The Gin Blossoms
w/ Shawn Mullins & Pat McGee
Sunday, October 29
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Halloween Party!
80s HEAT and Flock of 80's
Sunday, October 22, 9:00 PM
Tickets: $20 adv / $22 DOS
Doors: 8:00 pm
Showtime: 9:00 pm
Looking for the hottest Halloween party in town? Look no further! 80s Heat & Flock of 80s provide scroching entertainment, and the Belly Up is offering cash prizes for our costume contest!
80s Heat-The World's Best 80s DJs come back from rehab to wreck the dance floor and bring the HEAT, leg warmers, jumpers, headbands, breakdance circles, day glo, teased hair-be there. The HEAT is back. CBot and Dyl Spinner on the wheels of steel with the hot wax hits.
»» Flock of 80's: Website
Flock of 80's: From the dark recesses of karaoke-bar crooning, Flock of 80's rose to conjure the spirits of rock stars past. The retro cover band evokes legends like Prince, U2 and David Bowie for night upon nostalgic night of music and dancing. It's late hours and hard work, but also a sweet gig. ""We have the only job that comes with a bar tab,"" says Flock of 80's Drummer Scott Osborne. ""We don't have to get up early. Don't have boss Lumbergh yelling about the cover letter on the TPS reports in your windowless cubicle."" The four-member band, which formed in late 2002, has worked itself into a four- to five-night-a-week schedule, playing regularly San Diego, Orange, LA counties and beyond. Wheather its a bris or full concert for hundreds of thousands, FLOCK OF 80's SATISFIES!!! |