Dear Alki UCC,
Last Sunday we explored Prophet Stories (Scripture and sermon linked here), and read in Luke’s gospel that “After the people became full of rage, Jesus passed through the midst of them and went on his way.” Jesus didn’t stick around with the haters. He spoke the truth and then went to do the good that was his to do.
If in speaking truth to power we are pushed to the edge of a cliff by those who are threatened by our love and compassion, may we pass through the midst of them and go on our way. To do the good that is ours to do. To not try and do it all. We cannot. To not try and do it alone. Jesus didn’t. Let us do the good together. To show mercy together. To balance action with rest. To take a long breath before speaking. To go all the way to the edges. To let our lives be a counternarrative. It takes some imagination, hope and courage.
Speaking of imagination, this coming Sunday we close out our Bible 101 series with Apocalyptic Stories. These stories are so bizarre, even nightmarish, we in the progressive church tend to avoid them. But in these imaginative dreams and visions, we encounter radical themes of collective liberation, boundless hope and the reckless love of God.
With you in the struggle!
In hope,
Pastor Emily
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You can always schedule an appointment with Pastor Emily by using this handy online tool linked here.
Alki UCC's new Music Director, Daniel Self, officially joined our staff on Monday; and leads music for Sunday's 10:00 am worship.
An accomplished pianist specializing in musical theatre and sacred music, Daniel recently relocated to Seattle from his longtime home in Athens, Georgia. He had the privilege of serving as resident music director for Athens Creative Theatre for the past 11 years and was also the on-staff accompanist and subsequent music director for Young Harris Memorial United Methodist Church where he served for more than a decade. His musical journey has led him to numerous stages and concert halls as a collaborative pianist, section player and pit orchestra musician.
Building community through music is at the center of Daniel's love for music making. He has developed a number of community music initiatives in his professional life and extracurricular time, including the formation of community ensembles such as The Athens Flute Choir and Quintet Athens.
Daniel has also developed programs to lift up and celebrate developing musicians, such as his "Hit The Pit" program for aspiring pit orchestra musicians and the "Music Leadership Program" to teach young singers essential skills in a choral setting. He always strives to curate creative spaces and experiences that foster community, artistic expression and education, whether he is at the podium or playing in the ensemble.
In addition to freelancing in Seattle musical theatre, Daniel teaches private lessons for piano and general woodwinds. He is thrilled to join Alki UCC and co-create the music ministry with the church and greater community.
Choir Call!
As Lisa D-J shared last Sunday, singing is JOY! Given how much we  need joy right now, it’s the perfect time to try out singing in the choir.
We have opportunities for song leading on Sunday mornings (rehearsals before Sunday worship at 9:15am), as well as our Community Choir rehearsals after church from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.
We are so happy to welcome Daniel this Sunday as Alki UCC’s new music director. Come, meet Daniel, and sing in community!
There will be no Zoom Bible study this Sunday, February 9; Sunday sessions resume next Sunday, February 16. Tuesday Zoom Bible study continues as usual on February 11. — Penny M
From the Worship and Music Committee:
At our last meeting, we decided to introduce a shift in our giving of mission updates in worship. We are inviting you to the following:
1. Sign up ahead of time. As people enter the sanctuary, a signup list will be next to the prayer list at the back. During Time, Talent & Treasure, the liturgist will call forward all those who signed up to give a Mission Update.
2. Present on behalf of a Ministry Team when possible: Outreach/Social Justice (Cinda S) Caring Community and Fellowship (Sandy J) Worship and Music (Joe M) Faith Formation (Penny M) Building and Grounds (Russ T) Personnel (Charlie H) Stewardship (Shannon P). Please coordinate with the Ministry Team lead/contact person listed here. If your Mission Update is more general and doesn't quite fit within a Ministry Team, that’s okay!
3. Be succinct. Keep it to the basic facts and offer to be available after worship for people to ask more questions or refer to the website or the newsletter for more details.
Why are we inviting these changes? We have noticed that with the overwhelming amount of information in the world so many of us are experiencing, our attention spans are waning. Even though our Mission Updates have been full of excellent information and in alignment with our purpose, we have received feedback that folks “tune out” and become weary when these announcements are longer than necessary. We want to be sure the purpose of Mission Updates is not lost: to communicate the good work of our ministry and invite greater participation.
