Dear Alki UCC,
Over the last eight weeks we explored courageous conversations in the worship series, “I’ve Been Meaning to Ask . . .” We used four questions to guide our way:
Where are you from? Where does it hurt? What do you need? Where do we go from here?
Three small groups each met four times over the summer to explore these questions together and practice deep listening. I was so grateful to be a part of one of these groups. I especially appreciated that someone else led the group and I had the opportunity to simply show up as a participant! It was wonderful to have that unhurried time to learn more about each other. I commented at our last meeting that we learned not only about each other, but also about ourselves. We were often surprised at which story or memory bubbled up from within us to be shared.
When we come together with those we know, and with those we don’t yet know, there is always something to learn. There is always opportunity for growth. We can enter conversations prepared to be amazed. If you missed it last Sunday, you can listen to the final sermon of the series (linked here).
The Ted talk I referenced can be found here: Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversation | TED
Our next worship series begins on September 8 with Bible 101. It’s come up numerous times in our Zoom Bible study how helpful it would be to have a better understanding of the Bible as a whole.
That is exactly what we are going to begin this fall! We’ll take some steps back, widen our view, and engage in a new way the head-scratching library of books that is the Holy Bible.
In hope,
Pastor Emily
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A quick and easy way to schedule time with Pastor Emily
From this Sunday Worship's Lay Leader
We who cherish Alki United Church of Christ
as our spiritual home have formed
a community of faith in the loving presence
of Jesus Christ. Believing that all people
are created equal and have the right
to seek God's presence in a loving
community of faith, we proclaim
that all who seek compassion, respect
and love for their fellow beings are welcome
into this church, regardless of race, age,
gender, gender expression, physical ability,
level of education, opinion, social position
or sexual orientation.
— Open and Affirming Proclamation, updated Fall 2020
My middle-aged, naive, straight white guy came out during worship this past Sunday, as I tried to promote this Sunday's service on September 1. I made an inaccurate comment about our church not being "actively gay," which was wrong on so many levels. I offer my apologies.
Alki UCC entered into the open and affirming process in the 1990s, culminating in our official 1998 Open and Affirming Statement ... our covenant for inclusion. That decision is part of what has attracted many people to this church, and I hope our service this Sunday explores and honors that decision as we discuss how it affects who we are as a congregation today.
I would like to hear from you before Sunday.
What does belonging to an open and affirming church mean to you? Were you part of the Alki UCC community during the open and affirming process? It would also be great to hear from some of you who will host our booth at Saturday's Alki Beach Pride.
I hope that in helping plan and lead this service I might become a little more educated and cognizant of the many ways people identify themselves in our congregation and the world. How can we all learn from, and acknowledge, each other?
This Sunday's service is in-person only (no Zoom), in a more casual and intimate setting. We will hopefully gather outside, but if the weather doesn't cooperate, we will get together in some informal way in the building where we can all see and hear each other.
If you have thoughts on how to help make this service meaningful, please email or call me this week. Would you like to express a personal reflection, share a piece of music, a poem, a reading or a prayer ... Anything that comes to you this week is welcome!.
We also need folks to help set up the space for worship ... a most valued contribution. Or just bring yourself! We look forward to seeing you. — Joe M.
Info on the Open and Affirming Coalition linked here
Announcing our next worship and Bible Study series, kicking off with worship on September 8 and Tuesday noon Zoom Bible Study on September 10: Every Sunday morning we read and explore scripture from the Old and New Testaments. You may be brand new to the Bible, or vaguely familiar with the parts that popular culture amplifies like David and Goliath or Noah’s Ark. OR, you may know the Bible well from memorizing verses as a child, attending Bible studies, and regularly referring to the beloved Bible you keep on your nightstand. Many of us are somewhere in between. Whether the Bible completely mystifies you or is a familiar staple of life — you may wish to know the Bible better than you do. Maybe you hear a story on Sunday morning and wonder how on earth it fits in with the rest of the Bible. Or question what to do with those parts of the Bible that don’t jive with your understanding of God and humanity? What about the violence? The contradictions? What difference does it make? Each one of us has more to learn about the Bible. Because God is still speaking. Join in to explore how the Bible is simultaneously ONE story and a WHOLE LIBRARY of books. You’ll learn to tell the story. You’ll learn to find your way around the library. You may find that by the end of this intentional engagement with this ancient sacred text, you are actually at a beginning. You might just find yourself transformed.
