Handling Upset: The Adult-First Mindset Shift
This series is intended for educators who have participated in the Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Homes and School series.
There’s a fundamental flaw in many discipline approaches: The expectation that adults can teach skills we struggle with ourselves. Curriculums that provide words and actions for children without providing the words and actions for adults will always fall flat. We cannot effectively teach skills we do not practice ourselves! Empower yourself to change the “do as I say, not as I do” dynamic with Handling Upset: The Adult-first Mindset Shift.
Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor Jill Molli’s uniquely conversational approach to the content creates a delightful exploration of:
- The adult-first mindset shift: What it is and why it’s essential for children’s growth and our own
- The foundation of upset: Where upset comes from and how to handle it
- The Conscious Discipline Brain State Model: The key that unlocks an understanding of children’s behavior and our own
- Active calming and wishing well: Two core strategies for regaining composure and bringing the best of ourselves to each moment
- Noticing: A simple technique for replacing brain-depleting judgment with brain-building language
- Brain integration strategies: An integrated brain is wired for learning, problem solving and achievement
- Strategies for naming and claiming our feelings: Managing our upset improves every relationship in our lives, and models and teaches the skills we want children to use
How it will work: You will watch each of the 8 video lessons on your own. For the Tuesday evening group, there will be an online facilitated discussion for each video lesson. For the Sunday morning group, you will tackle two video lesson for each discussion session.
NCES is offering two options to participate. Please note that the Tuesday evening series has 8 sessions (16 hours of professional development awarded) and the Sunday morning series has 4 session (14 hours of professional development awarded):
Prerequisite: This series is intended for educators who have participated in the Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Homes and School series.
Cost: Free for staff with full or associate membership with NCES ($149 for others). Most North Country schools are members, click here to check.
Register for educator series (select which group on the form): Online or call NCES, M-F, 8-4 at 603-466-5437.
Traveling Smithsonian Exhibit in Jefferson from March-May
The Jefferson Historical Society (JHS) is very pleased to announce that they will be hosting (in conjunction with the New Hampshire Humanities Council and local partners the Town of Jefferson, the Marc A Hurzerler M.D. Library, and the Heartwood Public Charter School) a traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution: "Crossroads: Change in Rural America".
JHS is very interested in having school groups visit the exhibit, which highlights the evolving landscape of rural America. Designed for small-town museums, libraries, and cultural organizations, "Crossroads" will serve as a community meeting place for conversations about how rural America has changed. The focus of the exhibit is to raise people's understanding about their own history, the joys and challenges of a living rural life, how change has impacted their community, and to prompt discussion of goals for the future. This interactive exhibit is most appropriate for 4th grade and higher but all are welcome to attend.
The exhibit will be at the Jefferson Community Center (former elementary school), 178 Meadows Rd., Jefferson, NH 03583 from Saturday, March 29th through Saturday, May 11, 2025. They plan to be open 40 hours per week (closed Sundays) and are willing to work with schools on whatever hours are convenient for them for a visit. Admission is free to the exhibit.
Since the JHS is an all volunteer organization the best way for schools to arrange a visit is to call Adele Woods at (603)723-5540.
Now in its twentieth year, Poetry Out Loud is a dynamic national recitation contest (it’s free!) that encourages high school students to explore and embrace poetry. If your school is interested in joining POL this year, please register. Once registered, the NH State Council on the Arts will reach out with a wide array of free resources, including a teacher’s guide, lesson plans, and a comprehensive anthology of poems.
Not convinced? Here’s a few reasons why you should consider POL:
- Engage Students with Literature: Poetry Out Loud brings poetry to life, helping students connect with the material in a personal and meaningful way.
- Boost Confidence: The act of reciting poetry in front of an audience builds students’ self-assurance and enhances their public speaking abilities.
- Foster Critical Thinking: Students learn to analyze and interpret complex texts, deepening their understanding and appreciation of language.
- Encourage Creative Expression: The program offers a platform for students to express themselves creatively, finding their unique voice through the art of poetry.
- Build a Sense of Community: Participating in Poetry Out Loud contests at the local, state, and national level fosters a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among students.
This is a wonderful chance to inspire your students and encourage them to step into the world of poetry in a fun and engaging way. The NH POL state coordinators are available to make the program as easy as possible for you to integrate and are happy to answer questions anytime.
Learn more at https://www.poetryoutloud.org/
Drinking Water Festival & Science Fair
The NH Drinking Water Festival and State Water Science Fair Finals is now open to both 4th and 5th graders! The Water Poetry Contest is open to 3rd through 5th graders!
Learn more at https://nhwaterfestival.org/
Maple Sugaring Teacher Professional Development
Join NH 4-H Agsploration to explore New Hampshire’s (NH) natural resource the Maple Tree (Acer saccharum) and the tradition of maple sugaring. These iconic trees have a story to tell, and we will explore that through the hands-on, inquiry-based curriculum “Maple Tales”. NH 4-H Educator AGsploration is a professional development experience for elementary teachers (3rd-5th grade). With support from 4-H educators, teachers will experience a real world lens into climate change, forest ecology, and more building the knowledge and understanding of how incorporating food, agriculture, renewable natural resources and the environment (FARNE) in the classroom increases agricultural literacy and ignites a student’s curiosity. Visit the website for a full list of teacher benefits, NGSS standards covered, and a sample lesson. Contact megan.glenn@unh.edu with questions and inquiries.
