Endless Income Potential

When you become a Shaklee Distributor, you're joining a team of successful, socially responsible entrepreneurs, supported by a company with an infrastructure developed over more than 50 years.

There are lots of ways to access that support - online, via conference calls, one-on-one coaching, live meetings, multimedia communications, and much more.

You will have:

  • Leadership and coaching from people who have the experience - they've done it and they can show you how
  • Product and business training tools in every format - CDs, DVDs, and online through the Shaklee University website
  • Monthly conference calls with business updates and health information
  • Online business management and customer relationship management tools and tracking
  • Distributor web site with the latest news, online ordering, downloadable tools and product information
  • Personal websites to give you the online presence you need to market your business and the products you sell
  • Local, regional and global conferences and events
  • Opportunities to team up with others in your organization to earn extra rewards, including prizes, cash, and luxurious trips to fabulous destinations

Real People. Real Stories

"Your efforts to make your operations 'carbon neutral' and ensure that Shaklee products leave a light footprint on the Earth are pioneering. Your support means a lot to me and the Green Belt Movement. Of the 4.6 million trees Green Belt groups-mostly poor, rural women-planted in Kenya in 2006, 100,000 were Shaklee-supported. These seedlings are helping restore some of Kenya's critical landscape where deforestation, soil erosion, and erratic rainfall threaten ecosystems."

Dr. Wangari Maathai, 2004 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Founder of the Green Belt Movement 

Environmental Achievements

Founded in 1956, Shaklee was the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral certification and totally offset its C02 emissions, resulting in a net zero impact on the environment.

Be part of a movement to make people and the planet healthier.

But most importantly, all of us  are in this because we want to do our small part. And each of our small contributions put together will create that major change we wish to see in the world.


Jane Smith, your Shaklee Independent Distributor

To find out more information on products, home parties or becoming a distributor, please contact me.
My Website

311 Montford Avenue | Asheville, NC 28801

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