Bible 101
Sunday Worship at 10:00 am
beginning September 8
Tuesday Zoom Bible Study
Noon to 1:30 pm beginning September 10
Alki UCC Fall Retreat
Friday, September 20 to Sunday, Sept 22
Pilgrim Firs Camp and Conference Center
Port Orchard, WA
From the Planning Team:
Our theme is Daily Bread: Discovering What Gives Us Life. The concept is based on the meditation practice called the Examen, a daily examination of the moments for which we are most and least grateful.
Accommodations Update 8-28: We will now be in South Lodge, which has a spacious ground floor meeting area with a fireplace and expansive windows, piano, twelve bedrooms, a kitchen and an upper floor lounge. Bathrooms are shared. Beds with comfortable mattresses, linens, towels and Wifi are provided. You may walk or drive your car from South Lodge to Madson Lodge where we will eat meals. Read more about the facilities here.
The full schedule and logistics overview is linked here.
Updated Registration form linked here.
Ever-present God, we give you thanks. We give you gratitude for the relationships in our lives and our community of faith.
We pray for all those who grieve.
Comfort their hearts and hold them close.
Prayers of Healing and Condolence
for the family and friends of Anne Van Dyne,
a longtime and cherished member
of the Alki UCC community.
Anne passed away Sunday evening.
We pray for all those who are ill, hurting or have a concern on their hearts.
We pray for Dan K facing various health issues, Jim J's 93-year-old Uncle Don, Rev. Joan Carter, Cinda's mother Jackie S, Alki UCC's Peruvian Families Seeking Asylum (especially Kenyi), Julia C's friend Jessie T and family, Amy Y's mother Corlene, Davney and Bob S, Sue's B's friends Mary and Louise, and Nick L.
We pray for our wider world.
We ask for wisdom for decision-makers and strength for justice-seekers. We pray for those lives affected by natural disasters and war. We pray for victims of violence, for refugees and asylum-seekers. We pray for all who are hungry, desperate, and in need of support.
In all of these things, we trust that you are with us. In all of these things, we ask for you to strengthen us. Help us to see you in those around us. Help us to love as you love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Please contact the church office to add or remove a prayer request. |
6115 SW Hinds
Seattle, WA 98116
Church news/calendar updates at
Worship this Sunday,
September 1
at 10:00 am
Alki UCC ...
Open and Affirming Celebrate at a
special lay-led service!
Join us for
outdoor worship in
the side courtyard
(weather permitting)
In-Person Only ...
No Zoom this Sunday
Alki UCC entered into the Open and Affirming process in the 1990s, culminating in our official 1998 Open and Affirming covenant for inclusion.
Our service this Sunday explores and honors that decision as we discuss how it affects who we are as a congregation today.
(See story below left)
Stephen Anthony Rawson
Music Director
Alki UCC/Admiral UCC Booth
at Alki Beach Pride
Saturday, August 31
Noon to 8:00 pm
Join us on Labor Day Saturday to remind our community that each one of us is worthy and loved by God, exactly as we are.
More info on Alki Beach Pride here.
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Music Program Gathering Next Sunday,
September 8 After Hospitality Hour
Calling all singers and folks interested in making music
at Alki UCC!
Join in for a group exploration of how we can grow our music program, including the possible incorporation of different worship music genres.
No experience necessary; all ideas welcome.
If you are interested, but not available on the 8th, please reach out and let me know. — Stephen
* * *
Alki UCC Fall Retreat
at Pilgrim Firs
September 20-22
See story below left
Registration due September 5!
August is National Make-a-Will Month!
The UCC provides a free will-writing tool through FreeWill.
Nearly two-thirds of American adults do not have a will, and this program empowers congregation members to prayerfully plan for their future and protect loved ones.
Learn more and create a will here in about 20 minutes
October 4 and 5
"Telling Our Sacred Stories"
Join women of the Pacific Northwest Conference at Pilgrim Firs for a weekend of faith, fellowship and fun! You are invited to set aside intentional time for renewal. Registration here
Saturday, September 21
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Fauntleroy UCC 9140 California SW
In partnership with 1 Green Planet
Be sure that what you’re dropping off is on the official list of what they’re accepting. Check it out here.
Sunday Worship Registration
If you've already registered on Zoom, just use your personal link. If not, welcome! You can register here.
When you register, please use your first/last name plus your email.
For secure, online giving through Give Lively, click the button, OR, send your check, made out to "Alki UCC," to: 6115 SW Hinds,
Seattle, WA 98116
Sunday Worship Videos Posted on YouTube
Sunday Worship recordings now online! Check out Alki UCC's very own YouTube channel. |