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Alki UCC
Alki UCC Weekly Messenger January 23, 2025
From the Pastor
Dear Alki UCC,
This has been A WEEK. Together, we hold in prayer the most vulnerable in our country: immigrants fearful of losing everything, LGBTQIA+ beloveds who are bullied for simply existing, elders despairing over the cost of prescription medication, those living with disabilities, those seeking reproductive health care, those swayed by misinformation, children, teenagers, those who are hungry, anxious, lonely, unemployed, underemployed and our fragile planet groaning under the weight of greed. I could go on.
And we will.
May we put our prayer into action. May we ask each and every day: What is the good that is mine to do? And then take one step forward in that direction. May we balance our intake of news with an outpouring of love. Let us love and love and love some more.
Could you use some good news? Me too. Here is some wonderful news!
I have the pleasure of introducing to you, on behalf of the Alki UCC Music Director Search Committee, a new member of our Alki UCC staff and family, Daniel Self. You’ll find his bio below.
I’m excited for Daniel to begin the week of February 3, leading our worship music for the first time on Sunday, February 9. He is both wonderfully gifted and wonderfully kind, with a heart for social justice and fostering community.
What joy! In the midst of a turbulent time in this country, I am heartened by God’s grace that still abounds.
Take good care, church family.
In hope,
Pastor Emily
# # #
You can always schedule an appointment with Pastor Emily by using this handy online tool linked here.
Introducing Daniel Self
Alki UCC's New Music Director
An accomplished pianist specializing in musical theatre and sacred music, Daniel recently relocated to Seattle from his longtime home in Athens, Georgia. He had the privilege of serving as resident music director for Athens Creative Theatre for the past 11 years and was also the on-staff accompanist and subsequent music director for Young Harris Memorial United Methodist Church where he served for more than a decade. His musical journey has led him to numerous stages and concert halls as a collaborative pianist, section player and pit orchestra musician.
Building community through music is at the center of Daniel's love for music making. He has developed a number of community music initiatives in his professional life and extracurricular time, including the formation of community ensembles such as The Athens Flute Choir and Quintet Athens.
Daniel has also developed programs to lift up and celebrate developing musicians, such as his "Hit The Pit" program for aspiring pit orchestra musicians and the "Music Leadership Program" to teach young singers essential skills in a choral setting. He always strives to curate creative spaces and experiences that foster community, artistic expression and education, whether he is at the podium or playing in the ensemble.
In addition to freelancing in Seattle musical theatre, Daniel is developing his teaching studio for private lessons in piano and general woodwinds. Upcoming projects include playing piano for I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change at the Renton Civic Theatre, and music directing Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at Willows Preparatory School.
Daniel is thrilled to be joining the staff at Alki UCC and co-creating the music ministry with the church and greater community.
# # #
Note: Daniel joins us the week of February 3, leading worship music for the first time on Sunday, February 9. 
Update: End of Year Alki UCC
Donations Statements
Last week, you should have either received your End-of-Year donations statement in the mail or were contacted about receiving an email copy if we don't have your street address on record.
Many thanks to an Alki UCC member for reminding your Financial Secretaries about some important additional tax-related language that should have been included in our end-of-year giving statements.
We have printed new tax statements with the following information:

• "No goods or services were provided except for intangible religious services"
• Alki UCC's full name, address and EIN (Tax ID)
• A statement reading: "This organization is tax-exempt under IRS code 501 (c) (3) and your donations may be tax-deductible."
• You must retain a receipt, canceled check, or a bank or credit card statement for cash donations.

Please let us know if you need an updated statement. We are happy to print an amended version for tax purposes.

Our Apologies,
Julia P
Sandra J
Thanks to all who used our narthex Sustainable Cubbies
Sustainable Stewards Cubby Corner
We always appreciate the
following cubby donations:  
New socks, underwear and toiletries.
Keep them coming!
# # #

New Permanent Item:
Contact Lens packaging: we are making room in the cubbies to collect the contact lens plastic packaging and the foil tops.

We always accept:
Wine corks, plastic lids smaller than three inches, small batteries, bread tags, empty prescription bottles, standard size light bulbs, contact lens packaging and two types of plastic: Plastic Film (shipping bags, plastic bags, overwrap, air pillows and other stretchy plastics!) and Multi-layer plastic (food storage bags, pet food bags, frozen food bags, and more layered packaging).
We don't take plastic wrap like Saran Wrap, but any other stretchy plastic we do.
In Our Circle of Prayer
Ever-present God, we give you thanks.
We give you gratitude for the relationships in our lives and our community of faith.

