Getting to Y, Training for North Country High Schools
Design Challenge Network coming to North Country!
Design Challenge Learning is a research-backed, classroom-tested methodology in which students identify a problem they care about, design a new solution to address it, create a paper and video, and present their work to a panel of judges while competing against other students.
DCN currently has teachers and students from 20 New Hampshire high schools. The program works equally well for STEM, ELA, and Humanities teachers
DCN is excited to host its first North Country Design Challenge in the 2025-26 school year and are beginning to form a teacher cohort. This introductory session will provide an overview so you can assess joining the program.
- DCN provides everything teachers need to implement the program.
- 98% of students say they would recommend the program to a friend and 100% of teachers want to return the following year.
- The experience is flexible and adaptable for teachers and will serve your academic, competency, and career-connected learning goals.
Visit DCN's website to learn more:
“My students were more engaged in this than anything we've done all year. In fact, they were more engaged in this than anything that I've done in any of my classes all year.”
– New Hampshire teacher, Hinsdale High School, Spring 2024
There will be two informational webinars to learn more, Wednesday, March 12 at 3:00-3:30 or 7:00-7:30. Register here to receive the link.
One Trusted Adult Training for Paras & Support Staff
CCYCF Summit on the Transition to K
Youth Mental Health First Aid: March 15th in Lancaster
Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among children and adolescents ages 12-18..
Similar to physical First Aid and CPR, YMHFA helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis until professional assistance is obtained or the crisis is resolved.
Youth Mental Health First Aiders learn a 5-step Action Plan to recognize warning signs of a mental health or substance use challenge, provide help in crisis and non-crisis situations and understand where to turn for additional assistance.
The course covers:
- Common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges in this age group, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD).
- Common signs and symptoms of substance use challenges.
- How to interact with a child or adolescent in crisis.
- How to connect the youth with help.
- Expanded content on trauma, substance use, self-care and the impact of social media and bullying.
Cost: Free
Date/Time: March 15, 2025 from 9:00 - 5:00
Location: Granite State Room, North Country Resource Center, 629 Main Street, Lancaster, NH
Registration deadline: March 1st
Register: Online
More information
Schedule a School Visit: Traveling Smithsonian Exhibit in Jefferson from March-May
The Jefferson Historical Society (JHS) is very pleased to announce that they will be hosting (in conjunction with the New Hampshire Humanities Council and local partners the Town of Jefferson, the Marc A Hurzerler M.D. Library, and the Heartwood Public Charter School) a traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution: " Crossroads: Change in Rural America".
JHS is very interested in having school groups visit the exhibit, which highlights the evolving landscape of rural America. Designed for small-town museums, libraries, and cultural organizations, "Crossroads" will serve as a community meeting place for conversations about how rural America has changed. The focus of the exhibit is to raise people's understanding about their own history, the joys and challenges of a living rural life, how change has impacted their community, and to prompt discussion of goals for the future. This interactive exhibit is most appropriate for 4th grade and higher but all are welcome to attend.
The exhibit will be at the Jefferson Community Center (former elementary school), 178 Meadows Rd., Jefferson, NH 03583 from Saturday, March 29th through Saturday, May 11, 2025. They plan to be open 40 hours per week (closed Sundays) and are willing to work with schools on whatever hours are convenient for them for a visit. Admission is free to the exhibit.
Since the JHS is an all volunteer organization the best way for schools to arrange a visit is to call Adele Woods at (603)723-5540 or email

Join like-minded colleagues on the 1st Tuesday of the month (usually) at 4:00pm for "LITTLE BYTES"!!!
Each month, NHSTE presents a 30-minute in depth review of just ONE tech concept to help you!
Each LITTLE BYTE includes a 20 minute overview, 3 ideas, tips, or tools you can use immediately, and 10 minutes for Q&A and sharing.
