Dear Alki UCC,
As we delve back into our "Bible 101" series, I am again amazed at the complexity and richness of the Bible.
This past Sunday (sermon linked here) we considered the genre of Gospel Stories, which comes to us in the biblical books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
The Gospel, meaning Good News, or Good Story, is not one thing. It can’t be boiled down to a single pithy statement. It comes to us in stories. The story of Jesus and the woman from Samaria at the well contains a multitude.
One image that is very resonant for me is the jar that the woman left behind. Sometimes we leave behind a container for what we once needed. Life is letting go and leaving behind in order to open up to what is new. There is an acute vulnerability in leaving something behind. The good news is that God’s grace comes in waves to fill the void.
This Sunday we turn to Miracle Stories. We’ll meet Jesus and his mother as they consider what to do when the wine gives out at a party, the first miracle account in the Gospel of John.
What is a miracle? Why are there so many miracles in Scripture? Are there still miracles today? What does it all mean?
Oh, so many juicy questions! Come and we’ll explore together.
In hope,
Pastor Emily
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You can always schedule an appointment with Pastor Emily by using this handy online tool linked here.
Blankets, Warm Outerwear, Men's Work Clothing and Socks the Priority for this Sunday's Donations Drive
This Sunday, January 19
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Front Courtyard
You can bring your donations to the church at any time!
This month's priority: BLANKETS, WARM OUTWEAR,
Also needed:
non-perishable food, hygiene items
and outdoor gear: tents, tarps, blankets, etc.

The Westside Interfaith Network (WIN), our donations drive partner, distributes your contributions through WIN's "The Welcome Table," a weekly Saturday meal for low income and unsheltered folks hosted in White Center.
This distribution serves as a stop-gap for many people relying on weekly visits to the food bank.
Thank you for your generosity!
Last weekend to claim
your missing household Items
from Anderson Hall Kitchen
The east counter still has dishes, serving platters, cups and bowls left unclaimed. Please take a good look to see if anything's yours.
All leftover items will be donated to a charity or to help furnish the apartments for our neighbors at Riverton Methodist Church.
Many thanks, Julia P and Sandy J
Thanks to all who used our narthex Sustainable Cubbies
Sustainable Stewards Cubby Corner
We always appreciate the
following cubby donations:
New socks, underwear and toiletries.
Keep them coming!
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New Permanent Item: Contact Lens packaging: we are making room in the cubbies to collect the contact lens plastic packaging and the foil tops.
We always accept: Wine corks, plastic lids smaller than three inches, small batteries, bread tags, empty prescription bottles, standard size light bulbs, contact lens packaging and two types of plastic: Plastic Film (shipping bags, plastic bags, overwrap, air pillows and other stretchy plastics!) and Multi-layer plastic (food storage bags, pet food bags, frozen food bags, and more layered packaging).
We don't take plastic wrap like Saran Wrap, but any other stretchy plastic we do.
Sunday Worship Registration

If you've already registered on Zoom, just use your personal link. If not, welcome! You can register here.
When you register, please use your first/last name plus your email.
Ever-present God, we give you thanks. We give you gratitude for the relationships in our lives and our community of faith.
We pray for all those who grieve.
Comfort their hearts and hold them close, especially those missing beloved family and friends in the holiday season.
We pray for all those who are ill, hurting or have a concern on their hearts.
We pray for Pastor Emily's friends Rich, Julie and Bryson, our Peruvian immigrant friends and for all who seek peace and safety in our country, for Sandy J's cousin Barbara, Dan K facing various health issues, Rev. Joan C, Cinda's mother Jackie S, Julia C's friend Jessie T and family, Amy Y's mother Corlene, Davney and Bob S, Sue's B's friends Mary and Louise, and Nick L.
We pray for our wider world.
Prayers of safety and recovery for all those affected by the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles. In particular, our hearts go out to faith communities including the congregation of Altadena Community United Church of Christ whose building was destroyed.
Our hearts go out to the many people who are suffering in areas affected by natural disasters and the ongoing effects of climate change.
We pray for all the people and places in our world affected by war. We ask for wisdom for decision-makers and strength for justice-seekers. We pray for victims of violence, for refugees and asylum-seekers. We pray for all who are hungry, desperate, and in need of support. In all of these things, we trust that you are with us. In all of these things, we ask for you to strengthen us. Help us to see you in those around us. Help us to love as you love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Please contact the church office to add or remove a prayer request. |

For secure, online giving through Give Lively, click the button, OR, send your check, made out to "Alki UCC," to: 6115 SW Hinds, Seattle, WA 98116
6115 SW Hinds
Seattle, WA 98116
Church news/calendar updates at
Worship this Sunday,
January 19
at 10:00 am
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
"Miracle Stories"
Rev. Emily
Cinda S
John 2:1-11 Water to Wine
DJ Wilson
Interim Music Director
Music Highlights:
Draw the Circle Wide Gordon Light
#402, De Colores
Chalkboard Image:
Home Studio/Unsplash
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When you register, please use your first/last name plus your email.
Church Office Closed
for MLK Day
This Monday, January 20
Have a lovely holiday ... and check out the WS service project list below, courtesy of the West Seattle Blog!
Martin Luther King Day of Service:
West Seattle Projects this Monday
Please consider joining your wider community to celebrate the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The invaluable West Seattle Blog has compiled a terrific list of local volunteering opportunities for the ML King Day of Service this Monday, January 20.
Check it out here!
• tree planting on Pigeon Point off Delridge,
• a Green Seattle Partnership project at Lincoln Park,
• cleanup at High Point's Neighborhood House,
• and more!
Detailed info on time, tasks, registration and more included.
Alki UCC Mardi Gras
Saturday, March 1
Kitchen Item Donations Still Needed for a “Fill a Bin” Project
The call for Kitchen Item donations continues!!
Thank you to all who have already donated kitchen items for immigrants transitioning to housing.
We will continue collecting items until Sunday, February 2, when we meet after worship to sort and fill the bins.
All are welcome to help, whether you have been able to contribute something or are able to lend a hand for a couple of hours that day. A light lunch will be served. Attached is a list of needed items.
Thank you for considering this way to help immigrants.
Your Outreach/Social Justice Team
Sunday Worship Videos Posted on YouTube
Sunday Worship recordings now online!