services (Ed 306.25)
- Social Studies - including Holocaust & Genocide Education
- Personal Finance Literacy (currently no 306 rules exist)
Day Two Content Areas
- Business Education
- Computer Science Education
- Digital Literacy Education
- English Language Arts Education
- Family & Consumer Science Education
- Science Education
- Technology & Engineering Education
- World Language Education
Time: 8:30-3:00 (doors open at 8:00)
Lunch: Bring a lunch
Register: Registration has closed but contact lori@ncedservices.org if you are interested in participating. The registration for the dates at NCES may be reopened since there are seats available.
Eclipse Event in Stewartstown for SAU 7 Families
Several schools and public libraries are offering events on the science behind the eclipse and how to safely view the eclipse. Keep an eye out for local opportunities.
Managing Student Mental Health while Navigating Social Media - Online Webinar
Social media has become an integral part of our society. But, this does not come without some implications to the mental health of our students and ourselves. Join us for a discussion related to these implications and how to support students effectively.
Presenter: Dr. Kate Murphy (bio)
Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 from 3:30-4:30 PM
Register: Online
This webinar is being provided by Plymouth State University for free to educators. Sessions are offered by PSU faculty members who are passionate about providing K-12 educators, counselors, and administrators with information on current issues and hot topics that you can put to use the next day. Consider these new tools for your toolkit.
Play-Based Learning Workshop
Join Jennifer Berube, a play-based learning coach from UNH for hands-on professional development. Designed for early childhood educators in pre-k centers and in kindergarten and 1st grade classrooms, this training will build your skills to provide curricular elements while guiding your learners in self-directed play. Play is fundamental to childhood learning and promotes social emotional development. Learn how to create playful learning environments and rich, meaningful learning experiences through play.
Date & Time: March 16, 2024 from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Cost: Free, lunch provided
Location: Perras Meeting Room, 31 Perras Rd, Lancaster, NH 03584 (Above the Party Store)
View flier
BioTrek - Train the Trainer
BioTrek, a dynamic, project-based learning program for high school students, is a gateway to the captivating world of advanced biofabrication, career exploration, and entrepreneurship. BioTrek is a challenging, student-led, project-based learning program that introduces the science of regenerative medicine and related advanced technologies to inform students about biofabrication and tissue engineering.
Students work in teams to:
- Research a medical problem plagued by limited treatments and poor outcomes
- Discuss, debate and conceptualize a better tissue-engineered medical product
- Propose a business model with financial and manufacturing accountability
- Defend their process, product, and business model to a panel of judges in a culminating presentation!
In this professional development training, you will learn how to present BioTrek within your existing science/tech ed. curriculum or as an Extended Learning Opportunity during or after the school day. You will learn to use BioFab Explorer to teach your students about various pathways toward a career in this growing industry.
The coordinating NGSS-aligned curriculum includes: Teacher guides, Student workbooks, Website access, and ARMI instructional support.
BioTrek is FREE to schools with teachers who successfully complete the training session.
Teacher Benefits
- Stipend is included
- Collaboration with ARMI instructors
- Full curriculum and UDL-enhanced lessons
- Certificate for 20 contact hours
Dates: Monday, June 24 – Thursday, June 27 OR Monday, July 8 – Thursday, July 11; Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Location: ARMI, 500 N. Commercial Street, Manchester, NH 03101
Register: Online
Download/view flyer
Purposeful Play Book Group

Dive into the world of Purposeful Play with this special book group designed just for educators like you!
In this engaging series over a few weeks, participants will explore the transformative impact of purposeful play in the classroom and discover practical strategies to enhance your teaching experience.
Participants will receive a FREE copy of the book Purposeful Play: A Teacher's Guide to Igniting Deep and Joyful Learning Across the Day by Kristine Mraz, Alison Porcelli, and Cheryl Tyler to guide the discussions and deepen understanding.
Why Join?
