There are many great benefits to jumping rope for your cardiorespiratory system.  When you were a kid and could do that thing non-stop for hours, boy were you in good shape!  As an adult it can be a tough motion to get used to initially.

Jumping rope in a forward motion is the most comfortable, and once you are able to do (let's say...) 40-50 in a row, change it up and do it on one foot at a time to make it more challenging on your leg muscles (especially calves).  Now to avoid getting rounded shoulders, since most people only jump forward, which puts all the pushing motion on the anterior (front part of your) deltoid, you should switch it up and jump swinging the rope backwards.

Jumping rope backwards is more difficlut but it puts more of the motion onto your posterior (back part of your) deltoid.  When you get proficient at jumping backwards, perform it on one foot at a time. Once you have mastered these moves you can mix up your routine and be well on your way to better cardiovascular and overall health.



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