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Alki UCC
Alki UCC Weekly Messenger August 22, 2024
From the Music Director
On the heels of City Night Out on August 6, we hosted our second concert of the summer last Wednesday, August 14.
The church's side courtyard was transformed into an intimate concert space with Christmas lights hanging from the trees. As members, friends, and neighbors began to arrive, they were treated to root beer floats.
At 7:00 pm, The Eric Likkel jazz trio (with drummer Ben Thomas and bass guitarist Tim Carey) started playing an upbeat, Latin-style rendition of the tune "St. Thomas" by Sonny Rollins.
Throughout the evening, they shared a set of jazz standards, original tunes and tango music. Folks and families walking by heard the music and joined in.
Kids with ice cream listened for a while, then went to play under the trees. Later, Ben brought out his bandoneon — a relative of the accordion — and the group serenaded us with the tango song "Malena."
We were blessed to have amazing weather, incredible music and many new and happy faces joining us for the event. Thank you to all who came. And thank you to our creative, hard-working and welcoming volunteers.
— Stephen Anthony Rawson
Alki UCC Summer Concert Series Finale
Wednesday, August 28
7:00 pm/Alki UCC Sanctuary
Zachary Fitzgerald and Stephen Anthony Rawson 
Join us for an evening of art song and piano music by Aaron Copland, Amy Beach, Clara Schumann and Richard Strauss
"A tenor for the ages" and new to the Pacific Northwest Zachary Fitzgerald has performed internationally within the Lorenzo Malfatti Academia Vocale di Lucca, Tacoma opera, Cincinnati Opera and Kent State Opera. Most recently his work with Tacoma Opera as Steve Hubble in A Streetcar Named Desire and Remendado in Carmen have highlighted his entrance to the pacific northwest music scene.
Zachary is also a Teaching Assistant and is completing his Doctorate in Vocal Performance studying with Professor Tom Harper at the University of Washington.
Alki UCC Music Director Stephen Anthony Rawson is a Seattle-based pianist, composer and teacher. Over the past decade, he has played chamber music with collegiate and professional musicians across the United States, including the Oregon Composers Forum, and as a guest artist at the Space City New Music Festival in Houston.
He has also performed at the University of Washington, the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Lone Star College, the University of Oregon, the University of Minnesota and DePaul University. Stephen is a staff collaborative pianist at the University of Washington.
Admission is free with a $20 suggested donation for the musicians
All Community WIN Hot Lunch on Saturday, August 24 
We still need volunteers and cooks ...
 ... the easy stuff: mainly salads, pasta salads and desserts.
WIN does not have a group signed up to provide the Saturday noon meal so it will be an All-Community Meal provided by precious volunteers from all over!
These meals are always great fun because we never know what is going to be brought, but it is always a feast — God provides! We're looking for a couple of cooks to bring casseroles, salads or desserts — anything your heart desires.
Donations for the food pantry are needed, as well as folks to stay and help pass out donations.
Food arrives by 11:30 am, then help with donations until 1:00 pm.
1320 SW 102nd St in White Center, at the Body of Christ Church.
Please contact me or add your name here: Sign-up Genius: 
Alki UCC Fall Retreat
Friday, September 20 to Sunday, Sept 22
Pilgrim Firs Camp and Conference Center
Port Orchard, WA

From the Planning Team:
Our theme is Daily Bread: Discovering What Gives Us Life. The concept is based on the meditation practice called the Examen, a daily examination of the moments for which we are most and least grateful.
We're staying in lovely Huckleberry House and cabin 11. Beds with comfortable mattresses, linens, towels and Wifi are provided. You may walk or drive your car from your Huckleberry House to Madson Lodge where we will eat meals. Read more about the facilities here. 
The full schedule and logistics overview is linked here.
Registration form linked here.
Greetings from our Alki UCC Maine Contingent!
Ruth B, a beloved and long-time member of Alki UCC, moved a while ago to a lovely small town in Maine. She’s doing well, is in good health and lives in a retirement community near her daughter Sandy’s home. 

Recently, Kristin M talked with Ruth and asked if she had any messages to send. Ruth’s answer: “Greetings to my old pals at church!”
In Our Circle of Prayer
Ever-present God, we give you thanks.
We give you gratitude for the relationships in our lives and our community of faith.

We pray for all those who grieve. 
Comfort their hearts and hold them close.
Prayers of Healing and Condolence
for the family and friends of Anne Van Dyne,
a longtime and cherished member
of the Alki UCC community.
Anne passed away Sunday evening.

We pray for all those who are ill, hurting or have a concern on their hearts.
We pray for Dan K facing various health issues, Jim J's 93-year-old Uncle Don, Rev. Joan Carter, Cinda's mother Jackie S, Alki UCC's Peruvian Families Seeking Asylum (especially Kenyi), Julia C's friend Jessie T and family, Amy Y's mother Corlene, Davney and Bob S, Sue's B's friends Mary and Louise, and Nick L.
We pray for our wider world.  
We ask for wisdom for decision-makers and strength for justice-seekers. We pray for those lives affected by natural disasters and war. We pray for victims of violence, for refugees and asylum-seekers. We pray for all who are hungry, desperate, and in need of support.
In all of these things, we trust that you are with us. In all of these things, we ask for you to strengthen us. Help us to see you in those around us. Help us to love as you love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Please contact the church office to add or remove a prayer request.
Worship this Sunday,
August 25
at 10:00 am
Fourteenth Sunday
after Pentecost
I’ve Been Meaning
to Ask
. . . Where do we go
from here?
Rev. Emily
Acts 10:9-16, 19-36 Common English Bible
 Stephen Anthony Rawson
Music Director
Music Highlights
My Lighthouse
Rand Collective
O For a World, 575
Draw the Circle Wide
Gordon Light
Image: Ever Wider
by Lisle Gwynn Garrity
# # # 
# # #
If you've already registered on Zoom, just use your personal link. If not, welcome! You can register here. 
When you  register, please use your first/last name plus your email.
 Alki UCC/Admiral UCC Booth
at Alki Beach Pride
Saturday, August 31
Volunteers still needed
Sign Up Here
We need booth hosts and help taking down the tent and other materials at the close of the event.
Join us on Labor Day Saturday to remind our community that each one of us is worthy and loved by God, exactly as we are.
More info on Alki Beach Pride here.
* * * *
Alki UCC Fall Retreat
at Pilgrim Firs
September 20-22
See story below left
* * *
 Even though there's no Donations Drive this month, you can bring your contributions of non-perishable food, men's work clothing and outdoor gear to the building any time!
August is National Make-a-Will Month!
The UCC provides a free will-writing tool through FreeWill.
Nearly two-thirds of American adults do not have a will, and this program empowers congregation members to prayerfully plan for their future and protect loved ones.
Learn more and create a will here in about 20 minutes

Sunday Worship Registration
If you've already registered on Zoom, just use your personal link. If not, welcome! You can register here.
When you register, please use your first/last name plus your email.
On-Line Giving
For secure, online giving through Give Lively, click the button, OR, send your check, made out to "Alki UCC," to: 6115 SW Hinds, 
Seattle, WA 98116
Sunday Worship Videos Posted on YouTube
Sunday Worship recordings now online! Check out Alki UCC's very own YouTube channel.
Alki UCC 
Contact Info
6115 SW Hinds
Seattle, WA 98116
Church news/calendar updates at
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Alki UCC  •  6115 SW Hinds  •  Seattle, WA 98116

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