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The Muse is IN
"I became a writer to escape the despair of the real world
and enter the world of hope I create with my imagination."
- Ray Bradbury 

Hi ,
"We have art in order not to die of the truth."  ~ Nietzsche
A friend of mine asked me why I make so much art. Or maybe he asked how I make so much art. The answer to both questions is the same. I make art so I don’t die of reality. A rather dramatic answer, maybe, but if “all the world’s a stage,” I am on theme.  I write every dayish too. 
This isn’t the first time in history we’ve have been hit by hard times, but it’s the first time horrific news, often reported unreliably, is in our face as much as it is. It’s the first time in my life that our country is so divided and angry.
Art in all its forms, doing it, witnessing it, being it,  is where we can find refuge and retreat . Whether I make it or get lost in it, it’s a way of finding order in chaos.
"Art is not escape,
 but a way of finding order in chaos …
a way of confronting life." -Robert Hayden

 Like I said.
Art and writing remove life's harshness and replaces it with resilience.  When reality is fodder for art and writing, it doesn’t hurl me into despair as much, although my purse strap still frequently catches the doorknob and yanks me backward as if to say, “Not so fast little missy, your day is going a little too smoothly.”
I wouldn’t literally “die” if I didn’t make art but I’d be a lot less polite.
Reality is a source of wondrous, delicious, funny things, other times it sucks.
To escape its severity, we binge on Netflix and French fries, play computer games, over-schedule, fall into the underworlds of social media’s dopamine high and incessantly wipe down the kitchen counter. Those escapes have their place, some offer benefits, but in excess they become hollow rewards.
Creative expression is not always easy. But when you continue painting despite the portrait you’re painting looking more like a turtle than a human, writing even when you think it’s been said better before, or understand that it takes longer than two weeks to play the guitar, you’ll find the skills that you used to persevere spill over into believing in yourself, being more tolerant, and saying “yes” to other things that expand your existence.
Creativity requires, patience, perseverance, resilience, resourcefulness, humor, courage, and an evolving relationship with ourselves in order to triumph over the usual ambiguities, doubts, and failed attempts. So does life. Mastering one assists in making the other easier.  Plus, what could be more fun than losing ourselves in creativity?
 What's one 30 second step you can take to find a little refuge in creativity and expand your existence on the pleasant side reality?
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to courage.
~Anais Nin
Like I said.
Workshops, Trainings, Retreats
 The Nine Modern Day Muse Facilitator Course
Tuesdays at 11 am pacific/ 2pm eastern June 11- August 27, 2024

Learn to facilitate creativity groups, guided by 10 profound creative principles in the guise of nine Muse and a Bodyguard. Experience the playfulness possible in taking creativity to a new level for an additional stream of joy and income. With Terry Way and Rozy Walker.

 Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training:  
 June 13- October 3, 2024
"Wanted you to know how many of the lessons learned from you continue to add value in my work and life. Many thanks for that powerful training." KC
A 16-week journey with mindfulness, psychology, and the imagination into tools, thoughts, and approaches that free creativity in every aspect of your life. A great way to connect with a supportive non-competitive creative community and discover how these tools work so well. Check it out - payment plans available.Taught by Jill Badonsky 
 Watch for another Wild Abandon Art Class on Zoom through the Athenaeum: June 5-26 Link coming
 Art and Creativity Walk in Italy - I'm so excited about this.. Travel is even more enchanting our experience is deepened with the mindfulness of creativity. (In between delicious food and beautiful walks) We will be do this through art, smart photography, and writing on Italian Riviera. October 2024
 Waiting List .
 More classes here
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Yours Truly, Jill Badonsky
  • Author/illustrator of three books on creativityand mindfulness
  • Creator and Teacher of KMCC and A Muse's Daydream
  • Certified Yoga/Mindfulness Instructor 
  • Multi-media artist, performance poet, and playwright
  • Award winning inspirational goof-ball and author.
  • Dispenser of thousands of weird creativity prompts including on Facebook
  • Corporate Dropout 
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