Conscious Discipline Online Series for Educators
Conscious Discipline is a social‐emotional learning and classroom management approach. Developed by a teacher for teachers, the philosophy of Conscious Discipline emerged after years of working with children and experiencing the challenges of a broken system full of hurting children and frustrated adults. The methodology and best‐practices of Conscious Discipline offer a different – and proven – pathway to transformation. Join colleagues for seven (7) online discussions to reflect on the 10-lesson video series, Building Resilient Schools and Homes. The video series is lead by Dr. Becky Bailey, educator, author, and child development expert.
Educator series
NCES is offering three groups/choices for educators and child care providers:
- Second Tuesday evenings of the month, 6:30-7:45 PM, from November through May with Chrissy Grant
- Third Wednesday evenings of the month, 6:30-7:45 PM, from November through May with Gretchen Cook
- Second Sunday mornings of the month, 7:15-8:30 AM, from November through May with Anne Marie Gagne
Cost: Free for staff with full or associate membership with NCES ($149 for others). Most North Country schools are members, click here to check.
Register for educator series (select which group on the form): Online or call NCES, M-F, 8-4 at 603-466-5437.
For: Any interested educator. Please note that the video content is geared to the elementary grades, but the practices can be applied for any age. Professional Development Hours: For those who actively participate in the online discussions (with camera on), there will be 20 hours awarded,10+ hours for watching the video lessons and 1.25 hours per online discussion participation. You must participate in at least 4 of the online discussions to receive a professional development certificate.
Novel Engineering for Family Engagement
NCES and WMSI, with support from the NH Statewide Family Engagement Center, have partnered to bring Novel Engineering to North Country schools to boost literacy and STEM through family engagement.
Novel Engineering is an approach developed by Tufts University that positions students to take on challenges faced by story characters -- the client(s) -- to be solved utilizing a design engineering process.
Training is being offered for two cohorts, one based at NCES in Gorham and one based at WMSI in Littleton. Approximately 20 seats per cohort. The intention is for teacher participants to facilitate a family event utilizing the Novel Engineering process. The project is being offered in collaboration with the NH Statewide Family Engagement Center.
View/download flyer.
Register online or by calling (M-F, 8-4) at 603-466-5437.
Conscious Discipline for Parents & Caregivers
This series is free for any parent, family member, or caregiver residing in the area served by NCES (which includes all of Coos, upper Grafton, and upper Carroll counties).
View the full flier.
Register online or by calling (M-F, 8-4) at 603-466-5437.
Grief Education for School Staff
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Offered in partnership with Crotched Mountain Foundation Kids (CMF Kids), NCES is hosting a Youth Mental Health First Aid training.
Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.
Cost: Free for staff from NCES member districts. Lunch provided.
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Time: 9:30-3:30
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH
Trainer: Rebekah Cocco, MSW, Crotched Mountain Foundation
Register: Online or call NCES, M-F, 8-4 at 603-466-5437.
Note: There is approximately 2 hours of pre-work that needs to completed prior to attending.
Handling Upset | Conscious Discipline
Have you participated in the Building Resilient Schools and Homes series by Conscious Discipline and interested in additional professional development. NCES plans to host a Handling Upset: The Adult-First Mindset Shift series if there is enough interest. Please add your name and email address through this form and we will follow up with dates and times (anticipated for 1 evening per month).
Read more about the Handling-Upset series
Now in its twentieth year, Poetry Out Loud is a dynamic national recitation contest (it’s free!) that encourages high school students to explore and embrace poetry. If your school is interested in joining POL this year, please register. Once registered, the NH State Council on the Arts will reach out with a wide array of free resources, including a teacher’s guide, lesson plans, and a comprehensive anthology of poems.
Not convinced? Here’s a few reasons why you should consider POL:
- Engage Students with Literature: Poetry Out Loud brings poetry to life, helping students connect with the material in a personal and meaningful way.