The NH School Scoop: The Tech Behind the Text Presenter: Bill Carozza
Date/Time: February 4, 2025 from 4:00-4:30
Bill launched The NH School Scoop last summer as a quick and easy way for New Hampshire educators and families to stay informed about education news in the state. Since then, The NH School Scoop has reached 10,000 views and gained nearly 400 subscribers across 20 states and four countries.
What’s the secret behind this Substack? RSS technology. This LITTLE BYTE will break down how RSS works, along with other tech tips to help you navigate the overwhelming flow of digital information. Plus, we’ll review some of the key issues currently shaping education in the Granite State.
Register here by 9:00pm on Monday, February 3rd to receive the Zoom invite.
Coming up for March 4th, NotebookLM Conversations: A new AI Strategy for engaging your students in content ~ prepared for you by Gaby Harrington.
Define, Design and Do! Climate Solutions in Your Community
How can you integrate real-world problem solving, joy, and impactful climate solutions into our schools and communities? Come work and play with NHEEP/VEEP in the White Mountains of NH as they approach these questions together. Along with expertise from VEEP/NHEEP you will gain insights from several of our Youth Climate Leaders, MindSpark Learning, which specializes in problem-based learning to prepare students for the modern workforce, as well as the fabulous cohort of skilled educators like yourself who choose to participate in the program. You will plan a curriculum that cultivates hope and brings students meaningful learning opportunities to tackle relevant climate solutions for their community. Open to all educators, any grade, any subject.
Participants will:
- Figure out how to make climate learning problem-based, hands-on and accessible to all students
- Become comfortable using student-driven learning practices in any subject as modeled through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Find locally relevant, hopeful, solutions-focused learning opportunities related to climate and energy
- Practice finding a pathway to action while navigating specific standards, constraints, and circumstances
Sign up by May 1st to receive early bird pricing and save your district or organization $100 on the course fee. Here’s what some of past participants had to say about the Summer Institute program, and here’s a flyer if you want to help spread the word. Scholarships are available to NH and VT teachers– contact NHEEP/VEEP for more information at
Register: Online
New Hampshire Middle School Science Fair
Date: May 22, 20025
Location: NHTI, Concord, NH
Who can participate in NHSEE - Middle School Expo?
To participate in NHSEE - Middle School, students need to meet the following conditions: 1. Be a resident of NH, even if they are going to a school that is not in NH. 2. Or be attending a public or private school in NH, even if they live outside of NH. 3. Or be Home-schooled in NH. 4. And be in Grades 5 to 8. Learn more
Community of Practice: Family Engagement from Cradle to Career
The NH-Statewide Family Engagement Center is launching a Community of Practice focused on Family Engagement from Cradle to Career! This initiative aims to bring together NH professionals, practitioners, and advocates who are dedicated to fostering meaningful family involvement and support across the educational journey.
This community will serve as a space for:
- Sharing resources that can support our work and strengthen family engagement efforts
- Collaborating and problem-solving with thought partners
- Building connections and community with others in the field
- Learning together through regular discussions, workshops, and events
First meeting, March 27th at 10:00 via Zoom.
For more information please reach out to Kate Estefan, Project Director, NH Statewide Family Engagement Center at
Now in its twentieth year, Poetry Out Loud is a dynamic national recitation contest (it’s free!) that encourages high school students to explore and embrace poetry. If your school is interested in joining POL this year, please register. Once registered, the NH State Council on the Arts will reach out with a wide array of free resources, including a teacher’s guide, lesson plans, and a comprehensive anthology of poems.
Not convinced? Here’s a few reasons why you should consider POL:
- Engage Students with Literature: Poetry Out Loud brings poetry to life, helping students connect with the material in a personal and meaningful way.
- Boost Confidence: The act of reciting poetry in front of an audience builds students’ self-assurance and enhances their public speaking abilities.
- Foster Critical Thinking: Students learn to analyze and interpret complex texts, deepening their understanding and appreciation of language.
- Encourage Creative Expression: The program offers a platform for students to express themselves creatively, finding their unique voice through the art of poetry.