- Connect with like-minded educators
- Gain insights into the importance of play in learning
- Learn actionable strategies for integrating purposeful play
- Receive a complimentary copy of "Purposeful Play"
Dates/Time: Monday, March 25, Monday, April 1, Monday, April 15, Monday, April 29 (if needed), from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Location: Online / Zoom
Register: Email Andrea Muller at mullerac22@gmail.com. The Zoom link and free book will be provided once you register.
NH Water Festival & Science Fair
Please note that third and fifth graders are now also invited to participate. Please contact Lara Hooper, Drinking Water & Groundwater Education Coordinator & NH Project WET Coordinator, for more information at Lara.K.Hooper@des.nh.gov.
Expressive Art Contest for Grades 5-12
Now through April 21, New Hampshire students in fifth through 12th grade are invited to submit a creative piece about their experiences and connections to mental health. An initiative of CSoC, Magnify Voices raises awareness, erases stigma, and effects change to help ensure the social and emotional health of youth in the Granite State.
Learn more
NorthStar Digital Literacy Classes for Adult Learners
Northstar Digital Literacy defines basic skills needed to perform tasks on computers and online. Included in these classes are basic computer digital literacy standards and modules in three main areas:
- Essential Computer Skills - Basic Computer Skills, Internet Basics, Using Email, Windows 10
- Essential Software Skills – Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Docs
- Using Technology in Daily Life - Social Media, Information Literacy, Career Search Skills, Accessing Telehealth Appointments
Northstar was developed in response to the needs of job seekers who may lack the digital literacy skills needed to seek, obtain, and retain employment, as well as to perform other tasks in daily life. By attending classes at an approved Northstar location, participants will work towards obtaining the Northstar Digital Literacy Certificate as they pass assessments. Certificates provide an important credential for employment, as even entry-level jobs increasingly require basic computer skills. Certificates also certify end user ability to complete computer skills needed in higher education, and demonstrate their ability to use social media and online information thoughtfully.
Classes are held at Coos Adult Education, Main Street, Berlin, NH from 10:00 AM - 12:00.
March 10th, Basic Computer Skills
March 18th, Internet Basics
March 25th, Using Email
March 28th, Windows 10
April 8th & 11th, Microsoft Word
April 15th, Microsoft Excel
May 2th, Microsoft PowerPoint
May 6th, Social Media & Information Literacy
May 13th, Career Search Skills
May 16th, Accessing Telehealth Appointment
Register: Contact kailey@coosae.org or gayle@coosae.org or call 603-752-1927.
NHLI's OGAP Mathematics Summer Training
The Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) is an evidence-based formative assessment system that includes professional development, resources, and routines for teachers and leaders to continually adjust instruction to meet the diverse needs of students in grades K-8 mathematics. OGAP is a systematic and intentional formative assessment system in mathematics based upon the mathematics education research on how students learn specific concepts, common errors students make, or pre-conceptions or misconceptions that interfere with students learning new concepts and solving related problems.
There will 14 in-person trainings In June, July, and August at various locations throughout NH
Each training consists of:
- Four Consecutive, In-Person Days
- Three Virtual Follow-Up Sessions In the Fall
- No Cost to NH Educators
- SNHU Graduate Credit Available
View flyer for full details
Recognizing and Responding to Youth in Distress ECHO
Back by popular demand, same topics, new conversations: This interactive, web-based learning series will provide tools for school staff, coaches, and community youth leaders to better support the increased number of youth under stress and in distress. Nationally and in our communities, youth are experiencing continuing increases in anxiety, depression, trauma, and suicidal ideation, to where we are now in a widely recognized youth mental health crisis. Our goal is to provide information and resources to help those in the community address this crisis that is affecting schools, camps, faith communities, and teams today, along with an opportunity for discussing de-identified situations and receiving peer support.
Invited Participants: Coaches, Scout Leaders, Faith Leaders, Music/Drama/Art Teachers, Rec Center Leaders (i.e. YMCA, Summer Camps/Programs), Librarians, anyone in a position to mentor youth
Dates/Time: Online every Tuesday from 12:00-1:00 starting March 12, 2024
Cost: Free
View detailed flyer
Register: Register online
Energy Education Summer Institute
Registration is open for this year’s VEEP/NHEEP Summer Institute: Beyond the Standards- Solutions for Climate Change!