- Boost Confidence: The act of reciting poetry in front of an audience builds students’ self-assurance and enhances their public speaking abilities.
- Foster Critical Thinking: Students learn to analyze and interpret complex texts, deepening their understanding and appreciation of language.
- Encourage Creative Expression: The program offers a platform for students to express themselves creatively, finding their unique voice through the art of poetry.
- Build a Sense of Community: Participating in Poetry Out Loud contests at the local, state, and national level fosters a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among students.
This is a wonderful chance to inspire your students and encourage them to step into the world of poetry in a fun and engaging way. The NH POL state coordinators are available to make the program as easy as possible for you to integrate and are happy to answer questions anytime.
Learn more at
Partnering to Address Chronic Absence
Student Attendance and Engagement
FIRST NH Governor's Cup Robotics Event
Youth Climate Leaders Academy
Do you know a high school student who wants to make a difference on climate change? Registration is now open for VEEP/NHEEP's Youth Climate Leaders Academy.
Youth Climate Leaders Academy is designed to support VT and NH high school youth in planning and implementing projects to make a difference on climate change. The projects are the students', but our program and partners provide resources and professional consultation as they figure out where to start, how to plan, who to connect with, how to grow professional skills, identify leverage points, measure impact & more. Parts of the events and planning are also youth-led as to empower and let them collaborate with and inspire each other.
The Kick-Off Retreat is December 6-7, 2024 in Fairlee, VT. The Kick-Off is for teams looking to dive into the implementation phase of their action project. There will be skills workshops, team planning time, consultation time with VEEP/NHEEP staff and other experts, and a supportive community of passionate and like-minded folks. Contact with any questions.
Limited Time Access to Register for a Free Online Course
Coös Adult Education provides a learning environment that has helped countless students learn, develop, and grow.
Coös Adult Education provides FREE instruction in:
- HiSET Exam Preparation
- The basics of reading, writing, and math
- English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)
- Northstar Computer Literacy Program
- Learn basic computer skills, how to email, use word processing/editing software, and develop your career search skills
Classes can be small group, one-to-one in-person, or remote/online. There is no cost to participate. All programs are free. Learn how to get started by visiting or calling 603-752-1927.
Performance Learning and Assessment Consortium for Educators (NH PLACE)
The NH Learning Initiative (NHLI) is inviting teachers to join NH PLACE for 2024-2025. This network is designed for and led by educators and is offered at no cost to districts. For more information about NH PLACE, view the Flipbook.
For dates, details, and registration link, click here.
Drinking Water Festival & Science Fair
The NH Drinking Water Festival and State Water Science Fair Finals is now open to both 4th and 5th graders! The Water Poetry Contest is open to 3rd through 5th graders!
Learn more at
Maple Sugaring Teacher Professional Development
Join NH 4-H Agsploration to explore New Hampshire’s (NH) natural resource the Maple Tree (Acer saccharum) and the tradition of maple sugaring. These iconic trees have a story to tell, and we will explore that through the hands-on, inquiry-based curriculum “Maple Tales”. NH 4-H Educator AGsploration is a professional development experience for elementary teachers (3rd-5th grade). With support from 4-H educators, teachers will experience a real world lens into climate change, forest ecology, and more building the knowledge and understanding of how incorporating food, agriculture, renewable natural resources and the environment (FARNE) in the classroom increases agricultural literacy and ignites a student’s curiosity. Visit the website for a full list of teacher benefits, NGSS standards covered, and a sample lesson. Contact with questions and inquiries.