Save the Dates for our commitment to provide the hot meal and volunteers for the Westside Interfaith Network "The Welcome Table."
March 8
June 7
August 23
November 8
Great news! Alki UCC is joining forces with Admiral UCC and the Westside Unitarian Universalists (UUs), churches that are smaller than us so they can't provide a meal on their own. Together we'll provide a meal for 130+ people.
Please start thinking about what you might want to do for March 8 ...a casserole? Roasted veggies? A salad? Some cookies? LMK!
Event details: Deliver food to the Body of Christ Church by 11:30 am,
then stay to help out at stations until about 12:30 pm. 1320 SW 102nd St, White Center
Thank you, Cinda (she/her)
Nonviolence Training February 17
Monday, February 17 10:00 am to Noon U-District Accessible by multiple bus lines and light rail Parking and childcare available on-site
Fee advance registration required Confirmation email will include location/agenda
Affordable Housing Proposals on the Ballot
The demand for affordable housing is enormous, and the lack of affordable housing is at the root of our homelessness crisis, feeding poverty and crime. If we want a more civil society, we need to house EVERYONE.
Social housing, a successful world-wide model, is at stake in Seattle. In 2023 voters overwhelmingly approved a specific plan and sent that message to Seattle City Council. Your support is needed NOW to provide the funds to make social housing a reality.
Two proposals for Social Housing are on the February 11 ballot.
Prop 1A introduces a progressive tax derived from levying a 5% payroll tax on local businesses. Employers pay it on the amount each employee earns over $1 million a year in compensation. The tax is projected to deliver $50 million a year to SSHD.
Prop 1B requires no new taxes. Instead, $10 million would be withdrawn from the JumpStart business tax on an annual basis, depleting funds already earmarked for affordable housing efforts.
Here are some local thought leaders on this ballot issue (click on each name): Ron Davis Nick Licata
The Chamber of Commerce and most of our local media support 1B, you can google their arguments. Note that these are conservative institutions that do not adequately address the rising housing crisis that is overtaking our region. — Cinda S
Thanks to all who used our narthex Sustainable Cubbies
Sustainable Stewards Cubbie Corner
Every week the Sustainable Steward Cubbies in the corner of the Narthex get a little more use. We hope to send a weekly update highlighting some of the special waste categories that we collect to help keep items out of the land fill.
This week we sent a salad bowl of Alki UCC corks to Ridwell where they will be passed along to their partners who make corks floors, cork wall tiles and the old stand by cork boards.
In the spoon on the right, (see photo) is the cork they currently accept. In the spoon on the left are corks with hard wooden tops and they don’t want these…yet. However we will take them in the cubbies knowing that one day they will may have a place for them.
We always appreciate donations of
new socks, underwear and toiletries.
Keep them coming!
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New Permanent Item: Contact Lens packaging: we are making room in the cubbies to collect the contact lens plastic packaging and the foil tops.
We always accept: Wine corks, plastic lids smaller than three inches, small batteries, bread tags, empty prescription bottles, standard size light bulbs, contact lens packaging and two types of plastic: Plastic Film (shipping bags, plastic bags, overwrap, air pillows and other stretchy plastics!) and Multi-layer plastic (food storage bags, pet food bags, frozen food bags, and more layered packaging).
We don't take plastic wrap like Saran Wrap, but any other stretchy plastic we do.
Ever-present God, we give you thanks. We give you gratitude for the relationships in our lives and our community of faith.
We pray for all those who grieve.
Comfort their hearts and hold them close.
The Alki UCC community sends prayers of condolence and comfort to former member Davney S and family on the death of Davney's husband Bob, who was also a treasured Alki UCC member. Now living in the midwest, Davney would like to share links to Bob's Obituary and Celebration of Life.
We pray for all those who are ill, hurting or have a concern on their hearts.
We pray for Karen B who is recovering from a stroke in a Florida hospital. We give thanks that she is doing well and ask for her continued healing.
We pray for Julia C's cousin Scott M, facing a critical health challenge; Pastor Emily's friends Rich, Julie and Bryson; our Peruvian immigrant friends and for all who seek peace and safety in our country; for Sandy J's cousin Barbara; Dan K facing various health issues; Rev. Joan C; Cinda's mother Jackie S; Julia C's friend Jessie T and family, Amy Y's mother Corlene; Sue's B's friends Mary and Louise; and Nick L.