Have you been wondering how we can make climate learning accessible, hands-on, and solutions-focused while meeting (or exceeding!) teaching standards and expectations? Come work and play with us in the White Mountains of NH as we tackle these questions together. You will plan a curriculum that cultivates hope and brings students meaningful learning opportunities to tackle relevant climate solutions for their community. Open to all educators, any grade, any subject, anywhere in the world.
Participants will:
- Figure out how to make climate learning hands-on and accessible to all students
- Become comfortable using student-driven learning practices as modeled through the Next Generation Science Standards
- Find locally relevant, hopeful, solutions-focused learning opportunities related to climate and energy
- Practice finding a pathway to action while navigating specific standards, constraints, and circumstances
Dates: June 24-28, 2024
Location: World Fellowship Center in Albany, NH (room and board available)
Register: Online
Sign up by May 6th to receive early bird pricing and save $100 on the course fee. Here’s what some of last year’s participants had to say about our Summer Institute program, and here’s a flyer if you want to help spread the word. Scholarships are available to NH and VT teachers– contact info@veep.org for more information.
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s scholarship program is now open! Here are a few important things to consider as you reach out to students who may benefit:
- The Tillotson Scholarship is offered to students from Coos County and communities sharing a border with Coos (NH, Vermont and Maine). Typically, a Tillotson scholarship follows a student for up to 4 years if they are in good standing and choose to re-apply.
- By applying through the NHCF online system, a student can complete a single application and is matched automatically with all NHCF scholarship opportunities.
Dependent bachelor’s candidates and all graduate students must apply by Friday, April 12 at 5:00 pm ET.
- All other students (independent bachelor’s candidates, associate degree candidates, certificate candidates, students in an apprenticeship or licensing program, etc.) can apply on a rolling deadline through December 13 at 5:00 pm ET.
- There is a single online application; in completing just one application a student is considered for all of the NHCF funds for which they are eligible.
- In order to qualify, a student just needs to live in NH and be pursuing some sort of post-secondary education. That’s it!
Please direct interested individuals to the student aid page on the NHCF website. The FAQ page is a helpful resource that should be able to answer many questions, but inquiries can also be directed to studentdocs@nhcf.org, (603) 225-6641 x2.
Coös Adult Education provides a learning environment that has helped countless students learn, develop, and grow.
Coös Adult Education provides FREE instruction in:
- HiSET Exam Preparation
- The basics of reading, writing, and math
- English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)
- Northstar Computer Literacy Program
- Learn basic computer skills, how to email, use word processing/editing software, and develop your career search skills
Classes can be small group, one-to-one in-person, or remote/online. There is no cost to participate. All programs are free. Learn how to get started by visiting coosae.org or calling 603-752-1927.
- WYLD empowers youth to lead and promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle through experiential education.
- WYLD is and adventure based program designed to develop self-confidence and
stress management skills while challenging participants with various outdoor adventures.
- Participants build resilience, social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral competence, self-efficacy, pro-social involvement, and pro-social norms.
- For ages 11-18 in Grafton, Carroll and Coos
Learn more or contact Anna Bays (annabays25@gmail.com) for more information.
Publishing Opportunity for Teens
Under the Madness Magazine, a magazine for teen writers-by teen writers, is accepting submissions of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction for its first issue. The magazine's editorial board is composed of students largely from the North Country, working under the mentorship of the New Hampshire Poet Laureate. Under the Madness Magazine publishes writers, ages 13-19, from around the globe.
Under the Madness is made possible with the generous support of the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. The magazine began as an off-shoot of the North Country Young Writers’ Festival.
Learn more about submitting teen work
Specialized Reading Knowledge for English Learners Modules
Develop expert-level knowledge to accelerate language and literacy proficiency for English Learners in any program model with immediate instructional applications with AIM Institute for Learning & Research's newest modules created in collaboration with literacy researcher Dr. Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan.
