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Alki UCC
Alki UCC Weekly Messenger July 11, 2024
From the Pastor
Dear Alki UCC,
I've Been Meaning to Ask . . .
Do you ever find yourself beginning a question with these words? It’s a way of saying, “I’ve been thinking of you and I’ve been wanting to check in.” It is seeking connection and showing love. Curiosity free of judgment.
Our summer worship series, I’ve Been Meaning to Ask . . . is an eight week journey of deep listening around simple questions. You can listen to the first sermon (here).
Opportunities to engage
with I've Been Meaning to Ask
. . . beyond Sunday morning:
Small Groups
Your participation in a small group will give you an opportunity to build relationships with others in the congregation and grow in your own faith journey. We will be forming groups of 5-6 people. You and your group will determine when you will meet, as well as how often. Both in-person and online options are available. Click (here) to join. Groups will be assigned next week.
Conversation Church: an evening of deep listening
On Wednesday, July 24 at 6:00 to 7:30 pm in the parlor/front patio we will gather for a simple meal and have guided conversations in pairs. Explore questions such as, “What is something you have learned about yourself in the past year?”
Study Journal
Pick up a Study Journal at worship or request the pdf version from the church office today! The Study Journal is full of art, poetry, and reflections on Scripture from A Sanctified Art. Explore on your own or use the prompts for fostering deeper connection with your group.
Our summer series will guide and encourage us along the two-way street of curiosity, where we listen deeply and share. In my sermon last Sunday I asked the question, “If you wrote a memoir, what would the chapter titles be?”
Consider adding to your list of chapter titles in these coming weeks. Perhaps jot down a story or two. Our stories are sacred. You are from many places, many people, many stories. It’s all you. And you reflect the divine. So let your story shine.
In hope,
Pastor Emily
Alki UCC Summer Concert Series
and Seattle Night Out
We are excited to invite you to our Summer Concert Series and Seattle Night Out, hosted by Alki UCC.
Join us for three evenings of live music by amazing local artists at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, August 6; and Wednesdays, August 14 and 28.
The concert series is all about having fun with neighbors and building connections within the West Seattle community while enjoying live music and refreshments.
Admission is free with a $20 suggested donation for the musicians.
The music starts at 7:00 pm for all ... Here's the lineup:
 • Tuesday, August 6: Seattle Night Out!
Alki UCC hosts the neighborhood and Asia Tanis (singer-songwriter) in the front courtyard (street blocked off)
 • WednesdayAugust 14: Eric Likkel Trio (jazz) in he front courtyard
 • Wednesday, August 28: Zachary Fitzgerald and Stephen Anthony Rawson (classical) in the Sanctuary

We can’t wait to see you there!
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Call for National Night Out Volunteers
(Tuesday, August 6)
"National Night Out" is the first Tuesday of August every year. Neighborhoods all over the nation come together in a communal potluck to share, learn, get-to-know and build community together.
We are hosting our neighborhood this year on Tuesday, August 6! We will close SW Hinds St and gather in front of the building in community with our Alki neighbors.
We are adding an extra layer with live music, kicking off our Summer Concert Series with Asia Tanis, local singer-songwriter and niece of Pastor Emily and Brett.
It will take a village to host, so we are looking for volunteers to
:• Pass out fliers in the neighborhood week of July 28
• Close the street, set up tables, put out bins (approx 5:30 pm)
• Bring strawberries, fruit, shortcakes, root beer and vanilla ice cream
• Serve the fruit shortcakes and root beer floats
• Clean up and reopen the street
The event starts at 6:00 pm, with music at 7:00 pm. Please contact Cinda to sign up for volunteering
ChurchLady VaCa
Larisa is off on her annual summer break from Monday, July 15 until Monday, August 12.
Here's who to contact for: 
Email Blasts
After today's issue, the newsletter will be on hiatus for four weeks. Look for the next issue on Thursday, August 18.
In the meantime ... Here's how to let folks know about time-sensitive information or to publicize an important event:
Send your information to Charlie H, who will edit as necessary and forward to Pastor Emily to send out on her church email account.
Send your announcement to Charlie here.  
Scheduling Zoom:
Contact Pastor Emily if you need to set up a church meeting. Email her with the meeting title, date/time and duration, and she will send you the login information to forward to your participants. 
Building Use
The latest July/August/September building calendar will be posted on the narthex bulletin board; please note the existing schedule for the church, KHN and our community groups.
Building use not previously scheduled will be on a first-come, first-use basis. Just show up and if a group is already in the room you wanted to use, please use another space. KHN is aware of this arrangement.
If you want to book a room for after August 13, please hold your request and contact the church office by email as usual.
The church office is open through tomorrow in case you need anything or have a special request.
Be well and be good to each other ... wishing you a happy, safe, fine and fizzy summer!. xxxxxla
How We Will End the Sexual Abuse of Children
Presentation by Rev. Joanie Henjum
My granddaughter’s story
My story and subsequent journey
Sunday, August 4
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Choir Room
A light lunch will be provided. Please RSVP and direct any questions to Pastor Emily
Our Girls and Sex….. Our Boys and Sex: salient research from Peggy Orenstein
The impact of porn
The difference it makes to talk about sex
Practical resources that will support you to empower other adults and kids of all ages in your family
Embodied prayer
No one will be asked to share…. And, you are welcome to share if you like.
Free-will donations will be gathered for our speaker
Joanie Henjum was ordained as a UCC minister in 2007, when she began her first interim ministry at Mary’s Place in Seattle. Following that she served as an interim for Guemes Island UCC and then at University Christian (Disciples of Christ) in Seattle. Her ministry took a turn when she learned, in early 2016, that her granddaughter had been molested. Since then she has been healing her own experience and researching the subject of sexual abuse.