Teacher Benefits
Receive yearlong professional development and mentoring Receive a $1,200 stipend Earn a classroom curriculum kit valued at $875 Collaborate with 4-H program and field specialists Teach a locally relevant science curriculum Connect with other teachers Receive a $1,800 stipend to attend Ag In The Classroom Conference June 23 – 26, 2025 in Minneapolis, MN
Successful applicants must be able to attend the following workshop dates March 11, 2025, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Society for the Protection of NH Forests, Concord, NH March 18, 2025, 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Society for the Protection of NH Forests, Concord, NH July 28, 2025, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Society for the Protection of NH Forests, Concord, NH September 23, 2025, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Zoom) December 9, 2025, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Zoom) February 10, 2025, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Zoom)
Learn more at
Become a Certified ESOL Teacher
Interested in learning how someone with a bachelor’s degree, but no initial licensure, could become a certified ESOL teacher? Follow this link to learn how to become a certified ESOL at NHTI.
Already a certified teacher and interested in ESOL dual certification? For already certified teachers (in any other content area), the only required courses are:
- TECP86C: Introduction to Linguistics
TECP87C: Language, Reading, and Literacy in ESOL TECP88C: Curriculum and Design and Assessment in ESOL TECP91C: Practicum, Methods/Materials, and Culture in ESOL Education (No specific hour requirements; hours listed are those required for initial licensure) TECP92C: The Teaching Portfolio
All courses offered online and in the afternoon (except for practicum)! NHTI will work with you to find an appropriate practicum placement that works with your current job schedule. English Language Arts teachers, Reading and Writing Teachers, and Special Education teachers would be able to offer English Learners ESOL services during their normal periods and areas of instruction after ESOL certification.
18 Credits ($215 a credit, approximately $3,870 which can be covered by PD and/or Title II Funds)
If you have questions can reach out to Janna Jobel from the NHED at or Kelly Dunn from NHTI at
It is not too late to register your 5th grade class for this year's Kid Governor program. You do NOT need to nominate a Kid Governor. Your class can participate as a voting class only.
Kid Governor® empowers 5th graders to change the world. This ground-breaking approach to civics education immerses students in a real election for their state’s Kid Governor, a fellow 5th grader who will represent them during a one-year term of active leadership. The program is more than a contest and is not just about the position of governor – students learn important lessons about state government, voting, elections, and civic participation. All 5th-grade classes are welcome to participate.
Learn more at or contact Jo Ann Robichaud, State Coordinator at
NH MTSS Training for NH School-Level Teams
In this 3-part training, NH school level tiered teams will learn best practices for MTSS-B Schoolwide/ Tier 1 and Advanced Tier (2/3) systems development, with structured team planning time. The series will begin with a mandatory virtual orientation followed by two in-person training days: Day 1 Schoolwide/Tier 1 strategies and Day 2 Advanced Tier (2/3) strategies. Schools may choose to send teams to both in-person days or just one. The online orientation is mandatory for all participants.
Learn more at
Mikva Challenge for Civic Engagement
Mikva’s four main program areas involve young people in civic engagement through hands-on, project-based learning that deeply transforms students’ civic attitudes, skills, and sense of agency. Mikva's four programs are:
- Project Soapbox, public speaking for K-12
- Issues to Action
- Elections in Action
- Student Voice Committees
Learn more about the Mikva Challenge in NH at
The NH Partner Site Director is Amanda Maguire,
Free Webinars for Educators
Election Teaching Resources from PBS LearningMedia
NHTM is hosting the ATMNE Fall Conference, October 24 & 25, 2024 at the Sheraton Nashua Hotel, Nashua, NH.
Learn more at

October 17, 2024 at the Pembroke National Guard Training Facility 96 Sheep Davis Rd, Pembroke, NH 03275
NHCSS Fall Mini Conference
Early Childhood Connections Summit
NCES Employment Opportunities
For the 2024-2025 school year
- TESOL (part-time or full-time)
How to apply
Did you know that NCES' full-time employment opportunities include participation the NH Retirement System? That is a great benefit to becoming part of the NCES service provider team!
- Math instruction and tutoring
- Computer and digital literacy
- English Speakers of Other Languages
- Online assessments for HiSet preparation
Call 603-752-1927 or email for more information.
North Country Neighbors - Stronger Together
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.