· First Module Virtual Community of Practice Meeting: April 2nd, 3:45-4:45
· Second Module Virtual Community of Practice Meeting: April 16th, 3:45-4:45
· Third Module Virtual Community of Practice Meeting: April 30th, 3:45-4:45
Some sort of prior literacy training strongly recommended.
View additional details
Register online
For more information or questions, contact Janna Jobel, English Learner and Title III Education Consultant, New Hampshire Department of Education, at Janna.M.Jobel@doe.nh.gov.
Become a Certified ESOL Teacher
Interested in learning how someone with a bachelor’s degree, but no initial licensure, could become a certified ESOL teacher? Follow this link to learn how to become a certified ESOL at NHTI.
Already a certified teacher and interested in ESOL dual certification? For already certified teachers (in any other content area), the only required courses are:
- TECP86C: Introduction to Linguistics
TECP87C: Language, Reading, and Literacy in ESOL TECP88C: Curriculum and Design and Assessment in ESOL TECP91C: Practicum, Methods/Materials, and Culture in ESOL Education (No specific hour requirements; hours listed are those required for initial licensure) TECP92C: The Teaching Portfolio
All courses offered online and in the afternoon (except for practicum)! NHTI will work with you to find an appropriate practicum placement that works with your current job schedule. English Language Arts teachers, Reading and Writing Teachers, and Special Education teachers would be able to offer English Learners ESOL services during their normal periods and areas of instruction after ESOL certification.
18 Credits ($215 a credit, approximately $3,870 which can be covered by PD and/or Title II Funds)
If you have questions can reach out to Janna Jobel from the NHED at janna.m.jobel@doe.nh.gov or Kelly Dunn from NHTI at kdunn@ccsnh.edu.
WIDA Self-Paced Leadership Workshop Offering
The FREE Leadership Self-Paced Workshop package includes two self-paced workshops designed for school leaders in K–12 settings. You can complete one or both workshops depending on your needs. These are designed for you to engage with individually or with a team of colleagues.
Leading for Equity: Classroom Walkthrough (2 hours) School Improvement Planning for Multilingual Learners (6-8 hours)
If any administrators in your district would like to participate, please reach out to your District Test Coordinator or email Janna Jobel (janna.m.jobel@doe.nh.gov) with their name and email to provide them with WIDA professional learning account access.
WIDA also offers many FREE courses for all teachers to better serve multilingual learners. Contact Janna Jobel for access.
Learn more
1st NH Book Festival - Save the Date
The New Hampshire Book Festival is an annual statewide book festival with the mission to bring published authors together with readers to celebrate literacy, conversation, and community. The inaugural event will be held October 4-5, 2024 on Main Street, Concord, NH.
Schools will be invited to participate in a children's keynote on Friday, October 4, 2024. Stay tuned for additional details, including the announcement of the author who will keynote!
Biofabrication Technician Registered Apprenticeship Program
Step into the world of biofabrication through the ARMI | BioFabUSA Registered Apprenticeship Program in Manchester, NH. The program is rigorously designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge essential to excel in this innovative industry.
This opportunity is for high school graduates, veterans, and career changers in New Hampshire! Participants will acquire training in the basic skills and cutting edge technology of bioscience through a registered apprenticeship while earning a BCSI microcredentials and a stipend!
Candidates must:
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Possess a high school diploma or equivalent
- Be eligible to work in the U.S. without sponsorship
Program Highlights:
- Gain hands-on laboratory training and learn about Good Manufacturing Practice.
- Benefit from two months of in-person classes at local colleges for a supportive learning experience (stipend provided)
- Begin a year of paid on-the-job training to boost your professional growth and solidify your expertise.
- Create a path to an impactful career with the potential to innovate healthcare globally.
Learn more at ARMI Registered Apprenticeship or contact KTalanian@armiusa.org with any questions.
The New Hampshire Education Department and 321 Insight are partnering to offer the ParaSharp Professional Development Series, free of charge, to all New Hampshire paraprofessionals! ParaSharp provides brief on-demand, web-based videos and resources specifically designed to support you in the work you do every day.