We pray for our wider world.
Prayers of safety and recovery for all those affected by the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles. Our hearts go out to the many people who are suffering in areas affected by natural disasters and the ongoing effects of climate change.
We pray for all the people and places in our world affected by war. We ask for wisdom for decision-makers and strength for justice-seekers. We pray for victims of violence, for refugees and asylum-seekers. We pray for all who are hungry, desperate, and in need of support. In all of these things, we trust that you are with us. In all of these things, we ask for you to strengthen us. Help us to see you in those around us. Help us to love as you love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Please contact the church office to add or remove a prayer request. |
6115 SW Hinds
Seattle, WA 98116
Church news/calendar updates at
Worship this Sunday,
February 9
at 10:00 am
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
"Apocalyptic Stories"
Rev. Emily Tanis-Likkel
Marilynn M
Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18 Revelation 7:9-17 New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition
Daniel Self
Music Director
Music Highlights:
We Love Our God, Who Heard Our Cries Smallwood
#478, I’ve Got Peace
Like a River
Chalkboard Image:
Home Studio/Unsplash
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When you register, please use your first/last name plus your email address.
Crafting for Community this Sunday
Join us after hospitality hour in the Parlor. Bring your crafting tools of choice or borrow from our communal supplies.
Would you like to learn to crochet or knit? We’d love to teach you! Come work on a current project or make items to share with those in need. We’ll gather 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
We are so grateful to have been blessed by Diana’s music leadership during this interim time.
Expertise, creativity, artistic passion, and joy —that is Diana!
Safety Sunday Worship
February 16 at 10:00 am
Safety education and empowerment will be woven through this collaboratively-planned worship service.
Following the service will be a “Safety Safari” to locate building exits and fire extinguishers.
Image: Waldemar on Unsplash
Community Clogging Classes
February 23
Instructor Diane J has plans for an expanded Community Class, still at 1:00 pm Sundays.
Stay tuned for details!
Mardi Gras Tickets on Sale Now
Alki UCC Mardi Gras
Saturday, March 1
5:30 to 8:00 pm
Anderson Hall
Festivity, fellowship, fun
and a sumptuous
New Orleans-style dinner:
Appetizers, Salad, Gumbo (Vegetarian or with Chicken and Chicken Andouille Sausage), Rice, French Bread, King Cake (regular and gluten free) and Pralines ... YUM!!
Advance tickets, at $30 each, on sale this Sunday
Huge Thanks to all our Kitchen Item Donors and Organization Elves
Many thanks to all who so generously contributed to our Fill-a-Bin project to provide kitchen equipment to refugees moving into apartments, and to the folks who stayed after worship on Sunday to sort and organize all the donations into bins. Alki outdid itself in this effort!
We put together about five bins! A few items are still needed, and people who offered to collect additional items will be contacted. Thank you all so much!! — Vicky S
Emily H would like you to know about a highly-regarded volunteer tutor program called Reading Partners.
The program is described as "Volunteer Tutoring Made Easy and Effective,"
offering flexible scheduling — as little as a one hour a week commitment. No formal training or experience is required.
The curriculum is touted as "highly effective and easy to use."
Info here
Common Scams and How to Avoid Them
Sunday, February 19
at 6:30 pm Fauntleroy UCC 9140 California Ave. SW
Scams of all kinds have invaded our lives through text messages, regular mail, phone calls and emails.
The Seattle Police Department Crime Prevention Coordinator/Senior Investigator of the Federal Trade Commission will lead an informative presentation including the following components:
• Overview of
common scams; • How to recognize
possible scams; • Prevention tips; • How to report a scam;
and • Who to contact with questions and concerns
All are welcome!
Sunday Worship Registration
If you've already registered on Zoom, just use your personal link. If not, welcome! You can register here.
When you register, please use your first/last name plus your email.
For secure, online giving through Give Lively, click the button, OR, send your check, made out to "Alki UCC," to: 6115 SW Hinds, Seattle, WA 98116
Sunday Worship Videos Posted on YouTube
Sunday Worship recordings now online!