Teacher Benefits
Receive yearlong professional development and mentoring Receive a $1,200 stipend Earn a classroom curriculum kit valued at $875 Collaborate with 4-H program and field specialists Teach a locally relevant science curriculum Connect with other teachers Receive a $1,800 stipend to attend Ag In The Classroom Conference June 23 – 26, 2025 in Minneapolis, MN
Successful applicants must be able to attend the following workshop dates
- March 11, 2025, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Society for the Protection of NH Forests, Concord, NH
- March 18, 2025, 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Society for the Protection of NH Forests, Concord, NH
- July 28, 2025, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Society for the Protection of NH Forests, Concord, NH
- September 23, 2025, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Zoom)
- December 9, 2025, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Zoom)
- February 10, 2025, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Zoom)
Learn more at https://extension.unh.edu/new-hampshire-4-h/pathways/environmental-science/educator-agsploration
Mikva Challenge for Civic Engagement
Mikva’s four main program areas involve young people in civic engagement through hands-on, project-based learning that deeply transforms students’ civic attitudes, skills, and sense of agency. Mikva's four programs are:
- Project Soapbox, public speaking for K-12
- Issues to Action
- Elections in Action
- Student Voice Committees
Learn more about the Mikva Challenge in NH at https://www.nhcivics.org/our-work/teachers-students/mikva-challenge/
The NH Partner Site Director is Amanda Maguire, amandam@mikvachallenge.org
Nominations open for Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
The PAEMST is the Nation's Highest Honors for Teachers of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM, including Computer Science). Do you know an excellent 7-12 STEM teacher deserving of recognition from the White House? Nominate them for the PAEMST Award for this school year. K-6 teachers will be recognized in the 2025-26 school year.
Learn more at https://paemst.nsf.gov/nomination/nominate?awardYear=2025
There has never been a better time to enter the public discourse and focus Granite Staters on what’s possible in our state. NH Possible envisions a state where individuals, families, communities, and businesses all have what they need to thrive, including a sense of belonging, opportunities for civic engagement, optimal health, and access to educational and financial opportunity.
NH Possible is working to provide a unifying space for people who don’t usually work together to find a common cause.
Learn more at https://www.nhpossible.org/
Math competition for students who are deaf and hard-of-hearing
The NTID National Math Competition is an event open to all middle school deaf and hard-of-hearing students who enjoy mathematics. Each year, the event begins with four regional competitions leading up to a national competition at RIT/NTID. Up to 25 teams per region gather and face off in a fast-paced competition and answer a variety of challenging math questions! All deaf and hard-of-hearing middle school students, 15 years or younger as of April 4, 2025, are welcome to form a team and compete. Each team must have a coach from the school in order to be eligible for the competition.
Learn more at https://www.rit.edu/ntid/mathcompetition
Leaders in Prevention: Middle School Student Retreat
Youth Mental Health First Aid: March 15th in Lancaster
The DCN works with the University of New Hampshire to offer the Community Changemaker Challenge, a program open and adaptable to any high school classroom in New Hampshire, northern Massachusetts, southern Maine, and eastern Vermont. This competition has been running for six years and involves students identifying a local, national, or global problem; creating an innovative solution; submitting a paper and video; and participating in a defense of their work in front of a panel of judges at UNH. There is no cost to the school or the students to enter and projects can be completed anywhere from 3-6 weeks. We offer teachers a curriculum, training, and coaching to ensure their existing classroom goals are enhanced by the experience.
They also work with schools and teachers to create school-based design challenges that take place within a few different classes, across a grade level, or within the whole school. We know every school is different so we work with you to co-design the program, including lesson plans, student expectations, and the judging rubric. These school-based design challenges allow many students to be involved in this type of learning and provide a unique opportunity for a school to showcase student work to their community. If you are interested in learning more about this offering, please email Brent Powell (brent@designchallengenetwork.org).
Learn more at https://www.designchallengenetwork.org/
Training in CPP Supportive Interventions
Mental health professionals working with young children and their caregivers are often intervening as part of a team of providers serving a family. Training in CPP Supportive Interventions will equip providers to intervene with families in a manner consistent with the premises and practices of CPP. Learn how to hold the trauma framework with the "triangle of explanation." Help caregivers understand the meaning of their child's behavior and engage in regulated, attuned interactions. View flyer.
Trainer: Cassie Yackley, PsyD
Date: December 6, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Online
Cost: Free
Register: Form
Training on Intervening in Child Sexual Abuse
The prevalence of young child sexual abuse is alarmingly high, the impacts are profound, and the system is woefully underprepared to address the problem. And, there are substantial barriers that impede our ability to address the issue: believing that young children can be sexually abused, misunderstanding the nature of early childhood memory, lack of knowledge and skill interviewing children under five, and lack of collaboration across the mental health, legal, and child welfare systems. This presentation is aimed at inspiring professionals to take action to address young child sexual abuse by knowing how to intervene within their role, reaching out to cross system partners to collaborate and "speaking the unspeakable." View flyer.
Trainer: Cassie Yackley, PsyD
Date: December 11, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Online
Cost: Free
Register: Form
Training in Early Childhood Trauma
Early childhood exposure to adversity and interpersonal trauma occurs far more frequently than is understood by professionals, and it's impact on young child neurodevelopment and functioning is under-identified and underestimated across child - and family - serving systems. Training in Early Childhood Trauma prepares professionals to recognize, screen and refer children 0-6 with exposure to ACEs to effective evidence-based intervention. View flyer.
Trainer: Cassie Yackley, PsyD
Date: December 18, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Online
Cost: Free
Register: Form
NCES Accepting Applications for Executive Director
Applications to fill the full-time Executive Director position are being accepted through January 6, 2025.
Learn more
NCES Employment Opportunities
For the 2025-2026 school year
How to apply
Did you know that NCES' full-time employment opportunities include participation the NH Retirement System? That is a great benefit to becoming part of the NCES service provider team!
North Country Neighbors - Stronger Together
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.