- Build a Sense of Community: Participating in Poetry Out Loud contests at the local, state, and national level fosters a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among students.
This is a wonderful chance to inspire your students and encourage them to step into the world of poetry in a fun and engaging way. The NH POL state coordinators are available to make the program as easy as possible for you to integrate and are happy to answer questions anytime.
Learn more at
Drinking Water Festival & Science Fair
The NH Drinking Water Festival and State Water Science Fair Finals is now open to both 4th and 5th graders! The Water Poetry Contest is open to 3rd through 5th graders!
Learn more at
Maple Sugaring Teacher Professional Development
Join NH 4-H Agsploration to explore New Hampshire’s (NH) natural resource the Maple Tree (Acer saccharum) and the tradition of maple sugaring. These iconic trees have a story to tell, and we will explore that through the hands-on, inquiry-based curriculum “Maple Tales”. NH 4-H Educator AGsploration is a professional development experience for elementary teachers (3rd-5th grade). With support from 4-H educators, teachers will experience a real world lens into climate change, forest ecology, and more building the knowledge and understanding of how incorporating food, agriculture, renewable natural resources and the environment (FARNE) in the classroom increases agricultural literacy and ignites a student’s curiosity. Visit the website for a full list of teacher benefits, NGSS standards covered, and a sample lesson. Contact with questions and inquiries.
Teacher Benefits
Receive yearlong professional development and mentoring Receive a $1,200 stipend Earn a classroom curriculum kit valued at $875 Collaborate with 4-H program and field specialists Teach a locally relevant science curriculum Connect with other teachers Receive a $1,800 stipend to attend Ag In The Classroom Conference June 23 – 26, 2025 in Minneapolis, MN
Successful applicants must be able to attend the following workshop dates
- March 11, 2025, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Society for the Protection of NH Forests, Concord, NH
- March 18, 2025, 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Society for the Protection of NH Forests, Concord, NH
- July 28, 2025, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Society for the Protection of NH Forests, Concord, NH
- September 23, 2025, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Zoom)
- December 9, 2025, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Zoom)
- February 10, 2025, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Zoom)
Learn more at
Mikva Challenge for Civic Engagement
Mikva’s four main program areas involve young people in civic engagement through hands-on, project-based learning that deeply transforms students’ civic attitudes, skills, and sense of agency. Mikva's four programs are:
- Project Soapbox, public speaking for K-12
- Issues to Action
- Elections in Action
- Student Voice Committees
Learn more about the Mikva Challenge in NH at
The NH Partner Site Director is Amanda Maguire,
There has never been a better time to enter the public discourse and focus Granite Staters on what’s possible in our state. NH Possible envisions a state where individuals, families, communities, and businesses all have what they need to thrive, including a sense of belonging, opportunities for civic engagement, optimal health, and access to educational and financial opportunity.
NH Possible is working to provide a unifying space for people who don’t usually work together to find a common cause.
Learn more at
UNH Tech for Teachers Institute, July 14-25
The UNH Tech for Teachers Institute is a dynamic, paid professional development program open to middle and high school teachers from across all STEM subject areas. The focus of the program is two-fold: Building knowledge of an emerging technology—this year regenerative medicine and biofabrication—and the transformation of instructional practice through project-based learning.
The Institute will take place July 15-26 on the UNH Durham campus. Upon completion, participants will receive a $1,500 award, CEUs, classroom supplies and ongoing support from UNH faculty and graduate students.
Learn more
The NH Charitable Foundation is now accepting applications for the Student Aid program. In order to qualify, a student just needs to live in NH and be pursuing some sort of post-secondary education. There is a single online application; in completing just one application a student is considered for all of the NHCF funds for which they are eligible. Important dates to keep in mind:
- Dependent bachelor’s candidates and all graduate students must apply by Friday, April 11 at 5:00 pm ET.