Earlier in her life Joanie spent 15 years working in community development in the Marshall Islands, South Korea and Australia. Joanie has four children, three grandchildren (with another expected in July!) and four great grandkids. She is married to Chris Marsh. They are both active members of Broadview Community UCC in northwest Seattle.
It's Plastic Free July!
Make a pledge (and act!) to reduce your plastic usage and purchases. Can you get it to zero??
Take the fun Ridwell quiz to get started. Then start NOW to reduce or eliminate plastic from your daily purchases and use.
Ideas to get started right now:
 • Stop purchasing shampoo/conditioner, body wash, laundry and dish detergents in plastic containers. Instead find alternatives in bars, pods, and sheets.
 • Stop purchasing plastic floss picks, instead use ones made from bamboo or straw.
 • Stop using disposable plastic k-cups, instead find compostable ones or those that you fill with your own coffee.
 • Stop using plastic bags for purchasing your produce, instead bring reusable bags along with your reusable grocery bags.
You can do this! We can be better stewards of this beautiful God-given earth if we choose to!
— Cinda
In Our Circle of Prayer
We thank you, O God, for the beauty of this life.
We give you gratitude for the relationships in our lives and this community of faith.

We pray for all those who grieve. 
Comfort their hearts and hold them close. Sandy J requests prayers for "Mary Jane’s family and friends. We had been friends since 1969!"

We pray for all those who are ill, hurting or have a concern on their hearts.
We pray for Dan K facing various health issues, Jim J's 93-year-old Uncle Don, Rev. Joan Carter, Cinda's mother Jackie S, Alki UCC's Peruvian Families Seeking Asylum (especially Kenyi), Julia C's friend Jessie T and family, Amy Y's mother Corlene, Davney and Bob S, Sue's B's friends Mary and Louise, and Nick L.
We pray for our wider world.
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer
and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.
Phil. 4:6-7
Wars and conflicts continue to escalate around the world, and our hearts especially go out to the people of Palestine.
UCC Action Alert:
by rejecting further military aid and assistance to Israel
and by supporting
continued financial contributions to UNRWA.
Injustices and inequalities manifest as racism, discrimination, gender-based violence, economic disparities, and other issues. As a communal response to uplift these sorrows and support our neighbors near and far, General Minister and President, the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson calls the church to a season of prayer. Prayer undergirds our witness, ministry, and advocacy as we work for peace and a just world for all.
This is an open invitation to anyone who feels called to offer a prayer to end violence in any manifestation, and to bring about peace. Share your prayers using the People’s Prayers for Peace form on this page. New prayers are published on this page daily.
Publishing is at the discretion of the National Ministries of the United Church of Christ and prayers may be edited for content and length.
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Please contact the church office to add or remove a prayer request.
On-Line Giving

