Dear ,
You are invited on Monday, December 30th for a new moon and a Zoom Workshop called: 2025 The Muses answer: Why Be GLAD? (renamed)
The new moon on December 30 is a good time for new thinking and as you know, new thinking is the cornerstone of creativity.
Early Version: 11am pacific/12 mtn/ 1 central/ 2pm eastern Checkout
Later Version: 4pm pacific/7pm eastern Checkout
Free to KMC3 members: Check FB or email
I've had an annual New Year's visioning meeting for my KMC3 coaching association for many years but it feels like time to do it differently and invite everyone because life has rearranged the scenery and according to a poll I took, many people feel a little less than excited about the New Year than usual. Plus this is CREATIVITY - it's all about rebelliousness and being different.
The usual planning for the New Year needs to be tossed out the window.
I know some of you have been reading my articles since my first book, The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard) was published over twenty years ago.
First of all, thank you for hanging around. I really do appreciate you.
Second, it occurred to me that the Modern Day Muses and a Bodyguard, (who are actually powerful creative principles in the guise of Muses), have endured the passage of time and are at their best in times like these. When I was throwing dishes at the wall last month, they showed up with a lot of pointing and laughing (which I found a bit callous), but also with compassion. The creative process needs compassion … and resilience … and perspective. And laughter. So does life right now.
I am no longer throwing plates at the wall; I have glued a few pieces together to make a mosaic of a flower. It's difficult to see the flower since all the plate pieces are white... but I know it's there, just like I know my resilience is invisible but present.
If you don't know the Modern Day Muses, I shall introduce you during the workshop. They will be dispatched to all in attendance.
Albert, the Muse of Thinking Differently, proposed some new ways to look at the New Year and then the rest of them chimed in with solutions to many of the fears I have. Maybe you don’t have those fears, but what they proposed is also a delightfully refreshing shift from the old tired ways of ringing in a New Year for anyone.
The Muses enlightened me about the rich opportunities we have coming up in 2025, specifically BECAUSE of the way events have turned out. Don't pass this opportunity to employ some soft and loving strategies. The longer we go with unnurtured fear, the easier it is to sink into the quicksand of despair which leads to crankiness and a loss of desire for our creative passion.
There's no better time for the acronym the Muses gave me:
Attention Determination
I will unpack what this means in the workshop in addition to leading some fun and low-bar writing and art, and providing one of the most powerful tools of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching - a Guided Meditation. We will make a Zine so bring paper and art supplies. I'll send a supply list.
This is a live only event, because the power of the workshop works best in a community in real time and realistically, most people don’t watch the recording anyway.
It comes with a free Zoom Creativity Underground Workshop in January which is $35 value (which WILL be recorded for all). I'll also include a pdf of a Zine I made for you with my art work and thoughts, to print, fold, and keep as a reminder all year long.
This workshop promises  no resolutions or high pressure goals. And absolutely NO talk about politics.
Just the softness of love, the gentle recalibration of attention, playful art and writing to remember the haven we always available to us no matter what, a break from the frenzy, and validating joy of creativity.
It’s about losing ourselves in the flow and finding a little restoration.
Wishing Ease and Joy,
Jill Badonsky