- All other students (independent bachelor’s candidates, associate degree candidates, certificate candidates, students in an apprenticeship or licensing program, etc.) can apply on a rolling deadline through December 12 at 5:00 pm ET.
Each year, the NHCF awards more than $8 million in scholarships to help New Hampshire students with the fewest resources and most promise realize their educational goals, whether it’s a two- or four-year college degree, certificate, or professional license. Learn more at
STEM Ready Community of Practice
Click image above for full flyer.
Practical Strategies for Teen Substance Use
Dartmouth Health Project ECHO is inviting you to join an engaging and comprehensive series designed to provide school staff and community organizations with enhanced skills and effective strategies to support adolescents and family structures who use or are exposed to substance use. This series will increase knowledge of addiction science and provide practical tools to address adolescent substance use across the continuum of use. This series is designed to provide actionable insights and practical techniques that you can implement immediately. Let's work together to support adolescents to create positive change in their relationship with substances.
Schedule: Every Wednesday from 12:00-1:00pm EST, April 30th through June 4th, 2025
View/download flyer
FY26 NHSCA Arts Education Grant Programs
Youth Arts Project Grant
Fiscal Year 2026 Youth Arts Project Grant Guidelines
Deadline: Friday, April 18th 2025 (to fund projects in the period of July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026):
Youth Arts Project (YAP) Grants fund high-quality educational opportunities in the arts. Arts learning fosters positive social and emotional skills and bolsters creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. YAP grants broaden access to diverse forms of artistic and cultural practices and can engage youth in contributing to community goals. Grants fund programs in all arts disciplines including dance, theatre, media, music, visual arts, craft, and creative writing. NHSCA is committed to sustaining the capacity of teaching artists and supporting their impact on local communities. Engaging teaching artists to lead the arts learning is a core element of this program.
Artist in Residence Grant
Fiscal Year 2026 Artist in Residence Grant Guidelines
Deadline: Friday, April 25th 2025 (to fund projects in the period of August 1, 2025 – September 30, 2026):
Artist in Residence (AIR) grants provide funding to invite juried teaching artists to lead rigorous educational experiences in the arts, both in public schools and nonprofits serving as alternative education sites. Visiting teaching artists support deeper learning of arts competencies, STEAM projects, interdisciplinary arts integration, and broadening access to culturally diverse artistic practices. Learning through the arts develops creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration and supports school goals for wellness and social and emotional learning. Grants can be used to fund residencies in all arts disciplines including dance, theatre, media, music, visual arts, craft, and creative writing.
Out-of-School Time Convention
Barry Conservation Summer Camps
Located in the scenic White Mountain National Forest on the grounds of the Berlin Fish Hatchery, Barry Conservation Camp is great for kids who love the outdoors, enjoy hands-on learning, and can benefit from participating in a small camp. Each week has a theme but also includes a generous complement of traditional camp activities such as swimming, hiking, campfire, canoeing, skits, fishing, archery, and more. Barry Conservation Camp is operated by the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension 4-H Program in partnership with the N.H. Fish and Game Department.
Barry Camp Sessions:
- 4-H Shooting Sports
- Mini-Camp
- Fish Camp
- 4-H on the Wildside
- Hunter Education
- North Country Adventure
- Junior Conservation Officer Camp
Learn more
And from our partners at WMSI...
Every day across New Hampshire, infants and toddlers are learning new skills, but they learn and grow at their own pace. Parents or other caregivers who have concerns about an infant’s or toddler’s development can get coaching and support through the New Hampshire Birth to 3 early intervention program.
Anyone can refer a Family Centered Early Supports & Services.
Learn more at or call 603-271-4488.
North Country Neighbors - Stronger Together
Support the mission of NCES
Your tax deductible donation will support NCES' mission. NCES collaborates with public schools and community partners to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.
NCES seeks exceptional educational experiences and realized potential for all students.
NCES believes that thriving schools are at the heart of vibrant communities!
The core values of NCES:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.