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The Muse is IN
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Dear , 
Does that message in the typewriter make you nervous? It used to make me nervous. I thought if I wasn't hard on myself I wouldn't get enough done. Then I realized, it was never enough.
One of the reasons I included a Muse called Muse Song in my Nine Modern Day Muse book is because I found the opposite was true. Then Dr. Kristin Neff validated that notion. Compassion works better than harshness. Then I relaxed and ironically got more done. 
Muse Song is the Muse of self-kindness and choosing to hang out with inspiring and encouraging people. Take an inventory right now of the people you hang out with. Do they support your creative life?
I hang out with myself most of the time. If I give myself kind messages to neutralize the negativity bias, (because they come with the factory settings), if I'm compassionate with myself when I'm being human,  I'm better able to trust I'll be doing enough and more willing to participate in my passion. When trust replaces fear there's the freedom possible in confidence.
One of those compassionate messages from Muse Song is:
"Begin Again" For the short one minute video click here
Beginning again is the path of a resilient creative practice  ... not to mention life in general.
It’s the step by which we can surmount every disappointment, embarrassment, and indignity..
We are free to live this next moment as though it were new, because it is.
However we failed or didn’t succeed or lost the plot, we can begin again in the next moment, or the next day rather than
be dragged down into ruminations born of our negativity.
Or we can just take a break and reboot and trust we will begin again refreshed, reinvigorated,  or re-inspired once the idea has incubated.
If you have not been as disciplined as you like,
If you’ve been spinning your wheels , stuck in creative chaos
or distracted when you wanted to be focused.
If are resistant to starting at all… lower the pressure
And begin again.
You've heard this before from me.
It's something I constantly need to remind myself,
so I thought it might be good timing for you too.

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Dispatching Muses,
Jill Badonsky
and Muse Song, The Muse of Encouragement
Become a creativity mentor.
There are a few spaces left in the August
Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification Training.
Email me with your background, your creative passion, and why KMCC is a good fit for you.

Taking Applications for the Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training
Join the August-December Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training:
Email me a bit about your background and why it’s a good fit.
Open to anyone with a passion for creativity and people skills.
This training teaches how to work with creative people and/or opens you up to a new way to live your life creatively, getting through resistance, procrastination, perfectionism, and all the usual blocks. The use of intuition, compassion, mindfulness, kaizen, and imagination to make creativity easier.
Creativity Retreat in Taos, New Mexico
The Muse in Winter retreat and the Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification Training is filling up. Five spaces left. Don't miss an immersive experience of creativity, community, and darn good food at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House. My 14th year. More information - Taos
Follow me on Substack for a more regular dose of inspirational humor and creativity tips.
Dispatching Muses,

Yours Truly, Jill Badonsky
  • Author/illustrator of three books on creativity and mindfulness
  • Creator and Teacher of KMCC and A Muse's Daydream
  • Certified Yoga/Mindfulness Instructor 
  • Multi-media artist, performance poet, and playwright
  • Award winning inspirational goof-ball and author.
  • Dispenser of thousands of weird creativity prompts including on Facebook
  • Corporate Dropout 
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