We pray for all those who grieve. 
Comfort their hearts and hold them close.

We pray for all those who are ill, hurting or have a concern on their hearts.
We pray for Julia C's cousin Scott M, facing a critical health challenge; Pastor Emily's friends Rich, Julie and Bryson; our Peruvian immigrant friends and for all who seek peace and safety in our country; for Sandy J's cousin Barbara; Dan K facing various health issues; Rev. Joan C; Cinda's mother Jackie S; Julia C's friend Jessie T and family, Amy Y's mother Corlene; Davney and Bob S; Sue's B's friends Mary and Louise; and Nick L.
We pray for our wider world.
Prayers of safety and recovery for all those affected by the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles. In particular, our hearts go out to faith communities including the congregation of Altadena Community United Church of Christ whose building was destroyed.

Our hearts go out to the many people who are suffering in areas affected by natural disasters and the ongoing effects of climate change.
We pray for all the people and places in our world affected by war. We ask for wisdom for decision-makers and strength for justice-seekers. We pray for victims of violence, for refugees and asylum-seekers. We pray for all who are hungry, desperate, and in need of support.

In all of these things, we trust that you are with us. In all of these things, we ask for you to strengthen us. Help us to see you in those around us. Help us to love as you love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Please contact the church office to add or remove a prayer request.
On-Line Giving

For secure, online giving through Give Lively, click the button, OR, send your check, made out to "Alki UCC," to: 6115 SW Hinds, Seattle, WA 98116
Alki UCC Contact Info
6115 SW Hinds
Seattle, WA 98116
Church news/calendar updates at
Worship this Sunday,
January 26
at 10:00 am
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
"Letters to Churches"
Lay-Led Worship
Featuring one of Paul's letters from jail, about how we are all one body, and other timely readings.
The Alki Community Choir will be offering three songs, along with our regular hymns.
Please come to support and welcome our special choir member guests!
Service is
In-Person Only
There will be no Zoom streaming to give our
Tech Host a
well-deserved break.
Lay Leader
Vicky S
Bonita C
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
One Body, Many Members
DJ Wilson
Interim Music Director
Music Highlights:
Metta Prayer
Traditional Buddhist
Music: Karen Warren-Severson and Paul Severson
Teach Me
Sandy O'Shea
Chalkboard Image:
Home Studio/Unsplash.
Thank you, West Seattle Blog
The indispensable West Seattle Blog is a vital community resource and consistently features announcements of Alki UCC community events.
Our monthly donations drive is regularly included on the daily "What's Happening on ... " page ... and this month that notice was previewed by a fuller write-up on the drive, as noted in the thank you Cinda sent to blog editor Tracy Record:
"The good people of West Seattle responded with generosity! They came in a steady flow on Sunday, bearing gifts of warm coats, blankets, boots, and food.
THANK YOU for the extra attention you gave Alki UCC's donation drive on the blog. What a difference it made!
I delivered 20 blankets to Camp Second Chance Sunday evening. The remaining will go to unsheltered guests at Westside Interfaith Network's Saturday hot lunch program. The coats will be given out too. Can't wait to do so!
Deepest appreciation,
Save the Date
Alki UCC Mardi Gras
Saturday, March 1
5:30 to 8:00 pm
Festivity, fellowship and a New Orleans-style dinner!
Advance tickets available next Sunday
Last Call for Kitchen Item Donations!
Thank you to all who have already donated kitchen items for immigrants transitioning to housing.
We are collecting items until next Sunday, February 2.
Attached is a list of needed items.
Call for Sorting Elves!
Please stay after worship on Sunday, February 2 to help sort Kitchen Bin donations ... a light lunch will be served.
Thank you for helping immigrant families create their new homes.
Your Outreach/Social Justice Team
The latest stories from our regional conference.
News, events, celebrations and more!
Sunday Worship Videos Posted on YouTube
Sunday Worship recordings now online! 
Check out Alki UCC's very own YouTube channel.

Sunday Worship Registration
If you've already registered on Zoom, just use your personal link. If not, welcome! You can register here.
When you register, please use your first/last name plus your email.
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Alki UCC  •  6115 SW Hinds  •  Seattle, WA 98116

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