To gain access to ParaSharp, please complete this form and 321 Insight will create an account for you. If you have any questions, please reach out to support@321insight.com.
NH Registered Educator Apprentices
Arts Education Grant Program from NHSCA for FY25
Fiscal Year 2025 Youth Arts Project Grant Guidelines
Deadline: Friday, April 12th (to fund projects in the period of July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025):
Youth Arts Project (YAP) Grants fund high-quality educational opportunities in the arts. Arts learning fosters positive social and emotional skills and bolsters creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. YAP grants broaden access to diverse forms of artistic and cultural practices and can engage youth in contributing to community goals. Grants fund programs in all arts disciplines including dance, theatre, media, music, visual arts, craft, and creative writing. NHSCA is committed to sustaining the capacity of teaching artists and supporting their impact on local communities. Engaging teaching artists to lead the arts learning is a core element of this program. Learn more
Fiscal Year 2025 Artist in Residence Grant Guidelines
Deadline: Friday, April 19th (to fund projects in the period of August 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025):
Artist in Residence (AIR) grants provide funding for public schools to invite juried teaching artists to lead rigorous educational experiences in the arts. Visiting teaching artists support deeper learning of arts competencies, STEAM projects, interdisciplinary arts integration, and broadening access to culturally diverse artistic practices. Learning through the arts develops creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration and supports school goals for wellness and social and emotional learning. Grants can be used to fund residencies in all arts disciplines including dance, theatre, media, music, visual arts, craft, and creative writing. Learn more
Earn an Associate or Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education for FREE!
The Community College System of NH (CCSNH) now provides multiple programs, that can be combined, to offset educational expenses as students complete ECE Certificates and Degrees. These include:
ECTA offers tuition assistance for one course per term to individuals working in a NH licensed preschool program as early childhood teachers or directors.
GSQ offers up to three tuition awards per term for ECE courses. Individuals working in NH licensed/licensed exempt programs, working as child care providers, elementary school paraprofessionals, and out-of-school time workers can also receive assistance for designated Education and Human Services related course work.
CCSNH ECE GAP Scholarship supports costs for students, living and/or working in NH, who are connected to one of our ECE certificate or degree programs.
Learn more about CCSNH grant and tuition assistance opportunities.
Early Childhood Grant Options through UNH College of Professional Studies
Available to NH educators, paraeducators, and childcare workers, this grant is available to individuals working in NH-licensed centers, including:
- Individuals working a minimum of 15 hours per week in an out-of-school time center
- Childcare teachers working a minimum of 20 hours per week
- Elementary school paraprofessionals working a minimum of 20 hours per week
- Childcare directors working a minimum of 30 hours per week
100% of tuition is covered for up to two ECE classes per term. Students are responsible for all materials needed for the course and the $92 academic services and registration fee. Students do not need to be enrolled in a degree program to receive the grant and take courses.
Learn more about UNH CPS Early Childhood Grant Options
NCES Employment Opportunities
For the 2024-2025 school year
- Speech Language Pathologist (full and part-time)
- Speech Language Assistant (part time)
- BCBA (full-time)
How to apply
- Math instruction and tutoring
- Computer and digital literacy
- English Speakers of Other Languages
- Online assessments for HiSet preparation
Call 603-752-1927 or email info@coosae.org for more information.
We Are the North Country
Learn more about the We Are the North Country campaign of the Coos Coalition for Young Children and Families.
Click image for video
Employment Opportunities in North Country Schools
Find education-related employment opportunities at teachnorth.org.
SmallActs North

The #SmallActs campaign is about neighbors helping neighbors and building communities where #SmallActs are a way of life.
Join in! Do something unexpected and kind for someone. Spread the word. Bring SmallActs to your classroom.
Learn more
North Country Partnership for SEL Practices
View this short video to learn more about NCP4SEL. Follow NCP4SEL on Facebook for more tips, resources, and announcements.
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.