For secure, online giving through Give Lively, click the button, OR, send your check, made out to "Alki UCC," to: 6115 SW Hinds, 
Seattle, WA 98116
Alki UCC 
Contact Info
6115 SW Hinds
Seattle, WA 98116
Church news/calendar updates at
Worship this Sunday,
July 14
at 10:00 am
Eighth Sunday
after Pentecost
I’ve Been Meaning
to Ask
. . . Where are you from?
Lay-Led Worship
 Liturgist/Lay Leaders:
Joe M, Vicky S and
Cinda S
John 1:35-51
 DJ Wilson
Guest Artist
Music Highlights
Welcome to this House
Mark Miller
There’s a Spirit of Love
in this Place 
Mark Miller
#495, Called as Partners in Christ’s Service
#499, In all Our Living
Image: Come & See
by Lauren Wright Pittman

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If you've already registered on Zoom, just use your personal link. If not, welcome! You can register here. When you  register, please use your first/last name plus your email.
Alki UCC
Donations Drive
Sunday, July 21
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Bring your donations to the church any time!
This month's priority:
Kid Food!
Kids are out of school and many no longer have daily meals. Wanted: Crackers and cheese, applesauce and fruit cups, mac and cheese, juice packets, peanut butter, tuna fish, canned spaghetti, hot dogs, etc.

Men's work clothing is always needed: jeans, hoodies, sweatshirts, t=shirts, work boots, sneakers, etc
and LOTS OF SOCKS, new ones please
Conversation Church: an evening of deep listening
Wednesday, July 24
6:00 to 7:30 pm
(See Pastor's letter
above left)
Presentation by Rev. Joanie Henjum
How We Will End the Sexual Abuse of Children
Sunday, August 4
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Choir Room
A light lunch will be provided. Please RSVP and direct any questions to Pastor Emily
 Alki UCC Summer Concert Series
Seattle Night Out! Tuesday, August 6
6:00 pm event;
7:00 pm concert
 Asia Tanis
 Wednesday, August 14
7:00 pm
Eric Likkel Trio
 Wednesday, August 28
7:00 pm
 Zachary Fitzgerald and Stephen Anthony Rawson 
Alki UCC/Admiral UCC Booth
at Alki Beach Pride
Saturday, August 31
Alki UCC Fall Retreat
at Pilgrim Firs
September 20-22
See story below
Get ready for Alki Beach Pride
on Saturday, August 31
At the booth Alki UCC is co-hosting with Admiral UCC, we will be offering bracelet-making (a huge hit last year), "queerly beloved" stickers and information about our churches.

This year we have an opportunity to be bold in our welcome.
Queer people have been and continue to the wounded by the Christian church at large.
We need to show up to remind our community that not all churches are the same.
We are queerly beloved. As a conversation opener, and as a statement of our confession on behalf of the Christian church, we custom-designed t-shirts that you have an opportunity to order and wear at the booth that we are hosting with Admiral UCC.
Not available to join on August 31? You are still welcome to order a t-shirt! The order form is open until July 31 and you'll be able to pick up your t-shirt at church.

Order your custom designed T-shirt here:
More info on Alki Beach Pride here.
Fall Retreat Planning Team Forming Now!
Alki UCC Fall Retreat
Friday, September 20 to Sunday, September 22
Pilgrim Firs Camp and Conference Center
Port Orchard, WA
Join the fun!
Now that we have a long-coveted date for a retreat at Pilgrim Firs, which is a wonderful camp and conference center just across the water not far from the Southworth ferry, it's time to discuss and clarify our theme.
We're assembling a team of a few folks interested in coming together to share and collaborate on goals for our time away.
What calls to you?
Please contact the church office office to express your interest and we'll get back to you with some potential meeting times. — Vicky S
Sunday Worship Videos Posted on YouTube
Sunday Worship recordings now online! Check out Alki UCC's very own YouTube channel.
Sunday Worship Registration
If you've already registered on Zoom, just use your personal link. If not, welcome! You can register here.
When you register, please use your first/last name plus your email.
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Alki UCC  •  6115 SW Hinds  •  Seattle, WA 98116

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